2018 Lose 52 Pounds In 52 week’s Challenge



  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    @MissMaggieMuffin Congratulations!

    Thanks @tammierlewis!
  • amybethjack
    amybethjack Posts: 61 Member
    @amybethjack Great job this year. You've made great progress.

    Thanks! I love that I can share this with people who are on the same journey, to eat well and get healthier.
  • Fit_Prit
    Fit_Prit Posts: 251 Member
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
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    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
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    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Starting weight: 220.5 lbs. (100 kg.) Date: 12th June 2017.
    Goal weight: 143 lbs. (65 kg.)

    Week 1
    Current weight: 177.5 lbs. (80.5 kg.)
    Total weight lost for challenge: __
    This week's successes: found this thread. Lol.. :wink:
    This week's challenges: 1) Exercise Daily
    2) maintain calorie deficit
    3) log every meal in MFP.

    Week 2
    Current weight: 174.5 lbs. (79 kg.)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3 lbs.

    This week's successes: 1) did 70k steps ✅
    2) Ate right. Ate protein (I'm vegetarian so the major group in my diet is carb.)

    This week's challenges: 1) Exercise Daily
    2) finding healthy alternative food for cravings.
    3) log every meal in MFP.

    Week 3
    Current Weight: 176.5 lbs.(80kg) Gained 2lbs. :tired_face:
    Total weight lost for challenge : 1 lbs.

    This Week's success : None Actually. :disappointed:

    Week's Challenges : 1) Exercise daily.
    2) Logg meals in MFP.
    3) losing weight I gained in past week.

    Week 4
    Current Weight: 176.5 lbs. (80kg) :heartbreak:
    Total weight lost for challenge: 1lb. (Trying so hard not to get disheartened)

    I did not lose nor gain any weight this week.
    I've hit a plateau (since 3 weeks I'm swinging between 80 - 78 kg. ) And I don't know what Im doing wrong :disappointed: I only do Jogging and some body weight exercises. Now I'm thinking about joining gym. Hope that will be helpful.

    This Week's success: 1) Ate right. Ate fruits.
    2) ✅ 60k steps. Even though I had no extra time I managed to walk for 5 days. I'm so proud of myself :sunglasses::wink:

    Week's challenges: 1) having faith in the process and staying positive.
    2) joining Gym.
    3) Not eating too much of sweet ladoos :tongue:
    4) Drinking more water.

    Week 5
    Weight = 175.3 lbs ( 79.5 kg)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 2.2 lbs.

    This Week's Success : 1) I joined Gym.
    2) Walked 5 times this week.
    3) Drank 3+ liter of water daily.

    This Week's challenge: 1) eating right ( I was frustrated and I binged this week :disappointed: )
    2) Doing 70 k steps in 7 days.
    3) Not let the little things get me. Because even smallest things are affecting me. I Need to Be present and active.

    Week 6
    Current Weight: 176.5 ( :grimace: period gain. I was 172.5 on Friday)

    This Week's Success: 1) I was present and mindful of what I was eating. Did not binge :smiley:
    2) 63.5k steps in 7days.
    3) logged most of my meals in MFP. I'm also keeping notes of the exercises I'm doing.

    This Week's challenge: 1) Drinking 4L water daily
    2) Logg everything in MFP
    3) eating more Veggies & fruits
    4) keeping my cool & right Head space :innocent:

    Week 7
    Current Weight: 174.5 (79kg)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success: 1) 70k steps done.
    2) Weight training and sore muscles.
    3) ate chocolate.. in moderation :wink:
    4) ate fruits

    This Week's challenges: 1) not eating junk food of any kind.
    2) keeping up with the intense weight training.
    3) logging meals in MFP.
    4) drinking more water.
    5) losing weight / body fat %

    Week 8
    Weight: 177 lbs. :tired_face::disappointed:

    Week 9
    Weight : 174.2 lbs.
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3.3 lbs.

    This Week's Success: 1) 70,897 steps
    2) Work out at Gym for 5 days
    3) in spite of my weight fluctuations and the mental stress it causes, I kept doing what I could do. And I'm happy I did not gave up .

    Next Week's challenges: 1) maintaining healthy mind.
    2) walking 10k steps at least 5 days this week ( I injured my knee and it's painful)
    3) Drinking 4 liters of water daily (I'm still unable to do that)
    4) Eating 2 fruits Daily.
    5) Not eating sweets on Holi festival.

    Week 10
    Current weight : 173.5 lbs.

    Next Week's challenges : 1) staying hydrated.
    2) maintaining calorie deficit.
    3) walking 70k steps. And Weight training 5times in week.

    Week 11
    Current Weight: 171.5 lbs. :smiley: Whoooho.!! after a long time seeing a new loss :smiley:

    This Week's success: 1) I stuck to my diet. Ate fruits. No junk food.
    2) exercised for 6day.
    3) walked 60K+ steps.

    Next Week's challenges: 1) Eating Healthy and sticking to the diet plan.
    2) more walking.
    3) drinking more water.

    Week 12
    Weight: 173.1 lbs.

    Next Week's challenges: 1) No Sugar / Sweets.
    2) eating fruit daily.
    3) Drinking 5l. of water daily.
    4) Walking 70k steps.
    5) Gym 5days

    Week 13
    Weight: 173lbs.

    This Week's success:
    1) ate fruits daily.
    2) work out at Gym 5days.
    3) no sugar / sweets for 3 days.
    4) My collar bones are Showing. NSV!! :smiley:

    Next Week's challenges:
    1) staying hydrated.
    2) 70 k steps in 7 days.
    3) No junk food / sweet ( I'm craving for both)

    Week 14
    Weight : 169.8 lbs. (77kg) :smiley:
    I Lost 50lbs. Since 12th June 2017 :innocent::heart:

    Next Week's challenges:
    1) Gym 6 days.
    2) Walking 70k steps.
    3) Drinking 5 liters of water daily.
    4) No Sweets, No Junk food. Eating Healthy.
    5) Eating Fruits Daily.

