fit for october challenge



  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Hi everyone! I finally found that page I was talking about that I thought was the new mfp login page : When I went to log in today no matter what I did it kept coming up as that. Figure I would share this. Oh and I lost another 6.9 lbs :D
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Hi everyone! I finally found that page I was talking about that I thought was the new mfp login page : When I went to log in today no matter what I did it kept coming up as that. Figure I would share this. Oh and I lost another 6.9 lbs :D

    brilliant weight loss is that the 6.9 for the week or just for the past few days its a great loss either way your doing fantatsic

    i looked at the page you posted thats is amazing how much all mfp pples have lost it shows the site must be doing something right for that amount of loss
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    friday friday!! I will weigh in tomorrow morning. I have done really well on my eating this week and exercise. I have a playdate this morning with some girlfriends and all of their little ones so we will hit the gym this afternoon for some cardio. Other than that we need some good thoughts coming our way - it is almost the 1 year anniversary of my father-in-laws passing (last summer was very hard because he got really sick really fast) and we just found out that my mother-in-law is diagnosed with breast cancer. The severity of it is unkown so hopefully she will be like millions and be a survivor! She will have surgery on we will be pretty consumed with that for at least the next week if not more. Heres to hoping they got it early enough!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    friday friday!! I will weigh in tomorrow morning. I have done really well on my eating this week and exercise. I have a playdate this morning with some girlfriends and all of their little ones so we will hit the gym this afternoon for some cardio. Other than that we need some good thoughts coming our way - it is almost the 1 year anniversary of my father-in-laws passing (last summer was very hard because he got really sick really fast) and we just found out that my mother-in-law is diagnosed with breast cancer. The severity of it is unkown so hopefully she will be like millions and be a survivor! She will have surgery on we will be pretty consumed with that for at least the next week if not more. Heres to hoping they got it early enough!

    my thoughts and prayers are with you i lost my aunt to breast cancer she fought hard twice but the second time it was too much and spread its as hard for the family as it is for the paitient i pray she is in the lucky ones who survive recover and lead a great life best of luck
  • DGSki
    DGSki Posts: 71 Member
    If you are still accepting I would love to join this also!! It would be good to be accountable to a group besides myself!! :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    If you are still accepting I would love to join this also!! It would be good to be accountable to a group besides myself!! :)

    always accepting and definately its great to be accountable it makes me try harder welcome aboard
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    friday friday!! I will weigh in tomorrow morning. I have done really well on my eating this week and exercise. I have a playdate this morning with some girlfriends and all of their little ones so we will hit the gym this afternoon for some cardio. Other than that we need some good thoughts coming our way - it is almost the 1 year anniversary of my father-in-laws passing (last summer was very hard because he got really sick really fast) and we just found out that my mother-in-law is diagnosed with breast cancer. The severity of it is unkown so hopefully she will be like millions and be a survivor! She will have surgery on we will be pretty consumed with that for at least the next week if not more. Heres to hoping they got it early enough!

    I hope it will all be fine! I know 3 women (of all kind of ages) that suffered with breast cancer but they are all alive an happy! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    good morning and happy friday all

    i shattered so much for my lie in because theres no school

    heres the achievments i have so far i try and writ ethem down as you post them but please tell me when im wrong or if i missed you

    suzumichan is under 250lbs way to go you
    bj shooter lost 1lbs taking the total to 50lbs fantastic
    daisy80 lost 2lbs and 2.5iches and we love the inches so much because it makes us look skinny woohoo
    monkeysmum maintained after the hectic week ive had im happy with that

    hope you all have a great day we are all doing great and i cant wait to see more acheivments

    huge thanks to you all if it wasnt for the support you give on here id have slacked when i sprained my foot instead of being better with my foods i appreciate it

    Thank you again for posting our results! It is so kind of you to keep track of it all!

    I am so glad I joined this thread! It just keeps my motivated and it is great to have some ladies to share the ups and downs of weight loss with!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy saturday all

    daisy you are very welcome this thread is keeping me motivated im 0.8lbs down this week and i wouldnt have kept it up when i sprained my foot if it wasnt for this thread and knowing i would be accountable for any bad choices

    today my plans involve running round after 5 kids picking up all the mess they create (does that cover as exercise) my mum is also visiting and im hoping the rspca can home visit today we cant arrange a day to collect my cat unless they house approve me keep your fingers crossed for me as my kids are so excited about us getting this cat me as well

    be good everyone and i shall check back later
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    i am in very high spirits this morning. even with TOM in the house I have maintained...which means I will totally be at a loss next week because I always gain about 1-4lbs during TOM - so yeah me! I take that as a good thing. I have been eating well all week and exercising like crazy. Today I will hit up some TC at the gym for 75 minutes and @ 600 well all day and then tomorrow will be a nice long run in the morning.

    my goal for this coming week is to limit my wine intake (so i am allowed a glass or two tonight and then on more until the end of next week) and of course keep the cookies to a minimum (only tastings). I have at least 2 orders every week until the beginning of September so I will be a happy busy baking mama.

