Serial Starters



  • Paws3515
    Paws3515 Posts: 14 Member
    Serial starters :joy: I have lost track of what acct # this is...
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Have the day to myself in the office as my coworker had to go home. Then I'll have the evening to myself at home as my hubby is working evenings today.

    It should make for a good active evening and low calories because I only have to worry about myself for food.

    I just sent in an application for the second craft fair for the fall. I am being more selective this year and doing the bigger shows so I don't waste hours sitting and not selling anything. I hope they are successful as that will pay for Christmas.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara- may make the black bean burgers tonight for dinner! Thanks for the recipe!

    Lana - great NSV!

    Snowflake - what all do you make for the craft fairs?
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Hi all! And happy belated bday, Kathryn!!!

    Busy work day as usual. Had my crustless quiche and a bit of my leftovers from yesterday for lunch with a 100 calorie pack of natural almonds/walnuts for a snack!

    Doing an easy, but within calorie sub for dinner tonight since the husband and I are going to do some house stuff. He’s going to do some grouting and I’m going to do some painting. We just recently put down new floor in our bedroom (we had pipes burst a few months back, so our floor has been concrete since!) and now I am excited to paint an accent wall, lol. So that’s my plan for the evening.

    About to head home for the day! Have a great evening, all!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    edited August 2018
    These are samples of our work. My husband wood burns and I paint. The little snowmen are only painted and dressed by me.

    This year we plan on adding to it a bit and doing some picture frames, boxes, key holders, etc. Last year was our first year and we sold close to $3000 worth of items. We have a facebook page called Riverwood Crafts Yeg

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Very cute Snowflake! Good luck at the craft fairs. I had a BIL that did them ears back selling stained glass. He quickly figured out which ones were good to attend and which were not.
    Lana - you made me laugh about your restaurant experience!
    Eryn - painting - good luck at that as well. I am not good at painting (:
    Have a great night - skies are getting ominous here. Storms are coming....
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    These are samples of our work. My husband wood burns and I paint. The little snowmen are only painted and dressed by me.

    This year we plan on adding to it a bit and doing some picture frames, boxes, key holders, etc. Last year was our first year and we sold close to $3000 worth of items. We have a facebook page called Riverwood Crafts Yeg


    Love all of those!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    edited August 2018
    Lana - imagine the $$ you saved as well. One of these days what you were tempted to do will be the best thing and you will enjoy it.

    Lady who sits next to me makes lace and I have boxes of stuff from a former neighbor. It is heavy so I may just drop it off at work on way to apt #1 tomorrow. I hope she embroiders because there is more for that and the old good stuff you cannot buy anymore.

    On couch with plenty of room - hide with me in the corner as I watch Leandro go through his moves. ;)

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Here is another black bean burger w/ measurements
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Wow Snowflake! Those are all so adorable!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning,

    Got dog to "sleep in" a little. Day off for appointments. Will see if I will take advantage of the downtime and do any housework. Dont hold your breath, but maybe.

    Lunch today is in the air, hmmmm......

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Thank you for the compliments on the ornaments. This weekend hopefully we will be cutting wood and getting going on getting some more made. My husband comes up with most of the designs, I just give him the subject.
    He did some beautiful scenery ones last year and some barns that sold well. I don't seem to have pictures of them.

    I am waiting rather impatiently for a guy to come pick up a barbecue that I am giving away for free. I am going to do some selling once he is on his way. I wanted to just leave it in the yard but my husband didn't like that idea. Go figure.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited August 2018
    Remembered to log everything yesterday. However, it wasnt a good day. At one point I actually said to myself, why the heck not, and grabbed a coffeecake muffin!! (of course I didnt know at the time it was SEVEN HUNDRED calories!) ugh!

    Doing better food choice-wise today. I have lots of shredded broccoli slaw & salads and fresh fruit in fridge. My sister shipped me a big box of fresh Coho salmon, snapper, and shrimp from the Pacific northwest today (birthday gift that got here late) So I will be cooking healthy tonight - and tomorrow - and the next day.....

    My short term goal is to do without processed foods, sugar, white breads, etc for at least 2 weeks. If I can make it that long, then craving for sugars/carbs usually subsides.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Remembered to log everything yesterday. However, it wasnt a good day. At one point I actually said to myself, why the heck not, and grabbed a coffeecake muffin!! (of course I didnt know at the time it was SEVEN HUNDRED calories!) ugh!

    Doing better food choice-wise today. I have lots of shredded broccoli slaw & salads and fresh fruit in fridge. My sister shipped me a big box of fresh Coho salmon, snapper, and shrimp from the Pacific northwest today (birthday gift that got here late) So I will be cooking healthy tonight - and tomorrow - and the next day.....

    My short term goal is to do without processed foods, sugar, white breads, etc for at least 2 weeks. If I can make it that long, then craving for sugars/carbs usually subsides.

    It is ridiculous the amount of calories in a simple muffin. I haven't eaten any in years because of that. There are a lot of things now I just avoid because of the calorie count. My fear is this winter, I am a meat and potato type of girl and I'm trying to come up with lighter options for suppers. I enjoy salads in the summer, but not in the winter.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Snowflake - wow your creations are awesome. My BIL did craft sales too and he quickly figured out which ones paid to attend and which did not.
    Hickchick - 700! wow! No wonder muffins are so good. I too try hard to avoid sugar and processed foods. Never 100% successful. but I can always tell when I do better for longer periods of time as I feel better. But then why do I not continue?? that is the big question.

    We had the final group of storms move through. Today feels like fall. Yesterday though I couldve swam in my yard! We had too much rain, but luckily no trees down and no water in my house. The closest town to me even made the national news this AM due to tornado touchdown and so many flooded towns. Feel so bad for people with weather woes. Having water rushing into your home must make one feel so helpless. I am working on uploading a picture of my son and dog enjoying the water in my backyard. Not cooperating right now.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I have to share this feel good moment with everyone. It is Lauryn's (my eldest daughter) facebook post today.
    J is my grandson Jonah who is 6. Mick is my granddaughter Michaela who is 2 1/2.

    When the kids were getting me out of bed this morning, we were talking about what we were going to do today.
    J: have breakfast, and.... wait what day is it?
    Me: Wednesday
    J: so we're going to Grammie's house
    Me: yup.
    Mick: Mimi house?!
    Me: after lunch, and after nap time
    Mick: no! Had big sleep!
    Me: you had a big sleep, so you don't need a nap?
    Mick: yup no nap. Go Mimi house.

    I commented on it and said tell Michaela she needs to have a nap so she isn't grouchy when she visits. Lauryn told her and her response was: yeah Mimi best friend.

    My heart grew today and my eyes welled up!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So, I decided to give Intermittent fasting a go... it worked great, for about a week and a half.. weighed myself every other day, each day lost a little more... up to 1.4 pounds in 2 days... then, boom... here comes the weight again... it's ALL back! I have not changed anything, since I started.... same amount of hours eating/fasting...I don't get it...I thought I found the way to break my plateau... this is so incredibly discouraging...
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    So, I decided to give Intermittent fasting a go... it worked great, for about a week and a half.. weighed myself every other day, each day lost a little more... up to 1.4 pounds in 2 days... then, boom... here comes the weight again... it's ALL back! I have not changed anything, since I started.... same amount of hours eating/fasting...I don't get it...I thought I found the way to break my plateau... this is so incredibly discouraging...

    I am going through the same thing or so I thought. When I do an average over 7 days though I’m actually losing. Not really enough to write home about but a loss at least. I also fast, but mostly so I have free calories for the evening.