
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    picture is wee rocco hes 12 next month hes so cute & cheeky too my fur baby x
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Morning on my way to my dads house, then on to rehab center to pick him up...and take him to his new home. I made myself an health breakfast...trying to balance today!'
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    cbabie I wish you didn't have to go through all this with your dad. Change is always hard but I bet there are some good things about this new home. Meanwhile, look at you. Sleeping because of depression might be a good thing. You always talk about how little sleep you get normally. See Find the good thing. The eating probably comes to make yourself feel good. You just want some comfort. How else can you get some comfort.

    jackie Nice to see you back. How have things behave madeen since you've been gone?

    NEOHgirl congrats on the loss. Your goals seem very doable. Look how much progress you have made. I need to get my UMPH back I remember a saying There is no tmph without umph.

    rickweinberg Good words of wisdom to cbabie. Put your own oxygen mask on first as they say.

    danka My parents used to have a dog like that. I swear they treated her better than us kids. My mom always said because the dog didnt talk back. lol Your dinner sounds wonderful. Congrats to your mum and dad. So what's the plan for the goodies in your house?

    gemwolf Woohoo on that promotion Day shift will be great.

    Thanks for all the bday wishes.

    Great news for me. My fitbit works again. It was the charger that was bad. I had worn a fitbit for 5 years. Very weird not to check my steps. Maybe the excitement will cause me to reach my step goal.

    Here's a video that I watched about WW This lady is a sister to the other lady. Originally I was watching her videos about the WW meetings. But then she stopped losing weight. Meanwhile the other sister was just doing her own thing and losing slowly but then she joined WW and now they both seem on fire.

    This video is about combining WW simply filling and Smart points depending on the day. The video is about 30 min long so depending on your time you might watch it in 10 min spurts or listen to it while commuting to work. It showed how to fit a plan(s) to match your lifestyle vs changing the lifestyle to match a plan. She's been losing avg 2 lbs a week since she started doing that.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! I'm back from Tucson. It was exhausting, but fun. I flew back yesterday morning and took the rest of the day off to recuperate. It turns out I needed it: I took a short nap and woke up with a terrible migraine. Went to bed at 7:30 and woke up with a slight headache but nothing compared to yesterday's. Food while away wasn't healthy most of the days. I even binged on potato chips and dip one night. I'm back in my normal environment, that should help things settle down.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all! Hubby and I are going out to dinner at a Spanish restaurant. There is a flamenco show as well, it should be fun. It's a fixed 4 course menu, I think the two choices are paella and filet mignon. I'm not sure which I want, both sound good. I got hubby some nice chocolates in the airport at Las Vegas yesterday. I hope he keeps them to himself lol.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good morning all,

    @cbabie - I know it is a hard transition for you both. It takes about 45 days for a resident to get settled into their new surroundings. The nice thing for you, when you adjust is that it lightens your burden knowing that there are others to help you look after your dad. It will get easier for you. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

    @gemwolf110 - Congratulations on the job! I am so happy for you! Your hard work and preparation paid off. You rock!

    @trooworld - I am glad Tucson went well for you. I am glad you got home safely. Sorry about the headache. Have a nice time tonight.

    I am not following my plan at all right now. Between my trip to IL last week and leaving for Phoenix on Monday, my mind has been all over the place. So many things to get ready for the girls so they don't need me or miss me while I am gone. A lot of things have come up with getting my oldest daughter settled in her new place as well. I am doing o.k. stress-wise just doing one task after another. But trying to focus on my eating just seems to be too much right now. So I try to make good choices and just move on if I don't.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Liz <3

    February Goals
    1 January 2017 239 1 Feb 234.8
    1. Log all food out 3 of 28 days Under calories 3 of 28 days Over calories 16 of 31 days Protein goal 0 of 28 days
    2. Exercise 16 hours (960 minutes) 135
    3. Managing stress 5 out of 28 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    The past two days have been pretty good for me. I'm still glad about my loss. I think weighing in on the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday after making poor choices was not the best decision. I'm hoping that another loss this week will put me at one step back and two steps forward. The daughter drama has died down for now. Her grades are actually coming up. Since she is grounded and has no mobile device she is commicating with us more and does not get as puffy about when we ask about her homework.

