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  • smith1420ABC987NAN
    smith1420ABC987NAN Posts: 5 Member
    I am just starting back after leaving WW last year.Done nothing but gain since then am at a high weight and need to start loosing.Gave Keto and intermitant fasting a try but failed.Just turned 65 ,overweight diabetic and sedentary.The trifecta of failing I feel.Trying to come to terms with retirement and a new home.I feel like this is my last try.Started today to see what normal calorie intake for me is.Then April first I will pick a plan.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @its_cleo I'm not good at yoga, either, but would like to get better at it and I think a room to do it in would help. Same with meditation. Right now, not having a dedicated space makes it hard. You said you get hungry in the afternoon: make sure you are eating enough protein, and when you eat a snack, protein with your snack. That might help. :)

    @TrishasTime My pain is not good. Nothing I am trying is working. I think it's just going to have to go away on its own. :( Don't feel bad about not doing much yesterday, I'm sure you can't, or shouldn't, do much with your wrist and ankle like that. Hang in there and don't eat through the pain!

    @TeresaW1020 Your May trip sounds like a good one, and yay for being able to stay up and watch whatever you want! :D The fish tacos were good!!! Good luck with your plans today.

    @cbabie I agree about the stress vs sugar...although a doctor might say they are equal. Thanks for your support.

    @smith1420ABC987NAN Welcome! You are in a good, safe space here on this board. I hope you find something that you like.

    @gemwolf110 sounds like things are going well. Sorry the dress deal fell through.

    Hi all! Today is going to be fun. Actually, this whole weekend will be! Hubby and I are going on a picnic today and tomorrow, I'm going to lunch with a friend and then going to art galleries downtown. :D Should be fun. I'm just bringing fairly healthy foods to the picnic today:
    Antipasto Skewers
    Hummus + pita chips
    and my favorite fruit salad, Honey Lime Fruit Salad

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @trooworld yeah I definitely think a dedicated space would help. And yeah you're right- I definitely need protein in the afternoon. I need to find ways to fit more in. I do eat greek yogurt which has high protein as a snack, and that helps.

    Enjoy your picnic and art galleries. I really like going to art galleries. We have one here that is pretty good.

    @gemwolf110 glad ww is starting out okay. I found it really helped me with portion control. Glad your pups are doing well!

    @smith1420ABC987NAN welcome! Coming here is a good start. I think having small goals to start with is good. I have diabetes in my family, sorry you have to struggle with it.

    @cbabie black light easter egg sounds cool! I bet kids would love that!

    @TeresaW1020 yeah my dad would hide eggs around the house for us. But always chocolate ones, never real ones. It was still fun.

    @TrishasTime I drink diet coke sometimes too. Stay on the healing path! Are you able to drive with your wrist injured? I think even an automatic would be challenging...

    Successes- I have been under cals every day since Tuesday. Today I went to the gym, did some core stuff, some arm stuff, then when outside and did the stairs 4x(100 stairs). I am pooped lol.

    Here are my exercise goals for the upcoming week. Not sure I will make it or not. I'm thinking of trying to post goals/successes here more regularly to help me.

    Sun- run (It's really more like run/walk)
    Mon- stairs (4x100, plus maybe a hill if the ice is melted. My goal is to get to 5 sets for the stairs and hill, but the hill has been covered in ice)
    Tues- gym w/trainer
    Wed off
    Thurs- run + gym w/trainer
    Fri- core work and legs (strength training)
    Sat- run and arms (strength training).
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @teresaw2010 – Ooh – now I understand, but you still need to stuff them with lollies (that would be a danger zone for me). I am glad you have found a plan that works for you, keeping an eye on sugars and sodium is excellent. Do you use MFP to do that?

    @cbabie – How far are you into the 30 day challenge? After a week, you should be feeling okay, if the plan suits you. Fingers crossed you feel better soon.

    @smith1420ABC987nan – Wow – what a long sign in name 😊. Welcome, as one of our members continually reminds us – baby steps. Try not to do everything at once. Perhaps a 10 min walk and start logging everything you eat, so you can see where you can make changes?

    @gemwolf110 – I am sorry to hear that, try consignment first - or maybe ebay auction? Celebrate your successes of eating more vegetables and now chocolate.

