Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,782 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was an XTrain day starting with Supercuts and ending with Ride. You know it is a good workout day when you are tempted to put a :) next to your workouts on your calendar. And I was tempted!

    Laurie, we may not be experiencing Christmas in July here in Alabama, but we do have Autumn in July! Temps this morning in the 50s, clear blue sky, low humidity....couldn’t be better! Glad to hear you and your DH were able to enjoy it this morning as well. Sounds like another good workout this morning. I completely agree on PHA 2. That one just flies by for me. Have fun at the game!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi ladies, quick update. I had a MAJOR breakthrough today! I woke up feeling very well and was full of energy. So I went to my yoga and fusion sculpting class! It felt great! I was able to do forearm planks, all kinds of ab work too. I am beyond excited. No Aleve was needed today.
    My right pinky is still hurting and my right knee too but that's nothing compared to where I've been.
    While in class I kept thanking God because today felt like a miracle. I was tired after that so I rested this afternoon while I did 3 loads of laundry.

    Thank you so much for your get well wishes and for keeping me in your prayers. This doesn't mean my meds have kicked in. I think I had a false sense of feeling better over the weekend and I reduced the pred. By Tuesday I was pretty stiff and could hardly lift my left arm, I had swollen fingers and my knee was tender. I took an Aleve and upped the pred to the right dose and today I felt like a new woman. I guess over the weekend I was until the effects of the steroid shot I got on Thursday.

    I pray I continue feeling well. I'm doing two classes tomorrow too! OMG ladies, I'm beyond happy. Today my daily activity was over 200%. I was barely doing 25%.

    Goodnight and thanks for being there for me!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,429 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another great morning weather wise. My workout this morning was PHA 2, thanks to Laurel for mentioning that one. I really do love it, and I can always feel that workout afterwards. Even with the lower humidity levels, I was sweating buckets. Do hate when that sweat gets in the eyes though. ;)

    Laurel, Do you have the smiley stickers to put on your calendar. I think if you don't, we all need to invest in some. Like you, I would have put a smiley sticker on my calendar instead of the usual star. :D Awesome workout combo, and I'm glad that you had such a great time with them that you wanted to add your smiley face. I don't know how long this weather will be this way before it remembers that it's July and should be muggy out. I'm taking advantage of every day. Had a great time at the game, and the Brewers won! We had some really good seats in the shade.

    Thelma, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling so much better. Great job on getting in yoga, and also attempting two of them today. I don't know if doing three loads of laundry is resting. :D Hope your day today is just as good as yesterday's.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,782 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Cathe Live Vertical Loading 2. I had planned on doing another PHA workout today, but my lower body is feeling the workouts this week. So while the Vertical Loading format still works the lower body, whereas lower body work is 50% of PHA, it is less than 20% of Vertical Loading (5 upper body and 1 lower body exercises per round). It felt great today. I followed it with Cathe Live Hearts on Fire for cardio.

    Thelma, so glad to hear you sounding so well!!! I bet it felt fantastic to want to get out of the house and do something. I am so happy for you. Hopefully your improvements continue. I imagine it will take some time to get back up to full speed but hooray on where you are!!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed the workout.....even with sweat in your eyes. ;) We are still enjoying lower humidity, but that is coming to an end today/tomorrow. But even then the temps are predicted to stay in the 80s for the most part so it is quite tolerable. Glad you enjoyed the game! We still want to get to a Braves game but the thought of sitting in a stadium during the July heat in Georgia does not really appeal to me so it will have to wait until September or next spring. I don’t have any stickers for my calendar but I should probably get some to easily mark some of my favorite combos. I have always relied on my memory....but let’s just say my memory isn’t what it used to be. :o Now I just need to remember to buy stickers. :D

    DH and I are off to Memphis tomorrow to watch the pros play golf. Hope you all enjoy the weekend!! See you Monday.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi Ladies, Ying/Yang and Barre today. I didn't sleep well last night and I was super tired all day. I made it through the classes and in the afternoon (after a nap) I was able to do some vacuuming. Early morning temps have been 55-56 degrees the last two mornings. We've been having beautiful weather! We have cool nights and beautifully sunny, breezy das.

