

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    We got one peach off our tree this year, first time it produced fruit. It was delicious!

    We have a peach tree in our yard and it has only given up tiny sweet peaches.

    Confession: Tonight I slathered myself in a blend of coconut, tea tree, and cinnamon oils on top of my prescription cream(after it dried) and I smell mostly like cinnamon. As long as I don't smell like a rotting mushroom that is FINE BY ME!

    Confession: Today was my dad's 63rd birthday and I had a slice of cake and didn't log it.

    Confession: After gaining 2 pounds yesterday(bringing me to 186 lbs), I had a woosh when I woke up this afternoon and the scale said 183. I'm not believing it until I get tomorrows reading as well.

    I bet you smell yummy! I hope it works for you.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Cool. I've started to catch up to myself. (big goofy grin.)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I had two giant baskets of peaches yesterday, and it did not go as well as planned, lol.

    The first basket was half full of peaches that I think might have gotten frozen in the fridge so I had to throw them out as they were all mushy and gross. My guy delivered them last Sunday, so I had to fridge them so they would not go bad before this past Sunday, and because it is a fridge downstairs that was empty, I think it was too cold.

    The skinning part was super 1% of them came off properly.....most of them I had to peel manually. I think some of them were not ripe enough again, in the fridge that takes a while, should have taken them out before Saturday afternoon, ugh. My son ate a few leftover ones last night and said they were kinda hard, so I am hoping the sealing process made the other ones softer.

    Then we lost a jar, and I use the really large jars. The last batch was sealing and I could smell sugar or something so I check and the bottom of a jar is broken right off and there were peaches everywhere :|

    I only got six large jars out of two large baskets. Last year I had Monday picked peaches that we canned on a Thursday and they were perfect. When I am ready for my next batch I am gonna ask them to be picked on Wednesday since I have to do the canning on a Sunday.

    Now I am gonna have to do two more sets instead of one because this batch was so crappy......

    But, on the bright side, I have six more jars of peaches that I did not have yesterday......

    Good luck getting through them all. I've done a little canning. I made an Italian Plum jelly once. It took so long...but was so good.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I confess that I judge the people on my Facebook page who get into relationships where both parties tell eachother how much they are in love and will always be together.... only to break up a week later.

    I just saw this happen... but it didn't even last one week. They broke up after four days. Made me cringe. :(

    I want to say to these people "Can't you just text each other your nauseating messages?!"

    I have zero idea if my SO has "in a relationship" marked on his facebook page or not. I don't know if it would occur to him or not and I don't care either way. I don't do facebook. :smiley:

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Confession: I am REALLY hoping there is a slice of cake waiting for my when I get home and a glass of wine to go with it.

    A straight 12 hour shift, 12 days into a 14 day streak of straight 8's....I can do this....

    I feel so exhausted. My friend Alycia and I are SO having a girls day on my only day off. Thursday can not come quickly enough.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    kyrah702 wrote: »
    Ugh I was dreading weighing myself because in the past, I got too stuck on the numbers and it hindered my weight loss and was very discouraging. I stupidly took the advice of other and weighed myself for the first time in well over a year after my swim at the pool and I'm 20lbs heavier than I thought I was. Ugh.

    I feel so crappy now and wish I'd never done that. I was going to just use a measuring tape to keep tabs on losses. I wish I had listened to myself rather than others.

    Start from now and try different things until you find what works for you. Weighing daily works for a lot of people. It helps me keep on track but now I have my scale hidden from my daughter b/c it was not healthy for her... but there is no "right" weight for me. I have a range that works depending on what my goals are. Right now I want to be a little leaner so I'm slowly getting there.

    Welcome and good luck.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited July 2015
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: It really annoys me that kids around here beg for their extracurricular activity funds. I can't tell you how many cars I washed for yearbook club or how many candy bars I sold for everything else!

    Another confession: If you come up to me and say that because I don't have kids I should buy some cookie dough or giftwrap from yours, I ain't doing it.

    Yep... what happened to the days of bottle drives, bake sales, and car washes? I love it when someone brings in their kid's chocolate bars to peddle... and they usually disappear fast, so I'm not the only one.

    I don't ever get the "because you don't have kids" spiel but I'll go along with that argument the day someone throws me a puppy shower :)
    Where is everyone?? ;)

    Wondering the same thing myself...

    My old co-workers actually DID throw me a puppy shower! It was fantastic. I was SO excited about getting my puppy that I talked about it for MONTHS. My boss made some excuse to pull me into a conference room (I thought I was in trouble and was super nervous), but when we got there, everyone said "Surprise!!!" It was a surprise puppy shower for me. There was cake, dog toys, treats, and a gift card to a pet supply store. It was a little over 11 years ago, but I still remember how happy it made me. One of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me! (The puppy that was the subject of the party is the dog in my profile pic. I :heart: him.)

    I love it.

