

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Katla I am having my mamo/ultrasound tomorrow as well!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    I'm home,and took a melatonin we shall see if this helps..
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is International Girls Day!

    "Created by Kappa Delta, International Girls Day celebrates girls with all types of interests and abilities and is for helping them build their confidence to reach their full potential. The theme of the day is 'She Can Do Anything,' which reminds girls that there is no limit to what they can achieve — they will be tomorrow's leaders, CEOs, inventors, and entrepreneurs. The Kappa Delta sorority holds events with girls and Girl Scouts in their communities to help girls build confidence and set goals."

    SueBDew - I hope you'll take a picture of your lace blanket before you send it off!

    This was a fly-by... I need to get on the Nordic Track now if I'm going to get it done before we got out for Philip's weekly chair massage booth.

    Everybody stay warm!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
    stats for the day

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.50min, 130mhr, 11.8amph, 1.53mi= 80c
    apple watch- 55c
    MANUAL TREADMILL walk/some sprints- 30min, 117ahr, 146mhr, 1.85mi= 238c
    apple watch- 244c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.37min, 129mhr, 15.8mph, 1.47mi= 67c
    apple watch- 51c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.24min, 148mhr, 11.8amph, 3.04mi= 158c
    apple watch- 115c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.19min, 144mhr, 10.04min mi, .52mi= 74c
    apple watch- 56c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.22min, 9.31min mi, 149mhr, .45mi= 60c
    apple watch- 55c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.21min 8.6amph, 148mhr, 2.62mi= 225c
    apple watch- 137c

    total cal 902
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Heather – not sure how it is there or how DH would feel about it but could under your health insurance talk to a mental health professional about the visit from his brother and the general situation? I have a very helpful therapist that has gotten me to this point and when I need to I can make an appointment to figure out a sticking point.

    Crazy day today – TOTALLY lost it when it came to eating… I think my name is vacuum (hover) I inhaled everything…. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

    The embroidery business is so busy! And I have not even hit the Christmas rush. Over the summer I did some beach towels for granddaughters of a client with the girls names and unicorns, they were cute. I saw a design of santa and unicorns and sent her a picture. I have done 4 little dresses with the design and 2 shirts (Mom and Grandma) am sending them to her, for their Christmas pictures. I’ll attach a picture.

    Kim from N. California

    you do that stuff? I will pay you.... I will think of what I want, too late for Christmas, no big,i will let you know
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    Kim - He would have to pay to see someone privately as our NHS is a bit slow at mental health unless you are desperate. He did go to someone several years ago (CBT) and it was helpful. Unfortunately he is a man and not good at asking for help unless he is at his wit's end. Grrrr! I could plant the seed. :)
    Families eh?!?!?!?! :#

    Right now I am awake in the middle of the night. Tickly cough. I've migrated to the top bedroom. We have set the alarm so we can do some exercises early before Bea arrives and that usually means I don't sleep well. I'm not good when life gets crowded and it's feeling pretty squished at the moment. Trip to London on Monday etc etc. I admire those of you who do a full time job.

    Much love to all, Heather UK XXXXXX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Was at the Green Room then got my car inspected. Stopped at Kohl’s, got 2 toys for PJ and a pair of earrings for me. Cost me a little over $4 since I had a coupon. I totally didn’t realize that I could have given them a coupon for an additional 25% off. Well, I’ll be that way Monday so I’ll stop in and see if they can give it to me. Well, it’s only 80 cents so I’m not going to die. Then made some yogurt/oj concentrate for me. Wish I’d done this when I had the temp. bridge. It’s pretty filling and easy to swallow. When PJ comes here, I’ll see if he likes it

    Carol -Good for you!

    You know, it is so hard to find places that give you tea. Every place seems to give out coffee. I have to run 8oz of water thru the Keurig at the Green Room to get rid of the coffee taste, then I can make some tea for me. When I went to get my car inspected, they have all this complimentary coffee, even hot chocolate. But no tea. Fortunately, I keep tea bags with me all the time

    Katla – mammos are no fun, I agree. But the alternative is worse

    Rori – when my MIL had dementia, I got very good at the “is that a fact” and “tell me more”. You are a real hero to me

    To me, the thing that made me the most proud of putting back those M&M’s is the fact that I love the caramel ones. To me, they are addictive. So it was a major thing for me to put them back.

    Kim – I gave this lady a wall hanging to quilt for me back in Sept. I called her today to see how it’s coming and she said that she’d been sick and it should be ready in two weeks. Really, I don’t see where it’s all that much work. I’ve drawn where the stitching should be (with the pen that disappears when you iron on it). For about 80% of it is straight stitching. Probably the most work is the backing. I put the batting in and even stitched it in place. She’s a real sweet lady, but whenever I need something she ALWAYS waits until the last minute to do it. Then when I pick it up there are always stories about how this one and that one wanted these gowns done for their wedding, etc. If she wasn’t such a sweet person and do it at such a reasonable price, I would have someone else do it.

    Wish you lived around here.

    Soup kitchen tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    We went through these 30 Days of Gratitude in November last year. I won't suggest that we do it again this year, but it is still something to keep in mind as we go into the holiday season. :)

    Machka in Oz

    All right ... it's mid November and this will take us through to mid December ... just in time for Christmas!! :)

    Day 1 - November 15 - Smell: My sense of smell is limited and my husband no longer has a sense of smell (or taste) since his accident. However, I can catch a faint scent from the roses and freesias he has grown, which are all coming into bloom.