    I will right more later.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    trooworld Flamenco show sounds fun. So back to your routine. I can't wait to get back to my routine and I didn't go anywhere but having dd here is harder than I thought.

    mysticlizard Which part of IL did you go too? I've got friends all over IL. Another trip to AZ too. You and trooworld must want to escape the cold. So how about commit to just tracking what you eat during this time.

    rickweinberg Isn't it grand when things in our lives go well. I hope another loss for you again this week. We just have to do this day by day.

    I had no formal exercise but I walked all around the mall enough to reach my step goal. So will try again today. Dd is leaving on Thursday and I'll figure out how I could do better next time. There's always room for improvement

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! The flamenco show and dinner was really nice. I had paella and a mushroom empanada and a salad. We took dessert to go and it's still in the fridge, no room in my belly! lol Was so tired, when we got back, I just stayed up for about 25 minutes and then went to bed.

    @mysticlizard that sounds like a good plan. Just do the best you can. I hope things smooth out soon.

    @rickweinberg yeah I try not to weigh in on days after I eat out of the normal. I know if I do, I will likely show a gain and sometimes I'm not up for that. I'm glad the daughter situation is getting better.

    @theslightedgeforever it was fun! Yeah, even when visitors are around, it's hard to keep to a routine. I understand completely!

    @gemwolf110 yikes, that is late to be cooking a quiche! I do love quiche though. I hope you get some sleep.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Morning all my newbie friends.

    I thank God everyday for this board. Yesterday was the first day I did not go see my dad. It was hard not to go, but I have to start the process of not being there every day. I had a full day at work yesterday, not being there one day set me backwards and having nonstop meetings back to back didn't help. I have to get my rear in gear and go walk and get ready for my 9am appointment.

    @gemwolf110 ..I am so happy for you! Congratulations.
    @theslightedgeforever You will get your routine again...are you still using Trello?
    @rickweinberg Thank you for your sincere concern. I am trying to find the balance in my life. This is a long process, but I know this too shall pass. It does make me start watching my habits, and my symptoms if any...I am very much my dad..I just chose to start earlier in trying to be healthy.
    @mysticlizard Wow 45 almost caused me to cry..but then I thought you know this has been going on for 30 days doesn't seem possible, but I know tis true. I hope you have not had to do this. I wouldn't wish this process on anyone.
    @dankas001 glad your back!!!
    @trooworld Sounds like you had great night and you knew when to stop eating. I think I would have had the dessert..LOL

    okay guys, I really have to go now.

  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Hello all - here is a quick check-in while I should be working. It's been a crazy, hectic, somewhat stressful couple of work days. I am managing though. Hit my step count yesterday, came in under my calories for the past 2 days, and will do so again today. Got my semi-annual thyroid blood work done this morning, so we'll see how that goes with all of my other test. I'm hoping my iron levels are back up so I can donate blood again. Hope you are all having a good day.
  • HappyBride917
    HappyBride917 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi All -
    Hope everyone had a good day! I was wondering if anyone has ever struggled with letting go of weight watchers? I think I've said I was going to do it before, but in the back of my head I keep thinking I should go back. I love my fitness pal...I think I have a better opportunity of being successful here (as long as I plan ahead), and I really can not afford weight watchers. I haven't been to a meeting in almost a month...I've been using myfitnesspal and trying to get a grasp at counting calories. I know someone has said to me before (on this board I'm pretty sure) it's because I'm comfortable with weight watchers and I already know it. I know that is part of it....and I haven't been too successful with WW either. I fall back into the same old habits with the program that I always have. I just cannot seem to cut the cord! I'm getting billed again in a couple of weeks so I've got to do it soon - but it's just hard for me...not sure why.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all just stopping by quick.