    I had to sell stuff in school. Didn't like it. Preferred paper drives and car washes.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Ok, new Raelynn update!

    I finally got a call back from Help Me Grow (program through United Way), and the lady was so helpful! She did suggest that I call our county mental health center to see if we could possibly get some kind of counseling for her, and she will also be looking for some occupational therapy offices for us that may not be so much of a financial burden until we can get Medicaid going. She's going to be emailing me that information sometime tomorrow so that hubby and I can see what would work best. She also told me about Family Connections which is some kind of network/program for special needs children and their families, so that if we needed some support or to see if we could connect with another family that has a child with the same disorders as Raelynn for support and help with everything. I've got to call about the counseling tomorrow, and I have to call the doctor and give an update as well, so tomorrow should *hopefully* be a productive day.

    I feel for hubby though, this is all getting to him so much. He's so afraid that she's not going to be able to have a "normal" life, and that's the only thing he wants for her. It goes without saying that I want her to have as much of a "normal" life as possible, but it's so scary when there's so many unknowns and we don't know what will happen. I'm trying to stay positive and optimistic about things, but it's overwhelming at times.

    Hugs. And son who has Aspergers Syndrome is starting college in a few weeks. He has fewer friends than some teens, but he doesn't seem to mind that. Raelynn will find her own normal. It really will be hard but it really will be better than either of you thinks right now.
    I second this. My son is 15 and we have done a lot to support his growth in all areas. Sometimes he is "normal" and sometimes he needs a lot of extra support. I just saw the results of his cardio exam. He had an open heart at 3 days and 3.5 years. It was horrible watching him go into congestive heart failure at 3 years old. Well, this report looks as if that he may end up needing another surgery. I have some follow up to do with the doctor and probably have another doctor look at him. UGH. But we do what it takes to take care of our kids. Hugs and love
    Hugs and love to you and your son. I will pray for no surgery to be needed, but, yes, we do whatever we have to.

    Thanks. At this point they just want to see him in another year....but...last time they felt it would be longer than it was so I will have him looked at in 4 - 6 months. Thank you again. He is visiting my parents for the summer so it will still be a few weeks until he's back at home. I can tell by his behavior pretty well how his health is and I will get lots of things double checked when he's back.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    ythannah wrote: »

    @nonoelmo hoping for the best for your son!

    Thank you.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm a emotional eater and feel like I cant stop.

    Don't give up. Try again and again until you make new habits. You can do it. I journal my emotions. It helps me.

    I find it difficult to journal my POSITIVE emotions. I go back and read past entries sometimes and just...yuck...sometimes I sound like a whiney baby other times I'm like "That guy was a (EXPLETIVE)! Why didn't I reread this and realize that SOONER?!"
    My journals are often whiny and pouty pages long pity parties. They get all of that crud out of my brain and onto the page where I can examine it. If I feel strongly about something I make myself explain it to myself. I make myself dig into WHY I feel what I feel. I've done it for years and it is so private that I often rip up the pages soon after writing them.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Confession: I am REALLY hoping there is a slice of cake waiting for my when I get home and a glass of wine to go with it.

    A straight 12 hour shift, 12 days into a 14 day streak of straight 8's....I can do this....

    I feel so exhausted. My friend Alycia and I are SO having a girls day on my only day off. Thursday can not come quickly enough.

    ooooh FUN! Have a great time.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Whaahooo. I caught up. Four straight hours on here. YIKES.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    -I like my kids. I'm going to keep both of them. My husband, too. I like him. I think I'll keep him.
    -I have never had a Quest bar or a protein drink. I'll just have a Hershey bar and a glass of chocolate milk.
    -My dog's name is Woola. He is as dumb as mud and sheds like crazy but I'm keeping him too. He is an awesome foot warmer.
    -I weigh myself everyday but only log it when the number goes down.
    -I own my own business but still think my boss is a b*tch some days.
    -I'd fire my only employee but it would make dinner uncomfortable and upset our children.
    -I do Zombie Run, late at night, and sometimes have to look over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being chased.
    -The first time I found bats in an attic I was inspecting I screamed like a 3 year old girl, the second time I threw up my hands and yelled "I'M BATMAN!"
    -I can type with 7 fingers.
    -I got my first injury at work to day. A leaded window slammed closed on my hand. It broke 2 fingers. It hurt plenty until the meds kicked in.

    So, how is everyone?
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    This is the funniest thread ever! Such honesty! Love it! Ditto to nearly all.

