

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,994 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    The winter cold/flu has been going around and I've avoided it till now. I was starting to think I might make it through the winter and early spring without catching anything this year!! Work colleagues have been dropping like flies for the past couple months ... my husband had it last weekend (and surrounding days).

    I continued to feel good till Friday (yesterday) morning. And then it all went downhill.

    I'm resting this weekend and I'll see how I feel on Monday. I can't miss much work from now till the end of September so I need to choose wisely.

    M in Oz

    Still sick today (Sunday) ... so much sinus pain. Low grade fever. I hate being sick. And it has been a nice weekend. If I were well, we'd have gone for bicycle rides outside yesterday and today. But nope.

    Regarding wishlists of Christmas and Birthday presents ... I stopped doing that in my 20s. I would make a list. People would get me anything but what was on the list. So I figured "why bother". That's part of the reason I have as much crystal as I do now. Everyone got me crystal. Crystal (bowls, glasses, ornaments, etc.) is OK but not my favourite. I prefer things with more colour and substance.

    I'd like to trade the crystal in for things like these: :)

    But generally, the stuff I'd put on a wish list are things that most people must put into the "too hard" basket. I can get myself clothing and household things, so they don't go on wish lists. But I'd like stuff like a gift card for a massage, one housecleaning day from one of the companies here, someone to come in once a week and do my laundry for me, the way I want it done, folded, put away and everything, a 5-hour block from a personal assistant service to get me going on my filing, a file scanning service, a couple nights (of my own choosing) at a nice, quiet holiday spot ... things like that.

    Regarding my engagement and wedding ring ... my engagement ring is a wheel that my husband built for me with a SON dynohub so that I would have light when I ride at night. :) When that bicycle was stolen in 2010, I was really upset!! When the bicycle was recovered in 2013, I was so relieved!! My engagement ring was back. :)

    The wedding band is tungsten ... very inexpensive. We had chosen a different pattern and got that pattern, but mine was a bit too big for me and disappeared a few months later. Again quite upset. I even went walking up and down the highway thinking it might have dropped off when I took my cycling glove off at one point. But could not find it. So we ordered this one. Then, several months later, when I was packing to move to Australia to be with my husband ... I found the original ring!! :) I've got it on a chain now.

    We've never been a "traditional" couple. :smiley:

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,994 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    My ex is a fairly renowned acupuncturist. He treated our son with acupuncture almost every day beginning with day 2 after the accident. Of course, rehab folks are incredibly helpful, but I firmly believe that my son's progress was due to the acupuncture and his own will.

    His coma lasted about a month, during which we read stories and poems and sang songs that he loved as a child.

    They wouldn't have let me arrange for someone to do acupuncture or anything like that. They spent the first 3-4 weeks (even after he came out of the coma) just trying to keep him alive. He developed DVT in his right arm which may have been caused from all the lines they had in that arm or he might have landed on that arm in the fall. So they had to determine whether or not he still had bleeding on the brain. But they couldn't lie him flat so he couldn't go for an MRI. So for several days they kept trying to lie him flat but his brain pressure would spike. Finally, they figured they could just do it and discovered (fortunately) that the bleeding had stopped. So he was able to go onto heparin for the DVT. Meanwhile, he also developed pneumonia and was resistant to all the antibiotics. That went on for weeks and they were getting close to running out of antibiotic choices. But because his fever was so high, which was causing his brain pressure to spike, they had to wrap him in an air conditioned blanket which brought him down almost to the point of shivering (but not shivering because that would cause his brain pressure to spike ... ). He was constantly surrounded by medical people doing stuff. I only went in and stayed with him for 5 or 6 hours a day. That was about all I was allowed with visiting hours, plus there were days when they were rushing me out because a team had to come in to do some other procedure with him. Eventually they had to intubate him to try to improve his breathing and maybe shake the pneumonia.

    Then the PTA ...

    PTA as a guide to recovery

    Along with Glasgow Coma Score, the length of PTA is often seen as one of the best measures of severity of a traumatic brain injury or similar brain disorder. This also means it can give a rough indication as to the degree of recovery that can be expected.

    In Australia the Westmead Post Traumatic Amnesia Scale is the most widely used measure:

    • PTA less than 5 minutes = "very mild injury"
    • PTA between 5-60 minutes = "mild injury"
    • PTA between 1-24 hours = "moderate injury"
    • PTA between 1-7 days = "severe injury"
    • PTA greater than 7 days = "very severe injury".

    My husband remained in PTA for 7 weeks. Each morning he'd wake up and it would be like a whole new life. Every time he napped and woke up, it would be like a whole new life. He didn't know his own name or my name or what was going on. But if he had a bad day ... a night's sleep and he was a whole new person again in the morning! One nurse commented about feeling bad about giving him Clexane injections (for the DVT) every day ... I told him not to worry because if my husband fell asleep, he'd forget all about it!

    He regained use of his right leg and left arm quite quickly, but it took a while before he was able to move his left leg (and he still has some trouble with that leg), and it took a long time before he moved his right arm. We'd almost reached the point where we figured he wouldn't have use of his right arm anymore ... and then one day he started wiggling his fingers. He also had vision issues ... only able to see half of what was there. And then later when he could see more, he had double vision.

    The OT kept wanting to do the PTA test on him to see if he'd come out of PTA, but he wasn't ready. Weeks went by. Finally they decided to try a modified test with him using multiple choice. Nope. One day I even sat there and told him which hospital he was in several times. Minutes later they did the test and one of the questions is, "Choose which hospital you're in" ... he looked at the four choices and pointed to the first (the hospital he was in) and said, "Well, I know I'm not there!" Meanwhile I was sitting there rolling my eyes and sighing! He finally decided he must be in a hospital about 3 hours away. :/

    Another time the test required him to look at 3 cards with pictures on them, and try to remember them. Then the next day they gave him all the cards and asked him to find the 3 cards from the day before. For days he couldn't do it, then one day, he went through the cards and set aside one, patted it, and said, "I like this one". I was inwardly groaning because it wasn't one of the 3. Then he proceeded to hand the tester the 3 correct cards. "These the the 3 cards from yesterday," he said, "but I like this one" and patted the first card he chose. It was a clock. He wanted the watch he always wears and wanted to know what time it was! That was when we knew he was coming out of PTA at last!! That was mid-May 2018. :)

    He still has a lot of memory issues ... can't remember anything on the day of the accident and struggles to remember March 2018 at all. In fact, in recent testing, he doesn't remember much of anything from roughly 4 months prior to the accident and even a few months before that are hazy. He had become general manager of the orchard in October, and isn't really clear about that.

    I'm glad to hear of your son's recovery!! That's great! You just never know what's going to happen, and it is worth trying everything.

    We attribute my husband's recovery (to this point) to several things including ...

    -- his fitness
    -- the fact that he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol
    -- his natural desire to learn and do things
    -- me exposing him to many things ... music, travel, sight-seeing, symphonies, plays, a variety of shows on TV about things like trains, gardens, animals, and comedies. We've gone to different cafes and have walked around town to let him remember. I've encouraged him do things like cooking dinner, gardening, and tinkering in the basement. And I "taught" him how to use the bus to get around and to shop at the little place at the bottom of the road. Part of me wants to wrap him in wool and protect him from everything ... but what kind of life would that be?
    -- a multitude of prayers from family and friends
    -- and they say love helps. <3

    M in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,509 Member
    Welcome Saffy71996!
    Barbie glad to hear Jake has Oct and Nov “off” from blood work and the doctor. Enjoy!
    Janet neither can I persuade Joe of the neccessity for wills. We have no children, but I want to be sure Joe is provided for if I go first. Sounds funny but due education and other factors I've been main breadwinner and bill payer. Have no idea who to name as executor, probably my SIL. Must ask her if she'd be willing to take care of Tumble, too. I share your concern that Jack's stepdaughters might try to overrun you. Hope Jack will soon see the wisdom of making sure you are provided for.
    Machka love the engagement ring. Hope you feel better soon. Dying intestate would give 1st wife priority over current wife? I'm having a small heart attack too! Joe was married for a year back in 1971, then divorced, but I never thought to check the divorce was finalized. We married in 1989, I hope it's legal!
    Rho “...emotional energy and time spent that could be used on things that bring joy and happiness ...” wise words. Thanks for sharing the story of your son's survival and recovery. The power of love!
    Carol :heart: precious picture of your grandmother as a baby.
    Margaret excellent advice and thanks for the rminder about trusts. I need to research this more. Joe and I are both on the deed to the house and land, he is my beneficiary for the 401K and annuity, our checking and savings account are joint. Do you think we really need a trust?
    Karen in VA Olivia looks so stylish and happy, but my heart breaks for her being so far away from you. Josephina's smile is so bright and brave, thank you for that image!
    Connie VERY well done!
    Welcome Sharon LglSec, would you let us know your general location so we can keep you straight from our other Sharon (who's in Mexico now, but lives near Seattle).
    Tracey your smiling face looks so beautifully relaxed!
    Michele Brilliant idea about the bumper sticker. LOVE it! DO it! :)
    Dandi you have much of which to be proud. Brava!
    Kim Just your making the offer must have given your DHN a real boost. Well done!

    Skipped dog group today to help with church cleaning. Which task was I assigned? Yep, you guessed it, vacuuming! (Those who've been on this thread awhile know how much I loathe vacuuming.) It took almost three hours. Ugh. So much for the good effects of recent massage and hot tub, many aches and pains tonight. Truly, no good deed goes unpunished ;}

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for September: grit
    Steps-2612 (-that can't be right :P ) vits-13 log-14 CICO-12 Tumble-8 mfp-12 AF-8
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Pip I think you are right - I should just start at the last page and work backwards :D up to P 37 but last Page is 53 :o:o

    Love to all
    Viv UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,994 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Pip I think you are right - I should just start at the last page and work backwards :D up to P 37 but last Page is 53 :o:o

    Love to all
    Viv UK

    Skim! :)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Terri Awesome post about process and small measurable actions.

    Beth is there anything more beautiful about fall in ny? (But let’s not even think about winter :( yet.

    Lisa you paneling is so light and pretty. Share pics when it is done

    DH and I had a light lunch (salad and roast chicken, Peruvian) out yesterday and I snuck in to see an Open clay class at an arts center. I may try a drop in for Saturday class-don't think I could handle the evening classes—too far to drive and the neighborhood was a bit sketchy for night time.

    Happy to spend time on work today to help calm the “Sunday scaries” make my red lentil soup for the week and grocery shop. It is going to be a stunningly gorgeous day and I intend to get out and soak in the sun.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,378 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Machka - hope your sinus problems clear soon. Thank you for posting the story about your husband's initial injury and the first few days/weeks of his condition. You really do need to write a book or pamphlet about it to educate others. He'd be a fascinating case study.

    - thanks too for sharing the story of your son's amazing recovery and reminder of the power of nutrition and good health and acupuncture. Sorry about your car! Mine breaking down on I-5 was a big worry last week when I drove it to the shop to get the alternator replaced. Hope you got it off the road without much hassle. What kind/make/year of car is it?

    Karen in VA
    - thank you for the photo of Josephine. Great smile on that young lady. Do you know if there's a children's hospital close by (comfortable drive for parents/friends) she'll likely be sent to?

    Applauding your success! Onederland is fantastic!!

    Julie - I'm not sure what you meant by high/medium/low expectations. My comment pertained to me having high expectations that I wouldn't eat sugar, then falling off the wagon and tricking myself into believing it should have been a low expectation to start with so it was OK. Like making an excuse.

    I normally don't gauge my success in that manner however. My DH says if you don't expect anything, you won't be disappointed. He and I differ in that I expect to have a wonderful day and see a lot of things to be thankful for. I beat myself up for many years for failure to eat/lose weight as "expected". It's now one day at a time and no matter what I weigh, if I am healthy and my clothes fit to suit me, that's success.

    - Happy Birthday! Great to see you popping on here. We know you are super busy now doing a job you love, so no worries. Glad to see you when we can.

    Barbara AHMOD - Vacuuming the church....yes, right there's a case of no good deed goes unpunished, lol.

    Another quick comment on wills. Wills don't have to be done together as a couple to my knowledge. For you wives who can't get your hubbies off the dime, you can make an appointment and have yours done plus the necessary power of attorney for financial/medical stuff. That might inspire your DH's to get theirs done as well. And a good way to get up on the laws in your state with an attorney who can assess your specific case and any what-if's.

    Kay - great photo of you and your granddaughter! You are looking MARVELOUS by the way! And she's a cutie!

    - great post, love your philosophy about aspirations. Look at how well you've done!!

    Kim - Happy to see you are there for your DHN. He needs someone like you in his life.

    Ok I need to get going. Am I the only one here who can spend an hour on these posts? LOL!

    Have a great day ladies! <3

    Soggy SW WA State
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,069 Member
    M with you on the love and kindness trumps.

    I am so sorry you and DH had such an ordeal. Both of you are still living with what happened to you. Prayers for strength and comfort from whatever source works for you. Surrounding you with (((HUGS)))

    <3 Margaret
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,366 Member
    Did an hour on the recumbent bike today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the 10MS Butt Lift DVD and then take the extremepump class.

    Ginny OH – don’t you just love finding nice things at a thrift store? I know that I do.

    M in Oz – I have Windows 10 Gotta check on the Outlook stuff. One night it suddenly upgraded, I never told it to. What a neat ring!

    Got Medicare stuff in the mail…boo. I am really dreading going on it. One thing I know I don’t want is Advantage. My question is I wonder if there is any other supplement that includes Silver Sneakers. Not that you can only get it if you are on Advantage. It looks like you can’t get Advantage and any other supplements. Thank goodness Vince went thru this already so he can help me.

    Dandl – awesome results! You go girl!!

    Kim – how wonderful that you are there for your DHN. Physics – goes over my head, that’s for sure.

    Memorial services: Vince thinks they are totally unnecessary, that the person is dead. I feel that the memorial isn’t so much for the dead person as it is for the living. I know that I need closure

    Jess called last night. Seems when she had Shadow’s blood tested, it came back that Shadow is hypothyroid. She asked that if she needed to have the radioactive isotope treatment here, would we watch her? We’ve been thru this so many times that we already know the routine. Even tho she gets 15% off at the school, she’s going to look into if it’s cheaper to have it done here. I would think that Iowa would be cheaper, especially with her 15% discount. But we’re here. I know what’ll happen, she’ll need to stay at the hosp for about 3 days, then home and the first 3 days she can’t be in direct contact for any extended time with a person or other animal, all her litter will have to be held aside and can’t be thrown away for 2 weeks.

    Michele in NC

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,378 Member
    Michele - I'm on a Medi-gap plan through Regence, which is not an Advantage plan. It included Silver Sneakers for a year then switched to Silver & Fit which I use now, they are just about the same thing. Both allow gym memberships and I can attend any classes/use equipment, etc.

    See if you can obtain detailed info on the plans you are considering, sometimes it's online. My Regence plan is nearly identical to the United Healthcare/AARP plan, maybe a dollar difference.

    Things vary in different states of course. Does your state medical insurance have a website that talks about Medicare plans and what is offered in your county? Washington does.

    You might want to call your gym - or one you'd consider going to, and ask them what Medicare memberships they accept.

    Good luck!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,994 Member
    M with you on the love and kindness trumps.

    I am so sorry you and DH had such an ordeal. Both of you are still living with what happened to you. Prayers for strength and comfort from whatever source works for you. Surrounding you with (((HUGS)))

    <3 Margaret

    Thank you! We do still have good days and bad days. He's not the same person he was before ... not that that's a bad thing. He's much more mellow now and very loving. But on the other hand, he used to take charge and do things and now it's me making the decisions and ensuring that stuff gets done.

    He used to have a memory like a steel trap, especially for people's names and I used to have a terrible time remembering people's names (mostly because I didn't care). Now he can't remember them ... and in order to help him, I've had to care enough to remember names. So I'm employing all kinds of name memory tricks ... and it's working! I'm surprising myself. But it means that when he's talking to someone and loses a name, I can quietly say the person's name, and the conversation continues.

    His short term memory is quite poor, so I've got to encourage him to write things down. That's been a battle! Because he's always had a good memory, he has felt that he didn't need to write things down. "I'll remember that!" But now, things have changed.

    And when I file, I take a random pile of paper and I divide it up into categories ... bank, internet bill, rental information, bicycle stuff, etc. I often sit on the floor surrounded by 47 different pile categories, and I madly work my way through the big pile. Then I'll file each category or if it is really big, I might divide it further.

    I'd get him to do the filing, but that's not how his brain works now. However, I've recently discovered that he does well if I get him to find one category. So recently he went on a hunt for bank statements ... and found them all ... and put them in order ... and put them into a binder all nice and neatly. Knowing that, I might be able to get him to do the filing ... but in quite a different way than I would do it.

    It hasn't just been a recovery and relearning thing for him. I've had to step up and learn things too ... or look at things in a different way.

    Then some days ... probably one or two days each week ... everything kind of shuts down. His fatigue overwhelms him, he becomes very emotional, and he's not able to do much at all. I've also had to learn patience.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,994 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M in Oz – I have Windows 10 Gotta check on the Outlook stuff. One night it suddenly upgraded, I never told it to. What a neat ring!

    If you haven't put in a subject, sometimes the drafts can appear in an unexpected order. Just wondering if that's part if it.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,366 Member
    edited September 2019
    M - I have Windows Live Mail, not Outlook. Never put in a subject, but can't find it anywhere. Vince can't get it from a backup, either. What I've done now is made a Word document and whenever I want to add something, I just open that document.

