

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    I slept well and am up ,showered and dressed and having my tea.. looks like I will have to go get my small suitcase out as an overnight bag will not do..
    I did speak with the nurse at nursing home last night.. I like her alot..she said the Dr was in and really saw how much DFIL has deteriorated...she did tell him about the eating excitement and he said its the calm before the storm..
    he doesn't go and examine patients much, he listens to what the family and nurses say and check out the patient charts and thats about it... but he must have seen him while he was there yesterday
    i was speaking with Kelly (the nurse) and I told her I wouldn't put it past him if he went while I was away.. and she looked me in the eye and said DONT you feel guilty.. not one bit. you have been there through it all..
    I know I have but he has been such a big part of my life there will be a huge void.....
    I have been hemming and hawing about my job and expenses... Connecticut is going to kill me ,it is sooooo expensive to live here. and working part time and alimony are going to get eaten up if I dont do something..
    will speak with a financial advisor and see what my options are..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,034 Member
    Lanette I'm in France. Thanks for the welcome. I'm still quite overwhelmed by the very many posters. I think I might love the Tai chi video;

    Anyone have a notion of how many we are? 20? more?

    Count up the Who Am I stories. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,034 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Machka, just reading about everything that you do, seemingly at once, exhausts me! Don't quite know how you manage to get it all done!


    And my calendar.

    Essentially, I just do what's next on the list.

    Congrats to Michele, Rebecca, Lisa, Evelyn and their families.

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Good Monday Morning! I didn't sleep well last night...feet were burning and I kept getting muscle spasms in the leg with the new knee. After 2 PM before I finally drifted off and then the burglar alarm went off. Ugh! :s Probably a spider in the basement set it off. Hoping today will be better.

    Love all the baby pics and can't wait til Michele shows her new little one.

    Allie ~ Try to enjoy you trip to listen to Joyce and try not to worry about the expense and FnL.

    Good wishes for anyone needing them and hugs all around!

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    So happy to hear about all the new little ones! Athena, Rosalie, and Peter Joseph pretty much come close to sharing birthdays. We'll be looking forward to their 1 year birthday photos <3

    - your Mother's Day lunch was a great idea. You've made me hungry for egg-salad sandwiches. If I remember right, you mentioned not being able to get up off the floor - are you still going to physical therapy? If so they might be able to help with that. So happy your recovery is going well. Just read about your burglar alarm and burning feet (me too) and muscle spasms. Hope you can get some rest today.

    Lisa - what a lovely family photo! Hope your issue can be resolved quickly. Neat photo of your mom! Love the "if it doesn't make you feel fabulous" poster. <3 very true!

    - that's great the internet Tech was able to come out yesterday and get you fixed up. You have a great service provider. Sounds like you had a fabulous day.

    - I finished watching Silent Witness last week and was looking for a new series. Happily "The Durrells" is available on Amazon Prime. Glad your lunch went well.

    Allie - have a good time seeing Joyce, bet she's even more powerful in person. Your FIL might indeed choose to leave while you are gone. I am amazed that he's still eating as much as he is. You've given him great care and love, that's for sure.

    - I bet Trentin had the best birthday ever. I would imagine him spending the day with you is like being at "Grandma's house" - just from the special care he gets. Glad your open slots have been filled. Lucky kids get to be in your care! Neat that Colin helped you cook B) Fixing food from scratch is not as easy as it looks.

    I spent Mother's Day outside most of the day it seems... after last week's "summer" we are back into spring with weather in the 60's and rainy the next ten days or so. My tomatoes had such a growth spurt I planted my "trees" yesterday.... and that was a work out. But, it's done.

    It's about 2 weeks earlier than I normally plant them and I know I'm flirting with frost. Will get the cages around them and remay (row cover) ready in case I need to put blankets around them in the next couple weeks.

    Anyhow, my morning stretching and SWSY is paying off - I feel pretty good today despite plenty of shovel work and dragging bags of soil and bending over putting those kids in the ground.

    Speaking of stretching, I'd better get to it. Have a wonderful week, ladies!

    SW WA State
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Evelyn congratulations!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,034 Member

    7.6 km walking
    5 flights of stairs

    And we (my husband and I) went to one of our physiotherapists and were assessed for small classes ... so it looks like we'll start going to a modified pilates class tailored to our individual needs starting toward the end of the month. :)

    Part of the reason for all that walking was getting to and from the physiotherapist business, but the bulk of it was walking to uni and between uni and work.

