

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Terri~I spoke with the Dr Yesterday.. and he didnt fire her.. he asked her to keep an eye on holes in her schedule. and she has been pissy lately anyway, so she blew her top Weds night and quit, he did not fire her,but she told Dr He would hear from her attorney..he has singled her out and has picked on her and she stood her ground, so he doesn't like people who get edgy with him.. I dont talk back but I also am not available at his beck and call either..so I wait and keep trucking along.
    my DD and I go to the spa tomorrow will be a nice day..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited November 2019
    Well, I made a BIG mistake and Bea did not come today, because she is scheduled for the 6th!!!! Ooooops. We got up super early, did all our exercises and then, when it got late, I texted my DDIL. :o
    I can freeze the gingerbread dough and DH can make the biscuits with her on the 6th if I leave him instructions. I will be coming back from Nottingham that day so won't be here.

    Terri - Yes, it's not that he minds giving her money, it's more that he has to be fair to the other daughter. I think this is the best solution. The money is a preliminary distribution that we can afford when the first of us dies. All four children get something, even if it's the other parent. When the other one dies the rest of the money is divided by percentage, according to what we each brought to the marriage. Because our house in Hove is worth a lot there should be plenty. And plenty inheritance tax. :/
    DH had the conversation with her this morning and she said she didn't want to think about him dying, but I think, if it means she can get out of the flat she hates, it is the best solution. He will speak to his elder daughter as soon as possible, explaining what he has done. Then we will have to write a codicil and send a copy to our solicitors.
    We always give each other little 'stocking presents' on anniversaries and birthdays. Something to open in bed. Mine to him should be arriving from Amazon today, plus the Christmas table decorations. I always get him his favourite biscuits and chocolate truffles, plus a book or two. I eat a few truffles and also read the books. :-)

    The doorbell has been going crazy with deliveries. DH has also bought me stuff and his own Christmas cards have arrived. Madness! The vase has just arrived as well. Can't decide whether to open it now, or not.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Machka – On gratitude, day 15, I am grateful for all of the seasons. Each has its purpose and unique characteristics. And, to get ahead of the curve, here is day 16. I am grateful for my body because it is strong and resilient. It carries me through the world and allows me to experience so many joys from hearing a bird’s song to smelling the ocean.
    Michelle – At one point in my life I could not resist a sale. I have shifted my thought process not only to simplify my life but also to work upon paying down debt. I ask myself, “Is it a need or a want?”. I have also become hypervigilant to the marketers attempting to sell things to us by convincing us it’s something we need in our lives or it will make life so much easier. Like many of us I do love a bargain and review the ads and create my grocery/meal lists around sales so I can take advantage of saving via coupons and sales. I have cut my baking down tremendously because it is just too much temptation for me. Even if I do not eat the final product I am tasting along the way and have been known to eat 300-500 calories just tasting things. I applaud you in being able to bake so much and stay on track!
    Terri – Hope all went well with DYD’s tooth. The last one I broke did not hurt either and the dentist was able to build it up with filler. Hopefully DYD has/had the same easy experience. On employment laws. They are basically a joke. Each State in the US has its own rules and regulations. Florida is a “Right to Work” State which basically means we have the right to work, but companies have a right to fire at will. I can walk in to the office today and be let go for no reason. I am extremely fortunate to work for a large company with procedures and processes in place for coaching its employees.
    Allie – My goodness I do not know how you survive with that man! I am one that does not fly under the radar all that well so I would probably be fired within the first couple of months of employment. Big hugs to you. Enjoy your spa day!
    KJ – I wish I were one of your “kids”. You plan such wonderful activities for them.
    Heather – In one of your posts you mentioned you were making “Hairy Bikers Chicken”. I had never heard of it and thought, oh, maybe something new to make. Found the Hairy Bikers site and loved the recipes posted there. Will be making the vegetable chili soon. On working, I actually think it’s easier for us full-timers. We know what our schedules are for the majority of the week so there is no juggling or constant adjustments for engagements that pop up. I think you’re busier than me!
    Barbie – I love yoga and am getting back in to practicing. I think it’s one of the practices we can continue throughout our lifetimes.
    Flea – Hope all works out with MIL’s benefits. The challenges I am hearing from friends with navigating various programs and coverage. Congratulations on the weight loss. It’s the small adjustments that make the biggest impact.
    Kim – Love the embroidery. The dress is cute.
    Mary – Shep looks so proud of his new toy. I can tell he loves it – it’s placed in a very comfortable place in his blanket. So cute!

