

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Happy Birthday to the thread!! I have made some wonderful friends and gotten tons of support from you folks. It has made parts of this journey a bit easier. Thanks for being here and putting yourselves out there for all of us to see.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I'm on my phone in NYC's Penn Station for you people.

    In the original spirit of the thread, a confession:

    I have majorly reduced my social media time (mainly the forums here and mobile Facebook), in exchange for small home projects and more gym/yoga time. It has been absolutely wonderful for my motivation (I can maintain a Crow arm balance now!), and I do not anticipate going back.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    This thread and the people here's blessed me. Thank you for letting me get to know you.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Confession: the adult Sunday School class I would be in if I didn't teach in the preschool is having a soup and dessert social in one hour. I have made GF brownies with peanut butter chips to take. Not only do I not want to get ready and go, but I also want to eat ALL the brownies for dinner.

    Pinewood derby was fun, I am told. I am not good at judging if other people are having fun (autism problems) and I was in charge of the brackets so I couldn't talk to anybody.

    Get ready and go... it will keep your mind off the brownies.

    I went. It was fun. Half the brownies are.gone. Unfortunately there was a flourless chocolate cake and a chocolate fountain. .... There was also chili. Mel is stuffed.

    Time to go to bed?
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Its 10:30 (ish) am here and I already and sneaking into the chips that I "saved" for my hubby last night. My excuse is that I'm tired (sick kid) and I've already worked my butt off (bleaching the house).

    But I really need to knock it off (otherwise I will hit my calorie goal by noon)


    Did that help? :)

    Not quite. Running out of chips did help. I've now swapped over to eating celery and cheese whiz.

    Well...celery good. Cheese whiz...not so much. :p

    I was dipping my celery in it, so not too much. Then I had a sandwich, then a friend stopped by and gave me Lays Chocolate covered ruffles. (I am not happy with said friend.) There is 2.75 servings in a bag. It is 275 cals per serving. I ate the whole bag. I am so over even my maintenance calories. OOPS.

    I am a weirdo who likes cheese whiz in all its processed day glo glory. :smiley:
    I bet your friend and you had a good time evan without the chocolate covered ruffles. I would have to open them and taste them if someone gave them to me. I'm not sure I want to try things that may get me in trouble later. I rather remain blissfully ignorant of the few decadent things I have not tried.
    raymax4 wrote: »

    Ah home Ec the bane of the coordination challenged. By the time I was in high school I signed up for welding class.
    The teacher had a long lecture on how some of us would not make it a day. He looked at me the entire time. It made me determined to stay. That was a long long long time ago. Back in the day when girls in welding classes were unheard of. At least where I lived. I was going to continue the second semester but the teacher who was a friend by this time came to me privately and told me that there were not enough spots left for a guy that needed the class to graduate and asked me it not continue so that he could take the class. I agreed to not sign up.

    On first pass, i read this as signed up for wedding class, and some would not make it a day. I thought what an odd curriculum and how horrible to put a dampner on your day. Then i read it again.

    Nicci needs more caffeine. LOL!
    Just kidding, I didn't do it this time, but I misread posts often and am like, what???

    Lmao I do! Charlie has been getting me up way before dawn this weekend and I am not coping well

    Oh charlie, I understand I was an early riser too. Best entertain your self and let Auntie lie. She will wake up more able to help you that way. I learned that rather late in the game.
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    There's actually more than a handful of you and you've given more than a heart full of joy!


    ETA: Cheesy but true.

    It's perfect

  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    OH I want to hear all about it. Sitting eagerly and not so patiently waiting. And do you have pictures?
    You know you are not suppose to be embarrassed when you are that awesome.

    I'm on my phone in NYC's Penn Station for you people.

    In the original spirit of the thread, a confession:

    I have majorly reduced my social media time (mainly the forums here and mobile Facebook), in exchange for small home projects and more gym/yoga time. It has been absolutely wonderful for my motivation (I can maintain a Crow arm balance now!), and I do not anticipate going back.
    That is really good, we have missed you but I like that you are taking care of yourself.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Since I'm a huge dork and said happy birthday prematurely, I will do it properly today.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOU BEAUTIFUL, FRIENDSHIP CREATING THING YOU! I wouldn't be where I am without you. I will be forever grateful.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »

    Ah home Ec the bane of the coordination challenged. By the time I was in high school I signed up for welding class.
    The teacher had a long lecture on how some of us would not make it a day. He looked at me the entire time. It made me determined to stay. That was a long long long time ago. Back in the day when girls in welding classes were unheard of. At least where I lived. I was going to continue the second semester but the teacher who was a friend by this time came to me privately and told me that there were not enough spots left for a guy that needed the class to graduate and asked me it not continue so that he could take the class. I agreed to not sign up.