    @cbabie - I have placed several loved ones as well as spending much of my career working in residential facilities. I am sorry to tell you when placing someone it is a 45 day settling in process. The first week can be rough for your loved one. Then they settle in until about the third week when homesickness sets in. That I think is the hardest for the resident because they come to understand they will not be returning home. If the facility is a good fit, by 45 days the person is settled and all right with the placement. I know this will be of no comfort to you. Just get through the best you can and know if it is the right placement some of the burden will be lifted from you by a caring staff, making going forward easier. Last year I moved my mother from her home of 44 years, sorting through all her belongings, moving her, disposing of years of possessions, getting her house on the market, and getting it sold, with the added bonus of dealing with my sister that was incapable of being any help at all. All I can tell you is that you will get through it. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Know when you are feeling overwhelmed and worn out I am sending you positive thoughts and energy. Hang in there (((HUGS))).
  • beachlovertam
    beachlovertam Posts: 7 Member
    Hi new here ... still on WW through the end of the month but then mfp only. Will miss the meetings but my doctor wants me to do this and so far I am having better luck with this than I did on ww. Anyone else?

    Look forward to getting to know folks!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    I was going to write something but daughter wants to play Phase 10 I think she likes me beating her.
    So I'll check in tomorrow.

    welcome @beachlovertam
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member

    @mysticlizard I am so sorry to hear about your mom..I told someone yesterday. I have an aunt who loves to give me her opinion.. :) I wouldn't wish this on ANYONE, this is horrible to do. I appreciate your honesty and your insight. I will take it and use it to help me get through this. I came home last night and ate my to stop doing that!!!

    @beachlovertam Welcome here and yes a lot of us are ex-WW or some are still trying to do both, but most are not. I won't answer for anyone but me. I lost and got my lifetime on WW, however, I enjoy this as it tells me what is going into my body. I know some people can be "thin" and eat all junk food, but is that healthy? NO, so I know that our bodies are designed for the good food and not the junk, it will heal itself if we just take care of it!! I would ask you to really give it 100% effort for 1 month and see what you think and let us all know. I have also learned if we keep looking back at what we had...we never go forward. :) (talking to myself here) :)

    okay I have not had a good morning, and I have a customer deadline I have to get I will chat with you guys later

  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @HappyBride917: I did WW off and from the age of 19 until the age of 44. It helped me learn healthy eating, and lots of strategies to deal with tough situations. After several weeks of dual tracking on WW and MFP, and after struggling with their new program, I gave up WW and I’ve never looked back. At some point they cannot teach you anything new, and even with their program, the key to success is finding the determination and the stamina to keep at it through all of the real-world situations you find yourself in every day. You can always rejoin WW for free when they run a promotion if after a few months of MFP only you feel like you want to go back. Maybe use the money you would have spent on WW to reward yourself for your successes *_*

    @beachlovertam You are not alone. I switched in January of 2016, and have managed to lose 30+ lbs using MFP only. Welcome!

    @theslightedge… Card version or dice version? My family usually plays the card version, but I bought the dice version because it’s easier to travel with.

    @cbabie : Hope your day gets better. We’ve been dealing with DBF’s mom in a similar situation. She’s not in a residential facility yet, but they’ve had health aides pretty much round the clock for most of the past year. We know it’s only a matter of time. ((HUGS))

    Hello all – I am plugging away this week. I’ve been in a bit of a funk. Sunday was my planned day of rest and I came short of my step count on Monday by 800 steps because I just didn’t care. I’ve met my step targets the past 2 days, so I am back on track. Calorie-wise I’ve been good, managed to stay under my calorie targets 5/7 of the past days. Official WI is tomorrow and I had an awesome scale peek Tuesday that has disappeared by today but I am hoping that scale # comes back by tomorrow. My goal was to lose a full lb this week; I will be traveling next week and I want to have a good loss going into the road trip and restaurant foods for 3.5 days.

    Happy Thursday all!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Morning to all: didn't stay OP yesterday, no walk, ran out of time. Walking this morning and again trying to stay OP...I figure out of all the times I TRY I will make it..LOL

    @NEOHgirl I hope you don't have to go through it. I will tell you the emotions you go through are horrible. But it does make you look at health in a whole different matter...even mental health.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! I hope you have a great day. Here are some personals...

    @cbabie it must be very hard to manage both your dad's health and a full-time job. I don't know how you do it. Hang in there!

    @NEOHgirl that's great that you donate blood! Congrats on hitting your step goal and coming in under your calories for not one, but two days.

