Serial Starters



  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate the holiday!

    Thank you for sharing your stories - the joys, the sorrows, the successes, the challenges, the everyday ins and outs of life. I am truly grateful for your welcoming arms and ongoing support.

    Whether you celebrate today or another day, I hope you have exactly the kind of holiday you need.


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Despite my grief and my eyes still being puffy from all the crying yesterday, my family and I got up and walked the Wishbone 5K at our local YMCA. It was a beautiful morning and a great way to start our day. We have much to be thankful for.

    Still missing our kitty but knowing time will help. Just keep expecting to see her or hear her, you know? Knowing we did the right thing but then questioning myself...but I know that's just my grief talking. I know she's still with us in spirit and we will see her again. (There I go crying again!)

    We are preparing cheesy potatoes and broccoli salad to add to the Thanksgiving meal at my in-law's. Just enjoying a bacon, egg, & cheese biscuit from McDonald's as our breakfast after the race and a cup of coffee. Then I'd better start getting myself cleaned up!

    Have a blessed day everyone!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you had a great day. After getting all the critters cared for, just had a laid back kinda day...ate way too much... but, not terrible... didn't go back for seconds..

    Sara - thank you...I hate that animals don't get to be with their families, but they're well cared for by us...

    Annie - the pain/ guilt will get less... never easy... but, you loved your kitty enough, to make that tough decision... hugs to you... way to go on 5K... that's a great way to spend the day!

    Lana - how was your day?

    Missy - hi! Good to see you!

    Tess - so glad to share this journey with you and the others in this group...I am thankful for you all...

    Waves to Kathryn!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    ann495 - welcome, post when you can - hope you are enjoying Thanksgiving.

    Dawn - points for you! enjoyed but didnt over do - good job!

    "dinner" is done - leftover set up for tomorrow, took a nap already (yes I know) my to do list is almost done for the weekend. thinking of taking dog for another walk.

    Michaels is open at 6 and may take advantage of the chance.

    Hope to stop by later before lights out.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    NSV went to Michael's it was crowded but not too bad with coupon and gift card and ended up not spending a thing as my gift card was more than I expected and I saved 30% off my entire purchase. Bought 4 coloring books for children and 2 sets of colored pencils. Bought for the family the department adopted for Christmas.

    Just under on calories, but that hot chocolate will put me in red. Oh well.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning, up with dog. She is taken care of, so more zzz for me??

    Nothing on today's schedule, so we shall see. I will try and get more walking in.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Hi All~~

    This is a fly-by check in. Will read posts later.

    It has been busy here at the in-laws. Yesterday went perfectly with 12 people for dinner.
    Emotionally this has been good but very very hard for me. Working to keep all that under wraps and to myself.

    BBL or tomorrow~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Going to office for tea/coffee, their kitchen table/lighting will help as I am using black yarn. I have 4 projects to take with me, so see how long I stay there. Maintenance are due here today as well, so that may determine how long I am there.

    Swept leaves, will do extra walking to get those exercise calories up.

    Lana - sounds like dinner was wonderful - but I know your year has been hard. Go out and take a walk and some kleenex??

    Comfort and warmth are my motto this holiday season. Luckily I can achieve that without too much food!

  • wolfeandbone
    wolfeandbone Posts: 1 Member
    Wow you all seem to have been communicating regularly! Mind if I join this thread?

    @tilleysmommy1, what are you doing with the black yarn?

    We don’t do thanksgiving in Australia, I’m assuming this is the reason for the big gathering @LanaCabana537? My next big food event will be Christmas!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Friday evening

    Happy Thanksgiving (a little late). Thank you for all of your kind words. Still sad - but it's getting better!

    We spent the day going through the kitchen/packing/donating. Tonight we're taking the kids out to eat and going to "It's a Wonderful Life" on stage at a local theater. We thought it would be a fun way to kick off the holiday season!

    I am thinking beginning tomorrow I am going to re-commit to tracking and getting my exercise in from now through Christmas. It will be exactly 1 month to Christmas Day. I have really let life get in my way and it's time to take control again.

    Enjoy your evening!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    wolfeandbone - you are welcome to stop by and post anytime. Black yarn is a bulk size wool and I am knitting headbands for coworkers.

    Just finished the mini cupcake knitting pattern, it works, I may use larger needles next time.

    Waiting for maintenance to stop by, will bbl.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome, Wolfeandbone!

