
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    So true Heather the young grandson of our elderly neighbor across from us has been getting their stuff to visiting daily to check in them. Glad he’s there for them.
    Hubby managed to get me a 11oz package of lunch meat so making a cheese y mayo sandwich in the air fryer with it. Dads struggling to get his medicines that fun medical red tape. Hubby Got Mother-in-law to her Doctor he prescribed extra insulin to help her Incase needed. I found an old bag of waffle fries in the freezer barely any in it but perfect for JR so he’s munching away on them with Ritz wheat crackers y peanut butter on a slice of bread. A few graham crackers for him. Hubby ate a egg white y veggies.

    Watching the news on my cell phone surprised at the speech I just heard Dad said recommendations not mandatory.

    Amber Tx

    Looks like rain again.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Marianne WV – good for you finishing!!! That’s the most important thing

    Went to bowling then the post office then WalMart. I thought I could pick up my prescription for phenobarbital but it seems that it can’t be refilled until April 6. The problem is that I’m to take ½ a pill a day and these pills are so soft that some of them crumble when I go to cut them in half. Hence, not having the full 90 day supply. So I called the MD office to ask them if I could get another one that is ½ the mg’s. Truthfully, I think it will be ok. I still have to ask him about the lamictal.

    Margaret – no, I’m not sick. As a matter of fact, my neck is almost perfect now. I knew it would just be a matter of time.

    Amber – thanks for reminding me that I have a bag of potato puffs in the freezer. I’d bought two for Christmas Eve. Only Denise didn’t show so we only used one bag. I put the other in the freezer, and, truthfully, I forgot about it. Now with this rush buying things, I’m glad I did.

    Denise just called. Seems a while ago she asked Pete to put up the baby gate at the top of the stairs only he never did. PJ fell down the stairs. Evidently, she can’t get it up. I suspect (or at least hope because we’d told her back in May that she’d need to get a gate that swings open since she needs to go upstairs/downstairs frequently during the day). I asked her why Pete didn’t put it up and she said “I don’t know”. I know. Because putting it up involves drilling a hole in the wall and it doesn’t look “nice” That’s Pete. I’m sure he’ll get it up when he comes home. I’m not sure when he’ll come home, tho. Honestly, if it had been me, I would have hired a handyman to put it up. If my husband didn’t like the fact that I hired a handyman – tough. My child is more important than his feelings. But that’s just me.

    Michele NC
    Who will go to mahjongg tonight
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Skip if faint of heart about the virus 🦠 this is the new President Recommendation (not mandatory yet but he would like us All to follow it for 15days by what I understand) Well USA 🇺🇸 folks President made new guidelines. Heard U.K. announced theirs too today

    I found a bag of seasoned fries 1-3 servings of I stretch it right also only a handful left too saving it for myself yum yum . The waffle fries only 1 serving made it into 2 toddler servings . Sounds good I was missing fries.

    Baby gate- I put my foot down hard on the topic so hubby drilled it in. Then we were glad we did! JR most uncoordinated infant you would have ever seen the hallway was too many twist y turns with edges in the old house. I rarely put my foot down that way when I do he knows I’m serious.

    Amber Tx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    What would I bring to a cabin? I’m assuming that it has running water and bathroom facilities. Is there a food store nearby? Then I don’t need to bring paper goods or food. My laptop and exercise DVD’s so I can play them even if I don’t have Internet. I’m assuming it has electricity so I can charge my laptop. Probably a plate, fork and mug. A pan for cooking food in. Matches and a can opener. Something to do (knitting, x-stitch, my tablet on which I’ve downloaded books, crochet), some source of light (hurricane lamp, lantern which uses rechargeable batteries, charger for the batteries, blanket (or sleeping bag). If I take a pet supplies for the pet (food etc)

    Michele NC

    I was assuming that the cabin would have food, water, linens and basic supplies. :)

    What would you bring to occupy yourself?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    I know I am one of the ones who posts about the virus. Sometime I put in a hide sometimes not. I have family and friends in the medical field. Part of why I post is I want others to know what I am doing and I want to know what others are doing so we are working together so it lessens how bad this event will be for the sake of our medical system that we all count on.

    As I just posted I have two friends and a son of a friend in the thick of this. My posting and asking for prayers for this is not different than the posts we have had on here when some elses loved one is in trouble for whatever reason. This reason just happens to be the virus.

    :heart: Margaret
    I agree. I would love to put my head in the sand and ignore everything and go about my life as if nothing is happening. But I don't have that luxury, and most people don't, for one reason or another.

    I also agree. C19 has affected just about everything I do. It is not business as usual nor will it be for some time ... probably months.

    It's hard to ignore when my floor at work has a whole bunch of new people and strategy meetings are being held in the room next door. I am also in the medical field but on the IT end of things.

    Or when the bus is empty (thank goodness) ... or the school ground I walk through each day on the way to work has half the number of students running about ... or when I need to contact my husband's insurers and return to work people about him staying home because I want him to minimise the amount of time he spends in contact with other people ... or when my usual grocery deliveries are delayed several days ... or when my university has gone online (also thank goodness!) because at least 2 students have it ... or when my mother, my husband and I will likely have our surgeries delayed because they aren't urgent enough ... or when it looks like I'll be cancelling upcoming cycling events ...

    M in Oz

    More ways the whole C19 thing is affecting my husband and me ...

    My office area is being raided to outfit the C19 work area ... tempting to start labelling my stuff!

    Got an email that my First Aid Cert is expiring soon ... but doubt I'll be able to do anything about it. I doubt RC will be running courses.

    Wondering about my husband's next medical appointment where he gets his medical leave certificates ... doctors everywhere are being shifted into C19 work or other more urgent areas so that appointment may not happen but I still need the certificate.

    There are several other things going on with my husband's situation but I suspect all of that will be postponed / delayed now.

    Not sure what will happen with my work. We have a large submission due the end of this month and then who knows ... perhaps seconded to the C19 crew? perhaps work from home?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    No potato hair photos I got used to take a picture before we eat lol 😂 then let it all fall apart.

    JRs eating up a storm growth spurts again

    Daughter said her Base is good they only had 1 case (isolated quickly) but got it under control so no spread. No tp or dryer sheets on base stores . Base will probably step in if they get desperate for that tho.