

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    morning peeps - 8 more days!!! -

    whippet - sorry to hear about deedee's issues. i wouldn't be embarrased about the audiobook, it's a book and if my husband would have said that to me, i would have laughed and said it's a book called, ..... and they're talking about blow jobs (or whatever), have you heard of it???

    debnmike- congrats on your 14lb loss!!! oh yeah, welcome!!

    annr - that makes sense on how your hubby was able to purch a uniform.

    welcome laurelin - good luck with your zumba cha cha cha moves!

    janetr - tuff life those poochers have

    mtowne002 - awww thanks, shucks ::::: as i kick dirt with my head down and hands held together behind my back :::::

    it might be worth your while to get a heart rate monitor cathymaclain. you will be surprised on how much you burned watching your granddaughter.

    bwcetc - if your worry gene is kicking into hi gear, do i need to strap my boot on and put that into high gear too??? ::::snap out of it!!!:::: he has to want this for himself, you wanting it for him is not going to make it happen. {{{{hugs}}}}}} followed by a :::: kick :::::

    whippet - where does she get her clothes, who buys them. can't complain about the clothes if they are being bought for her, karma is a mother for sure. i would let her stink actually... i am very old school and that definatley wouldn't fly if she were my moms daughter, lololol...

    type to ya later
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Beth, your sons' "migraines" are from lack of o><ygen when he sleeps without his CPAP. He is killing brain cells every night- they are dying off from lack of o><ygen. If he doesn't want dementia at an early age, he needs to start using his CPAP. Yes, it is not se><y. Yes it is really embarrassing to look like an alien elephant or Tom Cruise in Top Gun, but it really is important. He can develop heart troubles. Maybe you can scare him straight, so to speak. I tend to use humor, while getting a message across. "I see you were killing off more brain cells last night! Maybe you should use your CPAP." and NO sympathy for the pain- he has to go to school and suffer through it. And to work. It is as if he were beating himself on the head to give himself a headache to get out of activities and get sympathy. That would be my approach. I learned to use it when I had a severely oppositional child.

    Sylvia, your comments about your grand-daughter raise some red flags for me. I have worked with a lot of kids that have been se><ually abused and several things that are going on are things I saw. First, the BO. Most teens are acutely self-conscious about BO but kids that are se><ually abused often try to smell bad in hopes of keeping the offender at bay. Secondly, often kids that are se><ually abused will avoid situations that normally are arousing since the situation can induce flashbacks. One girl I worked with had been diagnosed as having hallucinations because she would see hands and penises coming at her when she was taking a bath or when she went to bed! When I pointed out to the doc that these were more likely flashbacks, and her treatment was changed, she did much better. Thirdly, kids that are se><ually abused tend to overeat in hopes of getting too fat to be desirable to the offender. Fourth, they are sneaky and tell lies because they have one big terrible secret that they are longing for someone to find out. She may not have been abused in this way, but these are big warning signs to me. The statistics of girls that are abused are so high- whether another older boy, a relative or a family friend. So many people with psych problems were abused as kids.

    I got my workout in the hot tub in this morning. Yesterday I skipped because I did almost three hours of heavy gardening.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. I am home safe and sound. We had a good time but I am so tired I can't figure out what to do here at work. I saw some cute pictures you guys have been posting. Well, more later. Maybe when I can think straight. Meg from Omaha where I appreciate the lack of traffic after Nashville!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Meg, I went through Nashville last summer and it was awful! Omaha can be bad on I-80 but nothing like that!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Barbie – I hope Jake figures out the WiFi situation. When we were in El Paso the young woman working the front desk helped us immensely.

    Beth – I’m so pleased that your Dad enjoyed his Honor Flight experience. It makes me want to do it again even more. // Do we ever stop worrying about our kids? // More hugs for your situation with your son. I wish I had a magic wand for kids.

    – Hugs for DGD and her school situations. My DD used to sneak food, and lie about being fed breakfast before school, etc. I spent a lot of time in the Psychologist office trying to learn how to talk to and treat her, and it did NO good, so I REALLY hope you all find the answers she needs. Hugs and Prayers ! ! ! (I could use that magic wand again) // I hope your hips feel better quickly.

    – Hugs for such a traumatic day. I hope it continues to get better and better every day.

