
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Exercising today starting to get back on track. Food tho left overs. Had no time realizing Daughter snacked on my diet foods do not much left! Celery good but I haven’t bought it after JR it triggers my IBS now used to be my favorite veggie. Eating a banana pepper at the moment which used to trigger now can eat it up go figure my body a puzzle 🧩 that even I don’t get anymore. Portion control y no snacking on the wrong things made a kale salad to munch on with Apple y granola y nuts in it.
    Had hubby handle the baby doctor office I went to about them trying to push me into health care insurance changes . Was so confusing with my brain fog almost brought me to tears. (seasonal allergies they put JR on a month or two of Zyrtec for babies). Their paperwork no longer paper 📝 but electronic cause they got bought out by a company it times you!!! If it times you out cause your too slow they have to reset it you restart.Im not even sure what I signed or wrote lots of guesses probably wrong social for baby thinking it meant me.If it asked hubby it’s probably mine or JRs in that spot.It times me out continuously! Not one question about the visit tho. On the phone they asked how much he makes so he said more than Trump threw out a huge number said none of your buisness. Think I heard the girl whisper Boomer. What the hell does that mean? Is it code for rebels! At least we got the good Doctor this time.She read her coworkers scribbles from last visits y commented “She’s CRAZY!!” , “Oh you saw Dr Perez he fat large midsection yet worried about baby weight should worry about his own”. Yup love that Woman 3ft 70lb Filipino with no filter thinks like me! I’d take her home if I could! She said give Pooh a bath today since we went out of the house with Daughter a bunch (skin eczema precaution in case dust bunnies got picked up ).

    Holidays gain 5lbs. So next few days loose that again. Baby Dr afraid I’ll over do it she made me promise to slowly pack up the tree y stuff. She’s right . Thinking try my new exercise band for 5-10min today. Clean air fryer. Maybe clean out Daughter room later wipe y vacuum got days to do it.

    Amber Tx

    Holidays glad their over for a few months lol 😂 Damn it Valentines Lol 😂 holds cross keep your chocolates to yourselves!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Watching the news and relaxing with crazy dog..got laundry folded a d made a pile to pack will go through that and wittle down even more..have to work all day tomorrow so will get up early and moving. Have to be there between- 7:30-7 :45 and will be working till 6 . So will be packing healthy things to eat..
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Darn auto correct!!!I typed Suzi
    Debby in Va
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Rebecca I am so glad you "heard" from son. I remember being in the Philippines when modern technology wasn't available. Letters to and from home kept me connected with my family. You handled it wonderfully!

    LisaAK Levi is adorable! He is a big boy! I wish you answers at your doctor appointment.

    Catching up at the moment. Finished page 20

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    stats for the day:

    apple watch only

    bike ride hm 2 gym, windy- 8.26min, 11.3amph, 1.59mi= 64c
    treadmill walk/incline- 35min, 3.5-3.7sp, 3.6ap, 5-6incl, 2.11mi= 233c
    bike ride gym 2 dome, windy- 5.18min, 16.9amph, 1.49mi= 50c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station, windy- 16.21min, 11.1amph, 3.02mi= 117c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.25min, 8.46min mi, .61mi= 62c
    jog sta 2 wrk 2 sta, windy- 4.45min, 10.29min mi, .45mi= 66c
    bike ride dome 2 hm, sprinkles and windy- 21.47min,, 7.1amph, 2.56mi= 156c

    total cal 592
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Amber TX Hugs!

    Ginny in Ohio I hope you kick this quickly!

    Kylia also in lovely Ohio
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome Newbies and Welcome Back to those who have returned!!

    I've read to page 12 - trying to catch up...

    Heather Excited about reading your books! I sent my address in a private message. 😊

    Kate The pictures and descriptions of what happens in the UK for the children (and adults) looks and sounds great! Christmas always goes so quickly here in the US – especially since it is so close to Thanksgiving.