    @trooworld - Glad you are having a fun weekend with your hubby. Perhaps it is time yo went and saw a foot doctor about your pain? It seems to be very troubling and if you know exactly what it is then you can work around it.

    @its_cleo – yes I can drive, I takes 2 hands to turn the key on and off, getting in and out of the car is a challenge with a camboot – but it makes me feel more independent. I love the fact that you have listed your successes. Every day you do your planned exercise is a “win” as far as I am concerned. You are certainly doing a lot more than a lot of other people 😊

    Day 16 had a medium sticker as I did not complete my steps. I am okay with that as I know I am doing the best I can. I have reduced my step goal from 10K to *k but only managed 6.5K in yesterday,, hence the medium sticker

    Day 17
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @trooworld Some pretty awesome choices you are making lately. Retirement party food choices. Choices to get up and walk even though you wanted to walk a bit more. Something is always better than nothing. I love picnics.

    @gemwolf110 You'll find the right fit one day. Just keep searching. One of our recent lessons in the 100 day challenge was Expectation Square. It said to draw a small square for each area of your life. That is how you wish that area of your life SHOULD be. Then draw another square around it and widen it. Write down ways you could widen your expectations and allow other options. Do this with several other areas that frustrate you in life. With each larger square you draw, ask the question, “ Could it be like this and still be okay? ” Write some notes about your insights. So think about this when searching for a WW meeting and church. That's great progress not eating the junk during Visitor time. I eat popcorn and choc the week before. Sorry about the dress.

    @its_cleo The author of the first 100 day challenge has a new book out called 100 More Days to Weight Loss. So I'm doing that next. Then I'll do a different book for the last 100 days. I'm thinking of doing The 100 day Self Discovery Journal. That leaves me 65 days through the year for maintenance. My goal is to lose at least 30 lbs in 2019 and maintain them. 10+10+10 Your exercise plan looks good.

    @TrishasTime I use the moonshine in addition to water. I'm still trying to drink pure plain water because I think that's really the best. I don't need all that Stevia in my body. But it helps the medicine go down as the song says. Night Circus is about 2 magicians that train a student for a challenge/duel. Then other characters come into it. Technically I guess the 2 students are wizards. But the scenery and props will be amazing if they do it right.

    @TeresaW1020 Your Mother's Day Plans sound wonderful. When your husband asked you about dropping something from your life, I would have made a joke saying, you're just lucky it's not you right now. lol
    Keep working on those 100 day assignments and your IF. I've figured out I'm in an official slump. The trick is to figure out when I'm heading into a slump. Easier to climb out if you're up by the ledge and not down at the bottom. Tomorrow is 90 day weigh in and then just one more weigh in. I feel I need a Tshirt to wear just for getting through these 100 days. I think the fun part of Easter eggs was dying the eggs the night before and then bringing them to the church. I have good memories of dying eggs. Then the adults could hide them. Spread the work around.


    If my mom were here, I'd have her make me one. I wonder if Amazon sells them. lol That's more my speed.

    @cbabie The problem with detoxing I think is that if you don't stick with the current program you'll have to detox all over again and go through those symptoms all over again. I agree with you on the stress/sugar. I like PB/choc ice cream. That's my favorite Baskin Robbin flavor. But I've switched to the sugar free type. Every once in a while I'll have me a scoop of the good stuff. I've just learned to eat a small scoop in a cup.

    @smith1420ABC987NAN Welcome to the group. My mom was a Smith. Well, you know two plans that won't work for you. So now to find a plan that does. Scroll up and read my post to gemwolf about the expectation square. You first pick a plan that would be your ideal/perfect plan and then you have to widen the plan to make it Smith's plan. If you are following someone else's rules, it's so much harder to follow. Make up your own. My plan is to eat as much as I can get away with and exercise as little as I can get away with and still lose weight and stay healthy. So I'm figuring that out. The good thing is that I track all my food everyday and my exercise so I know exactly how much I did. Jan/Feb was great. March, not so much. So I have to go back tomorrow and figure out why so I know what to shoot at for April. My food goals are eat what I want just smaller portions. It was working for 70 days. Now the tweaking begins. We'll be here to help you figure it out.

