June 2017 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @PinkamenaD8 I'd say you felt sick because of the heat and dehydration. Unless you have an existing health condition. Temps above 85 deserve a little bit of respect. Like @VydorScope mentioned, maybe add some electrolytes. It takes weeks to become heat acclimated. I find I do much better sipping iced nuun water the hour before a hot run. Definitely weigh before and after each hot run to gauge dehydration.

    If you can plan it, make a stop at a water fountain and run water across your corotid artery, and back of your neck. Or a frozen water bottle to the same places will speed the cooling off process. I know it can throw off your groove, but until your body is okay with the temps it might help.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Re: Passing.

    Do not get me started. @girlinahat summed it up quite well. I absolutely hate when people are walking in a pack and refuse to give me even a few inches to pass them and so I either have to run on the grass or bump into someone. Usually at those times I will yell out "THANK YOU!" very sarcastically.

    Other runners generally don't bother me since they're the ones passing me. I always run as far right as I can so that other runners or cyclists can pass me if they need to.

    I've been startled many a time by cyclists flying past me without calling out or ringing a bell. I've even been splashed with gravel mud by them as they fly by.

    It's worse for me when I'm walking. I walk very fast, and most other people walk very slow (IMO). Generally I will speed up to a run to pass them, but if I'm on my lunch break and not dressed for running, I'll just speed up my walk pace as fast as I can and scare the bejeezus out of whoever I pass because they are usually NOT paying attention to their surroundings.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I wanted to test my "slow and easy" running pace over a mile today. I have observed that I run between 10:20 to 11:20 when I run as slow as I comfortably can and maintain proper running form while I'm out running my run/walk intervals.

    After my recent sprint intervals I plugged in my best 400m time of 2:07 into the McMillan pace calculator and got an estimated 5k time of 35:56. I plugged that into the Daniels spreadsheet as my 5k time along with my updated MaxHR of 170, latest weight of 275 lbs, resting HR of 48, male, 45 years, 74 inches tall. It showed an estimated mile pace of 10:34, right in my comfortable running pace. Thus why I chose a mile as todays distance to maintain my "slowest running pace".

    The idea was to do up to 3 one mile runs at the slowest I felt comfortable running at on the track at the local high school. With it being near my one mile pace, I knew I might not be able to do three of them, and might struggle with two. But in case I could run slow enough I might be able to do them.

    I did my run/walk in easy effort HR ranges (Karvonnen Z2-Z3) to the track which is 2.5 miles away. Then I started running that first mile as slow as I could go with good form on the track.

    I felt like I kept a steady pace and could have pushed at the end or could have gone a little faster and finished it in 10:49, just 15 seconds slower than my estimated best mile time.

    I did a half mile recovery run/walk at easy HR effort, then started my second mile attempt. I made it short of half a mile before my legs were too tired to maintain the pace. I finished that mile with fartlek type intervals in 12:26.

    I cancelled my 3rd mile attempt (and the half mile recovery preceding it) and did a 2.5 mile cool down run/walk home at east HR effort, totaling 7.6 miles for the day. I felt I had done enough and any more was asking a bit much.

    Garmin shows today's aerobic impact at 3.9 so that mile plus the second attempt had quite an impact on that calculation.

    According to the updated Daniels info, my 5k pace is 11:34, which is just a bit slower than my current slowest comfortable pace. So between now and my 5k's that is the gap I am trying to close.

    6/1 - rest
    6/2 - 3.1 miles
    6/3 - 13.1 miles
    6/4 - 4.5 miles
    6/5 - 9 miles
    6/6 - 4.5 miles
    6/7 - 6 miles
    6/8 - rest
    6/9 - 8.5 miles
    6/10 - rest
    6/11 - 4.5 miles
    6/12 - 7.6 miles

    60.8 of 170 miles completed

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    RE: passing by people. Sometimes I stomp my feet a little louder than normal or cough a few times as I am approaching. And as @WhatMeRunning said, sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, you still startle people. I even did the "on your left" thing. Then there's the earphone people which annoy the crap out of me. Especially the ones that walk right down the middle of the path and slowly sway left and right. Like, pick a side and keep it.