    Week 15
    Weight: 172.5 lbs.
    I am Hating this plateau phase and fluctuations :angry:

    This Week's success:
    1) walked 84k + steps.
    2) work out at Gym for 6 days.
    ( Weight Training for 3 days )
    3) No Junk food or binge eating.

    Next Week's challenges:
    1) Losing this damn weight :sweat_smile:
    2) Eating Right. Eating Healthy.
    3) Sleeping early and waking up early.
    4) Drinking More Water. (I'm still unable to finish my quota)

    Week 16
    Current Weight : 169.75 lbs.

    This Week's Success :
    1) Ate Healthy. Ate Clean. No Junk Food.
    2) Exercised at Gym for 6 days.
    3) Waking up 1 hour Earlier than regular time :smiley:

    Next Week's Challenges :
    1) I fell down yesterday. Injured both legs. :pensive: It's not looking serious But taking 2 days off from Gym and Walks.
    2) Maintaining Weight.
    3) Eating Right. Sitting idly can cause senseless cravings and over eating :frowning:
    4) More Water. Still not drinking enough!

    Week 17
    Weight: 176.5 lbs. (Gained 7lbs :scream: )

    This Week was Bad!
    No Proper Diet.
    Work out only 4 times.
    Did Not Complete Step Goal.
    Also Period Gain :expressionless::expressionless:

    Next Week's Challenges:
    Tomorrow Going to my Native place for Cousin's wedding. Temperature there is almost 108°F
    Not sure if I will get time and place to exercise.
    So main target is to Maintain the weight.
    And not Eating oily food or sweets.

    Week 18
    Weight : 175.3 lbs.

    This Week's Success:
    1) Lost 1lbs.

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Not Eating Those Sweets.
    2) Drinking More Water.
    3) Walking 70k Steps.

    Week 19
    Current Weight: 170.9 lbs. (Lost 4lbs.. This kind of fluctuation I like :tongue: :sweat_smile: )

    This Week's Success: None!
    Did not Complete any of the Challenges/ Goals set for the Week. :pensive:

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Walk 70 k steps
    2) Drinking More Water
    3) Gym Workout for 6 days
    4) Taking admission for new class.
    5) Staying Away from those yummy Mangos.
    6) logging everything in MFP. (This is Very Important)

    Week 20
    Weight : 167.5 lbs.

    Week's Success- None.
    My father is hospitalized so I couldn't go to gym. Didn't had any time to walk. And yesterday I gave in to mindless eating :unamused:

    This Week's Challenges
    1) Being present of what I am eating. No Junk food.
    2) Gym 5 times.
    3) Walk 70 k steps.
    4) Staying hydrated.

    Week 21
    Weight : 169 lbs. (Maybe Period Gain)

    This Week's Success -
    1) Work out at Gym.
    2) No binge eating or Junk food. (But also skipping dinner. I know it's not good. But don't have time to eat. As my father is still in hospital and his condition is getting critical :unamused: Pray for him :heart: )

    This Week's Challenges -
    1) I'm drained. Don't think I have any mental or physical strength left :pensive: Staying Strong and Positive and optimistic is a Task in itself. :persevere:
    2) still I have to walk 60-70k steps :weary:
    3) eating and drinking healthy.
    4) last but most important taking care of my mother and father.

    Week 22
    Weight : 168.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success - None !
    My father is still hospitalized, but he is recovering now.
    I did not walk 70k steps.
    I did Work out at Gym for 3 days... And injured myself on Saturday. :expressionless: I hurt my back, shoulder and hand . still feeling the pain and soreness.
    Not eating healthy.
    This week was bad week for me.

    Next Week's Challenges
    1) recovering. And getting back on track.
    2) losing 1lb.

    Week 23
    Weight : 168.7 lbs. (Gained Some)

    This Week's Success :
    1) I'm Feeling much better & I'm Back on Track !
    2) Walked 70 k steps.
    3) Eating Right. No Junk food. No binge eating.
    4) My father is Also getting better. He is Home and out of danger.

    This Week's Challenges :
    1) Working Out at Gym for 5 Days.
    2) Walking 70 k steps.
    3) Eating Healthy and Eating on Time.

    Week 24
    Weight : 165.5 lbs. (75kg.)
    This was my goal weight when I started my weight loss journey.

    This Week's Success :
    1) lost 2+ lbs.
    2) Focused on myself and my Future plans.

    Week's Challenges :
    1) Staying on track. Staying Focused.
    2) Eating Right. Drinking More Water.
    3) Gym 5times And 70 k steps in Week.
    4) Doing Productive work and finding time for Self. :heart:
    Also it was the 52nd week :love: Since I took weight loss seriously and made changes and turn my life around. :blush:

    I lost total of 55 lbs. In 52 Weeks :sunglasses:

    This wasn't easy. This didn't come to me naturally. I had to work hard. I struggled. In past I too made many mistakes. And This time I used those mistakes and experiences as tool to Succeed.
    After some time many of us lose that "drive" or "fire". It gets difficult to stay motivated , stay focused.
    So here, the Real secret is Determination and Passion. It's the Key !!! Without Focus, Motivation, And Determination we can't achieve anything.
    (I felt like sharing this. Hope you don't mind :innocent: )

    We Can Achieve What We Put Our Minds to.
    :star: Aim High My Friends. :star:

    Week 25
    Weight : 167.5 (period gain :expressionless: )

    Week 26
    Weight : 165 lbs.

    This Week's Success: hardly any :unamused:

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Drinking More Water.
    2) Eating Protein and Fiber.
    3) Daily Exercises and Gym.