    Laurie, great workout! I am loving these cool temps too! I'd forgotten about your trip to England! Glad you're prepping for it now!
    I really hope the meds kick in soon.

    Laurel, fabulous workouts as always!
    My body has been through a lot. I'm sure it will take a while for it to get back to normal. I still can't lift heavy weights but I was able to do the Barre upper body segment using 3 lb weights

    It felt so good to get out of the house and do things! Hopefully, I'm going to feel better tomorrow morning!

    Tami, I'm sorry about your boss and her moods. I hope she gets treatment soon.

    Hi Erika!

    Goodnight ladies and have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,429 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another beautiful morning, and we are suppose to have the same all weekend. I'm looking forward to it. My workouts was RAW Kickbox Contouring. I used 2 lb weights for the punching. If you haven't noticed, I have been alternating boxing with weights, just to see how that feels.

    Laurel, Great decision on the workouts. It is sometimes hard to pay attention to our bodies when it gets sore or overworked. I really like the sound of the vertical loading format, sounds like it would be fun. Have a great weekend watching the pros play golf. My Mom is a Braves fan, they used to be in Milwaukee before they moved. Guess that is why she is still a fan. Hope that you can get to see one of their games in September or Spring.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts. Sorry to hear that you had a restless night. Love those temps, and I'm with you on enjoying them. I hope that it isn't raining tomorrow morning, so that I can go outside and enjoy my surroundings with some coffee. I don't know why that is always such a great way to start a Saturday morning.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hiiii Ladies!

    I've been thinking of you all, but just keep find myself running to different (but fun) events lately! Workouts have been a bit sporadic, but I'm getting in lots of girls nights and family time, so I can't complain!

    Thelma, I'm so sorry to hear about your ER stay, how scary to have the back pain so intense. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and able to get back to some sort of normalcy. I'm praying the pain stays away and you also can get some good sleep at night. I can't imagine how frustrating it has to be to be so limited with movement due to pain. BTW, love your new profile picture!

    Laurel, awesome workouts and sounds like you've had some great outdoor time with golfing and checking out your great state. I may be with you on the golf thing...I actually do not enjoy golf at all (I've made it as far as a driving range), but I love the scenery for sure!

    Laurie, glad you are getting the good weather out of all of the systems going through. We have been dodging most of the storms, but the humidity has been insane. Friday was really steamy and so was yesterday. Today I woke up to steamed up windows. I think we are due for some storms later today though, so that should bring us some much needed cooler temps for the week!

    Tami, enjoy your time off...sounds like it's a good time to be away from work with the moods :)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,429 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well my Monday morning was a no workout morning. I was so tired from this weekend, that all I did was pull on my workout clothes and sit on my butt. I finished up the landscaping that I had started at the beginning of July, sure was labor intensive. This weekend was hot, not unbearable, but hot. I still have some to go, but I'm going to take my time with the last phase. I just wanted to get it to the point that DH didn't have to help me anymore. He really wants to get back to working on his car, and my project has been taking up a lot of his weekend time. ;)

    The only bad thing this weekend is that my car wouldn't start when we got out of Home Depot yesterday. Our youngest's bf came and picked us up, and I'm using my dd's car today. Good thing she doesn't have to work today. DH changed out the battery, but that wasn't the problem. He thinks it might be the starter.

    Erika, Your summer sounds a lot like mine. Glad to hear that you are enjoying the summer. Those workouts will be there for our long winter months. :p I got out of the car this morning and my glasses steamed up. I couldn't see, so I had to take them off. We are suppose to have rain today. We had some this morning at the time that we usually walk Rocket, so he didn't get his walk. That is okay, because he is at daycare today.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,782 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We had a fantastic time in Memphis. It was such a wonderful blend of watching some good golf, enjoying a beautiful golf course, and just some fun time in the sunshine with DH. We spent more time walking around this golf course than we have any other course holding a pro event, and that was so nice. But it totaled up to nearly 30 miles of walking in those three days which, in the heat and humidity of Memphis, was actually quite a bit! We both made sure we were well hydrated, nourished properly and got into shade when needed, so we both handled it pretty well. We followed our favorite pro around all day on Saturday and towards the end of his round, he was standing on the tee box, took a deep breath and just said ‘Hot!’ At that point, I couldn’t have agreed more! But we are hoping to do it again next year! :)

