Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • TeachPegg
    TeachPegg Posts: 20 Member
    Have over 100 lbs to lose and looking for friends in similar situations! Hard for other people to understand and for me to reach my goal and also enjoy life too.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    TeachPegg wrote: »
    Have over 100 lbs to lose and looking for friends in similar situations! Hard for other people to understand and for me to reach my goal and also enjoy life too.

    Hi there! I do understand your situation. Most of us on this thread have a lot of weight to lose. I'm on a journey to lose 110 lbs. and am not yet 1/2 way there. It takes a long time . I've lost close to 40 lbs. thus far. One thing I'm learning is that it is a lifestyle change, and not a quick diet. I'm trying to be patient and lose in a healthy way. The best of luck to you.

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @susan2326 - you can send some of these storms down here to TX, we need the relief. Glad to see you back.
    @grandmakaye - so sorry to hear of your DH's continued spiral downward - I can certainly relate. My trip to Atlanta and meeting with Susan was the last time I had any time for myself, and I feel so helpless sometimes when I'm trying to make him more comfortable. Hugs to you and your DH.
    @Morgori - love hot & spicy food, today is my day!
    @TeachPegg and other newbies - we all started with a lot to lose, but in the process we (and you) will gain so much in increased health, well-being, and confidence in every facet of your life. Never give up - get back up when you fall and start over again. This thread is a fantastic support system, so post often and let us get to know you. We genuinely care and want to help each other succeed. Welcome!
    Tracy (TX)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I have been quiet but I am here reading every day. Life is going fairly well. Still job hunting but probably not putting as much effort into it as I should. The family is all doing well at the moment so that is all good. Feeling a little off today. Have been having off and on stomach aches for a couple weeks now and today is an on day. I went to the gym today to meet with the trainer but he sent me home after a lighter session cause I was kinda shaky from either this stomach bug or not enough to eat because of the stomach thing. Oh well learned a couple new exercises to add to the mix. Trying to talk myself into making some dinner now but we will see. I think maybe I am not eating enough. I know we are supposed to eat back ourt exercise calories but there is so much controversy about that that I have shied away from it for the most part except as a buffer for if I go over for some reason. I am working out at the gym three days a week resistnace training and with walking the dogs every day getting betwee 10 and 15k on the fitbit every day. I am only eating 1550 calories a day with all this so I think I might change my settings to lightly active and then go with that so I wont "feel" like I am going over. I don't know. All the math involved in this gets confusing for me. I am not a math person beyond the basics lol.

    @grandmakaye I am sorry to hear about your husband. I hope ya'll start to see an improvement and the drs can find a way to help him. You are such a huge blessing to your family with all you do for them and this is such an added stress and worry.

    @kah those pics were amazing. I am defenitly feeling the jealousy lol

    @morgori great to see you again

    @susan you are doing great. Sliding backwards is nothing to feel bad about if you pick yourself up and start slogging forwards. Sorry Cyrus hurt your feelings the other night with his comments. Kids at that age are hard. That's when I would tell them I loved then more then life but did not like them at the moment so they should go to their room.

    Alright well I am going to go figure out something for dinner. Have a great night everyone. :):)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye-- I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's health and that it's ongoing. Perhaps the neurologist and/or PT will offer some means of improvement for the situation? It's nice that you have a neighbor who can help out and that you'll only have Anya to watch after this week. Is she 2 now?

    @tammy-- Hope you are feeling better soon.

    @susan-- the meetings actually went better than expected today, so that was a nice surprise. Tomorrow we have the morning to ourselves for prep, and then just a few short meetings in the afternoon. Friday is tech day--yipee! LOL

    AFM-- As I mentioned to susan, first day of school was fine today. More meetings and prep time over the next couple of days and then the kids start on monday. I'm ready for 2 out of 3 preps, but still need to figure some stuff out for the speech class (my new prep). Tomorrow, I will meet with the teacher who taught it last year to clarify some points.

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that all who are dealing with illness--whether their own or a loved one's--find some strength and comfort.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. take car in to dealer to fix molding DONE
    2. renew drivers license DONE
    3. check on teaching certificate on ISBE website DONE
    4. clean fish tank
    5. move textbooks into classroom for speech class
    6. go through documents for speech class STARTED
    7. read first few chapters of text for speech class

    August Goals:

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Fri--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Lemonade Day!
    National Lemonade Day!

    Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown


  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    Has anyone ever reached a milestone (ie 30 lbs) and then gained 3 in a matter of days? I'm back on track logging every morsel, and hoping that 3 lb increase will disappear as rapidly as it came on. (ha) I'm going out to lunch with our YMCA water aerobics group, and am enjoying retirement!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Has anyone ever reached a milestone (ie 30 lbs) and then gained 3 in a matter of days? I'm back on track logging every morsel, and hoping that 3 lb increase will disappear as rapidly as it came on. (ha) I'm going out to lunch with our YMCA water aerobics group, and am enjoying retirement!

    Yes that happens ... for a variety of reasons. For myself, I can actually gain that much in a single day, depending on what I ate ... if it had a lot of sodium in it especially.

    Thursday Truth ...
    I had a regular doctor's appointment yesterday and weighed in less on his scale, fully clothed, than I did on Monday check-in on my scale at home ... so I was feeling pretty good about that since that proves my scale was off on Monday. Plus, yesterday I was swollen in my feet and legs and he thought there were a couple of pounds of water in them at least. However, he was so pleased with my latest blood work and approved some changes in my regular medication ... but the biggest good news was that I don't have to revisit until January ... as long as I continue to do as well as I have been.

    So .... to celebrate, I bought a real treat for myself at the grocery shopping afterwards ... I bought hard salami and made myself a big sandwich (on whole wheat wrap) with lots of veggies and some provolone cheese. It was so yum!

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Summer Berry Tarts

    8 oz. Greek Cream Cheese and Greek Yogurt
    0.25 cup Greek Nonfat Yogurt Vanilla
    1 cup Reddi Wip Fat Free Whipped Topping
    1/3 cup Sugar
    1.5 cup Blackberries
    1 cup Blueberries
    16 ounces strawberries
    2/3 container (16 oz) Strawberry Glaze
    2 Pie Crusts (Refrigerated, Pilsbury or other)
    21 tbsp Reddi Wip Fat Free Whipped Topping
    2 tbsp Butter - Unsalted

    Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Roll out dough and cut 3-3.5 inch rounds (should be able to get about 8 from one crust, then roll remainder into a ball, roll it out again, and cut 2 more). Press each round into a cupcake pan cup and prick the bottom gently with a fork. Bake about 8 minutes until golden brown. Remove the tart cups from the cupcake pan and allow to cool. Repeat until all the dough is used, about 21 cups.

    Mix together the softened Greek cream cheese, Greek non-fat vanilla yogurt, and sugar until smooth and creamy. Fold in the whipped cream gently until light and fluffy. Fill the cooled tart cups and refrigerate for at least an hour. If making ahead, stop here, cover, and keep in fridge until ready to serve.

    Wash and cut fruit. You can use any combination of fruit (try peaches, raspberries, or cherries too!). I cut the fruit into small pieces to fit into the tart cups. Fold in the strawberry glaze. If using raspberries, be gentle to prevent damaging the raspberries. Refrigerate if preparing ahead, or if ready to serve, spoon about 1 to 2 Tbsps fruit mixture into each tart. Top with 1 T Reddi Wip fat free whipped topping and enjoy!

    Nutrition Facts
    Servings 21.0
    Amount Per Serving: % Daily Value *
    calories 164
    Total Fat 8 g 12 %
    Saturated Fat 4 g 18 %
    Monounsaturated Fat 2 g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g
    Trans Fat 0 g
    Cholesterol 10 mg 3 %
    Sodium 158 mg 7 %
    Potassium 50 mg 1 %
    Total Carbohydrate 23 g 8 %
    Dietary Fiber 1 g 5 %
    Sugars 11 g
    Protein 3 g 6 %
    Vitamin A 4 %
    Vitamin C 26 %
    Calcium 5 %
    Iron 3 %
    * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may hg12kcbdw1er.jpg
    change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen, I went back to work on Monday and my 8th graders come on Tuesday, Aug. 25. I am just about ready to go back but still have a few last minute things to do on Monday. I am in the Shamrock Shuffle. It will be a great weekend getaway.

    kelley- The pictures look great.

    BigAug- gotta laugh, doughnuts were my breakfast this morning. I thought the PTA was providing breakfast but they did doughnuts instead of the usual Chick-a-fil-a ugh.

    I just heard that Atlanta Bread company went out of business today. That is a shock.