    Week 27
    Weight : 165 lbs.

    This Week's Success:
    1) thought my weight is not going down, I'm definitely losing inches. (Thank You God. :innocent: )
    I used to wear 3XL shirt and this week I bought size L shirt.
    2) I'm gaining confidence and feeling positive about my body and my future.

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Staying Focused and putting the effort is hard !
    2) I'm taking admission for new class And taking time out for Gym... It is Not easy ; BUT I WILL DO IT !

    Week 28
    Weight : 165.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success :
    1) Work out at Gym for 5 days.
    2) Ate Clean and No Cheating.
    3) Drinking More Water. (I've got myself new 1 liter Water bottle. I aim to drink 4 bottles in 24hrs.

    Challenges :
    1) Continue to eat clean and healthy. I still need to add fruits and more veggies in my diet.
    2) Walk Daily... Haven't completed my 10k steps in 3-4 weeks. (Because of Rain. And Laziness)
    3) I'm feeling low and sad since a month or so. All the stuff that happened in past 2months is talking troll on me (Mentally). I have to snap out of it. But it's not easy. Need Help. Any Suggestions..?
  • garlo12
    garlo12 Posts: 173 Member
    Highest Weight Ever!! 264.4 :'(
    Original Starting weight: 02-14-2017 ~ 248.6
    HT: 5'4
    Starting Weight for This Challenge Intermittent Fasting~ 02-15-2018-241.6
    Goal weight:185.0--01-01-2019
    Current Weight: 223.6
    Total weight lost: 25.0
    This week's successes: +1.6 lbs.
    week's challenges: Doing a little more. Need to drink more water!!!
    01-16-2018-239.8 :(
    01-23-2018-239.4 :/
    01-30-2018-239.4 :|
    02-06-2018-240.0 :(
    02-13-2018-240.6-I'm gaining :s
    02-20-2018-237.8-Whew! :)
    02-27-2018-236.2-I hope this is a new trend :)
    03-06-2018-236.2-Holding steady ;)
    03-13-2018-235.4 :)
    03-20-2018-236.4 :/ Nothing to say
    03-27-2018-233.8-Finally on the Downswing :)
    04-03-2018-233.4-yea!! :)
    04-10-2018-231.4-Feeling good just need to keep going! :D
    04-17-2018-231.2 I had gained during the week , but came back down. :|
    04-24-2018-234.4-Who gains 3.2 lbs. in one week, all I did was a few exercises? :(
    05-01-2018-231.2-YIPEE!!! back down o:)
    05-08-2018-230.8-Yea! Not much but something :)
    05-15-2018-230.8-Still the same, went from zero exercising to exercising five days a week for last two weeks :|
    05-22-2018-229.0-Glad it's started moving again :)
    05-29-2018-228.2- Yea my 20 lbs. mark now to continue :D
    06-05-2018-226.4-I hope to keep losing :)
    06-12-2018-226.0- :)
    06-19-2018-225.6-YES!! <3
    06-26-2018-223.6- :D<3
    07-03-2018-222.0 <3
    07-10-2018-223.6 WHAT THE!!! :(
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Mfp Starting weight: 198
    Challenge starting weight 2/2: 185.6
    January 1, 2018 weight: 186.8
    Goal weight: 140(ish)

    2/2: 185.6
    2/9: 186.2
    2/16: 187.4
    2/23: 185.4

    3/2: 182.4
    3/9: 185.8
    3/16: 185.0
    3/23: 185.6

    4/20: 187.4
    4/27: 185.8

    5/4: 183.6
    5/11: 183.6
    5/18: 185.6
    5/25: 184.6

    6/1: 183.2
    6/8: 181.4
    6/15: 179.4
    6/22: 178.4
    6/29: vacation (no scale)

    7/6: 179.6
    7/13: 176.8

    Lbs lost in 2018: -10.0
    Lbs lost since challenge: -8.8
    Lbs lost since highest weight: -21.2

    This week's successes: kept under calories and it paid off

    This week's challenges: none, great week
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    HW 330 - Aug 2017
    Ult GW - 170
    2018 GW - 250
    Female, 40, 5’9”

    Jan 06 - 313
    Jan 13 – 310.8
    Jan 20 – 308.4
    Jan 27 – 314.2
    Feb 03 – 311.8
    Feb 10 – 309.8
    Feb 17 - 310.2
    Feb 24 - 305.8
    Mar 03 - 311
    Mar 10 - 311.2
    Mar 17 - 306.4
    Mar 24 - 310.6
    Mar 31 - 310
    Apr 07 - 310.2
    Apr 14 - 308.2 (finally moving again!)
    Apr 21 - 310.8 (back up again)
    Apr 28 - 307.6
    May 5 - 304.2
    May 12 - 306.4
    May 19 - 306.6
    May 26 - 304.4
    June 2 - 306.2
    June 9 - 310.4
    June 16 - 306
    June 23 - 306.6
    June 30 - 303.4
    July 7 - 306.4
    July 14 - 306.8
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Starting MFP weight: 240 (summer 2013)
    Goal weight: 150-145

    Starting challenge weight: 187
    Week 1: 186.4 (-.06)
    Week 2: 187.4 (+1)
    Week 3: 186.2 (-1.2)
    Week 4: 186.4 (+0.2)
    Week 5:184.2 (-2.2)
    Week 6: 185.2 (+1)
    Week 7: 186.8 (+1.6)
    Week 8: 188.6 (+1.8)
    Week 9: 184.6 (-4)
    Week 10: 184.4 (-.2)
    Week 11: 184.2 (-.2)
    Week 12: 186.6 (+2.4)
    Week 13: 182.6 (-4)
    Week 14: 182.2 (-.4)
    Week 15: 183.0 (+.8)
    Week 16: 182.6 (-.4)
    *pity party break*
    Week 21: 185 (+2.4)
    Week 22: 186 (+1)
    Week 23: 184.6 (-1.4)
    Week 24: 182.2 (-2.4) back to my lowest this year
    Week 25: 182.0 (-.2)
    Week 26: 182.8 (+.6)
    Week 27: 183.8 (+1)

    Total 2018 loss: 3.2

    Successes: Same as last week...Aggressively staying the course....but something is clearly not working. I am at a loss of what to do at this point...may just chill for a week and regroup.