    For workouts, on Friday before we left, I did Cathe Live PHA plus Cardio Blast followed by Cathe Live Express Plyo Legs plus Core. No workouts on Saturday and Sunday (except for lots of walking!). Today, for Heavy Week in my rotation, I did Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders and XT Core 1. For cardio, I did Low Impact Challenge from the Low Impact Series.

    Thelma, love the new photo! Hope you are continuing to feel better. Great job with the workouts last Thursday! I don’t know about you, but we finally have the weather I thought we would have this time of year in Alabama. Pretty hot and muggy after last week’s cool temperatures. I don’t mind though because it is almost August! Like I said before, I want to want fall when it gets here. :) If it stays like this for August, I will! :D

    Erika, sounds like you are enjoying a good summer despite the heat and humidity. Girl nights and family time are great reasons for sporadic workouts. As Laurie said, those workouts will be there when the long, dark winter days return.

    Laurie, I almost did the same thing this morning!! It was only running all my workouts through my mind and finding two that sounded relatively good that got me up and moving. Glad you got some good time in on your garden this weekend. I have no doubt if I had been working in the heat this weekend and not just walking that I never would have even thought about getting into my workout clothes at all, so great job even thinking about it! I am sorry to hear about your car. :o I hope you find out what is wrong and get it fixed pretty quickly. We had that happen once but ours was the battery. Such a bad feeling to hop into your car and then.....nothing.

    Tami, hope you had a great time with your sister and nephews!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi Ladies! it sounds like you had a pretty good weekend! We had a really nice weekend too. I am definitely feeling better. I am still dealing with the fatigue and little aches but nothing like it was before. The meds must be kicking in.
    On Friday I did a restorative yoga class and on Saturday we walked around Blairsville, GA. We love that town and go there for brunch on Saturdays often and last Saturday we also checked out their Green Bean Festival. The only green bean I saw there was a wooden green bean guy! LOL
    Lots of crafts there. We bought a beautiful wooden American Flag for our cabin.
    I actually made dinner on Sunday. This was the first time I've made us dinner since last year! I tested new recipes and I was honestly scared about them not tasting good. I'm happy to report that they were delicious! I made Skinnytaste Air Fryer Buttermilk Chicken and Crustless Zucchini pie. DH looked pretty scared as we were getting ready to eat but he actually had two portions of each!
    Tomorrow we will try another air fryer recipe called AIR FRYER CAJUN SHRIMP DINNER. These 3 recipes are on the website. BTW, I highly recommend an air fryer! At first, I bought a Cuisinart toaster/convection oven/air fryer combo. We've used it but it's not as versatile as the one I just got. We've had it for about 2 weeks and we've used it at least 3 times each week. The house doesn't get hot and you don't get food smells all over the house.

    Today I did Gentle Yoga and Barre which was a full-body workout. We thought we were going to die! Tomorrow I'm going to try these free classes at a Baptist church in town with our new friends. One is an aerobics class and the other one is a Barre class.

    Laurie, you must've been super exhausted today! Congrats on finishing your landscaping! Sorry about your car though!
    Glad you had good temps over the weekend!
    Saturday was pretty sunny and hot but not humid so it wasn't bad. We'll be in the low to mid 80's this week during the day and 60's at night. There are chances of rain all week. We had rain this afternoon for a little while and it really felt cooler after that.

