

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    laeli_ wrote: »
    I eat straight out of the container ALL THE TIME. Also, I can down a pint of ice cream like nobody's business.

    I think eating from the container is perfectly ok, if it is just you....but I can't judge you here if it is a shared container. :wink:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Y'all are going to make me cry, dang it! ❤️❤️
    I try to do my best to stay supportive and positive for her.

    There's days like yesterday that make me feel good, and then there's days like today when she comes running through the house with poop on her butt and a poopy diaper lying on her bedroom floor that make me facepalm and laugh. She's so silly yet she also tends to really push her boundaries at times. Talk about a crappy day, huh? :wink:

    That is how it goes! One day you wonder how you are going to make it out alive, and the next day you know you cannot live without them!

    All kids have those moments. Kids with extra needs take those moments and rev them up. You are doing great!!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I am just a little excited to take my daugher to her check up at the cancer center tomorrow. They have recently had end of treatment bells donated to them and she will get to ring it! After over two years of worry and watching, we ended treatment in June and she has been cancer free since then. She may never really realize how big a thing she has been through, but I know there are parts she will never forget.

    Stories like THIS are why I work at MD Anderson. We get new blogs from cancer patients every day who get to ring the bell that signals "I DID IT! I WON!"

    ETA: I think I'mma cry.... :cry: :bawling:

    I work for Texas Children's! Hey neighbor! Yes I have been fortunate than I work for the best place to treat her. My niece is a nurse at MDA and loves it sooo much.

    Well I work for the detachment out in Bastrop, TX and spend a great deal of time at the Smithville, TX Science Park as well.
    I work with/protect the scientists who come up with the ideas and do some of the testing to set up for clinical trials for new cancer treatments.
    We are also working on something for diabetes at the Bastrop campus. The experiment, from what I understand, is going well. :smiley:

    Super great coolness!

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited August 2015
    Please don't hate me but I've been surfing pro-ana sites for some inspiration. I am not the type of girl who can starve for long periods of time, infact quite the contrary. i just wanna learn some self control.

    No hate here. I will express concern and encourage you to find healthy ways to learn self control. Hugs.

    ETA I have friends and other people in my life who have struggled with such issues. Some took it to very serious points. Others have lasting damage. I would not wish that on anyone. Please take care of you.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Please don't hate me but I've been surfing pro-ana sites for some inspiration. I am not the type of girl who can starve for long periods of time, infact quite the contrary. i just wanna learn some self control.

    No hate here. I will express concern and encourage you to find healthy ways to learn self control. Hugs.

    ETA I have friends and other people in my life who have struggled with such issues. Some took it to very serious points. Others have lasting damage. I would not wish that on anyone. Please take care of you.

    @Reema_capricorn The number one helpful tip I've gotten from a pro-ana site was to drink a lot of water to not feel hungry between meals/snacks. Definitely has helped me and it's still healthy. plus the hydration makes my skin look FABULOUS!

    I make an active effort to eat at least 1200 calories and more if I exercise on that day. They also mention to never lose hope.
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member

    @Reema_capricorn The number one helpful tip I've gotten from a pro-ana site was to drink a lot of water to not feel hungry between meals/snacks. Definitely has helped me and it's still healthy. plus the hydration makes my skin look FABULOUS!

    I make an active effort to eat at least 1200 calories and more if I exercise on that day. They also mention to never lose hope. [/quote]

    I also drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and my skin looks great!!!
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Please don't hate me but I've been surfing pro-ana sites for some inspiration. I am not the type of girl who can starve for long periods of time, infact quite the contrary. i just wanna learn some self control.

    No hate here. I will express concern and encourage you to find healthy ways to learn self control. Hugs.

    ETA I have friends and other people in my life who have struggled with such issues. Some took it to very serious points. Others have lasting damage. I would not wish that on anyone. Please take care of you.