    Challenges for next week: None

    Age 65
    “Progress Not Perfection”

  • pcfrazier1
    pcfrazier1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2018
    Name: Casi
    Age: 56
    Height: 5' 8"

    Starting weight: 215.8
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 213.8
    Total weight lost: 2.0
    This week's successes: Back to tracking and whole foods
    This week's challenges: Sugar detox

  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    edited July 2018
    I'm a bit late to join but I would love to lose 50 lbs !!
    (Actually I am going to aim for 5 pounds a month as a minimum)

    Highest Starting weight: 258
    Challenge Starting Weight - 237.8 (15th January)
    End of Challenge Goal: 175 lbs

    Weigh-in day: 15th of each Month

    1/15 - 237.8
    2/15 - 227.8 ( -10.0 lbs)
    3/15 - 221.2 ( - 6.6 lbs)
    4/15 - Easter broke me - I had a month two months on maintenance and several false re-starts :neutral:
    5/15 - 216.2 ( -5.0 lbs)
    6/15 - 215.8 (-0.4 lbs)
    7/15 - 211.8 (-4.0 lbs)

    Total Challenge loss (6* months) : 26.0 lbs
    * (average of 4.5 - 6.5 lbs per month)
    Goals and monthly reflections:
    January - Biggest success this month:Re-starting my weight loss journey.
    February - Biggest success this month: A good start, loosing 10 lbs
    March - Biggest success this month: Determined to continue regardless of slower progress
    April - Easter broke me - I had a month on maintenance and several false re-starts) :neutral:
    May - I think I *may* be back on track. Let's see for June. Hoping for 6 lbs off by mid June.
    June - *pat on the back* I DID actually re-start after reaching 223 at the end of May/start of June.
    July - it's slower going this time, but I am exercising more and losing inches

    My personal challenges looking forward: sticking with it. Logging everyday. Working harder to stay within allowances. Being "okay" with the numbers on a standstill for a bit. Focus on the big picture. Cook at home is far more successful but I am a social eater :neutral:

    Next "mini-goal" - 210 lbs = fresh flowers for the dining table.

    My current plan --> 20 lb increments to 175 then re-adjust goals to suit
    1. 215 - time to change out the wardrobe a bit ✅
    2. 195 - "overweight" (and wardrobe change)
    3. 175 - wardrobe change!
    4. 160 - > 150 -> 140 --> (GW)
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    2017 Challenge lost 30 pounds!

    2018 Challenge:
    Start date: 1/1/2018
    Start weight: 131.0
    Goal weight: 120
    Current weight: 133
    This weeks loss: +.2
    Total loss this year: +2

    No loss this week. Pretty much maintaining this year. I'm still happy. Paddled 2 hours on my SUP yesterday.
  • Morethanjustanumber
    Morethanjustanumber Posts: 656 Member
    2018 SW 247.5
    2018 GW 195

    Ultimate GW 160-165

    CW 234.2
    WK (1.3)
    YTD WL (13.5)

    Week’s challenges: exercising when life gets in the way, struggling to get out of the 230s

    Week’s successes: remaining motivated when struggling.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,039 Member
    Goal Weight for this challenge: 140 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 98-105 lbs
    (I'm 4'10" & sm. boned).
    Age at start of challenge: 56
    Total weight loss so far 2018 = 2 lbs (7/6/18) Haven’t been doing well this year, but am, once again, highly motivated!!!
    Starting weight this challenge: 12/31/17: 160.2
    Week 1 Jan 5: 158.8
    Week 2 Jan 12: 162.9
    Week 3 Jan 19: 160.6
    Week 4: jan 26 159.6
    Jan loss: .6 lbs

    Week 5 Feb. 2: 159.2
    Week 6 Feb 9: 159.2
    Week 7 Feb. 16: 158
    Week 8 Feb. 23 158.7
    Feb loss: .9 lbs

    Week 9 Mar 2 160
    Week 10 Mar 9 160.6
    Week 11 Mar 16 158.8
    Week 12 Mar 23 157.9
    Week 13 Mar. 30 No weigh in.
    Mar loss: .8 lbs

    Week 14 Apr 6 = 158.4
    Week 15 Apr 13=158.8
    Week 16 Apr 20 = 160.4
    Week 17 Apr 27 = 161.6 Yikes! Complete wrong direction... I will say that I have been back to dieting since this weigh in... and think that I will show a loss next week.
    Apr Loss: +3.7 lbs

    Week 18 May 4 = 159 Yay, going back down! I did real well this week with staying under in calories except for one night. And, I didn't let that derail me, this time! That is huge for me! I got right back to it this time.
    Week 19 May 11 = 158.8
    Week 20 May 17 = 160.4
    Week 21 May 25 = 159.6
    May loss: 2 lbs

    Week 22 June 1 = no weigh in
    Week 23 June 8 = 159.8 Started back to the plan, June 4th. Today, I did my first fitness class in about a year. It felt so good, even though my face was beet red... I even felt good afterwards. I really want to keep it up this time.
    Week 24 June 15 = 158
    Week 25 June 22 = 161
    Week 26 June 30 = 158.6
    June loss: 1 lb