    So did nothing but stayed within food boundaries. I remember the days when that used to be the hardest thing for me so that's progress. But no sticker. :neutral: Coming up on the last 10 days of this challenge. Big sticker days are in my forecast.

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    edited March 2019
    @TrishasTime thanks. Years ago I was in therapy, and one of the things they taught me was doing weekly goals/achievements. I don't do it much anymore, except I try to set out an exercise routine for the week. It's adjustable. Today I was going to run but it started snowing - ack! And the last few days were so nice. So I'm not sure if I will walk or run. I understand wanting to feel independent. I don't have a car, but bc I live near a subway I don't really need one. But I would hate to be immobile, so I get it.

    @theslightedgeforever that's a great shirt, did you make that? I like your exercise with the squares, I find writing stuff out can help alot. I don't do it as much as I used to.

    Baseball has started. The Blue Jays have a lot of new young guys and a new manager from Puerto Rico. I always get weepy when the parents come for the kid's first major league game. And Charlie Montoyo, the manager, has had quite a life and a lot of struggles. They are doing a special on him today here, and I get weepy over that too lol.

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @its_cleo I love Greek yogurt. I love going to art galleries, too. I don't go to enough of them! Congrats on your successes, those are marvelous! And great goals, girl!

    @TrishasTime I don't think I will go to the doctor because I know what it is and I know what he will say: he will say, "It would help if you lose weight." And it is definitely plantar fasciitis because I've had it before and it feels exactly the same. The last time I had it, it took about a year to go away. :( 6.5K is incredible considering your situation!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, I'm trying. I love picnics, too. We don't go on enough of them. You do need that t-shirt! lol You deserve it!!! You've done great.

    Hello all. I had a great time at our picnic. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. It was a little chilly, but I had a jacket. We ate our food and laid down on a blanket and just relaxed for a bit and then came home and took a nap. Then we drank coffee out on the patio and read a book. It was really really nice. Today, I'm going for Thai food with a good friend and then she wants to shop for shoes. I'm not buying anything, but window shopping. I love Thai food and haven't decided if I'm going to splurge or get fresh spring rolls and chicken satay skewers. I'll probably end up splurging, I'm in the mood for pad thai.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning

    This morning I am off to see the orthopaedic surgeon. I am hoping to get my stitches out and see what he has to say about my ankle and return to walking/ work etc etc. Please keep me in your thought for some good news.
    Medium sticker for me as once again I did not make the steps.

    @theslightedgeforever - "Just one more day" as per page "vi" - you can do this. As you would image, I went on Amazon and found the T shirt for you - here is the link
    I did not realise the author had other books you could download, I will investigate them as well

    @its_cleo - Do you have someone who plays in baseball? Or is Blue jays a team you follow (sorry - dumb aussie question here). What did you do instead of running? Do you do Leslie Sansone etc?

    @trooworld - Thai food - love pad thai - I make it myself a lot of the time ( healthier version). The good thing I am reading about your comment, is this is not going to be anon a moment splurge, you are considering well before you go and thinking of the ins/outs

    Day 18

  • Feisty_Cheese
    Feisty_Cheese Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not sure I'm doing this right, but here goes...
    Kindof cool I found this on MFP. I just switched from WW to here. I'm going to miss some of the friends I made on Connect, but I have to do what's best for me to get healthy.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    @its_cleo no I didn’t make the shirt, I copied it from Internet. You never know the spirit might move me one of these days to make one. Lol. Behind every baseball player who makes it to the big leagues was a parent putting in a lot of hours to make that happen. That first game is like “we made it”. I get weepy too on stuff like that. Can’t believe snow again but did you end up exercising?

    @trooworld your picnic day sounded so relaxing. I need white fluffy clouds in my sky to make it perfect. Lol. What good food choices did you make today? Did you stay within your boundaries? Splurging is okay if it’s planned and fits. You could also order what you really want and just eat half

    @TrishasTime Thank you for the link. I just bought the 100 More days book and will do it next. Plus I own another one of her books.

    I stayed within boundaries for food but no exercise other than a 16 min walk. Water goal not met. Journal done. No sticker.