    What to eat I wish there was a standard which was totally correct for every body and made it easier to choose what to eat. I am still struggling to learn what to make (I can’t seem to get excited about cooking anymore…I learned with lots of butter, salt, and sugar, so higher protein, veggies, low carb is a whole new life for me and not nearly as fun!) I miss my terrible nutrition!! I eat too many Atkins bars (so easy to grab from the cabinet) and don’t eat enough real food. I notice when I eat healthier meals I lose weight, but it’s often when we go out and I can just choose their healthy options.

    Katla I love your resolution to have fun every day!! One of the important ones. I hate the idea of eliminating alcohol entirely (even though it is by far a wise idea for me health-wise). I really enjoy a glass of wine or a beer a couple of times a week. I don’t drink mixed drinks because they have such a high sugar value. My grandpa who lived well into his 90s drank a cocktail every evening. He stayed healthy and sharp right up to the end. I suppose a lot has to do with how you live the rest of your life.

    Introverts Although most people wouldn’t classify me as an introvert, I can totally relate to everything on the list. I do talk nervously with people, but I am much happier hidden away or as a fly on the wall. I have social anxiety which causes me to hide away often.

    Annie Hope you are okay and that resting up kept you from getting too sick!! So much going around right now!

    Michele Confusing on people not having insurance who are low or no income. I guess it’s the deductible that keeps them from being able to have it? I have healthcare.gov at almost no cost due to low income. Must be a no income situation. I have looked at recipes online for the IP and it makes me consider getting one. The foods look so delicious and it’s exciting to think of being able to cook so quickly. I miss the days of the pressure cooker, but of course there were too many accidents being reported with them so eventually I got rid of mine.

    Ginny I love having soup on hand – especially on these chillier nights! Homemade is so much healthier and better tasting. My brother was giving me advise on how to make it. I hadn’t cooked the veggies in olive oil before adding the broth before, and he made suggestions for spices. It made so much difference. I looked up some recipes and sure enough, that’s how the recipes were written also.

    Meg Hope you enjoyed your belated Christmas!

    Janet Hope all went well with the memorial service. So sorry your daughter isn’t moving closer. You do need to be sure to take care of yourself (as you know). It’s a shame you are having such difficulty sleeping!

    Yvonne Glad you are able to start exercising again and the plague is better! Whatever keeps going around is putting people down for such a long time!! I’ve also started the new year with connections. It’s the 5th, and I’ve gotten together with 4 of my friends so far this year and have plans to get together with others this week. It has been really satisfying and has helped me feel much less isolated.

    Tracey I love your plans for your father’s birthday! I imagine he was looking down on you and your little women!

    <3 Luci in WNC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did Bob Harper’s Ultimate Cardio Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Denise Austin’s Fat Burner DVD.

    Jess leaves to go back to Iowa today. She’s going to stop at a friend’s in TN first. Not sure how long she’ll stay there. I have my care package all ready for her plus some food frozen that I’ll put in an insulated bag. I’m sure her friend or his sister or mother have a freezer she can borrow. Starting to get Christmas things down. Vince wants to start the outside today, which is fine by me. In a way, I’m sick of the holiday. It’s been long enough. I don’t seem to mind it being up earlier, but I’m not a fan at all of leaving it up after the holiday.

    Put some of the fish from Christmas in the freezer so I could start to clean out my refrigerator and get back to normal.

    NYKaren – yea for you going back to that treadmill

    Karen VA – That was so nice of you to go see your mother. I’m sure it makes you feel good to know that you did that. I know that as a mother I don’t really tell the kids when I don’t feel good because I don’t want them to worry and change their plans for me. I guess that’s mothers. Lillian is so adorable

    Yesterday I went to one gym to get enrolled in the Silver & Fit. Seems I need a fitness ID # and they couldn’t get it from my ID #. I was on hold for over an hour to finally talk to someone to get it. I suspect what they do is they do something else for a while and then answer the phone. Because it took them only about 3 minutes to answer my question.

