

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Taking a break from cleaning so checking in.

    My DH is obsessed with the news these days and of course likes to tell me what is happening. I think it’s because he is Cuban and knows what can happen if you aren’t informed about what is going on. He doesn’t seem to down about what he reads. He reads all the major papers both in English and Spanish. When it’s too much for me I can tell him and he will keep news to himself. I want to know what is going on as I think it is important but I know when I need time off.

    Allie, I can hear the excitement in your post about the puppy. I’m happy for you.

    I like the idea of having a yearly word. I’ll have to find one for myself for 2018.

    Well floor is dry so better get busy fishing up.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited December 2017
    Okie that is how I make a quick hot fudge sauce for ice cream.

    Heather I like your word balance.

    Karen since I turn all electronic off at 8. I am finding I do not miss the 10 o'clock news. I get my news form the newspaper and I decide how much detail I want. I find it is helping me be less anxious about what I cannot control.

    2018 word for me is Kindness.

    :heart: Margaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,397 Member
    edited December 2017
    Karen - now, that's an interesting topic to ponder on a Friday morning.

    Wendy, I agree with you 100%. I was just getting ready to post similar!! I majored in journalism in college for a while, and it’s frightening what is now put out there as news. I unsubbed from our local paper because the editorial staff had a vendetta against one of our county commissioners. She isn't my favorite, but the shoddy research and reporting to support their continual attacks on her - and not just the editorial page, I'm talking slanted stories, deletion of facts. Not worth my $$. They have gotten raked over on Facebook a lot for their antics, and I'm glad.

    We too avoid the national and local news as much as possible. We check the weather report and earthquake sheets, lol.

    Sometimes a headline enters my field of vision and I imagine it being a on the front of the National Enquirer along with a story about the woman who gave birth to an alien baby. Because I think most of what we read/hear is about 10% of the real story and not worth it for me to get upset about. I believe every person and situation and law has both good and bad in it. That is despite the divisive "end of the world" and gloom/doom stories the media wants us to believe.

    Someone very wise once told me that had I been born in the same circumstances and gone through the same experiences as the person (think person in the news) that I'm angry with/about, I would have behaved/thought the same way and I think there's a lot of truth to that - it has done a lot to reprogram my ENTJ mind and turn off the anxiety. And forgive those who I felt have or will harmed me.

    I will say it's much easier now that I am retired and can choose who/what I want to be around. When I was working, it was so easy to get drawn into conversations about the news and get the blood pressure up. I developed a technique around those kinds of people which was to immediately change the subject to something pleasant.

    It was hard – my DH is very opinionated but I will say he does a lot of research and reading and I have total respect for his opinion even though I might not agree with it. He's not one to parrot or get upset by the talking heads.

    I am reminded that most of the things I worried about never came to pass…. And how much time I wasted worrying or trying to enlist people to join my cause/share my worry! I should have been counting my blessings.

    I am also reminding myself to above all, be grateful. No politician or disaster can touch me when I am in that place.

    I think gratitude will be my word for 2018.

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,650 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited December 2017
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Kelly, my husband mentioned resilience as a possible word for him for 2018. Tenacity was another suggestion. I like having a theme for the year.

    :)Janice, welcome. If you keep reading, you'll find that you have a lot in common with others on this thread and will begin to feel part of the community.

    :'( My only sibling died young. We were close in age but she was quite self centered. Her mottoes seemed to be "Never do for yourself what someone else and can do for you" and "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story". There was a time in my life when I thought I wished for more family. Now I am grateful daily that Jake is my only family and I am spared the drama.

    :| Yesterday I heard Jake tell his out of state friend about me, that I am healthy and happy and that I don't walk so much as I used to and have gained some weight and look much better. He was so happy about that. I, on the other hand, wish I had more time to walk and would like to be down a few pounds.

    :)<3 Barbie in drizzly NW Washington

    Awe Barbie, our visions of what we want to do, never quite gel with what others perceive.
    Funny story,:
    I remember years ago, in the main pool at the Clothing Optional resort. A lady that I know is single, had walked across the pool area to the gate. There were three gentlemen in the pool , leaning on the edges chatting. These are nice guys, not strange, or oogling, but they did stop chatting and gaze. They all nodded to her as she sashayed by, (she was single so....her sashay she had mastered). Then afterwards they commended. "She has lost some weight". "Heck, I liked the way she looked before". " Yeah me too". Perception is a two sided coin. How you see yourself, and how others perceive you. But in the end, how you feel, and move about the world is the most important thing. (((((Hugs))))))
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie wrote, Yesterday I heard Jake tell his out of state friend about me, that I am healthy and happy and that I don't walk so much as I used to and have gained some weight and look much better. He was so happy about that. I, on the other hand, wish I had more time to walk and would like to be down a few pounds. It sounds like Jake is very happy that you have shortened your walking and have gain a bit of weight. If I were you, I would be beaming! :)

    Had lunch with two of my friends from college (50 yrs ago) yesterday and we had a great time. I had French onion soup and a side salad which was delicious.