    @HappyBride917 yes, I struggled hard with giving up WW. In my case, it was because I had made friends at the meeting and I liked my meeting leader. But my pocket book was getting pretty empty on WW, so it had to go. I wish you luck with your decision.

    @beachlovertam welcome! That's good that you have your doctor's blessing to do MFP. Good luck!
  • cathyfalcone9819
    cathyfalcone9819 Posts: 49 Member
    Dear Happy Bride
    Take what you have learned from WW and go from there. I was a WW member forever and recently thought about going back but it sucked up too much money and with retiring soon I really needed to cut expenses. When I use mfp and follow the good health guidelines of WW I'm actually not as hungry and lose a lot
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    It's been a successful WW-week. I saw a decent loss. My sleep is getting earlier like I want, and I'm hitting my activity goals most days. My goal for the next week is to lose .5; My WI next week will be Wednesday instead of Friday because we're traveling for a long weekend. I am going to bring my workout clothes and hit the hotel gym every day while there. I also booked a facial and a pedicure at the hotel spa as a reward for my hard work. This week makes 4 losses in a row. I have 25# left to go.

    Previous WI: 2/10/17
    Starting weight in 2008: 230.0
    Starting weight 2017: 175.9
    Today’s WI: 173.5
    Weekly result: down .9#
    Yearly loss: 2.4#
    Overall loss: 56.5#
    Goal weight: 148# or less (healthy BMI)
  • beachlovertam
    beachlovertam Posts: 7 Member
    So far, 10 days in, I am loving mfp! I've lost a little almost every day even if it's only .1 I am happy to see the change!

    I feel so much more free than I did with "the points" but feel like I have to hide my face if I run into someone from ww. Do/did any of you feel similar?

    I have multiple sclerosis and lots of pain with it. Exercise is so hard for me. But I will try to do something each day this coming week.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Morning everyone! It looks like some of our regulars are missing. I am trying to get back on track and start today as the plan for life. As I see what my father is going through, it causes me to "slowly" look at my life and my health. I know there seems to be things we have no control over. There is one thing that I have learned, is that even if I don't have control God does. Even if I have no control, I can control the things I can and it will have an influence on the things I can't control. Mostly me....LOL So I have spent the morning looking at how I can manage my time and my health better. I have eaten poorly due to lack of planning and stress and just plain old fatigue.

    @trooworld Thank you, and I hope you are having a great day!
    @cathyfalcon Great advise. We can always take what we have learned in anything and apply it to our now!
    @gemwolf110 I bet you are so excited for your new hours.. :)
    @NEOHgirl great stats!
    @beachlovertam My dad has a form of MS, so I understand, I will tell you as I watch him don't give up and don't stop trying to move something!! Movement of any kind is good!! Welcome, we are glad you are here!!

    okay I have to get my busy day moving..

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    edited February 2017
    hi folks lost 3lb at 1st wi soooo happy mind you ive also had throat infection this week so mainly been having soup juice hope everyones well & having a good weekend kate xx
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    @dankas001 great job.. sorry about the throat
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all,

    I am flying to Phoenix tomorrow morning for 10 days. I will check in as I can.

    @cbabie - (((hugs)))
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    Here's the weekly WW Highlights video

    cbabie I would politely tell your aunt that she can come be caretaker anytime.

    NEOHgirl card version of Phase 10 didn't know there was a dice version. I spoke too soon about winning. My dd beat me every game once I said that. We had fun though. You are doing great with your losses. You will be imy inspiration.

    trooworld How have you been doing after finishing your Whole30. Was that what it was called or did I just make that up? lol

    cathyfalcone I agree, if you just follow the plan, any plan works. We all pretty much know what to eat and what to avoid or cut down portion sizes. For me, its just a matter of doing it consistently.

    gemwolf Everybody has to follow their own plan. Or as that one lady I like to watch does, combine 2 plans. It seems to work for her. I think if we just went back on thought about when were we most successful on this joirney. What were we eating? How were we exercising? For me food was good when I was alone. But that's not feasible long term as I like having dh around. Exercise was same thing. When visiting my dad. I go alone and he eats his food and I eat mine. I walk so much there cause he stresses me out and I need a daily escape. lol So I need to figure out a different time in my life. Oh just thought of one.

