

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld That's good that you listened to your body. Later there will be other hikes out there to enjoy.

    @its_cleo Your GC plans sound like they are coming together. My dd just took the pics for her passport renewal. I think the pics are a bit blurry and the the background needs to be whiter but it was done at a place where they do them all the time. Hopefully they won't send the passport back saying we need to do it again. I don't think there's a refund. Yes MN is cold. When I was about 13, I went up to Duluth MN with my dad in wintertime. I remember how cold I was and I grew up in the snow. This was something else though. She did her undergrad in Northern Iowa only about 1 1/2 hours from where she will be living so she's used to the cold.

    @teresaw1020 You made me laugh out loud about apologizing to God. It's so easy for the mind to wander. But I guess that's the whole point of prayer, meditation, whatever is mindfulness. Be in the moment. I still need to visit my son after moving dd. So I'll be going home around end of June. They say I come and invade their space in the spring/summer and then they come invade mine for Christmas. I think I shared before on this thread a long time ago about the WW twins I watch on YouTube. I was watching their newest video yesterday and they just got back from a 2 week vacation in Portugal where they wined and dined alot. They've been back 2 weeks I think and they decided to really hit the Freestyle program and make almost all of their food the FREE part of freestyle. Then slowly add back in stuff. I know they said they wanted to keep dairy and their protein shakes but I think they are doing alot of fruits veggies and lean meats right now to jumpstart their weight loss. They've done quite well I think on it since they returned. They are just trying to get back in control.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Birthday in advance if I don't happen to post it on the correct day. I'll be heading out on the road in a couple of days. I hope this next year will be a really good one for you to make some progress on life goals you have set for yourself. Sometimes what turns out to be a bad thing is really an open window/door for something even greater.

    @trishastime Happy Foundation Day. The Holocaust museum was very emotional. I spent 2 days kind of being angry how some people can treat others like that just because they were different. I went to the Native American museum, African American Museum, and then the Holocaust. They have things to cover the cords on the wall. You can paint them also to match the paint color. I hate dust and clutter. If there is a flat surface, my dh is sure to find it and put stuff on it.

    I think I'm rested up enough. I will resume my exercise tomorrow.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @its_cleo I'm glad it was a good retreat. The Sunday canyon hikes occur once a month, so I can always go next month. My friend and I went to the coffee place yesterday, we walked there. It seemed very far but it was only a 23-minute walk. Maybe it seemed far because my foot was hurting?

    @TeresaW1020 Yes! And yes, they have the Sunday hikes once a month, so I can go again. :) That's great that the shower went well. I can't believe half the year is gone!

    @TrishasTime I hope you enjoy your trip.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, every month they hold that same hike.

    Hello all. Yesterday, I did too much: I got over 14,000 steps which is a lot for me (I usually get about 6,000). I took the dog for a walk with DH in the morning and then walked to the coffee shop with my friend...that was about 23 minutes to get to and it seemed a lot farther than it probably was! My foot was hurting so bad by the time we were turning around (the plantar fasciitis) let alone the knees...I'm really glad I didn't go on that hike. The coffee shop was the one that was hosting the hike. It was super cute, and outdoor space with a fence around it and tables and chairs to drink your coffee and it had books to read while you drink your coffee and all sorts of nick nacks to look at. I'll definitely go back, it's a nice reward for a walk. The coffee was good, too.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    Today we set off to be away for a week. I have been told we will have internet, so I am good with that.

    @trooworld - I am glad you did not do the hike, you need to get yourself well (as you can) Living in such a nice spot, you can go on a hike whenever you feel better. Are you completely out of the old unit? keys handed over etc?
    People are recommending this link on youtube for plantar fasciitis. Maybe worth a view

    @theslightedgeforever - We have a holocaust museum here, but it is only open on certain days when they have a school booking. I am thinking of asking when they will be open in September as I have time away from work. It is something I have always wanted to see.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Good for you for going on that walk. That's a good walk because you can rest and then walk back and you get in 46 min of exercise versus doing it all at once. I think I would love the ambience of that little coffee shop.

    @trishastime Did Australia participate in WW2? At the end of the tour there was a place where you could sit and watch short interviews of people who were rescued. I think the most moving thing I saw was all the shoes. I took a pic of it and I'll see if I can upload it. Enjoy your little holiday and make good choices. I need to get back to my good tracking. I've been hit and miss since I've been on vacation.

    Just a bit of info:

    Cbabie fell at church and broke her wrist in several places. She was supposed to call the ortho surgeon and see if she needs surgery on it or not. But I haven't heard back yet on that. So let's send prayers and good vibes to her.