    Week 27 July 6 = 158.2 I’ve been doing pretty good with dieting. No exercise, tho. One day in the middle of the week, I weighed & was lowest I’ve been in over a year. 156.8 pounds. I weighed twice cause I couldn’t believe it & it was the same! Feeling hopeful…
    Week 28 July 13 = 159.2 I'm okay with this. Had a very stressful work week. I let my boss get to me... should never do that!!! LOL.
    Week 29 July 20 -
    Week 30 July 27 -
    July loss:

    Week 31 Aug. 3 =
    Week 32 Aug 10 -
    Week 33 Aug 17 -
    Week 34 Aug 24 -
    Week 35 Aug 31 -
    Aug Loss:

    Week 36 Sept 7 -
    Week 37 Sept 14 -
    Week 38 Sept 21 -
    Week 39 Sept 28 -
    Sept loss:

    Week 40 Oct 5 -
    Week 41 Oct 12 -
    Week 42 Oct 19 -
    Week 43 Oct 26 -
    Oct. loss:

    Week 44 Nov 2-
    Week 45 Nov 9 -
    Week 46 Nov 16 -
    Week 47 Nov 23-
    Week 48 Nov 30-
    Nov loss:

    Week 49 Dec 7 -
    Week 50 Dec 14 -
    Week 51 Dec 21 -
    Week 52 Dec 28 –
    Extra weigh in Dec. 31 -
    Dec. loss:
  • Fit_Prit
    Fit_Prit Posts: 251 Member
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Starting weight: 220.5 lbs. (100 kg.) Date: 12th June 2017.
    Goal weight: 143 lbs. (65 kg.)

    Week 1
    Current weight: 177.5 lbs. (80.5 kg.)
    Total weight lost for challenge: __
    This week's successes: found this thread. Lol.. :wink:
    This week's challenges: 1) Exercise Daily
    2) maintain calorie deficit
    3) log every meal in MFP.

    Week 2
    Current weight: 174.5 lbs. (79 kg.)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3 lbs.

    This week's successes: 1) did 70k steps ✅
    2) Ate right. Ate protein (I'm vegetarian so the major group in my diet is carb.)

    This week's challenges: 1) Exercise Daily
    2) finding healthy alternative food for cravings.
    3) log every meal in MFP.

    Week 3
    Current Weight: 176.5 lbs.(80kg) Gained 2lbs. :tired_face:
    Total weight lost for challenge : 1 lbs.

    This Week's success : None Actually. :disappointed:

    Week's Challenges : 1) Exercise daily.
    2) Logg meals in MFP.
    3) losing weight I gained in past week.

    Week 4
    Current Weight: 176.5 lbs. (80kg) :heartbreak:
    Total weight lost for challenge: 1lb. (Trying so hard not to get disheartened)

    I did not lose nor gain any weight this week.
    I've hit a plateau (since 3 weeks I'm swinging between 80 - 78 kg. ) And I don't know what Im doing wrong :disappointed: I only do Jogging and some body weight exercises. Now I'm thinking about joining gym. Hope that will be helpful.

    This Week's success: 1) Ate right. Ate fruits.
    2) ✅ 60k steps. Even though I had no extra time I managed to walk for 5 days. I'm so proud of myself :sunglasses::wink:

    Week's challenges: 1) having faith in the process and staying positive.
    2) joining Gym.
    3) Not eating too much of sweet ladoos :tongue:
    4) Drinking more water.

    Week 5
    Weight = 175.3 lbs ( 79.5 kg)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 2.2 lbs.

    This Week's Success : 1) I joined Gym.
    2) Walked 5 times this week.
    3) Drank 3+ liter of water daily.

    This Week's challenge: 1) eating right ( I was frustrated and I binged this week :disappointed: )
    2) Doing 70 k steps in 7 days.
    3) Not let the little things get me. Because even smallest things are affecting me. I Need to Be present and active.

    Week 6
    Current Weight: 176.5 ( :grimace: period gain. I was 172.5 on Friday)

    This Week's Success: 1) I was present and mindful of what I was eating. Did not binge :smiley:
    2) 63.5k steps in 7days.
    3) logged most of my meals in MFP. I'm also keeping notes of the exercises I'm doing.

    This Week's challenge: 1) Drinking 4L water daily
    2) Logg everything in MFP
    3) eating more Veggies & fruits
    4) keeping my cool & right Head space :innocent:

    Week 7
    Current Weight: 174.5 (79kg)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success: 1) 70k steps done.
    2) Weight training and sore muscles.
    3) ate chocolate.. in moderation :wink:
    4) ate fruits

    This Week's challenges: 1) not eating junk food of any kind.
    2) keeping up with the intense weight training.
    3) logging meals in MFP.
    4) drinking more water.
    5) losing weight / body fat %

    Week 8
    Weight: 177 lbs. :tired_face::disappointed:

    Week 9
    Weight : 174.2 lbs.
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3.3 lbs.

    This Week's Success: 1) 70,897 steps
    2) Work out at Gym for 5 days
    3) in spite of my weight fluctuations and the mental stress it causes, I kept doing what I could do. And I'm happy I did not gave up .

    Next Week's challenges: 1) maintaining healthy mind.
    2) walking 10k steps at least 5 days this week ( I injured my knee and it's painful)
    3) Drinking 4 liters of water daily (I'm still unable to do that)
    4) Eating 2 fruits Daily.
    5) Not eating sweets on Holi festival.

    Week 10
    Current weight : 173.5 lbs.

    Next Week's challenges : 1) staying hydrated.
    2) maintaining calorie deficit.
    3) walking 70k steps. And Weight training 5times in week.

    Week 11
    Current Weight: 171.5 lbs. :smiley: Whoooho.!! after a long time seeing a new loss :smiley:

    This Week's success: 1) I stuck to my diet. Ate fruits. No junk food.
    2) exercised for 6day.
    3) walked 60K+ steps.