    Thank you for your kindness! Rest assured I won't go on 500 cals a day diet. I just wanna unlearn mindless eating and not graze like a cow.I just wanna give my stomach a little rest from overeating.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    fun lil bit of info for those who may care:

    mr jaye and i have decided to make the relationship "official"
    we've both shut down our dating profiles and are now exclusive.
    he's met my bff, i've met his, it's been pretty awesome!
    he's kinda amazing and it boggles my mind why he'd be crazy about me, but i'm totally running with it! :D

    thanks to all the peeps that were supportive during my "post date updates" you guys gave me so much insight and encouragement, which was absolutely appreciated and greatly needed. <3
    Oh, that's so lovely to hear! I hope things continue to go well for you two.
    If it helps, I'd been dating my husband for 3 weeks when I thought "I could marry this one". We've been married 21 years and still like each other.

    I love stories like that. I met my husband in a dark, dingy rock nightclub. I didn't know anyone in the city when I moved there aged 18 so went clubbing on my own to this place because at least I liked the music there. Met him on the dance floor when a song came on and his mates didn't want to dance/mosh so I stepped up (we'd been catching one another's eye all evening) and I remember distinctly telling my flatmate the next day that this one was a keeper. I didn't even know his name or number, I just went back to the same club in hopes he would too and he did!

    And I was right. We've been together 10 years and married for nearly 6.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    When I watch any weight loss show, I stuff my face with junk food for the entire length of the show. Im pretty sure I am not the onlt one. :)

    Haha you aren't!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I really feel sorry for people who struggle with blood tests. They seem such an inevitable part of life, especially if you ever plan on having kids. I'm on my third set already within 16 weeks. Two were scheduled, the third was because they mislabelled the first one! Thankfully I'm not nervous about these things (I used to give blood regularly). I can't give any brilliant insights I'm afraid. Distract yourself, promise yourself something nice for afterwards, imagine they're going to cut a leg off an feel relieved when it's just a needle? I don't know! Good luck to you, I hope it goes well!

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Please don't hate me but I've been surfing pro-ana sites for some inspiration. I am not the type of girl who can starve for long periods of time, infact quite the contrary. i just wanna learn some self control.

    No hate here. I will express concern and encourage you to find healthy ways to learn self control. Hugs.

    ETA I have friends and other people in my life who have struggled with such issues. Some took it to very serious points. Others have lasting damage. I would not wish that on anyone. Please take care of you.

    Thank you for your kindness! Rest assured I won't go on 500 cals a day diet. I just wanna unlearn mindless eating and not graze like a cow.I just wanna give my stomach a little rest from overeating.

    Instead of unlearning mindless eating, try learning mindful eating. It's easier to learn something than to unlearn something. :smiley:
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    To jump in on the McD convo: I used to get their sausage & egg biscuit, then add cheese to it (sorry @peleroja ). I also love their fruit & yogurt parfaits. Not too many calories, but quite tasty. I consider it a dessert for my biscuit sandwich.

    Also, sometimes I just really want a McD's cheeseburger. The little one. I almost never actually spend 400+ calories on that little bugger, but yeah. That's the only non-breakfast thing I'll eat there, along with a hot fudge sundae. Heh

    Confession. I haaate the word parfait. Not sure why.... but it could be the best thing on earth and I wouldn't order it if I had to say the name when ordering.


    I'm not really sure what a parfait is? Is it like yoghurt? All I can think of is 'perfect' since I'm bilingual French. I'm sure a proper French person would know what a parfait food thing is, but I spent most of my childhood enjoying Marmite and toad in the hole and endless English stodge.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I don't mind having blood drawn, but my mom can't stand it. She also can't stand to stay in the room with anyone else who is having blood drawn, because the needles freak her out. Both my sister and I would sit with her and hold her hand and comfort her while she sobbed through it--and once, I covered her eyes with my hands and told her not to look and I'd buy her ice cream after it was over. :p

    Speaking of having blood drawn, though... (squeamish people look away!) I once had an inexperienced nurse trying to draw blood from me, and I have VERY elusive and narrow veins. I usually have to warn the nurses that they'll have to get it from my hand, because they just can't find veins in my upper arm where they usually prefer to take it.