    I have been very busy getting ready for school, dealing with the Zombie run and finding corporate sponsors for the events at Kinder Farm Park. It has been busy but at least tomorrow we are off. I am running around getting things ready for the Touch a truck event on Saturday. Never a dull moment.

    Have a great weekend,.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Well I knew today would be a bust but not how bad. I ended up eating 3 of those fruit tarts, along with about 1000 calories worth of fried catfish, Shrimp, and onion rings (among other things) from Pappadeaux restaurant for our birthday luncheon for my CFIRE meeting. That's gonna have to stop! Grrrr!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    How scary @grandmakaye I will be praying for you and your family
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Did you ever see that kitchen-hack about microwaving corn on the cob in it's husks? Well .... let me tell you .... it Works! ... when you pull the husks off, all the silks come off too and you are left with a perfectly clean and tasty ear of corn.

    Friday Fitness ...
    My plans for fitness today are to put everything out of the utility room to declutter it with the 4-box method, wash it down well, and then put back the #1 box and properly dispose of the rest of the boxes. ... In my case, it will be multiples of boxes for each category.

    I have a second fitness plan that extends from today over the weekend and includes what I am preparing for dinner. It's fish, and vegetables in parchment packets today, garlicky chicken thighs with white beans and grape tomatoes on Saturday and a soup on Sunday.

    As my knees are really bad this week, I will not do any walking exercises as the work I have planned will tax my bones to their limit ... but at least I won't be sitting on my butt in front of the computer once I sign off here.

    @everyone...Also ... I feel so sad about all the health and other life problems that posters are sharing on here. These are a good example of 'life gets in the way' sometimes of how hard we can work on our main focus here ... which is primarily to lose weight and maintain that loss over time. My prayers go out for each and every one who has been going through these hard times.

    I have some wonderful news to share ... there is a new baby in my extended family. My grand-niece bore a son yesterday evening. I haven't heard from her grandmother yet as to how everyone is, but trust that all is well. My niece and her husband didn't know what sex their baby was and it was so cute to hear them being excited about the surprise they would be getting when the time came.

    Hope everyone has a good day and great weekend. Talk at ya on Check-in Monday
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Senior Citizens Day!
    National Senior Citizens Day

    National Senior Citizens Day

    There is no education like adversity. ~Disraeli


  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!! Well, my first week back has been good. 5 days logged. Woo Hoo!! Except for 2 bites of Cookies & Cream ice cream and 2 Chocolate Chip cookies I’ve done really well. This is the second week without Diet Coke. I’ve been getting well over 120+ oz of water every day. Tonight will be 4 workouts this week and plan to get in tomorrow too. It actually feels pretty good – imagine that??!! The scale is moving again too – thank goodness. When I eat less and move more, the scale moves. Imagine that again??!!! Glad to be back and thanks guys for always being there to encourage and pick me back up.

    No big weekend plans. I’m heading to the gym after work then tons of laundry. Tomorrow I plan to squeeze a work out in the AM. Cyrus has physical therapy at 11 then his first pre-season football game at 7:30. Oh boy!!! This will be interesting for sure.

    Sunday is church and football pictures at 1:30 then that’s it for now. I’m hoping to see my friend Greg at some point. I wish we could see each other more, but our schedules especially mine are just crazy. Dating is tough!!! Baby steps there too.

    @TeachPegg – This thread is awesome! I don’t go anywhere else, but here. I’ve been on and off for 3 years, but the same 10 or so folks are always here to welcome me back and encourage me forward. Come back often!!

    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy) – This week has been nuts with weather. I miss my desert weather of Las Vegas. We’ve had so much rain this summer. Oh well. At least no temps hitting 120!! Also, thanks for the Berry Tarts recipe – they look soooo good!! As for Pappdeaux, it’s a favorite of mine for sure. Your birthday only comes once a year. Celebrate, but don’t eat that stuff again for a while!!

    @jtconst (Tammy) – I was the same way. I was reading a bit, but just needed a “little” breather. Glad the family is all doing well. I’ve started to do the same thing and told Cyrus if he needs a break he can head to his room. This week has been pretty good for the most part. No complaints!!

    @skinnyjeanz (Karen) – Glad the first day went well. I know the beginning is a lot as everyone is getting acclimated again.