    Mindy – Congrats on your lovely day showing off your new job to your DD. // My DS and DH both have Tommy Copper braces. DS loves them, thinks his knees feel better instantly, so he usually wears them to basketball even when his knees are not hurting (just growing pains, but he is a multi-sport athlete). DH does not like his at all (but I’m not convinced that he bought the right size), mostly because they keep sliding down. DH and I are both fans of proper arch supports inside shoes. I make my own (short/wide foot) and DH got his from The Good Feet Store for several hundred dollars, but swears they are the best things ever, and I believe good foot support is directly related to less leg and back pain.

    MnMargaret – Hugs for your situation as well. In Fact, Hugs for everyone with their struggles. Why can’t kids today be as simple as we were at that age? Oh wait, I was the nightmare that walked the line between good and trouble without actually crossing that line. Oops ! ! ! How did my parents have any hair left in their heads - waiting for me to grow-up? More hugs for everyone ! ! !

    Heather – Love the rabbit sweater. Very wise advise about talking to our children. I find it easiest in the car, because he likely can’t access anything good on his phone, so I don’t have to get crabby trying to get him to turn it off and pay attention to the conversation. DD just tells me what she wants when she wants. Sometimes that’s never, and sometimes its W A Y too much.

    Sylvia – I’m leaning toward thinking she has her cycle, and isn’t 100% secure about how to handle it (like, what to do before during and after shower to not create more of a mess). A slight side-note: One time when my DD had a classmate that had some body odor problems, we went to the Dollar Store and bought a full line of personal hygiene products that all smelled the same and put them in a pretty basket for her Birthday. Body wash, lotion, powder, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and a pretty sponge; all lilac scent. Granted, this will only help a little if she is having her cycle right now, but it could be a way to open the dialogue. It would probably be less awkward if Grandma gave her a package of thin pads, too (as opposed to Dad taking her shopping for these items). And helping her find healthy and filling snacks might help, too. The dollar stores around here sell smaller snack size Ziploc bags that are perfect for nuts or seeds or trail mix. Granted, I could be WAY off, but I hope brainstorming helps you get moving in the right direction.

    I REALLY fell off the wagon yesterday. This soft white diet thing has me thrown for a loop, and I just can't control myself, especially in the middle of the night. I started with an apple & greens smoothie from JambaJuice. Then jumped off face first into a soft pretzel with cheese. Then when I got home, the pumpkin cake I made for DS found it's way to my chair, and I ate 2 pieces. Good thing canned pumpkin is on the "ok to eat" list right now, since I was terribly traumatized by not being able to eat popcorn.

    The movie was wonderful. "Everest" was in 3D on the IMAX screen, and amazing scenery. It was produced like a docu-drama, so not completely documentary, but close to the National Geographic story I read a few months ago. The lady next to me cried practically the entire second 1/2 of the movie.

    Now, back on the wagon with healthy food, fruit, vegetables, lean meat. yay ! And although my arthritis is terrible in almost my entire body, I was able to distract myself on the bike for 18 minutes this morning (Thank You Pandora !)

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    She's girls, I have been kind of silent lately. Many reasons, my diet has been terrible, eating at fast food burger joints, just thinking about having Charlie home and thinking of how things will change. I am still really tired, some of the chores he has always done will be mine for awhile. Just worrying about him at home. Plus trying to take care of the house. I have found out I can do things for myself that Charlie had always done and am might pleased about it.

    After reading just today's notes, I find I have missed quite a bit. Unfortunately I don't see it changing yet. I think it was DJ that said that sometimes you find it nice to live by yourself. Like tonight. I was planning on finally going to the church supper they have every Wednesday night. I was to exhausted on the other Wednesday nights. Then they schedule our in home evaluation today and say after it is over that we are welcome to keep him here all day long.
  • fiorim
    fiorim Posts: 6 Member
    So i just wanted to introduce myself. I have been here before (at MFP) and have been absent for quite a long time. I have gained A LOT of weight -- mostly stress related eating -- and am at my all time heaviest. I am 53, generally healthy but with about 35-40lbs to lose...(50 would be ideal but i think unrealistic) I am already daunted by the number and because i feel relatively good not as incentivized as i should be. AND because of that, the weight keeps creeping on.
    I have been down this road before and i need to really REALLY []REALLY[] get a handle and control on my eating, my emotions and my LIFE.
    I have started focusing on myself more: Meditation, Taking courses in Social Media and Portuguese, trying to work on an injury so i can get back to exercising with more oomph and generally trying to better myself.
    I have largely focused on EVERYONE ELSE's problems for the last 5 yrs... believing that i am fine and there to support everyone else....now realizing i need to support myself first.
    I tend to be pretty happy and can always find a silver lining -- even in the worst situations -- but i really need to -- i don't want to say "FIX" myself -- but i want to HELP me help myself and get to a point where i don't carry my weight as a physical and mental/emo burden.
    Goals for the month:
    • meditate every am
    • study portuguese every day
    • follow my course online
    • do my PT everyday
    • do 30 mins of cardio 4+/wk plus some strength training
    • drink 3 glasses of water a day
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    I turned 50 nearly 2 weeks ago and need to get in shape. I'm about 30 pounds overweight and very lazy. I've been logging in and using MFP for about 20 days now and have lost 3 pounds. I need to get on the treadmill more though. If anyone wants to add me for motivation, feel free!