    On first pass, i read this as signed up for wedding class, and some would not make it a day. I thought what an odd curriculum and how horrible to put a dampner on your day. Then i read it again.

    Nicci needs more caffeine. LOL!
    Just kidding, I didn't do it this time, but I misread posts often and am like, what???

    Lmao I do! Charlie has been getting me up way before dawn this weekend and I am not coping well

    Come in, Charlie. Give an aunt a break.

    Son 3 woke me at 1am throwing up. Poor little dude. :( but at least he doesn't make a habit of it.

    Oh :(

    Is he ok now? How old is he?

    He's nine and seems to be doing better. He's not eating much, but he says he feels okay.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Happy birthday thread!!!

    My first post here on Feb. 10th (which I think totally still applies!!):

    I've been following this thread because it is mostly hilarious, but I've also seen a lot of self hate here. I wanted to post a quote from Steve Troutman about some of his rules/philosophies he has for weight loss. Steve's a legit, smart trainer who's been doing a live Q&A in another thread I'm following. The rule that stood out to me is this:

    5. Self-compassion is immensely important. I find the way people talk to themselves breeds an abuse relationship with their bodies. The things they say to themselves and the demands they place on themselves aren't anything like they'd do to someone else. Be easy. When you get too serious, take a step back and reassess. Learn about mindfulness/meditation. And just be kind to yourself.

    So be nice to yourself MFP.

    And since this is the confession thread: I've totally done the hot chocolate thing, butter and saltines are awesome and I still eat them, but stale popcorn (yes, stale) with lots and butter and salt by far my favorite treat.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I don't know what got into me. I sort of (ok I actually) agreed to ride Cycle Oregon with my SO next year. "With" means he'll ride it at his pace and I'll ride it at my pace and we'll be together when not riding. "With" means if there is a harder route he'll take it and if there is an easier route I'll take it. I'm not quite sure how I agreed to this. I have not done a trip like this since I was 15 years old...

    This is awesome!!! I live in the Pacific NW and have always wanted to do Cycle Oregon, but lacked the funds, the endurance, or the vacation time to give it a try.

    I've been lurking this thread for awhile now and have enjoyed the support, kindness, and honesty on display here. :-)

    Confession - This is my first post ever on this site. I'm somewhat antisocial - I don't really seek out lots of friends or acquaintances, preferring my few close friends/family to having lots of surface-type relationships with others. So my only friends on MFP are people I actually know IRL. That's not a very good confession. Hmmmm... I love ice cream to the point that if I buy it, I will eat it. All of it. Now.

    I'm lucky to have a wonderfully supportive husband and family as I work to get fit again.

    Lastly - My profile pic is about 9 years old. Being in shape again like that is where I'd like to be again. It is my inspiration for doing all the work it takes to get from where I am now to where I'd like to be.

    Ha! My first post is from June 2015... see, I am SUCH a latecomer!

    I love that it was in response to @nonoelmo AND that I'd forgotten she'll be in OR this summer for the cycling!! I'm gonna have to track you down, my friend, and meet up with you!!

    Yes to meet up. I may put Cycle Oregon off another year - finances and time off issues.... but soooooon.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!

    Thanks. And thanks POF.
    I will post blow by blows soon. And pictures. But first I must nap. Not optional. xo
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Happy Birthday, thread!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    I'm on my phone in NYC's Penn Station for you people.

    In the original spirit of the thread, a confession:

    I have majorly reduced my social media time (mainly the forums here and mobile Facebook), in exchange for small home projects and more gym/yoga time. It has been absolutely wonderful for my motivation (I can maintain a Crow arm balance now!), and I do not anticipate going back.

    this is ridiculously admirable.
    less time staring at a screen, more time actually living your life!
    you're getting *kitten* done!
    really, it's something i continuously go back and forth with....what am i doing with my time? should that change?
    you're awesome!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    I'm on my phone in NYC's Penn Station for you people.