    The scale finally went upwards a bit over my starting weight when I arrived, so I need to pull back just a bit. My goal is to have soup or salad for lunch while I'm on the road. I'll try to check in from the hotels.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TrishasTime I'm glad, too. I would have been miserable. We are completely out, we handed in the keys on Friday. Thanks for the link, I'll have a look this morning.

    @theslightedgeforever That's true about the resting. I love the ambiance of the coffee shop, too, it's like a little clubhouse for book worms. :) I'm so sorry to hear about cbabie. Please tell her I'm thinking about her and sending her my best thoughts and wishes her way. I have been to the Holocaust Museum and cried the whole way through. I'm glad I went, but it made me very sad and angry. These shoes were something that stuck out in my mind and will always.

    Hello all. I finally got on the scale after ignoring it for 3 weeks. I only gained 0.6 lbs, which is remarkable considering how I've been eating. I'm back on keto and intermittent fasting as of yesterday. Back to focusing. I've got a doctor's appt for a physical on 6/21 and I'd like to lose a little weight by then so I might hear, "You've lost weight" instead of, "You need to lose some weight."

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @theslightedgeforever, wow that picture of the shoes is incredible!! Breaks my heart to look at it. I've never been to the Holocaust museum but can see how it would be incredibly moving. We must never forget that evil of that kind does still exist. :'(

    @trooworld, that is great that you barely gained any weight after all the stress you have been under with the move. I'm still on the fence with Keto. I am going no sugar this month and trying to keep what carbs I do eat to veggies, limited fruit, and some whole grains. Yes, to having your doctor noticed weight loss and not weight gain! That is what I'm hoping for too the next time I go see my doctor. :)

    Well, I lost .8 lbs this week which is good considering what I ate at the baby shower. >:) I went to my Tuesday WW meeting and said good-bye to my leader. I will miss her! I asked her what leader she would choose if she was me and she said that the Wednesday leader is more knowledgeable and has more energy. That is what I thought too when I went last week. So, I will miss some of the ladies that I've gotten to know but I think Wednesday will work out better for my schedule. If nothing else it will give me an extra day to recover from whatever damage I do on the weekend. B)
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Great that you’ve settled on a day for WW. I’m sure you’ll get to know the people there. Also a .8lb weight loss is great! I can’t do it lol.

    @trooworld congrats on being formally out of the old place. I’m sure it feels good. I can’t believe how fast all of that happened

    @theslightedgeforever that picture- wow. I don’t think I could go to that museum. I would just find it too upsetting, but I know it’s important to remember.

    @TrishasTime- the retreat, yeah it helped me. I meditate every day but I’ve been struggling with just getting lost in my thoughts. So I got some ideas on how to change things up a little bit. A lot of people the mind wanders, it’s natural. The meditation style I do is like- focus on your breathe, and if your mind wanders then as soon as you notice, just bring it back to the breath. Part of it is learning how your mind constantly distracts you from just being in the present moment. And gradually build up the tolerance for that. It’s hard, but it helps me in different ways.
    Things are ok here. I haven’t had much time to exercise this week. But I see trainer today, though I really just feel like flaking out and watching tv lol.

    Poor @cbabie- if you read this I’m sending you healing vibes. Take gentle care.

    @gemwolf happy birthday in advance!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld That was a great weigh in. You seem to be internalizing good health habits. I was at a little bookworm café today too. We were taking a break from loading the truck. I can really tell I've lost my strength. Good thing for me to work on. I usually go in February or March and this year the dr noticed I had lost some weight. Feels so good. Now to lose even more.

    @teresaw1020 Yaaay for your weight loss. Any plan works as long as you work the plan. So try this new plan for a while and see how you like it.

    @gemwolf110 Yes, being positive carries us far. I just read your bday is coming up. Have a good one.

    @its_cleo I think being "in the moment" is good for us but so hard at the same time. We don't want to feel feelings or think thoughts sometimes, that's why distractions are always easy.

    I'll send cbabie your messages. She might be reading them but just can't respond.
    Dh and I walked about 20 minutes this morning to go pick up the UHaul truck. It was actually a bit chilly. Then we walked about 10 min over to my dd's university to go to the bookstore so I could pick up a Tshirt. It says Proud parent of EVMS graduate. :#

    I'll be on the road tomorrow for 3 days so I'll check in when I can. You may see me everyday or you may not.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Yes, I was pretty happy about that small gain! re: have to find what works for you. I don't know if I'll do it long-term, we'll see. I might! I might miss fruit, who knows? :) Yeah, doctor's approval is pretty important to me. I'm sick of his frowny face. haha Congrats on your loss! That was a good idea to ask your old leader which leader she would choose.