    News: At my house, my DH gets very upset about the news. I listen with a deaf ear and just try not to let it bother me. All of the scandals that have come out recently are truly disheartening.

    We finally got a list from DnL about possible presents for the two grands. Hope we can do some shopping this weekend.

    Carol in GA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well it won't let me edit so I will just start a new post. I wish I could watch the national news but it's impossible for me to listen. Charlie is giving his own take on everything they say. So I read what I can on the Internet and watch local news.

    Question about the picture Becca put up about the headaches. I know it was supposed to be funny but where they have the migraine, tension and other headache, are they accurate? Where they have the migraine shown is exactly where I have a lot of headaches. Also the one at th base of my neck.

    Well Christopher Banks called me today to remind me of their 50% everything in the store sale today. I had a $30 savings certificate due to the amount of money I have spent so off to the mall we went. I was going to drive but. Didn't know where I would park so Charlie took me. He is getting good at leaving me alone when I shop and he just provides the transportation. So he walked on the mall while if shopped. I needed something to wear for the cantata. We are supposed to wear red or green. For the past several years I have worn this same red sweater and didn't want to wear it again. So I looked and looked. I saw a real pretty green sweater at Kohls but my arms are to big for those skin sleeves. Another pretty one would hav require me to wear something under it besides my bra. It was shear although it was a sweater. Anyway, couldn't find anuhing I wanted except a pretty red cardigan and matching red shell. I have always admired it and I have other cardigans to wear the red shell with and a white she'll to wear with the red cardigan. And with the sale it was.........$13.31!!!!!!!! So I looked at jewelry to go with it but I knew I had some jewerly here at home. Plus I wanted to show Charlie that I could get a good deal and stop at that.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Word for new year I love the idea of having a word. 2017 was a year for getting out of my quiet comfort zone. Starting up things that were difficult for me. Stretching.. so in 2018 I think I’m going to need Strength to keep this unsettling course moving.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Yvonne, so sorry to hear about your dad. It's hard losing people this time of year (my dad passed Dec 28 three years ago), but sometimes we just have to let them go. My mom had passed four years prior and dad missed her so much. He got very close with his baby sister (the only two that were left) and she passed Nov 11. He managed to make it another seven weeks, but it was just too much for him. He would have turned 92 on Jan 1, so I guess he had a pretty good run.
    Condolences to the others who have lost family and friends recently.
    Chris, so sorry to hear about your fall, also! Please take it easy and rest, let other people take care of you as much as is possible! Focus your energies on healing!
    Joyce, congrats on the great deal! Gotta love it when stuff like that happens!
    Rye, thank you for the fudge recipe, it will probably have to wait until Jan to get made, just not enough time right now! DH will like it for sure!
    Time is going so fast, can't believe it's only ten days til Christmas! I have most of my stuff done, need to wrap one thing for our grandson, and finish his quilt, but I have a plan for that. It involves working on it a bit every night, but it's really not a huge project at this point, it's mostly done so should be good. I have finished decorating, I was putting stuff up as recently as yesterday, but I have drawn the line in the sand and I am done! Place looks good tho, so I'm happy with it.
    The topic of the day seems to be the news, I don't care for watching national news either, I do get the local paper and can skim the national and international articles. I do like watching the first twenty minutes or so of our local news so that I know what's happening in our area, but the rest of it can just be so depressing!
    Speaking of depressing, I stepped on the scale this morning..... Yikes! Yesterday was salty, so I'm hoping that's some of it, but I really need to get my mind and my mouth on track. I always wake up with the best of intentions, but it seems to go sideways after that. All the talk of cookies, as I was reading three days worth of posts today, made me hungry! A few things I remember from my childhood: 1, there was always a mandarin orange in the stocking 2, there was always nuts in the stocking and a few little toys or something, I really don't remember much but the orange and nuts! Mom would make cookies that she didn't make during the rest of the year, I guess that's what made them so special. I haven't followed that tradition too much as I'm the only one who would eat them. Hubby doesn't care for shortbread and if chocolate isn't involved, he doesn't really care for other cookies either. sigh. I like a bit of variety, so I will make small batches of a few favourites.
    Sharon, don't ever apologize for writing a long post, as you can see, I tend to do that too! And I do like reading what everyone is up to.
    Pip, the photos of the dog and cat are priceless! And I'm sorry to hear about the time you had at the hotel in Seattle. Seems as though they could use some lessons in customer service!
    Okay, that's enough from me for now! Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Joyce, post some pics of the sweater. Sounds nice. Hope you have a good time.

    Katla, glad to hear your pooch is doing better business.

    Becca, thanks for the story. So true.

    No more snow today and even got to 20. Well the cleaning today wore me out so off to bed and book.

    Terry in VT