    Today will be a food challenge. It’s the time of year when our sales reps start sending and/or providing lunches and breakfasts. We have quite a few reps in town and they are buying lunch for the entire office (there are 100 of us). Again, I am very fortunate to work for a good company with great people. But, oh the calories. I did pack breakfast and lunch, but it may be hard to resist lunch today. Maybe I should put my stapler to good use and staple my lips together? LOL!

    Sending hugs to all.
    SuziQ – Broward County, FL – Where the “cold” front still has not quite reached us. The low tomorrow is expected to be 56f.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! Doing the Friday dance here! B)
    Mary- <3<3 Shep! <3<3 He is such a sweetie! I love his little duck toy! lol such a big guy and such a little thing to make him happy!
    Kim- Wow! You are a talented lady! The embroidery work on that dress is fantastic!
    Heather- Love the pink vase! I have a couple of vases, but I don't often have flowers around. One vase I love, but my kids think it looks like a bong. (I will not ask questions as to how they know what that sort of thing looks like). Anyway, my bong-vase is a lovely sea glass blue. I keep it out even when there are no flowers in it. Re: the money situation with DH's daughter(s). My MIL did the same for her boys. She would loan money then have it come out of inheritance money. IF you think about it, it is the same as passing down items before you die. Bummer on getting your date with Bea mixed up! But at least you are ready for her on the 6th, now.

    I had my provider meeting last night. lol I got an email at about noon yesterday, from the facilitator of the meeting; reminding me that I had signed up to bring snack! Doh! Forgot about that. Luckily, I have been buying cookie kits to give to my daycare families this Christmas. I opened up two of them and made ugly Christmas sweater cookies and Ninjabread Men. lol They turned out cute (they mixed, baked, cooled and were frosted during nap time)! Anyway, I got to the meeting and one of the ladies looked at my cookies and said "Let me guess, Kelly made the snack. She is our group's overachiever and makes us all look bad." She acted like she was joking, but she has said the same about so much that I have done with my kids. I found it kind of hurtful. I don't think of myself as an overachiever. I know what I can do; and I do it. If it is something that I think others might like to do with their daycare kids/families, I share it with them. Not as an "in your face" kind of thing, but just as a "this brought me joy, maybe it will do the same for you" kind of way. *sigh* OH well, I guess you can't please everyone or be liked by everyone. This lady is a bit older than me; maybe she is ready to retire...she is kind of a grumpy-puss.

    BUT...it is Friday! End of the work week! Woo-hoo! I woke up this morning and found two bottles of wine on the counter (hubby went to the store last night). I guess he disregarded my request that he stop supporting my wine habit. THEN, I opened the cupboard to get my coffee out and there are two bottles of Evan Williams Egg Nog! Ugh! I have been walking past that in the store for a couple of weeks now and telling myself "No egg nog until after Thanksgiving". I am pretty sure I will be able to resist the egg nog. It is like Christmas movies and Christmas music. I would watch and listen as soon as we get our first frost; but there is a 10 commandments of Christmas and the main one is this stuff doesn't start for me until after Thanksgiving. As for the wine, I will have to make room in the calorie allotment each day.

    Well, kiddos arriving. Better get busy! love to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Well I am relaxing with the pooch, before i go walk the other 2, and having holy basil tea.. I really enjoy tea,, and because its chilly and I keep the heat low warm tea keeps me warm have the sweater on Alfie
    his crate has alot of warm fuzzy in there to keep him toasty.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    Still on page 39 😂
    🎄🤶 Gratitude for Christmas 🎅🏻🎄
    Wed 14 November: Scents: loved the smell of the roses I put into my Floral arrangement
    Thurs 15: Technology: Glad that I had my car and didn’t have to stand in the cold waiting for a bus
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Two things -

    KJ - maybe you could gift one of the wine bottles to your grumpy puss person, and she'd lighten up, and you wouldn't have it in your calorie allotment. :smiley:

    - I recognized Kirby's knees, and it took me a while to figure out why he was looking at the name "Michelle Schafer." :blush:

    That kind of day today.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Technology : I just adore my tablet - Samsung Galaxy. I hardly ever have it out of my hands! :D

    KJ - You make us all look bad, except my DH. :laugh: It's all in the way you say it, isn't it. :| What a cow! You are a blessing to the world. <3

    Went out in the rain to buy picky bits for tomorrow evening's starter. Couldn't resist smelly cheese (ripe Camembert) and some cabbage flowers for our new vase. Of course, I then had to unpack the vase, didn't I. :D Love it. It's even better than I imagined and DH loves it too.