    Carol GA – oh, I’m more than enjoying the IP. Made yogurt yesterday again. I was thinking there was something wrong with my IP, but nope, it looks like it just needed to be unplugged and then plugged in again. Right now the yogurt is draining in the refrigerator. I do want to use up some of the things I have in the freezer for dinner so I may not use it for a while. That is, except for more applesauce! That stuff was gooooodddd. Update: made hard boiled eggs today

    NYKaren – yes, the bone density is the easy one where you just lay on the table. The only thing is that you can’t wear any metal (like a zipper on your pants, you usually have to take your bra off but they give you on of their very fashionable gowns).

    SuziQ – great pictures. Are you trying to lose MORE weight or just maintain?

    We got most of the outdoor decorations in. Vince wants to stop because his back is beginning to hurt him. It should be nice tomorrow so we’ll probably take down the arches. But first, I have a dentist appt. Really, I wish I’d been able to change it. Newcomers is having their general meeting at the local Community College where they have a simulated hospital and Newcomers is getting a tour of it. I think that would be really interesting. Unfortunately, my dentist appt is for 10:15, right during the meeting

    I am so frustrated with Blue Cross Blue Shield. They advertise that with the Silver and Fit you can go to any gym. To me, any gym means any one that accepts Silver and Fit. I even called them in Nov. and explained that I go to three separate gyms, will all three be covered and I was assured that I could go to any gym. Well, the truth of the matter is that I can only go to one gym (say LA Fitness). I can go to any gym as long as it’s an LA Fitness. If I’m away and need to go to a 24 Hour Fitness, sorry…out of luck. What a bummer. You can be sure that come September I’ll be calling to get another provider.

    Jess left for TN late this morning. Now I get to clean her room. At least I can do that at my leisure. I gave a box “care package” and a bag of frozen foods. Plus, the bottles of wine that we had. We’re not wine drinkers at all. I did keep one bottle of one type. It’s a super chocolatey wine, more of a dessert wine. Vince calls it “alcoholic yoo hoo”

    Taking the decorations down today I couldn’t get over how many holes there were in the ground, deer looking for food! Does anyone know if there is a deer repellant evergreen bush that doesn’t grow beyond 4 to 5 feet (actually, we can probably do one a bit larger). Is there a colorful evergreen bush (not flowers) that is also a deer repellant?

    Michele NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Rebecca ... so very relieved for you! Your response to Owain was perfect!

    Lisa ... congratulations on your new grandson!


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    The SINGING FOR PLEASURE group was fantastic! :D I had no idea what to expect, but it was very welcoming, about 40 people, and the gay guy who runs it is brilliant. Nearly everyone is old :p:* ,made us feel young, but in very good voice. It was relaxed and easy. Nice mix of tunes.
    We stayed on for the Classical section afterwards, just to see what it was like, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Old Italian opera and a Madrigal. We will have a listen on YouTube to get familiar with them as it's far more difficult.

    Coming back I bought white irises from the flower shop and I have put them in my new vase. Spring has sprung!

    Rebecca - would you enjoy something like that? There must be something up your way.

    Love liquorice, by the way, especially Scandinavian. Yummo!

    Some of you may remember I absolutely love Burns Night, where you eat haggis and drink whisky. Google it if you are not familiar. Last year we had haggis with my AF son and no whisky. Some years we have had a few guests. :D I love it because the menu is easy! My son is doing Veganuary, so he's out. I asked my brother and his wife, but they are away, so DH asked his cricket friend and his wife. They said yes, and will stay over. :drinker: I am especially pleased as they are people who much prefer a hotel, but last time he came over for a cup of tea I showed him round the house and the guest accommodation. It is quite separate with en suite. (Normally my bathroom) I love all the fun with the themed table, the silly ' wee Jimmy' hats, and the business with the haggis. I always put on bagpipe music. So, hooray!

    Also arranged to meet my friend next week for lunch at The Salt Room, which is on the seafront and has a glassed in terrace. Always wanted to try it. It's mainly fish and seafood. Hooray again!

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    You are doing some interesting things with your retirement! :)

    M in Oz