    I did do my 90 day weigh in and lost 1.7 lbs. So still hanging in there. 10 more days. Just concentrate on one more day like @TrishasTime says
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @cbabie, how’s your 30 day challenge going? I hope you are starting to feel better! I agree that praying for the stress in your life to calm down is probably more important than watching how much sugar you eat. Both are contributors to us not losing weight. I will be praying for you too!! <3 A black light Easter egg hunt sounds fun!!

    @smith1420AB, welcome to the group!! :) The key is to never give up and keep trying to find what will work for you! How long did you do IF and Keto? I’ve been doing IF for about 6 weeks and in the beginning stages of reading more and more about Keto. Have you read any of Dr. Jason’s Fung books. He has one, especially for diabetics. I’m planning to by my mom a copy and try to get her with her type two diabetes.

    @gemwolf110, I’m glad you are finding Freestyle more manageable for you. What WW did for me was to really get me to focus on vegetables. I always ate a decent amount but now I just love them and trying new things is fun too! Glad your doggies are all doing well and hopefully, big boy will get the cast off and be good as new. :)

    @trooworld, your weekend sounded great!! I love strolling through art galleries and wishing I had a drop of artistic talent. That honey lime fruit salad is one of my favorites too!! <3

    @its_cleo, you have some great goals for this week. I’m really going to try to focus on upping my exercise too. It just makes me feel so much better. :)

    @TrishasTime, I was watching my sodium on MFP for a few months but now I don’t care as much since starting intermittent fasting and learning that excess sugar makes the body retain water and sodium. So, I’m really working on watching the sugar, which reminds me that I need to go change my macros on MFP since they only allow so many. That is great that you can drive yourself around! I would go crazy if I had to stay cooped up for very long. How did the doctor's appointment go? Can you walk? Did the stitches come out? <3

    @theslightedgeforever, NO you can’t be in a slump! You are my inspiration!! :D That T-shirt is adorable. Yeah, I can’t believe our first 100 days is almost over. I’ve lost 6.5 as of this morning. Hoping to finish the next 10 days strong!

    Feisty_Cheese, welcome! What made you switch from WW to MFP? This is a good forum to find friends. I love this group and I’m in a challenge group that is really friendly. :)

    Whew!!! Y'all I have got to start coming on here more often so I don't spend half my morning typing before I even get to work! :D:D I have another crazy busy week! So far I have 17 confirmed ladies who can come to the baby shower. My little mama is about to pop and I'm praying that she holds out until after this shower on Saturday. She always delivers early and her husband said he is worried she won't last the week! :o

    Yesterday, I finally pulled the trigger and gave up the cream in my coffee. :s It's actually not that bad and I'm fairly confident that I will get used to it. I put a tiny sprinkle of pink salt and a dash of cinnamon in it to cut the bitter. Probably doesn't help that I drink French roast which is one of the strongest coffees. Might have to find a lighter roast. When I break my fast, I will have one deliouse cup full of yummy cream and use it as a reward for a job well done! B) Today is 39 days of doing IF and I feel great! I wish the scale would move more but my engery level is awesome.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @TrishasTime Good luck at the orthopaedic surgeon, I will be thinking good thoughts for good news! I love thai food too, and do make it at home too on occasion. Thanks, yes, I did put some thought into it. I ended up getting pad thai with mock duck and enjoying it. :)

    @Feisty_Cheese Hello and welcome! No right or wrong here! I used to love Connect, I thought it was cool. I hope you will stick around, I like these folks here.

    @theslightedgeforever I made a good food choice for breakfast, I had fruit salad. No I did not stay within my boundaries had I been tracking but I did not track yesterday. I need to start tracking again but as of about 4pm yesterday, I was getting sick and as of 6pm I was sick (with a cold). I will try to track today, but when I'm sick I don't care about much.

    @TeresaW1020 Well, we didn't end up going to art galleries. :/ I'm so glad you enjoy that fruit salad, too. I love it! Wow, that is a big baby shower!!! Hopefully, she holds till after the shower. I'm glad IF is working out for you. I hope that the scale drops soon. How's the egg filling going?