    Erika, so good to hear from you! Do what you can with workouts and enjoy family and girl time! This week I have three events to attend so it should be fun. On Wed a lady from the yoga studio invited to her house to celebrate one of the instructor's birthday. It's a potluck lunch so it should be fun. On Thursday eve I have to go to my private yoga instructor's studio grand opening and on Friday eve we always go out for drinks/dinner with our new friends.
    The ER stay was short but scary getting to that point. I think the worst of the pain is behind me. I am going to do everything I can holistic to help myself too. Definitely, healthy eating is in order and exercise helps a lot. Thanks so much about the picture! I am so bad at selfies but I lucked out with that one on Friday! LOL

    Laurel, what a great weekend you had! So glad you had such a great time! That was a lot of walking! WOW!
    Walking about 30 miles sounds like a serious workout to me! Great job on your regular workouts!
    You're so kind about my photo! Thank you!
    We really don't haven't had much humidity but when the sun is shining it's pretty hot! So we've had hot temps because of the sun but not humid. Because I am taking the chemo and the lupus meds I have to protect myself from the sun. You should see me! I wear a wide brim hat, a sun shirt and I have a sun umbrella which is something like SPF 50+. What a difference the umbrella makes! Apparently, you're about 10-15 degrees cooler under these umbrellas and I have to say that I agree.
    BTW, if you have an abundance of zucchini, check out the site for awesome recipes! Tomorrow I want to try making a zucchini/banana bread. It calls for chocolate chips but DH can't have that so I'll probably add some dry cranberries or raisins.
    I think you're going to be wishing for fall to get here quickly! People here say that the spiders that build those giant cocoons on trees are early this year. They claim it's a sign of a cold fall/winter! Thank God I kept my winter clothes and coats because now that our bodies are used to warm temps, the cooler temps will feel very cold!

    Hi Tami!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,429 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Much better morning than yesterday. Still don't have my car back, but they do have it and where suppose to look at it late yesterday. They also think that it is the starter. I'm planning on taking it easy this week, so I did Jessica Smith's Walk Strong 3 Total Body. Now that workout really isn't taking it down if you use the right weight. I went a little to heavy on one move, but my hr did get up there. I would label this one as metabolic.

    Laurel, The golf pro watching and walking sounds awesome. 30 miles in itself is a workout, especially in the heat. Nice that you where able to follow your favorite pro around. Great job on all the workouts! I tell you that I was surprised that I didn't have any motivation to workout yesterday. Next time I should just opt for stretching when I feel like that. I never remember that I have Jessica to turn to for that, since I have a few of her yoga workouts. I did have my workout clothes on. :D I'm planning on doing more yoga this week, since I'm still feeling tired. So this will be sort of a lighter week. Hope that I can stick with that. My car is over 225K in miles, and I really don't want it to die. I love that vehicle. :D

    Thelma, I love your new pic. So glad to hear that you are feeling so much better, that has to be a relief for both you and your DH. My sister has an air fryer, and I have toyed with buying one. Just to many gadgets that they come up with. I will look at the recipes when I get a chance. LOL about the amount of green beans at the festival. I'm planning on making myself three bean salad. I should really call it four bean, since I love to add garbanzo beans in mine too. Great job on the yoga workout also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,782 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Cathe Live Rapid Fire Legs and Core followed by Cathe Live Go The Distance spin class. I really had to talk myself into working out again today but I am glad I did. I ended up really enjoying both workouts.

    Thelma, I am so glad to hear you are continuing to feel better. Sounds like you are creating some good friendships there! You have a busy social calendar for sure. I think you will definitely be much colder than we are in the winter given your location/elevation, but I was a little surprised how chilly it got here last winter. Not Alaska, of course. But chilly enough for gloves and a heavier jacket at times. I am not ready for it yet! :D Unfortunately we only got a few zucchini this year. It was enough to make a few loaves of bread and also grill some with a few meals.....but not TOO many. Our little plant is still trying to produce, but I think the heat is getting to it a bit. My favorite zucchini bread recipe is blueberry zucchini bread. :p But I have made some that call for chocolate as well and used a combo of dried cranberries and nuts that were really good. I’m hungry! :D We love our air fryer. It is small, which is perfect for the two of us. We have only side items in it (onion rings, croutons, fries, chips, etc) but my sister recently recommended making chicken in it, and since you did it as well, I may give that a try.