    Welcome Clare! I'm fairly new here myself.

    Elaine in Lansing
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi all!

    Sylvia, Beth , Rita, Margaret and others - my heart goes out to all of you who have such big worries over their children. I know how it affects me when my beloved ones are suffering, or are not making good choices for themselves. I don't have any answers, other than to say that, if you can do it, then just listening to what they have to say might help. I am not always good at that myself, but it can be the first step in opening up a dialogue. The other person often doesn't want to talk, but that's because we are not good at listening. Really listening to what is going on with them and not with our own agenda and desire to set them right. As I say, I am not the best example, but we can only try. A really good therapist is even better, but finding the right one is a challenge and the cost often prohibitive. There are lots of books on how to open up non judgemental dialogue so thst is a possible avenue. This might work with younger children who often have a lot on their minds that they can't express easily. Art work, writing can help.
    Whatever, it's hard. We feel helpless, but so much want to help. <3 Sending you all my love. <3

    DH is home today because the cricket is rained off. I'm glad as I was getting a bit low. It was most likely because I hadn't been doing my memoir, so I did a few paragraphs today and immediately felt miles better! :D Keeping my commitments to myself is very important. Writing is vital to my mental health. :)

    Lisa - I hope your a×÷s feels better soon. What an absolute (literally) pain!

    Posting a pic of DGD wearing the rabbit cardigan I bought her for her birthday.


    Lots of love, Heather UK

    Oh My! That is soooo Lovely! What a Cutie!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    On cell phone so just a quick check in to say hi. Still on vacation. Having a lovely time.

    Mia in MI
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Oh, boy, do we have a problem! I need some detective help on this one from anyone with experience with pre-teen girls.

    This morning I arrived at the apartment building to pick up the kids as usual. My son gets the kids ready and brings them down to the lobby, so he and two of the kids were sitting at the table in the lobby waiting. I asked, where is Adrienne? (She's the one who has been lying, sneaking food, and failing in her classes.). He told me she had forgotten her homework and had to go back upstairs to get it. After several minutes she came down with one sheet of notebook paper, saying she had found it. As she rushed (in a very suspicious manner) to stuff it into her binder we could see that it was blank. My son asked her about it and she said, oh, it's only blank on one side - the homework is on the other side. She swore up and down that it really was her homework. We knew better, so I took the binder and opened it up. Sure enough, the only thing written on the paper was the word "boys". My grandson said, hey, that's the sign from my bedroom door! Then the granddaughter said she had suddenly remembered that her homework was already in her binder. I looked again, and it was. When asked why she went through all that pretense, she just shrugged. She was really mad at me for opening her binder. She didn't talk to me all the way to school. One side note in this saga, is that she was wearing shorts and a tshirt that were WAY to small for her, and she reeked of body odor.

    I called my son after I dropped her off and he told me that there was some reason she wanted to be alone in the apartment this morning. They were waiting for her when they were ready to go downstairs and she suggested several times that they should go on and she would come down by herself. He said no, then once they were downstairs she came up with this phony reason that she needed to go back upstairs. He also said that she has been faking taking showers (thus the b.o.) and she got really defensive when he suggested that her clothes were not right for school, but by then she had run out of time to change.

    So, I have to wonder what is going on. What reason did she have to want to be alone in the apartment? My son said he is going to look in her room today and see if he can find the reason. He's pretty much at wits end with her. I have to say though, that it's all freakily familiar, because he used to do stuff exactly like that when he was younger, and he went ballistic when I looked in his room. But he was a teenager then, with a very serious drug problem. She is only 11!

    It goes to show that Karma really is a b#%ch!

    I'm going to buy some deodorant spray and keep it in the van.

    Any suggestions? She had been going to see a therapist but he said she was finished and didn't need to come back. And now my son has burned some bridges in the mental health department so he can't take her back anyway. She desperately needs some kind of help though. I'm going to see if I can find anything.