    Next Week's challenges: 1) Eating Healthy and sticking to the diet plan.
    2) more walking.
    3) drinking more water.

    Week 12
    Weight: 173.1 lbs.

    Next Week's challenges: 1) No Sugar / Sweets.
    2) eating fruit daily.
    3) Drinking 5l. of water daily.
    4) Walking 70k steps.
    5) Gym 5days

    Week 13
    Weight: 173lbs.

    This Week's success:
    1) ate fruits daily.
    2) work out at Gym 5days.
    3) no sugar / sweets for 3 days.
    4) My collar bones are Showing. NSV!! :smiley:

    Next Week's challenges:
    1) staying hydrated.
    2) 70 k steps in 7 days.
    3) No junk food / sweet ( I'm craving for both)

    Week 14
    Weight : 169.8 lbs. (77kg) :smiley:
    I Lost 50lbs. Since 12th June 2017 :innocent::heart:

    Next Week's challenges:
    1) Gym 6 days.
    2) Walking 70k steps.
    3) Drinking 5 liters of water daily.
    4) No Sweets, No Junk food. Eating Healthy.
    5) Eating Fruits Daily.

    Week 15
    Weight: 172.5 lbs.
    I am Hating this plateau phase and fluctuations :angry:

    This Week's success:
    1) walked 84k + steps.
    2) work out at Gym for 6 days.
    ( Weight Training for 3 days )
    3) No Junk food or binge eating.

    Next Week's challenges:
    1) Losing this damn weight :sweat_smile:
    2) Eating Right. Eating Healthy.
    3) Sleeping early and waking up early.
    4) Drinking More Water. (I'm still unable to finish my quota)

    Week 16
    Current Weight : 169.75 lbs.

    This Week's Success :
    1) Ate Healthy. Ate Clean. No Junk Food.
    2) Exercised at Gym for 6 days.
    3) Waking up 1 hour Earlier than regular time :smiley:

    Next Week's Challenges :
    1) I fell down yesterday. Injured both legs. :pensive: It's not looking serious But taking 2 days off from Gym and Walks.
    2) Maintaining Weight.
    3) Eating Right. Sitting idly can cause senseless cravings and over eating :frowning:
    4) More Water. Still not drinking enough!

    Week 17
    Weight: 176.5 lbs. (Gained 7lbs :scream: )

    This Week was Bad!
    No Proper Diet.
    Work out only 4 times.
    Did Not Complete Step Goal.
    Also Period Gain :expressionless::expressionless:

    Next Week's Challenges:
    Tomorrow Going to my Native place for Cousin's wedding. Temperature there is almost 108°F
    Not sure if I will get time and place to exercise.
    So main target is to Maintain the weight.
    And not Eating oily food or sweets.

    Week 18
    Weight : 175.3 lbs.

    This Week's Success:
    1) Lost 1lbs.

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Not Eating Those Sweets.
    2) Drinking More Water.
    3) Walking 70k Steps.

    Week 19
    Current Weight: 170.9 lbs. (Lost 4lbs.. This kind of fluctuation I like :tongue: :sweat_smile: )

    This Week's Success: None!
    Did not Complete any of the Challenges/ Goals set for the Week. :pensive:

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Walk 70 k steps
    2) Drinking More Water
    3) Gym Workout for 6 days
    4) Taking admission for new class.
    5) Staying Away from those yummy Mangos.
    6) logging everything in MFP. (This is Very Important)

    Week 20
    Weight : 167.5 lbs.

    Week's Success- None.
    My father is hospitalized so I couldn't go to gym. Didn't had any time to walk. And yesterday I gave in to mindless eating :unamused:

    This Week's Challenges
    1) Being present of what I am eating. No Junk food.
    2) Gym 5 times.
    3) Walk 70 k steps.
    4) Staying hydrated.

    Week 21
    Weight : 169 lbs. (Maybe Period Gain)

    This Week's Success -
    1) Work out at Gym.
    2) No binge eating or Junk food. (But also skipping dinner. I know it's not good. But don't have time to eat. As my father is still in hospital and his condition is getting critical :unamused: Pray for him :heart: )

    This Week's Challenges -
    1) I'm drained. Don't think I have any mental or physical strength left :pensive: Staying Strong and Positive and optimistic is a Task in itself. :persevere:
    2) still I have to walk 60-70k steps :weary:
    3) eating and drinking healthy.
    4) last but most important taking care of my mother and father.

    Week 22
    Weight : 168.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success - None !
    My father is still hospitalized, but he is recovering now.
    I did not walk 70k steps.
    I did Work out at Gym for 3 days... And injured myself on Saturday. :expressionless: I hurt my back, shoulder and hand . still feeling the pain and soreness.
    Not eating healthy.
    This week was bad week for me.

    Next Week's Challenges
    1) recovering. And getting back on track.
    2) losing 1lb.

    Week 23
    Weight : 168.7 lbs. (Gained Some)

    This Week's Success :
    1) I'm Feeling much better & I'm Back on Track !
    2) Walked 70 k steps.
    3) Eating Right. No Junk food. No binge eating.
    4) My father is Also getting better. He is Home and out of danger.

    This Week's Challenges :
    1) Working Out at Gym for 5 Days.
    2) Walking 70 k steps.
    3) Eating Healthy and Eating on Time.

    Week 24
    Weight : 165.5 lbs. (75kg.)
    This was my goal weight when I started my weight loss journey.

    This Week's Success :
    1) lost 2+ lbs.
    2) Focused on myself and my Future plans.