    Saturday I was running the greenway late in the morning and there were these ladies with strollers side by side. I passed them once. No big deal since it was a wide path and no one was coming in the opposite direction at the time. But the next time I passed them, they "parked" their strollers on the path as their kids were playing to the side on the grass. One was pulled over to the side next to the grass but the other just left it right in the middle of the path. That annoyed the crap out of me. No consideration for other people using the path.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @RespectTheKitty you keep getting out the door for runs. You might not like how far you run, but you get out there. That puts ahead of most of the population, and shows your determination.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @stoshew71 since we run on the same greenway you'll appreciate this. Yesterday I think every single person from the Chinese church up on Old Madison Pike was walking the greenway after church. All in bunches, all walking next to each other, all on the wrong side. Really? My biggest pet peeve is people who let their dogs poop on the greenway itself and don't clean it up. What is there about 15' of grass on each side of the greenway right? Now I will admit from time to time I'll leave my doggie bag behind, but I always pick it up on the way out. They need to put trash cans out there like Bradford has. I don't want to carry my doggie poop bag for 4 miles thank you.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    @stoshew71 since we run on the same greenway you'll appreciate this. Yesterday I think every single person from the Chinese church up on Old Madison Pike was walking the greenway after church. All in bunches, all walking next to each other, all on the wrong side. Really? My biggest pet peeve is people who let their dogs poop on the greenway itself and don't clean it up. What is there about 15' of grass on each side of the greenway right? Now I will admit from time to time I'll leave my doggie bag behind, but I always pick it up on the way out. They need to put trash cans out there like Bradford has. I don't want to carry my doggie poop bag for 4 miles thank you.

    That drives me nuts. I always pick up after my dogs. Once I saw a lady who I know never picks up after her dog. Her dog was pooping and she was yacking away on her phone. I stopped and handed her a waste bag and said, "Did you need a bag? I have extras." She did pick it up that time.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited June 2017
    VydorScope wrote: »
    RE: Passing people...

    I have to say the idea of carrying a super soaker for those occasions has some appeal...

    Ha! Here is one that fits on your wrist so you don't have to carry it. It can double as a hydration /cooling system. :)

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »
    RE: Passing people...

    I have to say the idea of carrying a super soaker for those occasions has some appeal...

    Ha! Here is one that fits on your wrist so you don't have to carry it. It can double as a hydration /cooling system. :)


    Tempting! :smiley:
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    On the passing thing I have a pet peeve about cars and intersections. I don't mind a car that goes fast enough to get through the intersection before I do. I don't mind the ones considerate enough to let me pass. I hate the ones that are determined to make me stop. If I wave them forward they don't go and if I try to go though the intersection it only after I commit that they go. I usually try to pass behind these vehicles, but they just don't get it. Because I don't trust bikes I usually avoid bike paths. I know that I am hazardous on a bike and I don't wish to put anyone on a bike in the challenging position of trying to pass me.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @RespectTheKitty you keep getting out the door for runs. You might not like how far you run, but you get out there. That puts ahead of most of the population, and shows your determination.

    Aw, thank you dear. I do try my best. I have to remind myself sometimes why I run. I run for the sense of peace I get from it. As a person with chronic anxiety, that's a big deal.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Sliedur wrote: »
    6/1 completed day 2 week 2 c25k
    6/2 three hours karate lessons / practice
    6/3 two hours karate lessons / practice
    6/4 rest
    6/5 completed day 3 week 2 c25k
    6/6 karate lesson
    6/7 Completed week 3 day 1 c25k(yay) & karate lesson
    6/8 rest
    6/9 Completed week 3 day 2 c25k & karate lesson
    6/10 karate lesson
    6/11 Completed week3 day 3 c25k

    I'm jealous!! I would love to get back into martial arts! A few years ago, I did Taekwondo. I stayed with it for about 3 years, before life got in the way. These days, I work nights, and no one offers classes during the daytime. Sigh.

    Good luck with C25K! It's really a great program.