    Well, sorry to ramble on. I hope you are all having a beautiful morning.


    This just breaks my heart. When my daughter entered middle school she had to have a hoodie from Holister, the store. I took her mall shopping shortly after school started for that hoodie and Vans, the sneakers. Also, have you considered that your GD's period is here and she needs supplies? Perhaps that's why she needed sometime alone. Good luck!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everybody -- I have been trying to keep up with the reading but haven't posted at all. I am still alive, still at a plateau.
    So many of these child stories sound familiar to me. I like Heather's idea of non-judgmental listening and have been trying to practice that more. Very wise concept but hard to do. My thinking is that it might not get me all the results I want, but maybe I need to change my ideas on what acceptable results are. Good luck to all of us!
    So glad Vince is doing well, Michele!
    Betty in WNY where the skies are blue today
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited September 2015
    Terri thanks for the humor.

    Heather thanks for the reminder to listen to my son. He is calling for help and doesn't always realize it. He will also be getting more treatment that hopefully gives him another approach to getting well.

    Miriam I think you made the connection of breathing problems (Beth's DS )at night with his headache. Now he is the one who needs to internalize this information and make the change for himself. Scare tactics are tricky. For some it is the right approach others just dig their heels in further. I also believe those tactics would be more successful if they came from someone other than mom. It is like I know DS drinking is damaging his brain,but that tactic will not get him to stop drinking. It is like I know that piece of chocolate cake is not good for me, but I somehow rationalize a small piece will not hurt. I have to be the one who decides for my reasons not to eat that piece of chocolate cake.

    Did any of us change our eating and exercise habits because someone told us carrying all that extra weight would increase our chances of diabetes that causes amputation, blindness, kidney disease, of knee replacements in our fifties, of upping our chances of heart disease, and of cancer. Perhaps it is because we did not listen and ended up with one of these chronic diseases or watched a love one suffer because of one of these diseases that got us to make changes that helped our health. Maybe just maybe we decided we wanted to stop abusing ourselves and live in a state of health that makes it possible to live out our dreams of travel, of relationships that are healthy, of pursuing careers we want, and of just enjoying good health.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Breaks my heart too. I was the worst 10-15 yr old in history. I hid bloodied knickers and sanitary towels in my wardrobe. I had no one to do my laundry properly for me and was revolted at the thought of my father washing them. I took at least a day a fortnight off school and forged notes so I could secretly put soiled towels in the trash. I wore worn out clothes to school and no one washed my sports stuff. I was seriously depressed.
    Yes it was sexual abuse. By my father in my case. Everything that goes on in a child's life impacts on them. They know everything. Adults try to make things seem ok. We are trying our best to protect them and have the best motives. But children always know when there is an elephant in the room even if they can't identify where it is.
    Sylvia - you may need to get some advice on how to deal with the very many elephants in Adrienne's life. She has a lot to deal with and is now at an age when she is very aware. No wonder she is acting out.

    I speak as someone who could have done a better job with my own kids had I known what I know now. One thing I have got better at is how to ask for help. I know I can't do it on my own. There are many organisations and charities out there who can give insight and support, not the least for yourself.

    Love Heather UK <3

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Wednesday morning! Working another long shift 6-5:30. We are working short staff again today. So our boss brought us a breakfast pizza. Planning to have a small piece. I did really well and only had one piece.


    Sylvia--Sorry to hear DGD is having some problems. Is there someone she could talk to that she would feel safe opening up to? I would be concerned also. Sure hope you figure out what she is hiding. Could it be somebody is doing something and she feels if she smells and dresses like that they will leave her alone? Just a thought.

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a great place for support and friendship.

    Joyce--Will you have some help when Charlie comes home? Please take care of you.

    DJ--We do the geocaching about once a week or when the mood hits.. My DS and his family are into also, so we have spent time going with them. It doesn't cost anything but gas and time. So far we have found 93, but there 1,000's of them all over. What I find interesting is they are in cemetaries and reading some of the stones are neat.

    Janetr--They look so happy sleeping together.

    Michele--Great news about Vince and getting off all his meds. Please make sure you get plenty of rest before he comes home.

    Lisa--How sad. Pray that things get better for this couple.

    Beth--Sorry to hear DS is not doing well. Hope your talk this morning helped. I know it is not easy, but know God is in control.

    Margaret--Pray DS makes some positive choices. I know how hard it is not to drink. I have not had a drink for just over 9 years and Thank God everyday I stopped before I lost everything important to me.