    Hi all. Well, went for Thai and enjoyed pad thai with mock duck. We didn't go to art galleries, we went to a shoe store afterwards. I didn't buy shoes but I did buy this hard little ball with spikes sticking out of it that is supposed to be good to roll under your foot for plantar fasciitis. I used it last night and it hurt but felt good at the same time. Out with my friend, my throat was a bit sore and by the time I got home and it became 4pm, I realized I was getting sick. By 6pm, I was sick. I'm sure it's a cold. This is terrible timing as I have something going on at work that I need to attend to but now someone else will have to deal with. I will have to drive to work tomorrow just to get something together for the project. I hate being sick! :( I took today off to do things around the house and now I won't be able to do them.

  • smith1420ABC987NAN
    smith1420ABC987NAN Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcome.I do not know how to answer comments individually..Sort of flying by the seat of my pants.I appreciate ideas and comments.To answer Teresa,I somewhat followed keto for 2 ys then 6 months fasting.The good thing about keto is you do get less hungry making it easier to fast.The bad thing you really cant cheat and loose no /lo carb gets old. I think for me "theslightedge" mentioned make my own plan and make it work.I will give it a go,being retired and relocated hard to want it.Thanks again for the advice.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @smith I think making your own plan sounds good. There's a lot of us to respond to individually- don't worry about it. But if you write the person's name with an @ in front it highlights it.

    @trooworld , it sounds like you had a nice picnic, and a nice lunch. The ball for your foot- those things can work. It is sort of like a massage on a knot- so it can be painful but should help in the long run. And with the ball you control the pressure. Lacrosse balls can also be used, but they’re harder. I have foot pain sometimes, and when I’ve tried with the ball it really helps. I’m a wimp though, so I always wait until it’s really bad before using the ball lol. > Take care of your cold, that sucks.

    @TrishasTime - good luck at the surgeon’s! No, I don’t know anyone that plays baseball. I just get really into it. I have two teams I follow- Blue Jays and then Dodgers. My friends get tired of me talking about it, so I will stop, but it was the opening weekend so I was pretty excited. As a Canadian I should like hockey I guess but it bores me to tears.

    Only thing with watching baseball- it’s a lot of sitting lol. So not good in that sense.

    I do Leslie Sansone during the day when I work from home- I love it! But only 5 or 10 minutes every couple of hours. It’s like my get moving break.

    I did go running Sunday- it was snowing but not too bad. Today I went to the gym and did some core work, just 30 mins. My gym is having a 30 day challenge, where you have to try to go to the gym 30 mins a day. Every day you go they give out stickers. And at the end, if you do it, you win 30 min massage, or 30 minute pilate session with a pilates instructor. I’m not really into either prize, but I’m just doing it for fun.

    @Feisty_Cheese welcome!

    @theslightedgeforever forever- ah I see. I made shirts once in university and enjoyed it. But yeah it seems like a lot of work now lol. But HUGE congrats on getting thru the 100 day challenge!

    @TeresaW1020 – wow good for you on giving up the cream! That’s a big step to me. And you’re right about veggies- the more I eat the more I crave them. It sounds like the baby shower will be a big success- 17 is a good turnout.

    I’m good overall, my life is boring lol. I should have some free time later in April so I’m planning on doing some shopping for my apt. Last fall I bought a new sofa and loveseat but I don’t like the colour. So I want to get a throw or a cotton blanket or something that will look good over them. I’ve very fussy so it will take me a while to find something like that.

    Cals- on target but barely.
    Ex- on target.
    Tomorrow- I see my trainer.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @fiesty_cheese – Welcome aboard, It will be nice to get to know you

    @theslightedgeforever – Congrats on the loss 😊 Glad you are hanging in there. I found the books, I decided that I would go through the 100 days first and not get ahead of myself.

    @Teresaw2010 – A Magazine did a 3 page special on IF They included nice recipes but I am not sure why – do you follow a special diet regime when you are not fasting? Well done on 39 days

    @trooworld – I hope the spikey ball helps you. You seem to have a target on your back that says bugs- pick me. Hope yu get better soon

    @cbabie – I just read an article that eating fat does not make you fat but sugar does – so well done you are way ahead of a lot of people

    @its_cleo - I am glad you are mainly on target. Do you do Leslie from utube or do you have videos?