    Laurie, glad you are doing better today. That is a really good workout by Jessica. Well, pretty much all of Walk Strong 3 is good! Sounds like you have a good plan for this week since you are feeling tired. Best to listen to what your body is telling you. I hope you get your car back soon and it is good to go for another 225K miles!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hi Ladies :);):*

    I’m back from vacation! I had such an amazing time with my sister and her 2 boys. We went fishing with DH, went to a local Theme Park only about 10 miles from my house (road my first roller coaster – YIKES), went to a beach near my house, spent the remainder of the week with my uncles/aunts and my cousin and her 2 kids. Went tubing behind the boat with my nephews! Which was so fun and hilarious. All kinds of fun and perfect summer weather.

    Returned early on Saturday, had to drop them off at the airport and headed home. Did laundry, grocery shopping and then hit the Peloton and workout on Sunday. Felt great! Yesterday I went to BootCamp after work and tonight I am headed home for a Circuit workout + Peloton ride I hope. This Saturday is the “Princess Pedalfest 2019” 45 mile ride that I did a couple years ago …. Not sure if you ladies remember me doing that. At any rate doing it again but I don’t really feel prepared. I will just ride at my own comfortable/enjoyable pace and if my friend wants to “race” she can. LOL

    How are you all doing? I’ve missed you. Hoping work goes good this week.

    Thelma: I just read how much better you are feeling! That is SO great to hear. I am happy for you but I bet nobody is happier than YOU. What a breakthrough. YAY!!!!!! Love the photo, you look very happy.

    Laurel: Sounds like you are putting together all of your amazing combos as always! Way to go. Are you on the Circuits this week or was that last week? I decided either way, I will pick up at circuits because they are always enjoyable to me and a good place to start “back from vacation”. LOL Sounds like your weekend in Memphis was amazing and fun! Happy to hear that.

    Laurie: Excellent job with your workouts and doing what feels good to you and what you enjoy! KB + weights is perfect! Amazing weather for you guys as well? My wish for anything but fires is still happening …. Fingers crossed it will continue.

    Have a great evening ladies! I will talk to you tomorrow :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi Ladies, had a little setback today. My left middle finger swelled up to twice the size of my ring finger. The middle joint seems to be the problem and my finger is all curved. I can't make it go straight right now. I took an Aleve and it got a little better.
    I tried the Barre class at the church today and I loved it! The instructor was great! She used gliding discs, resistance loops, and baby dumbbells. The instructor does every move very slowly so you know which body part is getting worked on. I will try her aerobics class tomorrow.

    Today's recipes were another huge hit. We are loving our new air fryer! We had the Air Fryer Cajun Shrimp dinner and Banana Zucchini bread. I bought a giant zucchini at the farmer's market last Saturday. I used it to make 3 different dishes! LOL. Cooking is not my thing but I'm actually enjoying it. It's so weird to me to be enjoying this cooking thing. I was telling DH that I'm scaring myself for just wanting to keep on cooking! LOL

    Laurie, so glad you had a better morning today than you did yesterday! Hopefully, you'll get your car back soon! Great workout!

    Thanks on the picture comment. We never imagined we'd be so happy here!
    The fact that I'm feeling better is really a huge relief for both of us. I think this is why I'm cooking these days. It's my way of saying to the DH thanks and I love you for being there for me when I needed you the most. I love three-bean salad!

    Laurel, great workouts and so good of you for getting that second workout in!

    Moving to Blue Ridge is one of the best things that has happened to us. We are so happy here, and the new friendships we are creating are the icing on the cake. Such great people! We've never been social butterflies and now we are! LOL
    We had a weird temp day. It went from cool to hot, back to cool and then hot again! In the winter there were days in BR that were much colder than in MA! 40's now will feel like high 20's here! LOL

    Don't know if you're feeding the hummingbirds but people make a big deal about the hummers here which I just love. We've had hummer wars over the feeders since yesterday. We thought these little birds were going to kill each other! They fought today but not as bad as yesterday. I have 4 feeders out on the deck too! They are so territorial!

    Sorry, your zucchini plant didn't perform well for you! I bet the zucchini/blueberry bread is very good! I have another giant zucchini so I may buy some fresh blueberries to make another bread next week.