    Week's Challenges :
    1) Staying on track. Staying Focused.
    2) Eating Right. Drinking More Water.
    3) Gym 5times And 70 k steps in Week.
    4) Doing Productive work and finding time for Self. :heart:
    Also it was the 52nd week :love: Since I took weight loss seriously and made changes and turn my life around. :blush:

    I lost total of 55 lbs. In 52 Weeks :sunglasses:

    This wasn't easy. This didn't come to me naturally. I had to work hard. I struggled. In past I too made many mistakes. And This time I used those mistakes and experiences as tool to Succeed.
    After some time many of us lose that "drive" or "fire". It gets difficult to stay motivated , stay focused.
    So here, the Real secret is Determination and Passion. It's the Key !!! Without Focus, Motivation, And Determination we can't achieve anything.
    (I felt like sharing this. Hope you don't mind :innocent: )

    We Can Achieve What We Put Our Minds to.
    :star: Aim High My Friends. :star:

    Week 25
    Weight : 167.5 (period gain :expressionless: )

    Week 26
    Weight : 165 lbs.

    This Week's Success: hardly any :unamused:

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Drinking More Water.
    2) Eating Protein and Fiber.
    3) Daily Exercises and Gym.

    Week 27
    Weight : 165 lbs.

    This Week's Success:
    1) thought my weight is not going down, I'm definitely losing inches. (Thank You God. :innocent: )
    I used to wear 3XL shirt and this week I bought size L shirt.
    2) I'm gaining confidence and feeling positive about my body and my future.

    This Week's Challenges:
    1) Staying Focused and putting the effort is hard !
    2) I'm taking admission for new class And taking time out for Gym... It is Not easy ; BUT I WILL DO IT !

    Week 28
    Weight : 165.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success :
    1) Work out at Gym for 5 days.
    2) Ate Clean and No Cheating.
    3) Drinking More Water. (I've got myself new 1 liter Water bottle. I aim to drink 4 bottles in 24hrs.

    Challenges :
    1) Continue to eat clean and healthy. I still need to add fruits and more veggies in my diet.
    2) Walk Daily... Haven't completed my 10k steps in 3-4 weeks. (Because of Rain. And Laziness)
    3) I'm feeling low and sad since a month or so. All the stuff that happened in past 2months is talking troll on me (Mentally). I have to snap out of it. But it's not easy. Need Help. Any Suggestions..?

    Week 29
    Weight : 164.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success :
    1) Positive attitude. I kept my head in right place.
    2) Ate fruits and veggies
    3) Good Walking and gym sessions.
  • MyNameHere1021
    MyNameHere1021 Posts: 1 Member
    Can I start today?
    I homeschool four young children, two with special needs; my husband just got fired a month ago after we moved here — 1400 miles from home; and my weight is as high as it’s ever been in my adult life.

    I lost 100 pounds before I met my husband and kept it off for almost ten years. But after baby #3, we moved and the post pregnancy weight didn’t come off because of all the stress and caring for my children. Then I got pregnant again and got post partum depression. And here I am!

    I started consistently eating better and walking about two miles a day last week. After LOTS of research (and confusion — fitness and weight loss are not what they were when I did this 15 years ago!) I came back to the Ol’ Tried and True — Calories And Moderate Exercise.

    Age: 41
    Starting Weight: 226
    Goal Weight: 160
    Goal Date: October 2019? 😱😭 Sooner, I hope!!!
    Weigh in: Weekly
    First Walking Goal: 10 miles a week
    First Resistance Goal: 3x a week

    Nice to meet y’all!
  • amybethjack
    amybethjack Posts: 61 Member
    Starting weight: 284.6
    Goal weight: 149.6
    Current weight: 256.6
    Total weight lost: 28.0

    04/30/18 284.6 Starting weight. First day of new way of eating
    05/07/18 276.2 -8.4 Eating keto now. Adjusting to high fat diet instead of low fat is a challenge to meal planning.
    05/14/18 272.6 -3.6 Still trying to figure out this keto thing. The weight seems to just fall off but I don't understand it yet.
    05/21/18 267.4 -5.2 Starting to get the hang of eating keto and I am amazed by how I am feeling.
    05/28/18 272.0 +4.6 Both kids had birthdays, it was hard to make cakes without tasting some along the way.
    06/04/18 270.6 -1.4 Still learning what will kick me back out of ketosis. Making mistakes along the way.
    06/11/18 263.6 -7.0 Still feeling good. Keto is getting easier.
    06/18/18 265.6 +2.0 Ate within my macros but the weight loss has stalled. Not sure what is going on! At least I seem to be still losing inches.
    06/25/18 261.8 -3.8 Extended family in town for a funeral so I spent all week eating out and eating meals prepared by others. I managed to eat ok anyway, I think.
    07/02/18 258.0 -3.8 This was a good week. Stayed within my macros and ate well, but I'm concerned that I'm not eating enough calories.
    07/09/18 257.4 -0.6 4th of July made eating right more difficult
    07/16/18 256.6 -0.8 I think I've been eating too many calories. Time to recalculate my macros.
  • garlo12
    garlo12 Posts: 173 Member
    Highest Weight Ever!! 264.4 :'(
    Original Starting weight: 02-14-2017 ~ 248.6
    HT: 5'4
    Starting Weight for This Challenge Intermittent Fasting~ 02-15-2018-241.6
    Goal weight:185.0--01-01-2019
    Current Weight: 222.0
    Total weight lost: 26.6
    This week's successes: -1.6 lbs.
    week's challenges: Doing a little more. Need to drink more water!!!
    01-16-2018-239.8 :(
    01-23-2018-239.4 :/
    01-30-2018-239.4 :|
    02-06-2018-240.0 :(
    02-13-2018-240.6-I'm gaining :s
    02-20-2018-237.8-Whew! :)
    02-27-2018-236.2-I hope this is a new trend :)
    03-06-2018-236.2-Holding steady ;)
    03-13-2018-235.4 :)
    03-20-2018-236.4 :/ Nothing to say
    03-27-2018-233.8-Finally on the Downswing :)
    04-03-2018-233.4-yea!! :)
    04-10-2018-231.4-Feeling good just need to keep going! :D
    04-17-2018-231.2 I had gained during the week , but came back down. :|
    04-24-2018-234.4-Who gains 3.2 lbs. in one week, all I did was a few exercises? :(
    05-01-2018-231.2-YIPEE!!! back down o:)
    05-08-2018-230.8-Yea! Not much but something :)
    05-15-2018-230.8-Still the same, went from zero exercising to exercising five days a week for last two weeks :|
    05-22-2018-229.0-Glad it's started moving again :)
    05-29-2018-228.2- Yea my 20 lbs. mark now to continue :D
    06-05-2018-226.4-I hope to keep losing :)
    06-12-2018-226.0- :)
    06-19-2018-225.6-YES!! <3
    06-26-2018-223.6- :D<3
    07-03-2018-222.0 <3
    07-10-2018-223.6 WHAT THE!!! :(
    07-17-2018-222.0-Not again :|
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member