    The ortho went well, I am allowed to go back to work part time next week and start wearing normal shoes in the house, dependant on the pain level. If I feel anything -back to the brace. I am now allowed to shower without the cast and I tried to wash my hair but was so intense that I stopped and now my fingers are tingly. I had some bad news last night and succumbed to eating more than I should, however I documented it all, went over by 79 calories.

    My GD had a major stroke last night, he is 97. We are now waiting by the phone for the news, he is breathing and then stops for 3 min and then breathes again. They expect he will die within next 3 days.

    I had a serious chat to myself about emotional eating this morning, so I am prepared for the outcome

    Day 20
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    edited April 2019
    @fiesty_cheese Welcome to the group. Tell us which areas you struggle with the most? What has kept you from getting to your goal?

    @teresaw1020 I'm trying to get out of my slump. It's being replaced with the flu. Thanks to dh. I had this big plan to start exercising hard in April. April Fools! lol Okay, so maybe the second week of April. I need more work on my veggies. That's great on your energy levels.

    @trooworld I love fruit salad. I haven't done that in a while. Probably since I became pre-diabetic. I used to love to eat that for breakfast or I would make me a kiwi-pineapple smoothie. Then figured out I was just eating a bunch of carbs and no protein. I should get back to that and add me in a yogurt or something. Thanks for reminding me.

    @smith1420ABCNan Most people come on here and just read the thread anyway. So even if you don't do a "proper" comment, it's okay. No right or wrong here. I think I started out just doing comments like this:

    fiesty- comment

    Eventually that led to me typing out their full username with an @ in front of it. Usually the system helps you if you just start typing in some of the letters and it will pop up. After awhile you get to know the names of everyone. It's just you and I that have super long usernames. lol My system prompt isn't working and I had to do yours by memory at the end.

    @its_cleo I have 9 days to go to finish the 100 day challenge. I have tried this challenge 2-3 other times and never made it all the way through. I can see the finish line. Although I feel like a senior in highschool and it's almost June and I've got senioritis. So I'm working on that too. Next time on your positive actions I'd like to see Cals-on target. No but barely. That leaves a negative impression. Kind of dilutes your effort. You made your target. You stayed at or under your boundary, right? Own it. Celebrate it. Positive vibes.

    @trishastime You just can't get a break in life right now. Sorry about your GD. Although I guess really life is just one set of events that are thrown at us and it's up to us to see how we react to them. That's great that you are getting better. 79 calories is nothing. You did well.

    So I did some comfort eating of my own. Although I went over by almost 200 calories. I just lowered my calorie goal on some of my days by 60-80 calories. I met my exercise goal which is only 10 min when I'm sick. water goal not met. Journal done. no sticker just an X

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @its_cleo It was nice. Yeah, this ball is pretty hard and it hurts but I'm using it lol. I'm a wimp, too! :) Thanks, yeah, I just had a cold in February and before that in January so it sucks really bad that I'm sick again! :(

    @TrishasTime I know, right? I just said above, this is the third time this year I've been sick!!! I'm so very sorry about your GD. Is that your granddad? I don't remember what "GD" stands for.

    @theslightedgeforever I've been eating fruit salad for breakfast this week since I had it on hand. I'm sorry you are sick, too.

    Hello all. My throat hurts so bad! :( I slept poorly because I felt my throat all night. I ate well yesterday (made homemade chicken noodle soup) except got into some mint chocolate chip ice cream that felt good on my throat. I have to go into work today for about an hour and then I'm coming home.

  • Feisty_Cheese
    Feisty_Cheese Posts: 2 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I don't know if I was struggling so much doing WW, more just getting complacent and spending to much time comparing myself to others on Connect. Now I'm trying to focus on me and what I need to do instead of what everyone else is doing. Hope that makes sense. Have a wonderful day.
  • smith1420ABC987NAN
    smith1420ABC987NAN Posts: 5 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I am not even sure how I picked that name..LOL It is wicked long.Day one was yesterday ...fail its hard to be at 1200 cal and eat much.Hopefully planning better today.Everybody seems to struggle I guess we wouldnt be here if it was easy ,right. New day try again.Thanks all for sharing.