    @its_cleo Thanks! I know, right? It was fast!

    @gemwolf110 Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! WOO HOO!!!!

    @theslightedgeforever I don't know if it was that I had good health habits (maybe it was), or if it was all the physical moving that kept my weight in check? Either way, I'll take it! lol Was the bookworm cafe in DC? I am confused as to where you are now. You are doing really good, slightedge. Keep it up! I would be a proud parent, too, I would get one of those shirts as well!!! :D Have a safe trip.

    @cbabie ((( HUGS ))) I'm thinking of you, dear and send you healing wishes.

    @trishastime I watched that video and that was interesting. I never thought to do that. I will start doing it. I hope you are enjoying your vacation.

    Hi all. I'm glad it's Weds. I need the weekend to be here. :O I don't know if I said this, but I got some new work shoes on Sunday, they are Dansko brand. They were expensive but are supposed to be very supportive and good for plantar fasciitis. So far, they are working out well. The only thing is I wore them on my big walk and got a blister so I have to wear a bandaid on my right heel for a while until it heals. My officemate has a pair just like them and says they are the only shoes that her feet don't hurt in.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    Really really windy here. I am not having much fun at all. Overate yesterday but back in track today.

    @theslightedgeforever - yes we did participate in WW2. The shoes are quite stark are they not. In the display here - they had suitcases.

    @teresaw2010 - nice loss :) glad you settled on a meeting

    @cbabie - sending prayers your way. Let us know how you go

    @trooworld - and now you have left the other unit behind - your new story has begun. I am so pleased for you

    @its_cleo - I am sure you will get back to exercising soon

    Take care

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TrishasTime I'm sorry you aren't having that much fun. What were you meant to do while on vacation? I don't know what kind of activities there are in that area. Yes, a new story. I like my new story so far! :)

    Hi all. Thursday already, yay. Can you believe there are 175 days until Thanksgiving? Time is flying by. Have a great day!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld I was in VA about 3 hours from DC packing up my daughter when you asked me that question but now I'm currently near Pittsburg PA. That's good you found some shoes that give you support. Yes, time is flying by. Let's all look at where we started the year to where we are now. How much progress have we made.

    @trishastime Suitcases would be interesting. Are you enjoying your break? Duh, I just read you weren't. I'm sorry. Breaks are meant to be fun. Good job for getting right back on plan.

    I made good choices today at the restaurant. My weight is up about a bit from when I arrived so I'm trying to enjoy but yet pull it back a bit so I can keep maintaining like I was the first 2 weeks I was here. I ordered a fruit plate and it had about 3/4 c of chicken salad in the middle. But then I ate 2 rolls. lol I love Bob Evans rolls. I countered that with no dinner because I had some snacks in the afternoon. Balance.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Oh ok. Still too far away from me. :) Yes, the shoes are good. I'd say I am progressing vs. the beginning of the year. I am definitely lighter. That's good you are trying to balance everything out.

    Where is everyone? @its_cleo ? @TeresaW1020 ? @gemwolf110 ? How are you gals? @TrishasTime I know you are on vacation.

    @cbabie Hello and I am thinking of you wishing you well.

    We've got 3 items to assemble this weekend and I doubt they are going to all get assembled unless I step in and help. :( They are: the dreaded entertainment center, a kitchen pantry, and a rolling kitchen island. We HAVE to get some of these boxes out of here, it's driving me crazy!!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @theslightedgeforever, I am sorry that I missed the post about cbabie!! How is she? Good job on balancing your eating while on vacation. You are seriously impressing me with your choices. You must be feeling pretty proud of yourself. You should be!! B)

    @cbabie, I am so very sorry that you are so hurt! You are in my prayers for a quick and easy healing. <3<3

    @TrishasTime, well I hope the wind dies down and you can have some fun! Good for you for getting back on track! <3

    @Trooworld, 175 days until Thanksgiving! Last year I was working towards being able to wear this cute shirt that I own and have never gotten into it. I didn’t get into that shirt but maybe this year I can make it happen. ;) Yikes, that is a lot of things to put together! Slap a screwdriver in that hubby’s hand of yours and tell him to get to work. :D

    Sorry I’ve been out of touch the last few days. Work has kept me busy and yesterday we had one of our all-day-staff meetings to discuss issues in our church. We have lots of changes going on and our hearts are seriously burdened for our small church and it's people. We want a strong and healthy church and working towards that is challenging. But it was a good meeting and as usual after one of our meetings I have a lot more work to do this summer than I did going into the meeting. But it’s all good!! :)