    In the original spirit of the thread, a confession:

    I have majorly reduced my social media time (mainly the forums here and mobile Facebook), in exchange for small home projects and more gym/yoga time. It has been absolutely wonderful for my motivation (I can maintain a Crow arm balance now!), and I do not anticipate going back.

    this is ridiculously admirable.
    less time staring at a screen, more time actually living your life!
    you're getting *kitten* done!
    really, it's something i continuously go back and forth with....what am i doing with my time? should that change?
    you're awesome!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Its 10:30 (ish) am here and I already and sneaking into the chips that I "saved" for my hubby last night. My excuse is that I'm tired (sick kid) and I've already worked my butt off (bleaching the house).

    But I really need to knock it off (otherwise I will hit my calorie goal by noon)


    Did that help? :)

    Not quite. Running out of chips did help. I've now swapped over to eating celery and cheese whiz.

    Well...celery good. Cheese whiz...not so much. :p

    I was dipping my celery in it, so not too much. Then I had a sandwich, then a friend stopped by and gave me Lays Chocolate covered ruffles. (I am not happy with said friend.) There is 2.75 servings in a bag. It is 275 cals per serving. I ate the whole bag. I am so over even my maintenance calories. OOPS.

    I am a weirdo who likes cheese whiz in all its processed day glo glory. :smiley:

    Chocolate covered potato chips are amazing.

    I've never had chocolate covered chips!! I have had chocolate covered pretzels and they are amazing!

    Happy Birthday Original Thread!! You are the reason I have so any MFP friends!!! <3

    You have to try the chips. They are Lays Ruffle chips with a thick layer of milk chocolate with salt sprinkled on top. The only downside is that the portion is 5 chips for 275 cals. But oh so yummy, and I'm glad the bag is out of my house.

    Woah, that's a lot for only 5 chips!! :grimace:
    They sound amazing though!

    I've never tried these either.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,

    omg! i think we're totally missing out on the in and out awesomeness!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,
    It was 53,000 something.. 443 flights of stairs. Turns out it is a Strava segmet for trail runners. 19 people have run it (I don't understand because it is big steps up, slipery rocks, sheets of granite, pushing through crown of thorn bushes, next to cliffs, and steep...) but it is 7.7 miles one way and the fastest people run it in under 2 hours. Including stops we did it in 8 and my TK is marathon fit and said he didn't want to move any faster than I was moving. We did stop and take pictures (he had camera and tripod), we stopped and cooked lunch too, filtered water, etc. Long and short of it we could go faster without packs, but it is a rated hike in a hiking guide for the area and is as challenging as they come.

    NSV - one time on the way back down TK asked me to stop and rest a minute. That is a first! I am usually the rester and there is nothing wrong with it. It is just, TK is a beast. He loves endurance and pushing hard. His guy friends are coming for a weekend of biking and running and one guy marked it on his calendar as the suffer fest. So for me to out-endure even once is astonishing. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    My clothes from the hike were so rank yesterday (5240 feet elevation gain, 16 miles, 25 lbs on my back) that I was embarrassed to walk into In N Out burger to feed my face after the hike...but, I was HUNGRY.

    Screw embarassment! You totally rocked that hike!!


    How many steps did you get Laura?

    I wish we had In N Out on the East Coast,
    It was 53,000 something.. 443 flights of stairs. Turns out it is a Strava segmet for trail runners. 19 people have run it (I don't understand because it is big steps up, slipery rocks, sheets of granite, pushing through crown of thorn bushes, next to cliffs, and steep...) but it is 7.7 miles one way and the fastest people run it in under 2 hours. Including stops we did it in 8 and my TK is marathon fit and said he didn't want to move any faster than I was moving. We did stop and take pictures (he had camera and tripod), we stopped and cooked lunch too, filtered water, etc. Long and short of it we could go faster without packs, but it is a rated hike in a hiking guide for the area and is as challenging as they come.

    NSV - one time on the way back down TK asked me to stop and rest a minute. That is a first! I am usually the rester and there is nothing wrong with it. It is just, TK is a beast. He loves endurance and pushing hard. His guy friends are coming for a weekend of biking and running and one guy marked it on his calendar as the suffer fest. So for me to out-endure even once is astonishing. :)

    Yay you!
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Confession: My shirt was so rank by the end of my workout that I could hardly stand to be around me. I pulled it out of the clean laundry, too. If some baking powder doesn't help, this is one UA workout shirt that is going in the trash!

    My favorite Lululemon sports bra was like that too. It finally stopped reeking but it almost had to go in the trash.