    I highly recommend looking up the Skinnytaste air fryer recipes! Gina has a cookbook dedicated to the air fryer which is nice.
    So glad you have an air fryer Laurel! We ended up getting a 5.8 qt, square basket one because we got tired of making things in batches. Some meals are still done in batches but we can now eat right after batch one is done. We have yet to try the air fryer onion rings but we have made fries. What a great idea to make croutons in the air fryer!

    Tami, welcome back! I am so happy you had such a wonderful vacation! So much fun! You rode a rollercoaster for the first time! LOL. Did you scream?
    Great workouts! I do remember you doing that bike race! Wow! Best of luck!

    You're so sweet! I know you and the other ladies are happy for me about my improved health. Thanks for the comment on the photo!

    Hi Erika!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,429 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I so enjoyed the yoga this morning, so I know that my body really needs it. I did Jessica's Youtube workout 30-Minute Strength in Stillness. Very simple workout, but she held the poses for a good amount of time. The temps around here are awesome, and I will have to get outside after work to enjoy it. Still don't have my car, they are super busy at the garage. Hopefully it will get done today. This morning when I got to my office, there where four cucumbers on my desk. There is one electrician here that has more veggies from his garden then his family can handle. I'm always happy to take the extra off his hands. ;)

    Laurel, Glad that you where able to talk yourself into the workouts, they sound great. It wasn't hard for me to get the yoga workout done. I was looking forward to it, and will have to do that again when I feel so tired. Just stretching.... ;) I will be trying out more of the Strong 3 workouts, I remember that they where really good. Give myself a refresher. If I can get that vehicle to go another 225K, then I will really love it more than I do already.

    Tami, Your vacation sounds awesome, I'm sure your nephews will remember that for a while. I don't go on to many roller coasters, but they are way better than the rides that spin. :p Nice job with all the workouts! I'm sure you will do great with the race, and having your friend do the race the way she want will make it enjoyable for both of you. We did have some smoke from the forest fires in Canada, so I now know what you where talking about. There was this haze and smell on and off. Those fires are still going, but not as strong. We only get the haze when it is really humid.

    Thelma, The class sounds great, and I hope that you are able to go to the aerobics class also. Hope your finger starts feeling better, but you really are sounding like you are getting back to yourself again. Love that you are enjoying cooking. It is probably because you have the time to enjoy it, and don't have the added stress of work. I know that when I get home, there are days that I just don't want to attempt cooking. I will have to seriously look at an air fryer, it sounds perfect for the two of us. Laurels idea of onion rings made me really interested, I love those things. :D The zucchini bread sounds awesome, I just love that bread. I need to pick some zucchini up, or maybe my dd now has some in her garden.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,782 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in today as I am headed out to my hair appointment in a few minutes, in addition to coloring it, I am going to try the process of removing some of the frizz from my hair. In Florida I cut it short to manage it in the humidity but let it grow out again in Alaska for warmth on my neck. I have toyed with cutting it short again, but I am kind of enjoying the length so the girl that does my hair recommended this. We’ll see how it works.....but my appointment may be about five hours long! But if it means my hair is more manageable, it will be worth it. Anyhow, for workouts this morning I did Burn Sets Bi’s And Tri’s followed by Cardio Core Circuit.

    Tami, so glad you enjoyed your time with your family! Sounds like you had all kinds of fun. Woo-hoo on the roller coaster! I have yet to be on one myself. B) I am in Heavy week (Circuits was last week for me), but go with what feels good to you. I may change up my weeks in this last half a bit anyhow. To what? I don’t know. :) But I am toying with adding another heavy week instead of doing the Bootcamp week. But that is just a tentative thought right now. I just find I am missing some heavier weights.

    Thelma, sorry about the setback with your hand, but hopefully it is short-lived. Good job with the workout. I am so happy you are happy there in BR!! That is just so good to hear. Like Laurie said, your love for cooking probably comes from having more well as wanting to do something nice for your DH. We don’t feed the hummingbirds yet, but I think we will next year. I had one at the front door just yesterday that was attracted to a flowering plant I have on the porch. But we are still feeding the other birds which has turned into quite a source of entertainment for DH and I. Who knew it would be so fun to watch? :o

    Laurie, I love that routine by Jessica. It is one of my favorites of hers when my body is tired. She has another one out there called something like Recovery Day Stretch that is really good too. It is along the same concept of just basic stretches. Love that you are doing what feels good this week! The onion rings in our air fryer were SO good! So worth having an air fryer just for that. :D Enjoy those cucumbers! Hope you get your car back soon.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,429 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I do have my car back, and it was only $400 that included a tow also. My workout this morning was LiTe Pyramid Pump Upper, such a good workout. It was in the high 50's this morning, so cold considering that it is summer.