    I was happy that yesterday, I didn’t pig out like I so often do at these meetings because I buy them all a bunch of junk food and we always eat out for lunch. I only ate 5 of pastor’s peanut M & M’s and then told him to move them away from me. Happily, my weight didn’t budge and I’m hoping that being very good today will get me losing again by tomorrow.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Yeah the assembly part is the worst I think. I've learned to put together IKEA bookshelves in no time flat. Of course if I waited around for the rest of my household to do it, it wouldn't get done. I think I trained dh if he just waits long enough...…. Good for you for the progress that you have shown this year.

    @teresaw1020 That's great you didn't overeat at the meeting and 5 MnMs showed good impulse control.

    The second leg of our journey to MN is finished and we're currently in Chicago area. Riding in a truck shouldn't be this tiring. I wish I was like Samantha on Bewitched and just pop from one place to another. Anyone remember that show? The good news is that I can get fitbit steps just by bouncing around in a truck. lol Doesn't do a thing for my waistline though.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TeresaW1020 You sure will get into that shirt! :D Keep going! re: the hubby...he works at a turtle's pace...he does a little and then sits on the couch and watches tv, so we'll be lucky if one of those items is put together this weekend. ;) I may have to take things into my own hands. I hope the changes work out for the best at your church. Sometimes change is scary!

    @theslightedgeforever Exactly...that is why I might have to do it on my own time lol. Thanks! We'll see what the rest of the year holds. I remember that show. That's funny about the Fitbit steps.

    Hello all. I've got a busy day today: I have to take the dog to the vet (he's still peeing a lot and drinking a lot of water and we are concerned :/ ) and take the car to the dealership for an oil change. When I go for an oil change at the dealership, it sucks up 2 hours of my time, unfortunately. I will bring my laptop though and do some work that needs to be done on a course I'm taking for work. I don't understand why it can take 15 minutes at Valvoline but 2 hours at the dealership. But then again, when I take my car to Valvoline, there is a chance they will screw it up (has happened 2 or 3 times now). Have I told you all about Bitchin' Sauce? It's this really good dip that is made locally and sold in markets and farmers markets around here. Well, I found a recipe for it on the internet and I'm going to make it this weekend so I don't have to spend $5 on a small tub at the farmers market. Trust me, you need this in your life! I used to eat it with tortilla chips, I'll probably eat this batch with celery sticks. Here's the recipe:

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld That sauce looks good. I wonder how it would be with baby carrots?

    Finally made it to MN and we'll be here for 3 days to look around and see the best place for my dd to get an apartment. Truck is unloaded and everything in storage.

    I'm going to find me some good walking trails around here.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, that sauce looks good!! Can you believe that I don't own a blender or a food processor? Really need to put that on my Christmas list!! I would make that sauce for sure and eat it with yummy raw veggies. Of course, if I make it for one of my church events I might need to change the name from Bitchin Sauce to something like Heavenly Sauce. o:):D

    @theslightedgeforever, I hope your daughter finds the perfect apartment! You must be exhausted from all that traveling and moving stuff into storage but yet you are talking about finding walking trails. You are a rockstar!! B)

    I think I overdid my workouts the last couple of days because my body and especially my legs are aching this morning. I'm taking the day off from the treadmill but we have to go out and buy a new coffee maker today, so I will at least get in some steps. The stupid thing decided to die this morning! :s Thankfully we have Starbucks instant VIA to tied us over. I've been wanting to get hubby out to look at some new pans so this will be a good excuse to show him what I want. I really want a cast iron grill pan and a wok! :p
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I bet it would be good. I'm going to have it with celery. Good luck with the apartment search. I'm sure MN has some good walking's probably really pretty over there.

    @TeresaW1020 It is really really good, addicting! Whaaaaaat? You don't have either??? Girl, you need to get you one! lol Yes, that name would definitely need to be changed hahaha! Heavenly Sauce is a good name for it, too. :D Shopping for kitchen stuff is fun. I hope you get to get the stuff you want. Be careful with your workouts, you don't want to hurt yourself. :(

    Hello all. It seems my pup might have something else going on with him, he's still drinking a lot of water and urinating a lot so we took him back to the vet on Saturday and they drew some blood to run some tests. He vomited last night, and vomited this morning, this is not good. He's also being lethargic. I'm very worried. I will tell this to my vet when he calls tomorrow with the results.