    beachlovertam When WW mates see you losing weight, no reason to hide. Maybe they will be hiding from you as they may not be losing. I have a friend with MS. She says by keeping moving, she has less flare ups. She's real slow walking she says but she gets out there with her walker and moves. Is there a local Y in your area where you could have access to a pool? That might make it easier.

    danka Yeah at the three lb loss. I hope you get better soon.

    mysticlizard Have a safe trip. The weather in Phoenix is probably good this time of year. Enjoy outside walks.

    okay took me forever to finish and it's late. But I'm here.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Lots of losses this week, congrats to all who have lost! My goal for today is to track my food. It seems like a small goal but I haven't tracked my food in over 30 days, so it's a big deal to me. I'm also meeting a friend at the gym at 4:30pm (I'm off work today and tomorrow so I have the luxury of going early) but I kind of doubt we will get much done, as I tend to laugh a lot with this friend. Hopefully we can get something done. Tomorrow, I have to get a dental implant done so I took the day off. I may go into work after the procedure, depending on how I feel. I might stay home and just chill out.

    @beachlovertam I do feel that way a bit if I run into someone I used to know from WW. But they never make me feel uncomfortable, it's always my own mind doing it.

    @theslightedgeforever no you didn't make it up, that's what it is called lol. I'm doing ok, I did binge on chips and dip while I was in Tucson, other than that I'm doing just ok. I need to get back to tracking my food in MFP. Without tracking, I feel like nobody is watching and I can eat with reckless abandonment.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Hi, everyone!!! Things have started to settle down a bit with taking my parents back and forth to Doctors and Physical Therapy. Thank goodness!! My Dad's hand is finally healing from surgery and doesn't require anymore therapy and my Mom's ankle is slowly getting better from her fall. I thank God everyday for my parents. I just got back from my dental appointment and got a good checkup. The best news is, I don't have to go back for 6 months. I was having to go every 3 months. I am one of the lucky ones that plaque builds up faster than most people. Lol. I am going to have to do some things differently. I seem to be stuck at the same weight. I know I haven't been exercising like I should. I have been journaling my food for the most part but I have decided I need to do better on both. I do pretty good at Breakfast and Lunch, on my calories, and even most of the time at Dinner. Then comes the snacking at night, which is a different story all together. Does anyone else have this problem and how do you handle it? I think I just have to really get determined!!! Congratulation to all of you that have lost weight!!!! Everyone have a very Blessed Day!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    trooworld Let me know how your dental implant goes. I don't have enough mass where they need to do the implant so I have to do a bone graft type thing first then wait for 6 months.

    lore I'm the exact same way. Tracking breakfast and lunch is a habit but not the evening. I'm not handling it I guess. I just entered my weight and realized I havent weighed for 3 weeks and gained 6.5 lbs. Dd was here 2 1/2 weeks. I guess I will start weighing daily again as that helps me but will only enter my weight on Mondays. Having my fitbit not work didn't seem to help either. Now that all of these excuses are behind me, I can move forward to better health.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    edited February 2017
    Morning friends...

    I realized I didn't post yesterday, even though I read. I just get so crazy busy these days. I was doing great and then blew it last night...sugar was calling my name and wouldn't let up. Now I have heartburn this morning...

    @trooworld I hate going to the dentist, not sure why. They tell me I have good bone structure, good teeth, etc. That just is genes..because I for sure don't take care of my teeth. You will get back on the band wagon of tracking. I have not done so well and yes I have to get back to it.

    @lore11a Night eating is the worst. I have been doing much better, but had a lapse yesterday. I have watched myself and it's usually do to something I ate before hand that triggered the craving or emotional eating... That's good on the slow down of PT and dr's..mine just seems to keep going, and I am looking forward to the day I don't have to take my Dad to the Dr, it's very tiring..

    @theslightedgeforever boy do I know the weight gain by not wanting to "see" the scale. I feel like the tracking and the weighing, makes me accountable...and I do so much better.

    Okay gals have to go walk...