    Laurel, Love those Burn Sets, and hate the CCC. :D Hope that your hair came out perfect. My hair appointment is on Sunday. Thanks for the information on the other Jessica workout, I'm trying to incorporate more of the stretching into my week. With my weekends being so labor intensive, I should get more in than I do. How cool about the hummingbirds, just love when they start flying around. I had one come to a plant while I was weeding, it scared me. ;) I'm going to check out some air fryers, I'm sure that DH will roll his eyes at another gadget. He does like the fact that some delicious food is produced from them.

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,782 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 4DS Lower Body Weights followed by the 4DS Kickbox/Bootcamp Cardio Power premix. It was fun revisiting these workouts today. So my hair is less still frizzy. :| I am going to give it a little while before I make a real assessment of whether it was worth the time and $$. I am a bit undecided right now to be honest, but I am glad I tried it to see if anything would work on my hair.

    Laurie, glad you have your car back! And not a bad deal on the repairs either. :) I love those Pyramid workouts. I have no idea why CCC sounded good yesterday because it rarely does anymore. But I guess there are days like that which is why I hold on to workouts I rarely do! I need to return to some good stretching. For some reason I feel like my workout schedule has been completely off since we moved. It hasn’t been, but I feel like it has been. And that has me reaching for light workouts on Saturdays.....but not stretching or yoga. I know I would benefit far more from those latter types of workouts....but still reach for others! :o I can’t explain myself sometimes....even to me. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies! End of the month was yesterday so it was a bit busy for us. We did also set a new record for amount of orders in July, so that is fabulous for the company. Workout Tuesday, I did go home and do a Peloton ride (Tabata ride, which was a 4th ride in a series of 4 with my favorite instructor). Yesterday was KCM Circuit Burn which is one of my all time fave’s of hers. Tonight after work I am going on a ride with my friend who is doing the race with me this Saturday. I will let her know if she wants to be in actual “race mode” she can ride on ahead of me. Tonight and the remainder of the week + weekend we will have high 80’s and sunshine so it will be for some gorgeous bike rides forsure. :smile: I will take it while I can.

    Thelma: I am sorry to hear you had a little setback, fingers crossed that is all it was and nothing gets worse. It’s a good sign that the Aleve worked though I would think. Your Barre class sounds fantastic! Way to go. Love that you are trying out some new recipes and starting to enjoy cooking. I think the difference sometimes is having the time to enjoy it vs. a necessity in order to eat when you are busy. LOL Thank you for the welcome back and kudos on my workouts. As always, it feels so good to get back into them forsure. OK, so no I didn’t scream …. But I shut my eyes the entire ride and just sat down hard into the seat like I was riding a horse and tried to remember to breathe so I didn’t crack my teeth or something from clenching. HA HA

    Laurie: Great way to start your day with the Yoga, glad you did that …. Especially if your body is needing it Sounds perfect. Good job getting in the LITE Pyramid Upper!! Another great one. Awesome that you were able to get your car back!!! That seems really cool for even a.m. temps this time of year. I bet it feels nice though. ;)

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workouts! I had to chuckle to myself when you say your workout schedule has been “completely off” since you moved. I have felt that way a lot in the last year just going through all the ups and downs of grief and wonders of my job, etc. "Life" :( But sometimes just doing what feels good to just get it done helps! I understand on lifting heavier for maybe another week. I miss it too. That was the week I thought you might be on but thought getting back into it with the Circuit and go heavy next week will be perfect. Thank you for your always encouraging way and words for me. I appreciate it. I’m glad your hair feels better. Sometimes it takes a couple days to do it yourself to see if you truly like it. My hair is so slow in growing that I hate to ever gamble on a cut. My sides especially are like the same length always. I have “grow out” since I color my hair but it seems to be super slow. I have wanted to do a longer style bob but my back would have to be so short it scares me. My BFF who is my hair dresser keeps trying to tell me how much thicker and darling it will look right at my shoulders or above but . . . well . . . fear is still holding me back. :o:D

