
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm new to "community". How do I find this group without looking all over the place when I log on?
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    kat0209, so glad you joined. Now at least if your patience is tested, you won't be as alone.

    Charlie has promised me that if he feels OK that he will take a walk with me tomorrow. We have two malls here in town. One the original is pretty much doctor's offices and antique stores now and that is the mall walker place. He used to walk 3 miles a day. It is essential for his Parkinson's. So that is my goal to get him there tomorrow. Even if we walk 1/2 mile, it's better than what he has done. Plus his appointment with the neurologist is Monday and he needs to be able to tell him that he has started again.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Debarella
    Debarella Posts: 16 Member
    This I think I know. ☆go to the top of this page & click the star. When you check into the community page of fp hit the star logo & it will show you which ones you have stared, CLICK the one you want to check in with & wala your there.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This is my baby, Charro, hiding her eyes :)fqv8u1iwaipl.jpg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CJ: Mexican Train is a game played with dominoes. Our family loves to play. :heart:

    No Excuses: After I retired I was a mess health-wise. My first venture toward better health was to take a yoga class from a local woman. I stayed with her classes for a couple of years, but she eventually needed a regular job to help support her family. Somewhere along the way I found MFP and began counting calories. The two together made a miracle for me. After my yoga teacher had to go to a regular job I found that there were yoga classes at a local fitness club and I joined. That is where I take yoga now. :flowerforyou:

    Riding lesson tomorrow! Yay! The weather is lousy and I'm grateful there is an arena available so that I can ride and be dry no matter what the weather is like, but I'd sure like to go for a ride outside. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    joyce- I'm so glad that Charlie is improving. It was nice to hear the love he is showing you <3

    Janetr - Charro is so cute! She looks like she's very comfortable!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Debarella wrote: »
    This I think I know. ☆go to the top of this page & click the star. When you check into the community page of fp hit the star logo & it will show you which ones you have stared, CLICK the one you want to check in with & wala your there.

    Thanks! I'm glad there are people who are kind enough to help me. Not sure how all this works but trying to learn.
  • SallyDans
    SallyDans Posts: 11 Member
    Women over 50, that's me....
    The weight has crept on, and is stubbornly hard to get rid of. It is impeding some of my activities and I must get rid of it. I hope reading others journey comments will be motivating. I know consistency and tenacity are key!
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    I will call Becca later today if we don't hear from her. Hopefully she has just been busy and all is ok.

    Gloria - love and HUGS to all <3
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all... raining outside, but checked on Marcelyn's Houston area and only a few scattered flurries headed her way this morning. We can always use it in the desert side of Texas, just needs to be slow. When it's coming down in buckets, it just runs off again.

    The DH came in to town last night, and is sleeping the sleep of the justifiably tired. No word from the folks where he applied for the job, so he's resigning himself to doing what he's doing now until the right thing comes along. I'm torn--I want him to be doing what he wants to do, but we can't afford to do all the renovations to the warehouse without his wages... 'tis a conundrum.

    But for now, it's nearly 4 a.m., 'bout to start on my second cup of coffee, and it's time to get some work done.

    Love y'all...
    Lisa in damp West Texas
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016

    Karen/Virginia – I know exactly what you mean about this group. I find it very inspiring, but I’ve been posting on and off for about a year and I often wonder when I will feel like part of the group.


    Linda/IA I lived in one tiny town in Nebraska until I was 18. I didn't have to learn how to be the "new kid", because I never was. Now that I think back, I realize how it must have been for my friends that moved to our town in 4th grade or 7th grade, or how the country girls felt coming in to town for high school after being in their rural schools through 8th grade.

    Their are 7 women from my graduating high school class that are my soul sisters...and only one of them started kindergarten with me. So I kinda think it's my turn to be the new girl and find out how to fit in. I think I am on my way to being "soul sisters" with the women on this forum and that it is already enriching my life and making my journey to optimal health easier, regardless of how intimidating a Big Fat Forum is to an introvert who is not a Chatty Cathy by nature. It's making me stretch. It's a good hurt. Hang in there with me, won't you?

    Kim :'( for your nephew

    Janetr I love Charro, what a little poser...

    G'Morning, Friends!

    Karen in Virginia

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,988 Member
    morning ladies~
    slept pretty well and have a load of laundry in and we will go down to feed DFIL with Killer lol that is what the residents call Homer the poodle mix,but they so enjoy having come down we bring down on the weekends..
    Dont know what the day brings but Tom and I are going to see Mary Chapin Carpenter tonight in NorthHampton Ma. tonight.. this is the concert he is really looking forward too so I am glad about that...
    Just Loved the picture of Penny and Heather, can't wait to hear about there adventures...
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Had a nice time at the party. Had lots of buffers (other people to talk to) had gorgeous weather and a glass of red wine (rare for me).
    Spoke with one lady curious about my weight loss and she really wouldn't let the topic go. So I pulled out my phone and I showed her MFP and told her the reason I am able to keep at it was you all :p cause logging walking are a big part but sharing with you a:persevere: has made the difference with m:open_mouth:
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Glo ~ Congrats on the weight loss. You are doing great!

    Janet ~ Charro is a cutie. Would love to see her when she is not hiding her face.

