

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    My visitors have left. Good job they were here to slightly distract me from my misery.
    DH at cricket.
    Lovely pics everyone! But I'm glad we didn't have high school graduation in my children's day. I didn't even go to their uni graduation, though my ex did. But then, I didn't go to my own. ;)
    Neither do we go round visiting colleges over here. Parents are more hands off.
    Don't really know what to do with myself. Hide under a blanket.
    Still having to use my phone as no Internet.
    Will someone please wake me up from this nightmare.
    Love Heather xxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    good morning ladies~
    Heather~ wish I was there to give you a big hug and tell you everything will be ok.. but you know your friends here are here to support you and send you lots of love xoxoxo
    got up and went grocery shopping.. didn't do as well as I had hoped in the savings department,only 60.00 but better than nothing..
    I have all my stuff packed and ready to go, except for a couple of sandwiches that I will make thursday morning..
    will get some cleaning done today.. and over the next couple of mornings..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DJ – Yep, it’s easy. Money, that is.

    Linda/IA – Getting a lot of exercise (loading and unloading car), then some more to get to the pool.

    Kim in N. California – Knew the ‘beer’ trick worked. Slugs are so stupid, they love beer.

    Lisa – My son works for 5 men; but, he is ‘in control’ of everything; and, getting their places set up for when they come down for the weekend. Often DDnL#2 will help him in 4 of their places; the main boss has a weekly maid coming in. Just have to check behind her to make sure she has put things away where they are supposed to be and to have towels out. He will usually pay her a small amount for doing so. Of course, they now stay in Vidalia where DDnL#2’s little house is; and, then spend some of time in Will’s place they have named as ‘their lake house’. He goes to work right outside Clayton (about a 25 mile trip). She crosses the MS River to get to her job. Right at the moment they are discussing ‘in vitro fertilization’; but, they’ll wait to do it after they get back home from vacation. They’ve put ‘house hunting’ off the table because of this ‘procedure’. I’m not sure I even want to know when they ‘try’ … would rather wait until 3 or 4 months afterwards and ‘hopefully’ it is successful. I know I have mentioned this several times; just want you ladies to keep them ‘in your prayers’. This is their last resort.

    Cracker gets so excited whenever somebody comes over, or if she hears the ‘dawgs’ next door tipping the cat’s dish to see if she has eaten it, She is still favoring her left paw, poor baby has had so many things happen it it. First she apparently ran into DYS’s truck will as he was leaving; then she stepped on a thorn, which had left some in it so they had to ‘dig’ it out; she has a ‘stubbed’ pad; then, finally split her middle toe nail all the way into the quick, so it had to be taken off. When she is running like the wind, she is on all 4’s until she slows down and either sees us or has something said to her. DH tells me when I tell her to ‘put it down’; she thinks I am ‘telling her to get down’. She’ll lie down and go into her submission pose. Do now I tell her to ‘run/walk’ walk on all 4’s.” She is getting a little better about putting it down.

    Carol/Peach – Roof might be old; but, I think I would get insurance company out to see if it has ever been damaged by hail; they might pay some or all of the costs. Won’t hurt to try.

    Lillian and Katla – It took me almost 3 years to get used to my ‘retirement due to a disability’. I wanted to work; but, it was impossible. But, then I wondered how I took care of children, worked – sometimes very long hours and weekends, and took care of housework, etc.; but I am now enjoying it immensely.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    morning peeps -

    so far 558.8mi

    well, my guess, is if i ride to/from home every day til thursday, with riding to the gym and spinning every day til thursday, i should have about 687.8mi. if NO ONE ELSE rides for the rest of the week (which i doubt) i will move up to 4th place in the state and 1st place female.. not bad for a little poor kid from Mendota California huh!

    gotta go to the gym and spin, i hope she can last thru this next week
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Well, I guess it's afternoon, now. Happy Sunday!
    Pip - YOU are a rockstar! Pulling inspiration from you!
    Karen- Thank you for putting into words what is going on in the UK. I have been following and got a little irked when this huge event for the UK was covered by the media in terms of "what it's going to affect in the U.S.". Perspective.
    Beth and KarenNY- Love the pictures! Momentous times in your kid's lives (and yours as well). Blessings to both/all of you as your move forward.
    Penny- Always nice to see your smiling face.

