

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Had sushi, well California spicy rolls, with avocado slices. Happy belly!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Anyway, I got to the meeting and one of the ladies looked at my cookies and said "Let me guess, Kelly made the snack. She is our group's overachiever and makes us all look bad." She acted like she was joking, but she has said the same about so much that I have done with my kids. I found it kind of hurtful. I don't think of myself as an overachiever. I know what I can do; and I do it. If it is something that I think others might like to do with their daycare kids/families, I share it with them. Not as an "in your face" kind of thing, but just as a "this brought me joy, maybe it will do the same for you" kind of way. *sigh* OH well, I guess you can't please everyone or be liked by everyone. This lady is a bit older than me; maybe she is ready to retire...she is kind of a grumpy-puss.
    KJ (Kelly)

    I just love people who cover snide remarks within a complement. It actually says more about them than it does the one the comment is directed towards. Keep sharing your joy and the "______" with those who have something to say about it.

    Good luck KJ with the magically appearing wine bottles!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    KJ: People like her who make put down remarks like that usually have inferiority issues. Don’t pay her any attention. I’m sure loads of others are glad you share such exciting ideas with them.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    Obsessed is the word the very lazy use to describe those who are dedicated.

    :)Kelly, I shared that comment awhile ago regarding someone's friend who called her obsessed because she believed that someone who exercised faithfully every morning was "obsessed". I think the same basic principle applies to the person who made that comment about your baking. It's a way people tear others down in order to make themselves feel superior. Your cookies sound awesome.

    :)SuziQ. What you described sounds to me like "living intentionally". It's a great way to live without being yanked around by marketing tactics, "keeping up with the Joneses", and pushy comments from other people. Living intentionally means choosing what your want rather than what someone else thinks you should choose. I have lots of "unscheduled" time in my day but I don't consider it available for what someone else wants. Just because I'm invited doesn't mean I have to go.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lanette sounds like a really productive day, how great your shoulder can handle all that strenuous work in the garden.

    Searched through a carb-laden table today and found a hardboiled egg amongst the bagels, croissants and danish. score!


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Annie- So true met hubby in Christian mingle web site. Finally got a like minded love. Paid for a year got locked out lol 😂 company let me back on 1 day before Valentines Hubby asked me out was my first ever gift or date on valentines! Sad part is I was married before this was my first for everything even a wedding ring paid for by the man! (Red flags hind sights 50/50).

    Tired 😓 trying to get JR winter set up still. Hubby grabbed gloves being in a peri - period grumpy I snapped he doesn’t need gloves. Then tried his glove 🧤 on it didn’t fit his hand grew!!! Noooo oh yeah new gloves thanks hubby. So bag for MIL to take to family has coats,hats,gloves,more already. Hubby ran out got an outfit to replace his Thanksgiving one we were going to wear.

    Just trucking along. Soup still . Lost a pound this week y Maintaining it so far.

    Amber Tx
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Hi! I am back from the cold north and trying to catch up with all the reading here. We had 12 inches of snow in one day while visiting in Michigan! My nephew’s wedding was fabulous and it was terrific seeing so much family!

    Welcome Newbies!!

    Lisa I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother in law! Prayers for all the family.

    Serevogel10724 Welcome! What a gorgeous dog! We have two rescued greyhounds. I love bigger dogs!

    Terri Wonderful poem!

    SuziQ Love the flower arrangement!

    Heather Congratulations on being the Legends of the Week! Like the picture!

    Ginny The new chair looks terrific…of course, I would have gotten Maize or Blue – lol!!

    Barbara Congrats on breaking 10K!

    Tina My husband has dyslexia and loves to read. I can’t imagine ever having a reason to discourage someone who loves to read from reading! If my brain injury has taught me anything, using skills helps improve them regardless of where you are starting from!

    Katla What is the medication your doctor has you taking for bone density?

    Machka Walking, swimming, and hiking are my 3 favorites

    Karen Love the newborn logging…hilarious!

    Pip Great pup picture!

    Still have 10 pages to read in order to catch up! Photos from the trip to follow…
    Hope everyone who has been ill is feeling better, and that those going through tough times see brighter days ahead! Happy weekend!!

    Luci, back in NC 😊
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,514 Member
    Lisa your having one back of things you use regularly is called “prepared” here in quake/tsunami/storm/wildfire country. ;)
    Kelly that grumpy puss is just jealous of your creativity and energy. Sad she has to try to make herself feel better by being so snarky. Oops I see Barbie and others (Terri?) said it better.
    SuziQ its brownie season and I don't mean little girl guides. I let myself be ambushed by an amaretto, walnut, chocolate chip brownie at line dancing this evening, but held it down to half. It WAS yummy.
    Lanette I feel the hackability of files stored in the cloud outweighs the convenience of being able to access from any machine, any where, any time. I use an external HD and a thumb drive. ;)
    Kim hopeful that pie (and you) will be invited to a convivial celebration.
    LuciB and Evelyn great family pics!

    Checked all yesterday's “tomorrow I will”s. Saturday I will breeze through the Community Christmas Bazaar with a friend, take Shadow to the shelter for her third series of shots, then dash back to grab Tumble for dog group and abstain from alcohol again.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=2435 Thursday :(, 8337 today, vits=13.5 log=15 CI<CO=13, CI<250<CO=7 Tumble=10 mfp=14 AF=10
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    LuciB - Thankyou so much for sharing those heart warming photos with us. What a wonderful occasion and what a blessing to have so much family all together. <3

    Bit grey outside. I hope to fit a run in this afternoon, but the weather may not cooperate.