    Hi Erika :)

    Hope you all enjoy your afternoon! Talk to you all tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had such a fun day on Wednesday at the Barre instructor's bday celebration! I left the house at 10:45 AM and returned at 4:15 PM! I did two classes on Wed morning. The 9 AM Aerobics at the church was fantastic. I felt like I was doing a Cathe Low Impact HIIT class minus weights. When the class was over the instructor looked at me and said: "You're a pro! You've done this before!" Too funny! I told her that was the most I've moved in a couple of months. I kept up with her and felt great! I then ran back home to get the dish I had prepared for the party, went to the yoga studio and did a Fusion sculpting class. I was exhausted after all that so today I still felt tired. I took a Barre class and that is always hard but fun. I am feeling DOMS all over my thighs! Great stuff!
    Tonight I went to my private yoga instructor's studio opening. It's a really small studio but very nice. I thought it was in BR but it is in Ellijay which is about 20 minutes south of BR. I overheard her talking to one of her instructors and she was talking about adding a PIYO class on Sundays. I got excited about the PIYO class part but not so much about the Sunday part! LOL

    I am going to start to give up some of the gentle yoga classes and will take LouAnn's classes at the church instead. At least that is assuming my body behaves. Mon and Wed aerobics and Barre on Tuesdays. The instructor won't teach this coming Monday so I'll do the gentle yoga then.

    My middle finger is doing much better, the swelling went down but it still hurts a little. I am definitely feeling better and have started to gain strength in my hands. I couldn't even open a bottle of water and now I can!

    Looks like the next 4-5 days will be rainy ones around here. Nice temps though. We're meeting our retired friends tomorrow in the late afternoon and DH and plan to go out to dinner on Saturday night. I think our temps have been in the low 60's at night but where our house is located so far the mornings have been very nice.

    Laurie, great workouts! Nice job using 2lb weights for punching the other day!! That JS yoga workout sounds great!
    I hate sweat getting in my eyes but it hurts really bad when you are wearing sunblock and that also gets into your eyes! OUCH!
    So glad you have your car back and how nice of your co-worker to share his vegetables with you!

    I highly recommend looking into an air fryer. Now that I know better I wouldn't buy the toaster oven looking kind. I would buy a large capacity one even if just the two of you if you're planning to do serious cooking like a whole chicken. you wouldn't believe how juicy that chicken was! You could have the chicken one night right out of the air fryer with whatever side dish and the next day you can turn that chicken into some other dish. You can get ideas from the skinnytaste web site. The banana bread and the Southwestern Black Bean and Avocado salad was a huge hit at the party. BTW, if you ever make it get two avocados because one is not enough. I also added 1.5 tomatoes instead of just a medium one. I thought it was too small.

    Laurel, did you get a Brazilian blowout? Awesome workouts Laurel!
    I use Morocan Oil styling products to control the freezies

    Specifically, I mix the Moroccanoil Treatment Original with smoothing lotion and the intense curl cream.

    Tami, nice job with those workouts and congrats to your company for setting a new record for the number of orders in July! I am sure you are very busy! Good luck on Saturday with the bike race!

    The setbacks are very disappointing but nice that I'm meds I seem to recover faster. At least I know that Aleve seems to help most of the time with the exception of the time I had to go to the ER.
    I think you ladies are right about me liking cooking because I have the time. I definitely want to do something nice for DH. It is so rewarding to watch DH have extra helpings of the food. not sure what we'll make next week except for air fryer breaded pork chops.
    I may make the Cajun Shrimp dish with chicken!

    OMG, I can't believe you didn't scream on that rollercoaster ride! Good for you! LOL

    Hi Erika!

    Goodnight ladies and have a wonderful weekend!!