

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Allie, WE know you did a great thing. Sorry you are getting flak about gas of all things.

    Michele, I will say a prayer for Jess--we could both write books on the things kids say and the things they don't say!

    Heather, glad you are on the mend!

    Joyce, I think everyone gets denied 2 or 3 times for SSD from what I hear--sounds like a policy they have. It is a mystery to me.

    Lenora, so sad to hear about the storm damage. Glad you are okay!

    Bad sleep night, feeling draggy, hard to focus, oh well...

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Karen thank you for the recipe for the cauliflower pizza crust going to try it this weekend. Sound like it will be tasty.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    HEATHER ~ Sending you good wishes for a quick healing. So glad you went to see the doctor.

    We spent over an hour trying to figure out my earnings for selling vintage jewelry. I made less than $200 for the year and am ready to give up. Evidently, there is a glut of vintage jewelry on the market and even the coveted designers are not going for great prices. Will just pack it all up and wait until the market gets better.

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone
    Kevrit Congrats on the loss
    Deb in PEI "last 10 lbs" - wow, way to go although I have heard that is very hard, never been that close yet
    Margaret Bless your heart, teaching is hard and even harder when you are in pain
    Tracie hope yr app't went well
    Jolene glad you are back and don't be so hard on yourself <3
    Mary your keto challenge sounds very challenging lol!
    Wally love your resolutions especially the last one
    Yvonne I hear you, that was me this week, it is very disappointing
    Betty hope you sleep well tonight
    Heather oh my what you are going through :/ I hope you are on the mend <3

    Improvement on the treadmill this morning but can't seem to shake off the weight even though I am staying on target. I don't know if it is hormones, stress but it is hard when I don't see some weight loss results. And I believe that it is not all about the number but some of it is :# I think my new focus is getting unstuck!

    Have a great evening everyone.
    Sarah, Ontario, Canada

    Nothing worth having comes easily
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Peach, sorry you didn't make anymore money on what you love to do. My parents loved refurbishing antiques but just couldn't sell what they did. They couldn't make any money on that either. Their dream was to have an actual antique store instead of having a booth at local craft fairs. A booth for antiques was usually several table space worth and each table cost whether they had an actual table or just the space to have a table. So all of us kids got what they worked on which was wonderful.

    Where my physical therapy is is at a corner that at the time school is let out is a bear to get out into the traffic. So today I parked at McDonalds and walked 1/2 block. It got me walking plus I resisted buying anything when I got back to the car.

    Heather, glad you are a titch better today. Maybe tomorrow you can get out and there will be sunshine. How much longer do you have there???

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Leigh in France – I’ll have to find the picture of his great-grandfather; as I remember it has his name and place (of what, I’m not sure). His Granddaddy was only 6, I think, when they moved to Americus. I will do some checking.

    NYKAREN – Happy birthday and bit early; same to your DH; and Happy Anniversary, too!

    Allie – With a crane, probably. Tell him you were just ‘checking on him’. LOL! No <3 ? No caring about someone you 'helped'?

    Katie – GREAT! Isn’t it a ‘great’ feeling?

    Margaret – My 3rd grade teacher was seriously schizophrenic. I don’t remember much about her class; because I spend most of the time standing outside the door in the hall; there were other 3rd graders, from other classes, who were out as well. One reason I have a serious case of Arachnophobia is because of her. We were NOT allowed to get out of our desks, for any reason. So the spider dropped down from the ceiling and crawled up on my arm and bit me. I did not get ‘out of the desk’ (my feet never touched the floor). I crawled up in my seat and screamed ‘bloody murder’. She came over and I showed her the bite; but, did she care? NO, she ‘literally’ slapped me ‘out of the desk’. That is my only memory of 3rd grade.

    Tracie – You’d be better off to come to the 3rd or 4th page before it ends; and, read the others 2 or 3 extra at the time. It’s hard to do; but, I had 4 days to read through my Daily Bible to catch up; but, the story lines sort of prevents me from ‘skipping over’ pages.

    Betty – We’re very thankful to be ‘ok’, too; we were right in the thick of things; but, I think the bigger one either sucked into it … lifted it, or sent it north of us.

    Heather – You think it might be your appendix (if you have it still)? Don’t take your shower unless DH is home with you. Even though we have a seat in our shower; most of it holds shampoo, razors, shaving cream and such. I can bounce up against the wall of it and Louis will come in and ask me ‘if’ I am ok.
    Once, I had a seizure in the process of trying to step out of my son’s bathtub. It was further down to the ground like a lot of trailers; and, I misjudged the distance and tumbled down, shower curtain and rod and all; but, I did not hit my head on the toilet. They had just come in from hunting. Louis asked me WTH happened?

    Carol – I have a Christmas tree that Mother made about 55 years ago. She got a big cone of Styroform and covered it with some green (sort of looked like suede); glued it; then glued jewels from old jewelry and glued them on; she took short pins and stuck little beads on it between the jewels. The gold rickrack around the bottom; and, gold cord was wrapped around the tree and pinned in various spots. Then she stuck an ornament shaped like a multi-point star into the top of it. It’s a bit faded; but, I still put it out at Christmas.

    Tracie – That is a good feeling, I’m sure!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Tracie- awesome news!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    Heather~ so glad you are among the living again.... hope the scripts help heal you fast..
    Tracie~ what a wonderful feeling to be in the clear!! congrats..
    I am just home from work, our full time Dr has been out with the flu, let me tell you we are wiping things down with disinfectant wipes to beat the band...
    Tomorrow is my eye exam- but can't afford the glasses for a few more weeks, so will see if 1- I need a new script which I think I must because I am getting a headache from doing alot of computer work.. will see what I will be able to get..
    also going to a dear friends house for tea tomorrow after the eye exam...
    also will have to look for suction cups for windows.. the window feeder I have finally gave up the ghost and I love watching the birds... can't afford a new feeder
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: It sounds like the doctor gave you reasons to hope & medicine so that you'll be feeling better. :heart:

    Tracie: Congrats on the all clear from your oncologist. YAY!!! :bigsmile:

    I showed up for yoga today along with many other students but no teacher came. We did a bit of yoga on our own and went home. This has only happened one other time that I recall. We've gotten some things done at home that are satisfying. After a call to the VW dealer we got step-by-step guidance to install the new rear window wiper on my car. We also got a tax questionnaire turned into our accountant, and have rescheduled the second eye surgery. Yay!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Tracie, that is fantastic!

    Chris, I don't think I've ever worn a 6. Congrats on getting back on track.

    Margaret, best of luck with your DH's upcoming surgery.