    Spent this day after Thanksgiving staying away from the temptation of leftovers (managed to preserve enough calories to have a slice of pumpkin pie tonight - yum!).

    DH and I went into downtown DC to a couple of exhibits at the National Portrait Gallery, then walked around for a bit. It was fun to see the different family groups - people who lived here and their family (usually parents) who were visiting.

    Sara, you have had a most productive day! I’m nearing the end on one scarf I’m doing for charity and I must get to the finish line. You inspire me.

    Am going to bed early - Am so tired that I think I might be fighting a cold (there are several viruses going around the office).

    Waves to all.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited November 2017
    Dishwasher is toast, it was the original one to the apartment complex. New kitchen ceiling light as well. Not mentioning my other appliances as I dont want to jinx anything.

    Tess - glad you got to go out and see family and walk. Hope you feel better.

    cupcake pattern I made cupcake and "holder" in one day, was a bit "fiddly" with the yarn /yarn needles. Is there such a thing as too big of a cupcake?

    I also finished my Christmas light crochet bunting for work. My to do list is done so only dog appointments on my list for rest of weekend.

    Wave to all and wish everyone a good night.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hey there Annie -

    So sorry to hear about your losing your beloved Tiki.
    Big hugs, neck rubs, and hand holding from me to you.
    So sad.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - no such thing as too big of a cupcake.. that is really cute. At mom's, she has a crochet book... May glance thru it...too bad about dishwasher and light.. is that why maintenance was there or did you discover later? Hope you can get it fixed/ replaced...

    Lana - Hi! Glad you are having a good visit... agree with Sara, walk and tissue... breathe

    Annie - great for you donating... if I ever get motivated to clean out things, I will donate as well... yer beginning to holiday season sounds fun...I wish we had things like that... we're in a small town, but they're not old fashioned enough for me.. that's how I think it should be, anyway...we do have an amazing light display in our park, tho. People compare it to Branson, which is unbelievable...I used to "work" the lights... take donations and hand out candy canes.. no one wants to help me and it takes at least 2 people...I really enjoyed it, seeing how much the people, kids and dogs loved driving thru...

    Tess - hope you feel better...

    Welcome wolfeandbone! Where in Australia are you? I visited there 5 years ago and my friend was just here in September. I was in New South Wales...and Sydney... amazing place to visit... glad to see you here... come back often...

    Made it to Mom's... went to visit Gpa for just a few...we will take him home for a bit, tomorrow... he is doing ok... walking with a walker.. eyes are really buggin him and he's dizzy... part of the disease... he didn't recognize me at first... May be his eyes... forgetfulness is bad, again..eventually, it will never be good, again... Will just enjoy all the good times we can get...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed. Back for more zzz.

    Had a maintenance ticket for light and dishwasher. I take dog to groomer and will hope to get a new dishwasher from another apartment this afternoon. I have a full load waiting even after I washed dishes last night,so all will be clean and put away - cant say that often.

    Dawn - glad you got the see family - that is what counts.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Mornin... quick fly by...I got an ipad to try to start courses for work... was also wanting (possibly) to do some online reading... any suggestions of App or site for books? Thank you...

    Hope you all have a great day... check in later...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Dog groomer had a bag of wonderful yarn to make scarves and hats. Her neighbor can no longer knit and knew that I was making hats/scarves. So now I have some more beautiful yarn to continue to knit with.

    QOTD - those who love hot sauce - what is a good brand for someone (not me) who loves HOT sauce? I bought some for a Secret Santa present and wonder if there is another brand out there I need to add to my gift.

    Frozen lasagna in oven - dishwasher "promised" tomorrow.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    ......Just about to turn in for the evening.

    Sara, I do not care for hot-hot sauce, so hoping you get some good ideas for the Secret Santa gift. Very cool about the bag of yarn!

    Dawn - enjoy your iPad. I'm no help with the books sources. I hope someone chimes in with ideas.

    Waves to everyone else. See you tomorrow.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Up with dog. Sleep with any luck to follow.

    Dog to vet for her monthly gland expression. Will call at 9 to see when to show up. Otherwise one last quiet day until work tomorrow. Because of when Christmas lands this year, we also get a half day Friday before so another long weekend next month. Will be needing it by then I can imagine.

    Dawn - I like my books on paper - I look at a computer all day so I like the change. I also do not have an ipad, also cannot recommend, but someone will.

    Lana - glad you are doing well - I can look at hot sauce bottles and purchase them, but that is about it !!