    NYKaren ~ Glad you enjoyed your party.

    Welcome to all the new comers!

    Cleaned most of the carpets yesterday and took the Pom to get his nails clipped. Will do laundry today and try watering the Zoysia that is dying on one side of the yard.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Just ordered zoysia grass plugs to fill in the top part of our yard. We used plugs to grow it in our front yard. A lot of work but much cheaper than sod. Hope we have the energy to plant when it arrives.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Hi folks!
    Just got Internet back!
    We had a fabulous day with Penny and her husband, who were such attentive and generous hosts. <3
    My only problem was that I was too excited to sleep at all the night before, so I was really not my usual self. I hope Penny can forgive me . At the museum my sea legs and exhaustion meant I was tipping over sideways!
    We saw pretty much all of Longyearbyen on a walking tour with Penny, including the lovely church, the old coal mines, the government buildings, the school, the Olympic sized swimming pool and the shops. We went to the museum and met up with Penny's DH who drove us around the farther reaches to see bird life, reindeer, husky dogs, a seed bank and tracking stations. Plus glorious scenery from a high up spot and deep snow. She even asked us back for chilli that evening. B)
    Later we tried to find my lost hat at the Institute, but to no avail. As they brought us back to the ship at 8pm it started to sleet, but in general the weather was pretty OK.
    Today she texted me to say she has found my hat! :D
    Altogether an incredible experience. :D Truly unbelievable that we two could have met up at the top of the world.
    Unfortunately I will have to leave it to Penny to post pics as our Internet speed is far too slow.

    Got to rush now for a cookery demo.

    Heather, drifting past Penny again on her way to the next stop.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    Debarella wrote: »
    This I think I know. ☆go to the top of this page & click the star. When you check into the community page of fp hit the star logo & it will show you which ones you have stared, CLICK the one you want to check in with & wala your there.

    Thanks! I'm glad there are people who are kind enough to help me. Not sure how all this works but trying to learn.

    :) This thread has the kindest women I've ever met....I hope you will both come back often and become part of our community.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday!
    Penny and Heather-SO thrilled to see your faces and know that you were able to meet and spend time together! I think the whole group is doing one big happy dance about this! Very special to know that two members of our group can have some face time. <3
    Marcelyn- Safe travels for you! Enjoy your vacation. Hope your sister is doing well soon and hope your tests come out fine.
    Anne and Pip- regarding bikes: I totally agree with Pip. Figure out what you want, get measured professionally (I do this with running shoes; measure at running store then buy online for less) find bike on craigslist or garage sales. Anne, I think I mentioned on here before, that my dh got us his/her "touring" bikes. They have a wider tire and are supposed to be more comfortable for people of "a certain age". I HATE this bike. The wider tire makes the bike go slower and gives me less coasting time on hills or straight-aways. I live in a very hilly area and my theory on bike riding is that I need to get from point A to point B in as little time as possible. SO...I am pulling my dh's Trek out of the shed and taking it in for a tune-up, lowering the seat and using that. I will probably use the touring bike for my rides to and from the trail I hike bc it is only 3 miles away; but for my trips into town or into the store, or my trips pulling the kids in the burley...I am using the Trek. I, too, use a helmet. I don't like to, but it is the only way I can get my kiddos to wear theirs.
    Linda and other newbies- I, too, am a newbie. I found this group in January of this year and you can tell right away the bond that these ladies have. Some of them have been together on this journey for many years. That is part of what I find inspiring about this thread. So many different women, at different stages in life, different experiences, abilities, talents. But here we all are. Confiding, supporting, helping, be-friending. Whether my posts are acknowledged or not (and they usually are by at least one person) some times you just need to vent or KNOW that some one hears your voice. Welcome and I hope you find what you need!
    Well, it is Saturday. I got the mower back from the repair shop yesterday. They found that the power drive was messed up, so the three or four times I mowed this year; I was mowing without the power drive. Pushing that huge thing up and down the hills in my yard. No wonder I was exhausted after each time! I thought I was just REALLY out of shape since last summer! Anyway, they didn't charge for the repair, as my son had helped them out earlier and they felt they owed us a favor! :) So...it looks like another big calorie burning weekend for me. The lawn, setting up my planter boxes, and a couple of bike rides and hikes. The sun is out and looks like it will be a nice weekend!
    Thinking of you all! Love and hugs, KJ (Kelly)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Debarella wrote: »
    This I think I know. ☆go to the top of this page & click the star. When you check into the community page of fp hit the star logo & it will show you which ones you have stared, CLICK the one you want to check in with & wala your there.

    Thanks! I'm glad there are people who are kind enough to help me. Not sure how all this works but trying to learn.

    Kat - we're glad you found us. This is a terrific group of supportive, caring ladies. Keep coming back and ask any question you may. Someone will have an answer. Please sign each post with a name you would like to be called.

    Debarella welcome to you also. Tell us about yourself and a name you'd like to be called. Thanks for helping Kat. :)

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Linda IA I'm sorry you don't consider yourself one of us. I started just a couple of weeks before you and I think we all consider you "ours". Please keep coming back, posting and sharing. We'll love on you. (((Hugs))

    Karen VA we too enfold you as a "soul sister". For sure Charro is a character.

    Janetr okc