    Heather--DGD looks so cute, makes me just want to cuddle with her. I do believe grandchildren are the best.

    Meg--Glad you made it home safe. Did you have a good time?

    DH came and had lunch and when I get off work this evening going to take the dogs to the dog park at the lake and do some geocashing. It is just over a mile walk around the lake so that will get me some steps. Hugs and prayers to each of you. We can do this, One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Thanks everyone, for the advice and suggestions. I don't think it's her period because she's been ready for that for a long time. She has all the pads and knows how to use them. We have talked about that several times. She was screened for sexual abuse when she first came to live with my son, after living with her horrible drug addicted mother and horrible drug dealing step father for two years, and there wasn't any sexual abuse problem detected at that time. Lots of other abuse and neglect, but not sexual. Now, after she's been living with my son for two years she is starting to act strangely. It wouldn't hurt to look into it again. My son and I have an appointment to see the school psychologist tomorrow afternoon. But I am going to bring her back to the studio this afternoon to practice piano. I'll see if I can't get her to talk to me then. She alternates between having very low self esteem and thinking she's better (and smarter) than everyone else.

    I am the one who has been buying her clothes, but I did not buy what she is wearing this morning. Those must have been really old, in the back of the closet, or her little sister's. I would have been mortified to go to school like that, but she thought she looked fine.

    Hubby just left after having lunch with me at the studio. He said he thinks he's eating too much here though, so I think he's wanting to not do it so often. I told him he could just eat less, but he doesn't understand that concept. Silly boy.

    I think I may have done some damage to my hips when I was trying to learn to jog. They are really achy and hard to move sometimes. Like there is a catch in my right hip. If it continues I might have to go get it checked.

    I just got a call from a professor at the college. They are having a special event and want to bring 16-20 people (all k-12 art teachers) to my studio on October 8th for a project night. Oh boy, that should be fun. :s
    But it gives me a reason to clean out the studio and get ready. I'm afraid it will be worse than having a kids birthday party. There will be wine. They will be making tiles, so that should be pretty easy. Now if I can round up 20 chairs, I'll be OK. I think I'll make a bunch of wine glasses in case they want to buy some that night to drink their wine. ;)

    Well, I have drafting to do, so I'd better get it done. Have a great afternoon.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sylvia ... School counselor. They know something is wrong at school ...
    Terri thanks for the humor.

    Heather thanks for the reminder to listen to my son. He is calling for help and doesn't always realize it. He will also be getting more treatment that hopefully gives him another approach to getting well.

    Miriam I think you made the connection of breathing problems (Beth's DS )at night with his headache. Now he is the one who needs to internalize this information and make the change for himself. Scare tactics are tricky. For some it is the right approach others just dig their heels in further. I also believe those tactics would be more successful if they came from someone other than mom. It is like I know DS drinking is damaging his brain,but that tactic will not get him to stop drinking. It is like I know that piece of chocolate cake is not good for me, but I somehow rationalize a small piece will not hurt. I have to be the one who decides for my reasons not to eat that piece of chocolate cake.

    Did any of us change our eating and exercise habits because someone told us carrying all that extra weight would increase our chances of diabetes that causes amputation, blindness, kidney disease, of knee replacements in our fifties, of upping our chances of heart disease, and of cancer. Perhaps it is because we did not listen and ended up with one of these chronic diseases or watched a love one suffer because of one of these diseases that got us to make changes that helped our health. Maybe just maybe we decided we wanted to stop abusing ourselves and live in a state of health that makes it possible to live out our dreams of travel, of relationships that are healthy, of pursuing careers we want, and of just enjoying good health.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Phone cut things off of my post ...

    Joyce ... Can you get done home health care services? Would you and your husband tolerate them?

    Heather ... You've hinted at your childhood before ... So sorry ...

    Pip ... My husband and I should've had our butts kicked years ago ... We've spoiled this child ... Strap on the boot!

    Miriam ... Spot on with cpap advice. This will be addressed once and for all tonight.

    Son never went to school ... His dad lit into him again at lunch ... They almost came to blows but then settled down. Did I mention we all are hotheads and stubborn mules? Anyways, I made it clear he would go to work today. He already called off this past weekend ... And I just dropped him off. Have also told him tomorrow is school regardless of how he feels ... We will see how that goes ...

    Welcome to the new ladies ... Sorry for the dialog today ...

    One good thing .... I'm not eating my stress today!

  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    There were donut holes at work today. I'm proud of my self for not having any. They sure looked good!
    Maryann in Michigan