    I'm thankful that he has been able to garden and that we have so many lovely flowers and veggies growing and blooming. :)

    Feel free to participate, if you want. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Challenges ... if challenges appeal to you, don't forget about MFP's Challenges subforum:


    Pretty much the same as last month ... aside from exercise, this month will include ...

    -- work ... I've got several projects I should try to finish or get on top of by the end of the month.

    -- university ... I start my next course on Nov 11. It's a spring/summer course and entirely online so I'm curious how it will go. Later in November, I need to enroll in my course Semester 1 courses.

    -- cycling club ... I have a lot of work to do in this area!!

    -- website ... lots of work to do and start attending Wordpress meetings again.

    -- husband ... becoming more involved with our local brain injury association.

    -- medical ... attending a whole pile of different physio appointments and other medical appointments. There is not a single week without a medical appointment of some sort.

    -- and continuing to organise things at home. I've been working on this for a while now, but especially since I wrote my exam on Tuesday!!

    Machka in Oz

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- exercise every day or just about. Eating ... could be better. Sleeping ... not bad now that I've got my cocoon of silence. :)

    Work -- working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.

    Uni -- I've downloaded the initial information for my new course. Will need to acquire a textbook. And I've enrolled in the remaining courses for my Master's degree.

    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!!

    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting on Saturday.

    Husband -- we're going to a Brain Injury forum next Monday. Plus his BPPV flared up again this week, so we've had that treated. If you are having trouble with dizziness and balance, this is a great site with lots of information: https://vestibular.org/

    Medical/Health -- I have a complete physical booked for next Friday, but had to go into a Dr early because of the spider bite. It is starting to fade a little, I think, but the medication makes me a bit nauseated. I have several other things I need to book - probably next most important is dental for my broken tooth.

    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.

    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Now it's lunch and I have a number of errands to run. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Physical - Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Need to start exercising more now that I'm almost recovered from spider bite and medication.

    Work -- still working on instructions these days, but I see emails starting to come in about other projects. They'll be for next week, I think.

    Uni -- Will be doing a lot of reading this weekend.

    Cycling Club -- I'm focusing on this right now. Several things to do!! I made some good progress on the website last night which I was really pleased about! :) But most urgently: We've got another cycling event on the weekend which we're hosting ... tomorrow! I went shopping at lunch for it.

    Website -- must look at it one evening this week. I've got a Wordpress meeting next Saturday (1 week).

    Husband -- went to a Brain Injury forum last Monday which was quite interesting ... projects coming soon.

    Medical/Health -- Complete physical today.
    BP is a bit high. Will be tracking it over next couple weeks. Had ECG - good. Will have heart ultrasound soon.
    Got measles vax. I am in the age group that only had 1 vax but 2 are needed. I may have had measles in 2016, but just in case I didn't, I want the vax!!
    Booked appt for shingles vax.
    Dentist next week.

    Organisation -- first the cycling club stuff ... then I'll have to wade into more organisation stuff.

    Recreation -- exercise, entertainment (symphony, plays), and photography are usually my recreation, but I'm starting to think ahead to time off over Christmas and travel.

    Machka in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Dear dear friends, thank you so much for reading/listening/commenting on my outpouring. You make my heart easy, as good friends do. Don't know what I'd do without you.

    Joe greeted me with good news when I returned this evening from dinner and music with friends. Tumble and Shadow chased each other around the house, then the yard, then the parking area for a good long while, barking yes, but tails wagging and ears high. Earlier today Tumble played tug with Joe for the first time since Shadow's arrival... then played a little tug with Shadow. Joe is hopeful Tumble is liking Shadow better and I am just plain grateful. ;)

    Lanette I laughed out loud at the “keeping her...” and “singing the song of her people”
    Sue in WA “new roof here we come” Hooray! How soon will your roofers schedule?
    SueBDew would you share a pic of the hairpin lace blanket?

    Count me in with those looking forward to Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers, on those loving the starlog, pics of Yogi, Evelyn's family and Athena Rose.

    NYKaren ultrasound?
    Kim :heart: the santa and unicorn embroidered dress

    There were other comments I meant to make but I'm too sleepy.

    Forgot to pocket my phone so missed steps from last night's and this morning's food prep puttering.
    Did prep veggies for Joe, finish detailing the car and had only 1.5 12 oz glasses of beer out to dinner with friends, but didn't walk Tumble.

    Tomorrow will go to BB&B, walk Tumble, go to line dance class a half hour early to learn a new dance and abstain from alcohol.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=4332 vits=12.5 log=14 CI<CO=12, CI<250<CO=6 Tumble=9 mfp=13 AF=9
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    edited November 2019
    @SuziQ113 I'm also having a hard time getting up in the mornings. It's a combination of the early onset of the colder weather, and the time change.
    @grandmallie I had to google PKD. (((Hugs))) I hope the valarian or melatonin helps the sleeping problem. My admiration for you has increased 10 fold. You are, indeed, Woman! Re your boss: are there no employment laws re just up and firing people?
    Heather: Love the vase, and your Anniversary solution to presents. Life is much more complicated for the younger generation. We just loaned money to DYD. She had credit card bills which were charging a horrendous interest, and putting a strain on her budget, so she will pay us at a much lower rate, which will be above what we were earning on the money, and I will save some of her payments, and return that to her to pay off the principal. The loan will come off whatever she inherits if she hasn't paid it all off. Family relationships can be fraught. As you say, Breathe!

    Up to page 39. Have run out of time again. I have Latin Study this morning, and PhotoPlus after lunch so will get caught up after dinner.

    (((Hugs))) for those who need them.