    Anyhow, I warned her that she should take it from my hand, but she wanted to try my upper arm first. She ended up having to prick me three separate times, and finally resorted to my hand (why does nobody want to listen to me to begin with? I always warn them... Bunch of know-it-alls. :p). After she was done, she tried to collect the tube and stuff, and dropped the whole thing. Blood sprayed EVERYWHERE. :D
    The thing about your mom- that's so sweet of you and your sister!! Crazy how you two didn't inherit that fear after watching her struggle though that kind of thing... though now that I think of it, my mom doesn't mind needles either (well, she is a nurse :lol: ). We can't choose our fears! You're an excellent daughter.

    Regarding the rest of your comment, I didn't heed your warning and I feel very nauseous now. My own dumb fault. The thing about blood spraying everywhere is a horrible fear. I've heard of people getting their blood lost or dropped and having to get it drawn again... if that happened to me I would retreat to my room and sob my heart out. :lol:

    I don't know if this will help you or not, but I wanted to point out that a little bit of blood, when spilt, can look like an awful lot, and look a lot worse than it truly is. For example, if you were to spill a blood donation (they take just under a pint) that would make an almighty mess and look like a murder scene, when in fact the person who just gave the donation would be fine. I'm 5'2" and medium build and can donate nearly a pint of blood with no problems. But it sure looks dramatic if they spill it!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am getting my skin cancer cut out today. I had no idea no running, riding, swimming, or anything but walking or the stationary bike after 2 days for TWO weeks. I am not happy.

    Not to mention the sound of the snipping of my flesh is making me a bit nauseous.

    Wow good luck! Healing thoughts sent your way.

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    saraherren wrote: »
    Thank you to those who gave their condolences about my sweet dog's passing. She was 12 years old. It's a long story that I'm too heartbroken, miserable, and depressed about to type out, but I will say that I've had to force myself out of bed and do daily activities. Instead of eating tons of food, I've exercised to get my mind off it.

    CONFESSION: I have to get a pelvic ultrasound to check for cysts since I haven't had my period in almost a year (last one was September last year) and I'm super nervous.

    I had one of these a couple of years ago (both external and internal). It's not much fun, it's true, but it doesn't hurt. Just keep telling yourself they've seen it all before! And if they do find anything, at least you can get it treated. I honestly found the smear (pap) test to be worse in terms of discomfort, and that didn't hurt either. Good luck to you (and I'm sorry about your dog).
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    So, to add to the "better directions" saga:
    I got a call today from the college about, of course, the deadline for registration, but also got a voicemail about needing to speak regarding my "academic progress". I didn't pass two of my classes back in the spring, so I became ineligible for financial aid for the fall, or so I thought. Apparently, I got an email awhile back about submitting an "academic plan" for the fall semester, which would reinstate my aid for this fall. Needless to say, I called the financial aid office, and submitted the form online. They told me it would take at least 24 hours for them to review it and decide, so I'm crossing my fingers that they do reinstate it. I've always wanted to get a degree, even if I did nothing with it in my life, just to have it. Luckily, since I'm working in the tax field, an accounting degree may come in handy at some point. :wink:

    Oh, and if anyone was wondering, my doctor's appointment is at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully I can get some help with my own issues, so I can better focus on school and work and Raelynn.

    I'm glad you're feeling more cheerful and have everything crossed for it to be reinstated. You need to do things for you, as well as for Raelynn
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    To jump in on the McD convo: I used to get their sausage & egg biscuit, then add cheese to it (sorry @peleroja ). I also love their fruit & yogurt parfaits. Not too many calories, but quite tasty. I consider it a dessert for my biscuit sandwich.