    good luck with the weekend girls - it is usually the hardest. I really think if we can ll overcome too many weekend splurges that we will surely all meet our goals :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well done mabrywynn on your losses
    i am being good im suffering with headache again early mornings late nights and not sleeping good have left my head feeling like its going to fall off or rattle around not a good sign but ive taken my migraine pills and hoping it will be gone by tomorrow on a psoitive i really dont feel like food i feel too sick dizzy and generally yuk cant gain weight on fresh air lol

    hope you all be goods and enjoy the sun
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Afternoon everyone, all doing brilliantly :D

    I have just finished the 9 week programme on EA active forthe wii. I did it on hard with 2 x 2.5kg weights, actually I have only done 7 weeks because the game broke. Good results though aand I would recommend.

    I lost
    Inches lost
    Belly button -2
    Calf -1
    Thigh -1
    HIp -1.5
    Arm -.5
    Bust -3
    Below bust - Half an inch

    7lb down as well

    Today I started my 3rd round of the shred, plan on doing it for 30 days straight.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Afternoon everyone, all doing brilliantly :D

    I have just finished the 9 week programme on EA active forthe wii. I did it on hard with 2 x 2.5kg weights, actually I have only done 7 weeks because the game broke. Good results though aand I would recommend.

    I lost
    Inches lost
    Belly button -2
    Calf -1
    Thigh -1
    HIp -1.5
    Arm -.5
    Bust -3
    Below bust - Half an inch

    7lb down as well

    Today I started my 3rd round of the shred, plan on doing it for 30 days straight.

    thats great i may look into getting that i have biggets loser for wii and fitness first as well as wii fit plus not a fan of the biggest loser game tho i only like 1 game and the rest i dont see what they are doing except making me bored love fit plus tho
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    good morning and happy saturday all

    daisy you are very welcome this thread is keeping me motivated im 0.8lbs down this week and i wouldnt have kept it up when i sprained my foot if it wasnt for this thread and knowing i would be accountable for any bad choices

    today my plans involve running round after 5 kids picking up all the mess they create (does that cover as exercise) my mum is also visiting and im hoping the rspca can home visit today we cant arrange a day to collect my cat unless they house approve me keep your fingers crossed for me as my kids are so excited about us getting this cat me as well

    be good everyone and i shall check back later

    Well done on the loss! :smile: Hope your head will get better soon!
  • DGSki
    DGSki Posts: 71 Member
    If you are still accepting I would love to join this also!! It would be good to be accountable to a group besides myself!! :)

    always accepting and definately its great to be accountable it makes me try harder welcome aboard

    GREAT!!! I will be on periodically but I will post my weight every Friday!! And I also, secretly want to wear and sexy halloween costume... I have been wanting to for years!!! :)
  • I would love to join! I am getting remarried in Nov 2012 and I don't want to wear a size 22, So my goal is t oget back to 155!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy sunny sunday

    im trying to be positive im still waiting for a home approval visit from rspca so i can then collect the cat we chose they only visit weekends and i still havent had a call i really dont want to wait a whole other week before i can even think about collecting nellie impaitient as ever

    msneke3241 welcome aboard i always post our achievments on a friday but stick to whatever day you usually do for weigh in i write it down and just post all at once fridays i usually ge it right as well lol odd slip up but i blame my old age of 32

    danigeroski i love the idea of a sexy outfit at halloween id love to get one and see hubbys eyes pop i need work on tummy wobbles first tho

    daisy i feel alot better today still tired so i will try and snooze alittle or risk my head pounding again but at least it doesnt feel like it my brain is bouncing in my skull today wouldnt mind but theres not much sense left in there as it is hehehe

    okies be good everyone enjoy the sunday sun and i shall be checking on you laters lol
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    My weigh-in today was a bit disappointing - less than 1lb lost. I was expecting poor weight loss as I was out Friday night (and let my hair down) and Saturday was a bit of a snack day and a bit too much bread and other carbs! Whoops!
    To cheer myself up I got the ol' tape-measure out and I am glad I did. In a fortnight I have lost:
    Bust: 2 inches (and a cup size)
    Waist: 2 inches
    Right arm: 1 inch
    Left arm: 1 inch
    Hips: 2 inches!!!!! (yaaay!)
    Top of right leg: 1 inch
    Top of left leg: 1 inch

    This has defiantly made me appreciate the power of the tape-measure! Never get disheartened with a small weight-loss!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm them inches is fantatsic i never really measure insches i go on how loose my clothes feel but i may have to make a start measuring it cant hurt

    im in a good mood the rspca just phoned an di get a home visit tomorrow around 6pm fingers crossed i pass then i can bring nellie home me and kids cannot wait today is definately going to be agreat day
  • kpteach
    kpteach Posts: 3
    I would love to join this group. I just started counting my calories again. I have had major back pain and my doc said if I don't lose abdominal weight I will always have pain. With that said I am now really focusing on my weight. I really need motivation to stay on track and this seems like a great group to help me succeed.
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