    Looking forward to seeing my son this evening. I've decided not to serve the Apple and Cinnamon Cake for dessert. The Camembert that I bought is stinking out the utility room and needs eating. My DH is complaining. I will send it back with my son to finish off! Otherwise I will eat all of it. >:)
    My son doesn't drink alcohol, so I have a bottle of AF rose wine in the fridge. Starters are : chilli and coriander prawns, stuffed vine leaves and jalapeno and garlic stuffed olives. Just to pick at in the living room. Main course at the pink and blue dining table is skate in black butter with capers and a mixed leave salad. Then stinky cheese and other cheeses for DH. I will eat moderately. :*;)

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    We went through these 30 Days of Gratitude in November last year. I won't suggest that we do it again this year, but it is still something to keep in mind as we go into the holiday season. :)

    Machka in Oz

    All right ... it's mid November and this will take us through to mid December ... just in time for Christmas!! :)

    Day 1 - November 15 - Smell: My sense of smell is limited and my husband no longer has a sense of smell (or taste) since his accident. However, I can catch a faint scent from the roses and freesias he has grown, which are all coming into bloom.

    I'm thankful that he has been able to garden and that we have so many lovely flowers and veggies growing and blooming. :)

    Feel free to participate, if you want. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Day 2 - November 16 - Technology: My laptop, my phone, email, facebook ... the fact that technology exists! :) It's what I do ... it's what I learn ... it's how I communicate with family and friends.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    SuziQ - I agree with you, there are many times I think that I have an easier schedule with my work life than the other respondents on this thread, who are constantly on the go. :)

    I really appreciate my employer ... they've been remarkably flexible with my situations. :)

    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Your thought on sales, etc., is the same as mine. I don't use coupons unless they are for things that I use now, and I don't pay attention to the vast majority of sales items unless they're something I use all the time. And then, only in rare occasions will I buy in bulk. It's why we keep deciding not to get a subscription to the warehouse stores like Sams or Costco. It's not a savings if something can't be used before it goes bad.

    I quit using coupons years ago because 90% of them were for things I didn't need or which I could get less expensively if I purchased a different brand. And they aren't commonly used here. When I was in Canada, I looked into getting a Costco membership and decided it wasn't worth it. I even went to a Costco once with a friend and out of a whole store full of stuff I could have purchased, I think I ended up buying a pack or two of toilet paper on for a good price. That decided it ... a membership wasn't worth it.

    LisaInAR wrote: »
    One thing I cannot seem to shake, even though I can go to the store anytime I want to, is buying one extra of those things I do use. I have one back of all toiletries, and all the canned, boxed or jarred things we use regularly. I truly despise running out of anything, and just about never do run out of anything other than refrigerated items--and for refrigerated things like condiments (mayo, mustard, ketchup, salad dressing) where the jars are shelf stable, I have an extra one of those in the pantry too. As soon as the extra one moves into use, the item goes on the list.

    Still not sure if that's just good organization or slight obsession. Perhaps a little of both.

    Toiletries ... :lol: I've been a little bit of a hoarder of toiletries ever since a really bad couple of years when I didn't have money for such things. My mother inadvertently played right into those hoarding tendencies! She started selling Avon and started giving me samples and this and that for birthdays, Christmas, etc. etc. I ended up with cupboards and drawers full! Then I moved into a little suite in my parents' basement while I got my second Bachelor's degree (grad 2009), and the close proximity meant that I got even more toiletries!!

    Because I didn't want to throw them all out, I ended up packing them and they were shipped to Australia!!! It's 2019 now and I've still got some of them!! :open_mouth: .However, it's at the point now where I will have to go through everything and toss a lot. One of my largest collections is hand lotion ... I don't know how I ended up with so much of that stuff and I don't use it!

    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Yesterday was an amazing day, full of people who respect my abilities and trust my counsel, and people that I trust and respect in return. Got a number of items in progress that needed movement, and a few things that were sunsetted that needed doing so as well, and a clear path to the next steps. Truly wonderful day, and well worth every mile I drove.

    Off to my day,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    My eldest son is doing his clinical work this afternoon -- an 8 hour shift at an emergency room. So far, he is really thinking this is a career calling. He has even talked about going to medical school specifically for emergency room work, so we shall see. I am still holding my breath. But when I told my mom I was doing that, she told me that I needed to breathe.
    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    My mother was an ER nurse for many years when I was young ... she enjoyed it. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    There was a lady today at the soup kitchen who was working all the tables. I tried to tell her that the last table was mine, but she didn't understand. She thought I was upset with her because she was doing some of my tables. I told her it wasn't a problem, I just liked to know if she was getting something because I was. Evidentally, she was helping that one lady who is a sourpuss and that lady got upset with her. Well, it takes all kinds to make up the world.

    Michele in NC

    Would it help if there were a "table map"? Do it up in PowerPoint -- just squares or circles, without names. Laminate it, and write your names on your tables each day with a whiteboard marker. Then everyone knows. :)


    Machka in Oz