    We are coming up on the end of June, so I took a moment to go over my list of June goals and resolutions. I have been a bad, bad girl. Summer came and most of my goals went out the window. SO...I will probably stick with the same goals for July, but this time DO IT! I was trying to rationalize my slide into the "world of bad habits" by thinking; "...it's summer. It is so hard to stick to my food plan, fit in the walks/bike rides, in the summer..." and "...maybe it would be better to amp up the exercise in the fall..." LOL. Oh, no. I can't do that. I have come to realize, there is no "perfect" time to take better care of yourself. There is always a holiday, event, company coming over, celebration, vacation...the list of excuses goes on and on. So...the perfect time to take care of me, is now.

    All of the junk food and alcohol is out of the house, now. I got in 25 miles on my bike this weekend and about 10 miles walking. I have all of my veggies and fruits washed and prepped and ready to eat. Cooked up some chicken and portioned it out for meals. I got this. I can do this.

    In the meantime; the wheel fell off my lawnmower again. In the middle of the hill in the back yard! Grrrr... Taking in to the repair shop today. Remember that commercial (well maybe you don't, it may have been local) for Discount Tire? They had a commercial advertising that if you aren't happy with their tires you can return them for a full refund, and it showed a little old lady doing this awesome herculean discus throw with the tire and lofting it through the front window of the Discount Tire store...then the broadcasters voice says "Thank You." I am wondering if I have the upper body strength to do that with my lawn mower....I may need Larisa's help.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »

    In the meantime; the wheel fell off my lawnmower again. In the middle of the hill in the back yard! Grrrr... Taking in to the repair shop today. Remember that commercial (well maybe you don't, it may have been local) for Discount Tire? They had a commercial advertising that if you aren't happy with their tires you can return them for a full refund, and it showed a little old lady doing this awesome herculean discus throw with the tire and lofting it through the front window of the Discount Tire store...then the broadcasters voice says "Thank You." I am wondering if I have the upper body strength to do that with my lawn mower....I may need Larisa's help.


  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Ladies, I know it's been about a month since you've heard from me, a lot has changed in my life and I've been too busy to post.

    As you may know, I closed my business of almost 20 years and began working for someone on June 1. Unfortunately I found out once I began the job that the hours I was to work was misrepresented and at that point I was over a barrel and had to accept it. I was told 40 hours/week and 4 hours every other Saturday. They did not tell me that I would be on call with a company cell phone and computer for the entire weekend on the Saturday I would be working and that I was on call after work for the entire week following. I have had 2 half days to myself since I started, so I essentially have no life. They keep telling me that things will get better but they are short handed right now. I am on salary so I'm not even compensated monetarily. I am trying to keep my spirits up. I am averaging 91 hours per week.

    Unfortunately, because of these hours I have not been able to exercise like I did in the past. I try to take a walk during the day but so many days I do not get a lunch hour. Mornings find me hitting the snooze button instead of getting on the elliptical even though I go to bed early. My right elbow is giving me trouble and I'm afraid to stronglife or use the kettle bell. Consequently I've put on some weight, probably not more than 5 lbs. but I can feel it in my clothes. More than half the women I work with are extremely overweight and I can see why. They are chained to their desks and the company just feeds them...lunch is ordered about 3 times a week and it is nothing healthy. I bring breakfast and lunch in daily and have so far resisted. I drink a lot of water all day and it gives me an excuse to get up and go to the ladies room often. I try to walk Jake the rescue dog, when I get home but some evenings I get home so late I'm too exhausted. Fortunately the evenings I have walked him the weather has been beautiful so it was very enjoyable. I used to walk at least 5 miles/day and my total for the entire second week of June was less than 13 miles, this is awful. I have been endulging in ice cream some evenings. I am struggling to find my new normal.

    As far as my love life...I am still seeing PB (potential boyfriend) whom I met through a dating site on April 6. He is appalled at the hours I am working but has been very accommodating. We haven't been able to go out because I'm on an electronic leash but he has set up my laptop so I can work from his home. We are trying to make the best of things.