    Also, sometimes I just really want a McD's cheeseburger. The little one. I almost never actually spend 400+ calories on that little bugger, but yeah. That's the only non-breakfast thing I'll eat there, along with a hot fudge sundae. Heh

    Confession. I haaate the word parfait. Not sure why.... but it could be the best thing on earth and I wouldn't order it if I had to say the name when ordering.


    I'm not really sure what a parfait is? Is it like yoghurt? All I can think of is 'perfect' since I'm bilingual French. I'm sure a proper French person would know what a parfait food thing is, but I spent most of my childhood enjoying Marmite and toad in the hole and endless English stodge.

    Google peanut butter parfait from dairy queen. It's layers of peanuts, chocolate, ice cream with whipped cream on top. So good (although you will be sick if you eat the whole thing). I don't know what the technical definition is but it must be something along the lines of layers of food/treats or something. And it probably is for 'perfect'.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I don't mind having blood drawn, but my mom can't stand it. She also can't stand to stay in the room with anyone else who is having blood drawn, because the needles freak her out. Both my sister and I would sit with her and hold her hand and comfort her while she sobbed through it--and once, I covered her eyes with my hands and told her not to look and I'd buy her ice cream after it was over. :p

    Speaking of having blood drawn, though... (squeamish people look away!) I once had an inexperienced nurse trying to draw blood from me, and I have VERY elusive and narrow veins. I usually have to warn the nurses that they'll have to get it from my hand, because they just can't find veins in my upper arm where they usually prefer to take it.

    Anyhow, I warned her that she should take it from my hand, but she wanted to try my upper arm first. She ended up having to prick me three separate times, and finally resorted to my hand (why does nobody want to listen to me to begin with? I always warn them... Bunch of know-it-alls. :p). After she was done, she tried to collect the tube and stuff, and dropped the whole thing. Blood sprayed EVERYWHERE. :D

    Did she have to take it again??

    I had a terrible experience when I was a kid once. I was about 7 years old and there was a nasty lab tech digging around not getting blood and it hurt, a LOT. I started crying and when she pulled out, I got up and tried to leave. Next thing you know, I have like five medical people holding me down, one was literally sitting on my lap so I could not get up, while this woman dug my arm with what felt like a hot poker. I even remember I tried to bite the girl sitting on me at one point, and then someone else pulled me back by the hair and held me that way. It was over 30 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

    You could sure if this happened to you today! That is s terrible way to treat a child.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    fun lil bit of info for those who may care:

    mr jaye and i have decided to make the relationship "official"
    we've both shut down our dating profiles and are now exclusive.
    he's met my bff, i've met his, it's been pretty awesome!
    he's kinda amazing and it boggles my mind why he'd be crazy about me, but i'm totally running with it! :D

    thanks to all the peeps that were supportive during my "post date updates" you guys gave me so much insight and encouragement, which was absolutely appreciated and greatly needed. <3
    Oh, that's so lovely to hear! I hope things continue to go well for you two.
    If it helps, I'd been dating my husband for 3 weeks when I thought "I could marry this one". We've been married 21 years and still like each other.

    I love stories like that. I met my husband in a dark, dingy rock nightclub. I didn't know anyone in the city when I moved there aged 18 so went clubbing on my own to this place because at least I liked the music there. Met him on the dance floor when a song came on and his mates didn't want to dance/mosh so I stepped up (we'd been catching one another's eye all evening) and I remember distinctly telling my flatmate the next day that this one was a keeper. I didn't even know his name or number, I just went back to the same club in hopes he would too and he did!

    And I was right. We've been together 10 years and married for nearly 6.

    Awww I LOVE THIS!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    When I watch any weight loss show, I stuff my face with junk food for the entire length of the show. Im pretty sure I am not the onlt one. :)

    you're not :)

    but in fairness it was shows like the biggest loser and thintervention that got me off the sofa int he first place.