    Great achievement! Keep going!

    My GW was 184 (began 268 2016)
    Took me two years to lose -37 and -43 and got to GW 5/10/18.

    Currently 181.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Can I start today?
    I homeschool four young children, two with special needs; my husband just got fired a month ago after we moved here — 1400 miles from home; and my weight is as high as it’s ever been in my adult life.

    I lost 100 pounds before I met my husband and kept it off for almost ten years. But after baby #3, we moved and the post pregnancy weight didn’t come off because of all the stress and caring for my children. Then I got pregnant again and got post partum depression. And here I am!

    I started consistently eating better and walking about two miles a day last week. After LOTS of research (and confusion — fitness and weight loss are not what they were when I did this 15 years ago!) I came back to the Ol’ Tried and True — Calories And Moderate Exercise.

    Age: 41
    Starting Weight: 226
    Goal Weight: 160
    Goal Date: October 2019? 😱😭 Sooner, I hope!!!
    Weigh in: Weekly
    First Walking Goal: 10 miles a week
    First Resistance Goal: 3x a week

    Nice to meet y’all!


    All welcome to get healthier anytime. I have moved on from this Challenge to Maintenance Challenge board. The 52/52 Challenge helped me focus to lose 37/43 after two years. Made Goal Weight May 2018. I check in to see others seeing progress, A Pound a week is harder than I thought BUT 52 weeks add up.
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Name: Tracie
    Age: 37
    Height: 5' 10"

    Starting weight: 298.50lbs
    Goal weight: 180.00lbs
    Current weight: 228.75lbs
    2017 loss 28.25lbs
    2018 loss 56.50lbs
    Total weight lost: 84.75lbs
    Total to go: 33.75lbs

    This week's loss 6.0lbs
    This week's successes: logging everything daily, water intake high, exercise good
    This weeks challenges:

    START Jan 1st - 270.25lbs
    W1 Jan 5th - 264.25lbs
    W2 Jan 12th - 259.75lbs
    W3 Jan 19th - 254.25lbs
    W4 Jan 26th - 253.25lbs
    JAN LOSS - 17lbs

    W5 Feb 2nd - 250.25lbs
    W6 Feb 9th - 248.00lbs
    W7 Feb 16th - 247.50lbs
    W8 Feb 23rd - 250.50lbs
    FEB LOSS - 2.75lbs

    W9 Mar 2nd - 246.00lbs
    W10 Mar 9th - 242.50lbs
    W11 Mar 16th - 239.50lbs
    W12 Mar 23rd - 233.50lb
    W13 Mar 30th - 235.00lbs
    MAR LOSS - 15.50lbs

    W14 Apr 6th - 234.50lbs
    W15 Apr 13th - 230.25lbs
    W16 Apr 20th - 230.25lbs
    W17 Apr 27th - 228.50lbs
    APR LOSS - 6.50lbs

    W18 May 4th - 224.25lbs
    W19 May 11th - 226.5lbs
    W20 May 17th - 223.50lbs early weigh in as away for 5 days now
    W21 May 25th - 229.50lbs well time away killed me!! haha
    MAY LOSS +1.00lbs

    W22 June 1st - 228.75lbs disappointing as exercise and diet on form this week
    W23 June 8th - 230.75lbs heavy weekend but gym lots this week so could have been much worse
    W24 June 15th - 224.75lbs pulled it back after a weekend away so very pleased - few quiet ones now should help
    W25 June 22nd - 220.50lbs feeling like I am pulling this back again
    W26 June 30th - 222.00lbs good week food and exercise - think the heat is affecting water retention maybe
    JUNE LOSS - 7.50lbs

    W27 July 6th - 219.50lbs = 50.75lbs loss in 2018
    W28 July 13th - 222.50lbs
    W29 July 20th - 213.75lbs
    W30 July 27th -
    JULY LOSS - 8.25lbs

    W31 Aug 3rd -
    W32 Aug 10th -
    W33 Aug 17th -
    W34 Aug 24th -
    W35 Aug 31st -

    W36 Sept 7th -
    W40 1 Oct 1st day home

    W41 Oct 5th -
    W42 Oct 12th -
    W43 Oct 19th -
    W44 Oct 26th -
    W45 OCT LOSS

    W46 Nov 2nd -
    W47 Nov 9th -
    W48 Nov 16th -
    W49 Nov 23rd -
    W50 Nov 30th -

    W51 Dec 7th -
    W52 Dec 14th -
    W53 Dec 21st -
    W54 Dec 28th -
    W55 Dec 31st -
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    @Tracie_Lord Great momentum going! Inspiring.