    I appreciate you thinking of me during my absence and thank you Janet and Mary for reaching out to me. It made me feel less alone to know you cared. I was trying to read the posts in order to keep up with all of you and finally caught up this morning. Love to you all!

    Chris in MA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    KJ clearing out the pantry and fridge is a big step! Keep going, I agree there really is no perfect time to start making changes...just keep making choices. Funny how eating well takes so much more prep but once you get in that mindset it does get easier

    Chris the job sounds like the tech world my husband escaped from. No boundaries for a personal life. Good thing you are avoiding the high calorie lunches and snacks. Thinking of you and hoping they hire folks to spread the work out.

    I know folks are struggling with tough weather so that makes me feel a little guilty about NY having such beautiful weather but man....I am enjoying the sun and low humidity. Makes the garden even more enjoyable. There always seems to be something to work on in the backyard and hauling and bending has to be burning some calories. NYKAREN
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Chris, thank you so very much for the update. I will keep you in my thots and prayers that the new job does indeed settle down and give you back a "life" of your own. I'm happy to hear that BF and you are working on time together and making it work. Big (((hugs).

    Janetr okc
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    KJLaMore wrote: »

    ...In the meantime; the wheel fell off my lawnmower again. In the middle of the hill in the back yard! Grrrr... Taking in to the repair shop today. Remember that commercial (well maybe you don't, it may have been local) for Discount Tire? They had a commercial advertising that if you aren't happy with their tires you can return them for a full refund, and it showed a little old lady doing this awesome herculean discus throw with the tire and lofting it through the front window of the Discount Tire store...then the broadcasters voice says "Thank You." I am wondering if I have the upper body strength to do that with my lawn mower....I may need Larisa's help.

    mowing-the-lawn-smiley-emoticon.gif discus-smiley-emoticon.gif[/UR
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Hello ladies trying to catch up on all the posts.

    KJLaMore that's funny.

    Chris those hours are rough. Been there?

    Carol know how you feel with the rental. I am down to the two family I live in and have my sister in the other unit. I was amazed at how some people treat their homes when I had other rentals. Even when I rented back in the day I always kept the place like I owned it.

    Pip I am just in awe about the number of miles. Superwoman.

    Love the pics. Congratulations to all the graduates. Hugs to anyone who may need one.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Chris in MA))) So sorry the job has not turned out to be what you expected. It sounds awful and I hope the pressure lets up soon.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Chris - thanks for posting. Sounds horrific!

    Just heard from DDIL that we can go up to London on Thursday to see the grandchildren. :D<3 She said that they are also very shocked and upset by the referendum.
    Love Heather
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Chris, thanks for popping in and letting us know how you are. Sorry about your job and the fact that they weren't entirely truthful with you but so glad you are with your guy.

    Back really bothering me still. I think it really bothers me the most on Saturday nights so it makes it hard for me to go to church. I even pulled out my heating pad to use in bed last night.

    DVR'd men's gymnastics last night. Really want to watch it but DH is watching golf. I guess I could venture down to his man cave and watch it down there. But yet the show will stay on the DVR and the results won't be any different whether I watch it this afternoon or tomorrow.

    Speaking of tomorrow, I have my appointment with dentist. Hopefully I can try on my partial plate for the first fitting!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Chris hope things get better soon.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    t12022.gifWe're watching the DVR recording of last night's baseball game...the announcer just told us the pitcher's height and weight and it made me very grateful that I've never earned my living doing something where someone will announce my height and weight to an audience. :)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2016
    Chris in MA – Are you SERIOUS about the job? That’s ‘criminal’. Have you ‘thought’ about reporting them to the Labor Department? In GA, by law, if you work over 40 hours; they have to pay you overtime (at time-and-a-half). Weekends, maybe the same, work on ‘holidays’ (double time). Women chained to their desks; are you being sarcastic? Electric monitor? WHAT have you done? Committed ‘murder’ or something? My @$$ would be 'gone' (if I had anything to do with it). GEEZ, I would have been 'gone' the first week; and, 'flip burgers' if I had to and/or get a 2nd job if I had to in order to pay my bills. Nobody should have to put up with that type of abuse.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    total stat for the day:
    spin- 48min, 96ar, 54aw, 7g, 145mhr, 10.1mi = 324c