    And this evening has been a homework evening.

    M in Oz
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Evelyn- beautiful new granddaughter. I bet you will find out that you will be needed lots more with two little ones to care for now. Glad you did a good job while you had him.
    Lenora- the only time I use essential oils is at yoga. They are passes around. My headaches aren’t mirGrains but a four word description that means really bad headaches that don’t go away. I discovered that I felt much better after yoga so have decided it had a lot to do with muscles. I started doing. AM Yoga with Rodney Ye and it is helping.
    Off to balance class, sounds easy but it is so good for me.
    Suebdew in TX
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    late afternoon check in

    ✔️ 1. weighed in 58.6
    x 2. tracked yesterday
    ✔️3. 30 min exercise
    x 4. five minutes meditation
    ✔️5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project
    x 6.produce at least 10-11 pages per day (until May 14th)
    x 7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    x 8. At least 15 min cleaning
    x 9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork
    let's see 10.average 1100 calories

    • Overall Feeling: better than this morning- pretty tired and a little achey
    • Tracking :today
    • Exercise : steps ok
    • 1100 calories net average : didn't track on the weekend. have 42 calories left at 5pm if I didn't forget anything
    • Long term writing 2hrs: yes
    • Long term writing 10-11 pages day until May 14th : not exactly
    • Short term writing/admin : no
    • Bright Spots : some colleagues and sunny day and got 23 pages of thesis sent out

    Grateful :
    1. sun
    2. café
    3. corrector 1 seems really serious and helpful and communicative
    4. ok music
    5. some nice colleagues
    6. got 23 pages sent out
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I'm glad I was writing really early. then got caught up in stuff and now it's afternoon and my stick to it-ed ness is not brilliant. thinking's I'm gonna take a short nap and back to work.
    I think that little GF vegan pizza didn't help my energy level. still pretty starchy. 450 calories, 73 carbs....

    I have writing deadline and papers to correct; yikes.
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    📙Accountability post for Sunday, May 12th
    ✖️1. Carbs 50g max with no more than 25g per meal. (131g)
    ✖️2. Fiber 25g. (2g)
    ✔️3. Track in MFP. Complete the entry daily.
    ✔4. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes (57 Active minutes).
    ✖️5. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔6. In bed by midnight.

    • Overall Feeling. Loved.
    • Exercise. No intentional exercise. Just s busy day with lots of family.
    • Eating deadline. Nope. Late night snack
    • Bedtime-Sleep Hygiene. Exhausted and in bed early. But awake in the middle of the night.
    • Bright Spot today. Family here today. Such a delight. Laughing. Reminiscing.
    • Today I’m grateful for:
    1. My mother.
    2. My family.
    3. This beautiful sunny day.
    4. New clothes.
    5. Coffee.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member

    Went to a work thing and it was fine but I found the dynamic stressful at the end. there was a drink and many use the time to network. Since I'm adjunct status in non-main subject my status is low. on one on one people are friendly but in networking scene people want to speak with people of similar or higher status, and for those of us with lower status it can be uncomfortable. Probably even below us are some of the support staff, and so on. I did work for free for oral entrance exams, basically for the networking opportunity (90 teachers are there), and found it rather so-so whereas it took up most of the day.

    My thesis director is not supportive at all. I really had to insist to get an appointment. I've met with her one on one 1x in 4 years. She's pretty negative, well has favorities and there is some corruption. in fact her big favorite who gets all the opportunities, finances, etc, is a beautiful young phd student who's been sleeping with one of the top directors for 4 years. I was just looking up level of corruption per country. I think USA falls in the mid high teens (like 17th least corrupted country in world) and France falls around 23.

    I'm finding it's everywhere.

    I feel bad about it on a world level and really bad about it when I encounter in professionally which has been happening a huge amount these past years.

    Then there's sexism, (most of the teachers in 1 school are men who lunch with men and hire more men) and I feel so discouraged.

    Great for SV at least. didn't track at all yesterday as we had work meal and snack after. had a glass of wine alone when I got home rather than at work function.

    going to gym and then will work on thesis all day today and tomorrow.

    Congratulations on the SV!

    On the other part, I wish I could offer some encouragement. I know that getting through academia is stressful and very unfair in so many ways. I was lucky, but I also had moments of humiliation and devaluation. I don't know why it is this way so much -- I wish everything could be on merit, but I am not naive enough to know that happens enough.

    Hang in there. Remember other people can't define you, even though they may try.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon