
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Good morning ladies from sunny and chilly 28f SW WA State B)

    I just finished watching the 2nd episode of "Science of Prevention" about Alzheimers. If any of you want to get in on the remaining episodes, here's the link: https://scienceofprevention.com/ There are a total of ten. It's a mostly a review for me, but well presented and some new information. If I heard it right, the caregiver of a person with Alzheimer's is much more likely to come down with it themselves. Probably from the stress. Looks like there will be a lot of instruction on how to prevent it including healthy eating, exercise, stress management, etc. All reminders that I need. Each episode is around 30 minutes which fits into my schedule nicely.

    Barbara AHMOD - such great news about the Better Bones class. I'm going to talk to my gym and see if they do or can provide something similar in the mornings.

    - good idea changing your "handle" here. If you complain that you are feeling itchy tho, we'll lean on you to change it. :D

    Allie - glad your boss ponied up on the costs to NYC. Did you say they hired another office gal/assistant?

    Lisa - brilliant strategy. Bet your new boss doesn't have many employees who have been straightforward like that. I've used that a few times but didn't disclose the second part of the sentence = so stay out of my way and let me do my job. B)

    Karen in VA
    - thank you for the update on Josie. She looks really good in the second photo, like "I've got this" even with sparse hair. Delighted that she's looking forward to a cool wig! Did they determine which type of cancer it was - you probably posted and I skipped over. Hopefully treatable with good survival rate.

    Vicki in NE
    - what a year for you going from floods to now snow. Hope your new employee works out!! Crossing fingers!

    Wishing the best for Tracey and her tooth and braving cold weather up in Edmonton.

    HUGS to all of you with kids in the service who don't or aren't able to communicate. <3

    We are ready to join the 21st century and I'm looking into a Jitterbug smartphone, mainly to have a data connection if/when we lose power here since our WiFi also bites the dust so no Fire tablet connection. Kim, your predicament kind of pushed me forward and I thank you for that. Hope your utility finds a good way to manage the outages that inconvenience folks the least. Offices, stores, businesses will have to rely on generators I presume or do they just close down? Irritating in many ways but better to be safe I reckon.

    Welcome new gals! Hope to have time soon to really read your initial posts and get to know you. We're a busy group as you can tell.

    OK ladies, time to get busy. Good day to make Lentil soup.

    Make it a fabulous day! <3

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LANETTE I too am watching the Alzheimer's series

    Anyone watched Unbelievable on Netflix

    Kate UK <3
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    NYKaren - your empathy does you much credit. I'm glad you can believe your mother is now at peace.

    Karen in VA - Thank you for posting the pics of Josephine. Still thinking of her, rooting for her.

    Barbie - The bathroom looks amazing! More important, you're pleased with it!

    Kate UK - I couldn't bring myself to watch it. The reviews are excellent, though.

    Perhaps it's just a fancy of mine, that the fall chill brings with it the emotional flights that so many seem to be going through. As if the chill in the air makes our heart beat slower, or like a scent that we can almost remember, brings emotion with it before the memory.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited October 2019
    Lisa “Typhoid crying Mary” LOL!
    Welcome @shamac35153, please let us know what you'd like us to call you and your general locale.
    Welcome Sarah in NZ. “feel so self conscious at the gym as I am out of shape “ Just exactly how I feel at exercise at line dancing classes. Trying hard to flip the awful self talk into “Look, you're doing SOMETHING, and you don't know who you might inspire to try too.” But it's hard. That snarky voice in my head is soooo mean!
    SuziQ I thought the same thing when I saw Heather's DH's grin ;)
    Machka what an eventful, emotionally charged day. Good for your DH and good for you!
    Welcome Kim in Lincolnshire! I'm hating my weight too, but trying to change that negative effort into positive efforts for change. Not always successful ;}
    Ginny in OH sent a quick prayer for your friend's grandson and his family and caregivers. May there be a quick, easy, effective fix!
    Barbie your bathroom remodel is beautiful, but scary too. The hallway floor ourtside our water heater is starting to bubble up. I've been smelling mustiness in that area for awhile, but when we took the panel off to check the water heater, no leakage was obvious. Now I'm very afraid that when we finally think we can afford new flooring, we'll have to wait 'til we can afford new subflooring and support repairs too. Waaah!
    Karen in VA Josephine's inner beauty shines through. Healing and strength to her and hers.
    Lanette “the second part of the sentence” What a tea-snorter!
    NYKaren ((hugs)) for the memory of your mom's anguish. Big Smiles for teaching by charades.
    Kim in N.Calif this in morning's email made me think of you.

    Back to the underwear discussion, had a little outbreak of my old underbelly fungal issue last night. Checked the panties, oops, 5 % polyester. Foo. Rest of the pretty colors pack into the to-be-donated bag. Back to 100% cotton for me!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for October: get up and do it!
    Steps=8943! vits=9 log=9 CI<CO=7 CI<250<CO=4 Tumble=5 mfp=9 AF=8
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did the Tone It Up DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout DVD

    I’m not real crazy about pumpkin soup. I’ll eat it but probably wouldn’t make it myself. But I do like pumpkin muffins, breads, cakes etc.

    Sarah and Kim – welcome!

    Barbie – what a transformation! That money was well worth it. Thanks for the before and after pictures

    Karen VA – it just breaks my heart to see Josephine in such a state, but I’m glad to see she has such good spirits

    I was at the Green Room and Steve left. Then we went to this dance studio and got a bit of a refund. You won’t believe what I had to go thru to get it! For months I’d been calling and calling, he never once got back to me. I think he thought if he ignored me enough, I’d just go away. Well, it didn’t work out that way. He ignored me and I made a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. I was only looking for what he promised me. I finally called again Tuesday after the BBB told me he didn’t get back to them and went to the Studio to pick up the check. Not as much as I’d hoped for, but if that’s what I was entitled to, I’m happy. Soup kitchen tomorrow so afterwards (or maybe before, depending on how much time I have) I’ll deposit it.

    Lanette – do you remember which episode covered how to prevent Alzheimer's?

    Newcomer bowling tonight

    Michele in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kim ... I've been thinking about you and the power/fire situation. We complain mightily in this area when the electric company sends out a tree service to trim trees and practically decimates them in the process. I'll take it over your area's alternative. Do you have a way to keep food cold in the event you're without power for an extended period of time? That would be my biggest concern.

    KarenNY ... hugs

    Hello Flea! ... LOL!

    Lisa ... you're in good company. Barbara Walters used to make everyone cry too!

    Interesting idea that being reflective/emotional is part of the seasonal changes...

    Rebecca ... while my son has not gone as long as yours has without communicating, I believe I understand what you're feeling. All we want as moms is an "ok" or a thumbs up emoji! I just need to know he's breathing and that he's seen my communications. Of course, I'd love a long chat ... but I'll take whatever scraps he spares me. How pathetic. On the other hand, his long periods of silence have made me reevaluate my relationship with my mom and dad. I'm ashamed to say, I've been my son more often than not. I still have them with me and I'm trying to make up for lost time. Breaks my heart when my dad "thanks" me for visiting or calling. Sigh.

    Incredibly fed up with my eating behavior so back to basics... IF, logging food and weighing and measuring ... oh and water, water, water.

    Husband's gathering wasn't as large as he projected so we have a lot of ham and bean soup leftover. I'm freezing it for future use ... which is why, Kim, I would be really upset with extended power outages. I freeze a lot of food.

    Beautiful Fall day here in Western New York, but the rain is coming ...

    Beth near Buffalo

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,816 Member
  • Latestarter2018
    Latestarter2018 Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning ladies
    I am aiming for a 1200 calorie day today - just putting it out there to.make myself more accountable 😊. Such good advice that I was given to walk on the spot at home while i am tasks that involved standing still...thanks for that good piece of advice. When I put a bit of.effort into.it it gets my heart rate up too!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Michele - Each episode of the "Science of Prevention" series is about how to prevent it. One episode is about diabetes, one is about nutrition, one is about exercise, one is about the gut, etc. They might run the whole thing again after the 10th episode, they often do that if a person has a lot of time to devote to it.

    back in from tearing out tomato plants in sunny SW WA State B)
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Karen in VA-Josephine does look good. Glad they are getting her a wig she likes-but she still looks adorable. Kids are fighters.

    NYKaren- I understand the waves of emotions. They hit me with my mom and my husband, and a sister-in-law who died in 2006. Grief is a funny thing-you never know when it may hit. You just walk through it.

    Barbara – thanks for prayers.

    Connie in KY - glad you had good news with your mom.

    Only have choir practice left and the day will be over. One more thing to finish with project I have been working on. I accepted all of the changes and forgot the state office want us to send it with tracked changes to make it easier on them to review (oops!). So I will put together a cross-walk of changes and then ship if off. Starting tomorrow with most likely terminating an employee. Just don’t believe some of the things people do. Hope to be able to leave early tomorrow since I have some extra time in. Would be a good way to start long weekend. Will have to see.

    Off to get a couple of things done before choir.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Feel the pain. My son finally is on land but for over a year and a half has been on two deployments on to different carriers. When we did get to communicate he was exhausted after working 14 hour days. Etc. so have to give them slack as sons and daughters. I miss him dearly every second he’s done in March but I really wish he would stay in and make a career out of it but......they all have to make their own choices in life. God bless and thank you sons and husband for there service

    Oh its a tough thing.💖. Thank you for his service and your family's sacrifice in giving him to the Navy. How long has he been in? My eldest son has been in for 13 so he realized that if he just stays in for 7 more, he can retire at 37, and then go to college getting trained in small scooter engines. Each sailor has different experiences though. My middle son got out at 4 years because it was just hard being married to another sailor. She got out at her 4 year mark too. My youngest son just has almost 3 years in. Hard to know what he will do.💖
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Beth near Buffalo thanks for understanding, actually y'all all very understanding.💖
    Awe friend don't play the woulda, shoulda, coulda game. Start each day with a clean black black board. Do your best with the now, you can't make up for yesterdays.
    My strategy is going to be every two weeks letter. Kill him with kindness sort of thing!😁 As long as I keep my string with can free of leaves, loops or entanglements, I will be doing my part.