    Lynette - thanks so much for the information. If I could get Silver Sneakers, that would save us about $700/year. Do gyms that accept Silver Sneakers also accept Silver & Fit? I'd like to be able to attend any class. Vince's company offers this service where they help you determine the best for you. And if they have to arrange a conference call with a provider, they will. They've been very helpful to Vince.

    I can't wait to get my IP for Christmas. Yogurt...here I come. And I saw a recipe for applesauce, can't wait to try that. But how can I portion out 4oz and then freeze it. I don't think an ice cube tray hold 4oz of something. I'd like to make some and then freeze it because I could never eat all the applesauce before it would go bad. But I'm so looking forward to it. I have read that if you use Fairlife milk, the yogurt comes out thicker. Can't wait to try it.

    Got a question for anyone. I have a bra that has a hook that the shoulder straps goes into. The problem is that the strap keeps coming out. Any ideas how I can make it so that the strap doesn't come out?

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,277 Member
    edited September 2019
    We wandered down to the Triathlon. The cycle turn around was at the bottom of our road!!! Got down to the finish and also watched the swimming. The sea was perfect, very calm.
    I looked at the results and the first three guys were all called Oliver. :o
    Here's a photo of a Sprint finisher.
    You can see the masses of bikes behind him. At this point the Standard contestants were just finishing their swim.
    We finished off the morning with an ice-cream.
    Fabulous weather.
    I enjoyed watching a Swedish film last night on my tablet from Amazon Prime. With subtitles. If you like quirky, gentle films this is great. A MAN CALLED OVE.

    We are having Hairy Bikers chicken dish tonight. They are doing a new series on TV where they travel down Route 66 on their motorbikes and sample the cooking on the way. Great fun!

    Much love, Heather UK XXXXXX
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning everyone. Had my morning walk and soon breakfast. Weighed in yesterday and it was 2 lbs. heavier than last week. I can't seem to get past 2 lbs. This is frustrating me. I've been with MFP for over 5 yrs, on & off. My weight today is 185 and GW is 130 but I could handle 140. I can't do much for exercising because of back issues.Hope you all have a wonderful day/evening.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2019
    @Machka9 I love the non-traditional rings. I gotcha on the different levels of expectations. I think doing a masters is not nothing. I guess maybe when very or rather young it's not unreasonable to set goals/expectations high if that there is or are some things in one's heart that seem to call for it. Cause when quite young, who knows where we will end up? no-one. As we get older part of the path seems really sketched out and the possibilities are narrowed. (not that I ever wanted to but I'm unlikely to become a doctor, lawyer, olympic swimmer, acrobat, etc., whereas at 15 or 25 or 35 the options were still, for some, (dr or lawyer) conceivable. (my lawyer who must be around 60 was a postman before become a lawyer: 12 years ago he said, meaning he presumably started law school in his 40s.

    @TerriRichardson112 I agree with you that if still working on it it's already something, and that working on dance at this point is a more fulfilling and realistic goal than being a professional dancer. nice goal breakdown. I'm so glad mindfulness meditation has become mainstream. I think that is a great even revolutionary thing for life and society. (in this rather mucky, in my opinion, political and climatic period)

    @lhscapil I gotcha on the high expectation on no sugar and falling off the wagon.That happens to me plenty. There are I guess lots of words that overlap in meaning: goals, plans, expectations, aspirations... it's more of a discussion than a firm definition I guess.

    expectations. I remember my dad saying this to us at some point when we were teens, joking around but also seriously. He must have been close to 50. He (who was rather ambitious and did rather well professionally by many standards, but was always disheartened that it wasn't better) said a colleague had recently said to him: "When you are young you want to conquer the world and when you are older you are glad just to have a good poop" (though he used the word *kitten*.) He laughed in a way I knew he must have partially felt that way, that it somewhat rang true to him then. My younger sister (now 50ish) pointed out to me what was interesting was that I remembered that, and it struck me enough to remember it. Of all the myriad conversations had only a few bits stick with us I guess 40 years later (for most of us). It was possibly the vulgarness of the joke (slightly uncomfortable to hear father speaking like that to us, though he didn't hesitate to swear plenty back then, and it was not out of character really.maybe it was to hear that his colleagues, all dressed up in suits and always polite and proper to us, also spoke like that). But the wiser moral stuck too. I think they were management at a conference, in the 70s, so kind of ambitious guys, but also probably around 50 and realising that they weren't going to all reach all ambitions, and had to bring some realism into their perspective.