    @NK1112 (Niki) – Great post yesterday!! When the doctor is happy, we’re all happy. I’m so proud of you. Keep trending down and show an even better number in January!! You got this! I’ve seen the post on the microwaving corn, but haven’t tried it. Thanks for the tip!!

    @LaurieK – You’re busy girl!! I don’t know about you, but I was ready for school to get started and get us back on a routine. I’ll have to look up the news on Atlanta Bread. I know they’ve struggled for a while. I’ve had a few friends working for them and I know upper management was not the best at the corporate level so it doesn’t surprise me.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Friday to all.
    @GOINSTD12 - Those tarts look heavenly. I am not sure I would be able to handle having them in the house.
    To all the teachers and others who are tied to the school calender. Good luck I wish you all a great year.
    @NK1112 - Good for you on the dr. visit!
    @susan2396 and anyone else who is starting once agian. I have these quotes from Thomas Edison:

    Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

    AFM: Once again I am working too many hours and not taking care of myself enough.
    The deadlines at work are being met for the most part. The one job that was causing me the most trouble is still causing me problems. At least most of the problems are with one customer instead of a bunch of them.
    Oldest son found a ride home from work so yippee on that.
    Youngest son has a job for the school year, yippee for that as well.
    Hubby is being the same as always.
    I have SAD and have been feeling the effects already. About a year ago I made the decision (under dr's care) to go off my antidepressants. They were causing sleep problems and after discontinuing them my sleep returned to normal. One year later and now the SAD is kicking in. I bought one of those therapy lights. I have been using it for the last few days and can tell you with certainty that it is working for me. How very glad I am about this you cannot imagine. So very worth the $139.00 I paid for it.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi everyone, A busy week has come to an end and of course not quietly. I did a few errands with my mom this morning and made it home again. When I went to leave again my car would not start. Then I came back into the house called the doctor I wanted to see to cancel (luckily it is easy to cancel on him since he is my chiropractor. Then call the person I was suppose to meet to let him know what was happening. Had my brother come over to jump my car and low and behold it started. YEP!! He followed me to the battery warehouse, where they tested the battery. It was low only showing about 400 amps instead of 600-800 amps. At least the battery is replaced for the winter with a heavy duty battery. Then I headed to meet this other person and traffic kept getting in the way so I ended up going out of my way today. We spent the afternoon together getting the stuff together for tomorrow. Needless to say, managed to get home around 7:30pm.

    Sorry, I am not doing personal tonight.

    I did manage to get some exercise in today with a 4.5 mile run and my weight was down to 193.4 a new low for the summer. Now, if I can keep it going for the next several week, I may reach my goal yet.

    Have a great weekend.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm back from my fabulous Alaskan cruise--still catching up on sleep and going through over 500 pictures. I just ran across this one, we were fortunate to catch a pod of traveling Orcas--sometimes you end up with a decent shot when using the shutter option on the camera. :wink: I'll be back soon to post others and post about my adventures. Luckily no weight gain, but did consume way too many cocktails (if my on board ship account is any indicator). :flushed:

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited August 2015
    The thread has been super quiet this weekend. I hope I am on the only one left on the ship!

    Sunday Share:
    Hi, my name is Lori age 55, been on MFP since June of last year and on this thread since August last year.
    Once again feeling quite philosophical. I will spare you the mush in my head.
    I did a great bike ride yesterday and had one planned for today but it was raining this morning and very windy this afternoon. So I went to the gym instead. I have been doing most of my workouts outside of the gym lately so I saw quite a few people I have not seen in a while.
    I do interior design work (mostly window treatments) and have quite a few clients at the moment as business is very good. I helped a customer do accessories and art work for her clinic yesterday. It turned out even better than I had hoped and she was thrilled. I wish there was more money in that type of work because I really do like doing that.
    I do have a lot on my plate this week. Oldest son is in court two different days. A big home show opens on Thursday and am feeling the pressure. This will mean making lists so I can get through it all with out dropping anything.
    @kah68 - Thank you for sharing the pics. I can't wait to hear more and see more pics.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Yall

    I'm new here and would like to join "discussions". I'm in Alabama. I'm married and am disabled with my back. New to diabetes as well. I'm trying hard to manage without meds. I take enough as it is. But so far I'm dealing. My diet is main option for weight loss as exercise is limited. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. So. It is what it is. I could loose about 85 lbs. I'm sure I'd feel better all around.