    Welcome and share a confession.
  • humpbax
    humpbax Posts: 34 Member
    Man, This thread has made me feel so normal today as I am slowing emptying a packet of wine gums... hahahahahhahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahah
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    -I like my kids. I'm going to keep both of them. My husband, too. I like him. I think I'll keep him.
    -I have never had a Quest bar or a protein drink. I'll just have a Hershey bar and a glass of chocolate milk.
    -My dog's name is Woola. He is as dumb as mud and sheds like crazy but I'm keeping him too. He is an awesome foot warmer.
    -I weigh myself everyday but only log it when the number goes down.
    -I own my own business but still think my boss is a b*tch some days.
    -I'd fire my only employee but it would make dinner uncomfortable and upset our children.
    -I do Zombie Run, late at night, and sometimes have to look over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being chased.
    -The first time I found bats in an attic I was inspecting I screamed like a 3 year old girl, the second time I threw up my hands and yelled "I'M BATMAN!"
    -I can type with 7 fingers.
    -I got my first injury at work to day. A leaded window slammed closed on my hand. It broke 2 fingers. It hurt plenty until the meds kicked in.

    So, how is everyone?

    OUCH!!! I hope you heal quickly.
    The rest of your post had me smiling and laughing.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    -I like my kids. I'm going to keep both of them. My husband, too. I like him. I think I'll keep him.
    -I have never had a Quest bar or a protein drink. I'll just have a Hershey bar and a glass of chocolate milk.
    -My dog's name is Woola. He is as dumb as mud and sheds like crazy but I'm keeping him too. He is an awesome foot warmer.
    -I weigh myself everyday but only log it when the number goes down.
    -I own my own business but still think my boss is a b*tch some days.
    -I'd fire my only employee but it would make dinner uncomfortable and upset our children.
    -I do Zombie Run, late at night, and sometimes have to look over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being chased.
    -The first time I found bats in an attic I was inspecting I screamed like a 3 year old girl, the second time I threw up my hands and yelled "I'M BATMAN!"
    -I can type with 7 fingers.
    -I got my first injury at work to day. A leaded window slammed closed on my hand. It broke 2 fingers. It hurt plenty until the meds kicked in.

    So, how is everyone?

    Woah...I am tired but I put on some Rob Zombie and I SHOULD be geared up for my rounds in another minute or so and then I might even go for a run!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited July 2015
    @KylerJaye I didn't backtrack to the original post. I just wanted to second whoever told you to be sure to be yourself. Be very true to you but in order to do that you have to know yourself well. For me that means checking in with myself and checking in with my motives. Speaking just of myself, sometimes I want things to go a certain way so I push them that way. In my present relationship I am trying very hard to (1) know what I want and (2) see if SO wants the same thing or compatible thing without pushing anything. Sometimes I have to sit on my hands and restrain myself but I want to make sure we want the same thing without him being pushed into anything. I am super sleepy so I hope that made sense. To thine own self be true. <3

    ETA This is advice I am going to work very hard to follow in my life in the coming months to year. I just found out about son possibly needing another heart surgery. I will be interested to see SO's reaction. His son also has special needs but has not needed surgeries. It is going to be challenging for me to watch my son go into the congestive heart failure again (unless medicine has changed since the last time and that is possible too) before they take the risk of surgery. I need to figure out what I need/expect from SO and I need to see what he does without being pushed into anything. This will certainly be a place when I can see how compatible we are long term. Would I cut him free if he does not handle it well? Yes. I know that people are who they are and real change is rare. So far it has been good. We'll see where this new development leads. I will not settle for less than a great match. :smile:

    ETA #2 Just spoke to him. His initial reaction was loving and compassionate and just right. <3
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    So a few months ago, I posted that I couldn't even finish level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred. I was so embarrassed and ashamed, I put the DVD away for all that time. Every week I swore I would try again, but then that little voice in my head said: "what if you can't finish it again?".

    My NSV for today is that I told the little voice in my head to get lost, and I put the DVD on, and I did the whole darn level 1 workout! *feels like a boss*

    My muscles feel a little wobbly, but I feel so good. I finished it! And if I did it once, I can do it again. And again!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Morning all. Just checking in. Not be around much, as trying to deal with life changes and what-not. I'm currently living in a hotel during the week and have hired a new trainer to take me through some strength/lifting routines. Food has been somewhat erratic, with a couple of terrible binge days. Basically negating all the training.

    Partners (ex-partners?) and I are talking, trying to sort the mess to see if/how we can go forward together. Mr Smartie has seen his GP for medication and had an initial assessment with a therapist. We are waiting for a referral to a specialist military therapist. I feel that I am not quite done with them yet, so have committed to try and see if we can move on together.

    In other news: we're still waiting on social services to make decisions about my sister's baby, so I feel i can't make any plans past the end of September.

    I am planning a holiday with my parents and Charlie at the end of September, and i would dearly love to be down about 20lbs by then.

    Mum saw her consultant yesterday. He is pleased with the way the operation went, but now she begins treatment 3 times a week for 6 weeks.

    So all in all, its been a little bit of a stressful month.

    thank you to everyone who messaged me and left notes on my wall. I'm sorry I wasn't that able to engage, it was just taking a lot of energy to remain upright some days.