    Right now it is making me very happy.

    One good effect of Bea not coming is that I managed to get some of my memoir written, which I haven't done for a few days. I used my laptop downstairs on the sofa, in the same room as DH writing his novel and that seemed to help me. I was writing an especially difficult bit. I might do that in the future more often. We used to write together when we first met.
    I could hear a ghostly Bea all the time though. As we had prepared for her, we really missed her presence. She is quite a presence.

    Suzi - Yes, they cook some great stuff. Terrific characters on the TV. Recently they journeyed along Route 66. I have their book called Hairy Dieters on my Kindle, the 1st one they wrote. The Spanish Chicken and Chorizo bake comes from there. I use red pepper, not green. We have it often. I also make the Lamb and Apricot Tagine and sometimes the Paella.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Lisa - forgot to say that Edie went off on Wednesday to the Rainbow group, which is the youngest version of the Guides, before the Brownies. She is 6. She was all in red, tracky bottoms and jacket, with a polo shirt. She came back very happy with a 'Feel Good' badge. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,102 Member
    I am very grateful for my phone, which generally does everything I want as long as I am patient. I am thankful for mfp which is so much easier than pencil and paper calorie counting. I am thankful for online dating, which really does help me meet guys with whom I have something in common. I am thankful for online shopping which saves so much time. And I am thankful for email and texting. Technology has been very good for me.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Two things -

    KJ - maybe you could gift one of the wine bottles to your grumpy puss person, and she'd lighten up, and you wouldn't have it in your calorie allotment. :smiley:

    - I recognized Kirby's knees, and it took me a while to figure out why he was looking at the name "Michelle Schafer." :blush:

    That kind of day today.

    He was actually pointing out our names that he found
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did the stairstepper today. The plan for tomorrow is to do “I Want That Body” DVD

    Exercised, got dinner ready to microwave, the off to the soup kitchen in a few.

    SuziQ – I used to love a sale on clothing, but lately I’ve gotten “cheap” and buy almost all of my clothes at the Salvation Army. Really, if/when I get tired of it, then I don’t feel so bad redonating it. I have a hard time resisting sales of food that we use. It seems that lately there aren’t as many coupons as there used to be. At least not coupons for things that we use.

    I just had some avocado. That’ll fill me up for the soup kitchen. I know a lot of people eat there, but I’d feel bad. It’s just me. Plus…the food isn’t that great. Today they had barbecue on a hamburger roll, beans and coleslaw. You should have seen how much dressing was on the coleslaw!

    Lisa – one of the things I do when I see something that we use regularly (like tp) is ask myself “where am I going to store it? Only…butter is on sale this week and next, the question now is “how much room do I have in my freezer?”

    KJ – I usually regift bottles of wine. Well, Vince and I are not wine drinkers so it isn’t hard for me at all. What is hard is coming up with someone to give it to

    There was a lady today at the soup kitchen who was working all the tables. I tried to tell her that the last table was mine, but she didn't understand. She thought I was upset with her because she was doing some of my tables. I told her it wasn't a problem, I just liked to know if she was getting something because I was. Evidentally, she was helping that one lady who is a sourpuss and that lady got upset with her. Well, it takes all kinds to make up the world.

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Up a lb, and I know its from the pasta I fixed yesterday. Saw on my Whidbey island community page, that someone wishes piano lessons. Its a beautiful piano, with fun multicolored keys. I said I would love to come over and play it! She said come on over! So now just private messaged her if she has babies, or kids I need to factor in my visit. A nice piano playing session does wonders for my mood!💖
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Lisa - forgot to say that Edie went off on Wednesday to the Rainbow group, which is the youngest version of the Guides, before the Brownies. She is 6. She was all in red, tracky bottoms and jacket, with a polo shirt. She came back very happy with a 'Feel Good' badge. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Love that, Heather! I'm actually also a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 10 million girls and 150 countries across the world. It's lovely to feel like Edie and I are in the same organization! :smile:
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    As I predicted today was one filled with food challenges.

    Very fortunate to work with a great group of people. A generous group of reps fed us all day long.

    Day started with bagels and coffee and lunch consisted of the following spoiler and a Caesar salad with the dressing on the side. View at your own risk!

    I am over my calories for the day and I skipped the bagel! :) I was good up until the sweet basket. One of those little brownies contains 600 calories! In the past I would have eaten it and never looked back. At least today I checked the calories and made an informed decision on what I would and would not eat. Progress in baby steps.

    Happy I am now home and can get back on track.
    SuziQ - Broward County, FL