

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Let's throw some ideas out on how you will cope with stress eating today?.

    @trooworld I have the book Atomic Habits but haven't read it yet. I'm finishing up my Mini Habits for Weight Loss book within the next month. This week I seem to be doing the cha cha. I do 1% better then revert. Well I'm glad you didn't buy up all the toilet paper. I have one child that won't stock up. He can't afford to lose weight. On the other hand I said to him that me and his sister could live a couple of months off our bodyfat. My dd said, Thanks Mom. :D I said, I didn't mean it like that and she said yes you did. They always take things out of context. Just pointing out he is used to a "normal" and sometimes that doesn't happen. I think cause I read too many WW2 books and how they all had to ration things. Woohoo on the weight loss. Keep swimming. I'm a lemonade type person too.

    @mswatson0777 On the water, I don't think it's necessarily about making more fun but just remembering to drink it at all. If I remembered to drink it, I would just drink it plain. I've been doing better on it though. I have the habit tied to an activity. But if I skip that activity for instance, then I don't think about drinking if that makes sense. My thirst indicator doesn't work well. Never has. Sorry for the anxiety attacks. I've had one and they aren't fun. Woohoo on your weight loss. That's awesome. Water weight or not, the scale is down. Something good to come out of this week. Don't want to burst your bubble on just the elderly being at risk but France is seeing a lot of the under 50 group admitted to ICU. (according to the news) It seems like they are learning something from how it reacts in each country. I agree with you on the overload on the healthcare system. It would be nice if this virus would make people realize we're all in this together. It doesn't discriminate on rich, poor, color, gender, etc. and bring back the kindness. Ok, off my soap box. lol

    @its_cleo I've thought of dropping my water goal back to 1.5 but then I know myself, I would be like OK I'm done for the day. I conquer that goal consistently which is why I'm working on the 3. I want to train my brain to be like good for me I've conquered that goal, can I do a little more today? It's all in what we tell ourselves. I'm sorry you have to miss your sports. Could you watch old Raptor games on YouTube? I don't even know if they exist, but just an idea. I miss my gatherings but with my recent bronchitis, I'm one of those with "an underlying condition" plus I have high blood pressure and I have an 87 year old mil that lives with me. So I'm staying at home with the exception of groceries. Always feel free to rant here. It gets out the emotion instead of eating it. Woohoo on not eating the ice cream. You are doing so well.

    @nighthazel01 I think we'll always have to watch out. At least I will. I was riding along merrily for 6 months thinking I had this thing conquered and no. A minor health incident set me back and I'm trying to get moving forward consistently again. I can feel your stress through your posts. It's like when I go in the summer for vacation and go stay with my kids. Sometimes we all get together in one place and it's an apartment and there are suitcases everywhere it seems and just too many people for one place. I laughed when you said this is alot of togetherness. I know exactly what you mean. You miss them when they are gone but when you're all together..... I usually gain weight when I am with my kids for a longer stretch of time. They're eating habits can trigger me. Plus I'm stressed and that's a recipe for disaster. Go hide in your bedroom if you must. Make that a safe haven. That's what I do with living with mil. I pretend it's my little apartment and then when I'm ready to go downstairs I do. I spend from making dinner til bedtime as HER time. It has kept me sane. Because she's now at the stage where she asks for food every 5 min. Usually it's in front of her. She just forgets that she has eaten or that food is in front of her. But it's stressful. Or she asks to go sleep every 5 min if she isn't asking for food. She will never say a thing to my husband but as soon as he leaves the room she starts. I'm trying hard to be patient because that could be me in 30 years and I hope I will have a patient daughter in law. I know this must be hard on your kids too. Having to be back home and study online.

    @retiredandlovingit So glad to hear about dd's surgery going well. Glad to hear that covid is not in your neck of the woods. (EDIT: Shoot, just read your other post) I keep asking my son but he says he doesn't know. Although they are taking his temp everyday before he enters into the nursing homes. I feel sorry the people can't have visitors now. I told him to sing to them or something. Play his guitar. So what's your plan for stress eating. I did some today. My plan is to set the alarm on my fitbit for 10 min and say Can you wait 10 min and go do something else. I did NOT get into the MnMs this evening. Keep walking and who knows you may live to be 106.

    @cbabie Can you have a special toy or show that she watches which she only gets during Grandma's exercise time? So that way she's occupied while you are. Like Playdoh, legos, coloring books. What if you got out your Wii and had her do the motions with you. Your comment to @nighthazel01 made me laugh because it reminded me about when I had to go stay with mom and dad for that 3 months when mom died. I took ALOT of walks. Lost 15 lbs.

    @teresaw1020 How does the closings affect your church? One of my friends in FL was saying they are shutting down Sunday school and stuff. (EDIT: ignore, just read your other post) I read today that the CDC is suggesting no more than 50 in attendance but then I read more of Twitter and see how many people are ignoring that advice. I just wish they would take a look at Italy. This is a good reason to get ourselves into the healthiest specimen we have ever been. If we are all shut up inside, lots of time to exercise. lol Although this is giving me "vacation mindset". When my normal routine is out of whack, it all goes downhill. So now I'm trying to come up with a Plan B. I'm still following my carb cycling but just not hitting the mark everyday like I was. Good for you for doing that incline walk. I just remembered the virtual tour of Rome and other places I can watch on my treadmill since I'm not doing my mall walking right now. Yikes on covid being in your town. That's scary. Because you don't really know who's infected and like me, you have to be careful not to bring it home. Dh thinks I'm being overly obsessed about making him wash the moment he steps into the door from work. Better to be obsessed than me or his mom sick or dead. (my kids would read that last sentence and say see? Proof she's gone crazy)

    @gemwolf110 Just keep working at your health habits each day. We'll get there. Glad you are taking advantage of refinancing right now. Something good needs to come out of this.

    @renaegry Woohoo on the scale being down. You're doing something right. Sorry to hear about the cold.

    OK, I think I'm finally caught up.

    Yellow Day- Went Over 297/164 Exercise-Rest Day

    March goals: Drink 3 glasses of water o:) Decluttering o:)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning everyone! I don't know what this day is going to be like: I'm supposed to go to work but I don't know if we are going to remain at work? We'll see! I didn't do any meal prep yesterday even though I should have. I just felt lazy.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Hopefully your DD will figure it out. I'm sure she will. I didn't think about the cookie booths being banned. That's certainly a plus for us WWers! lol! That's good you got outside for some fresh air. Yeah, it doesn't matter that we came in last, at last we walked it, right? I'm glad your jury duty got canceled, yay! You'll make your goal before 2055, I'm sure of it!!! Don't worry about joking about the virus--- I think we all did it at one point or another before the stuff hit the fan. I know I did! I was calling it the zombie apocalypse. :)

    @theslightedgeforever Hello! Yeah, I have enough tp for a bit so I'm not buying tp. Ask me about pasta and canned goods. ;) J/K but not really. Thanks re: the weight loss. The scale is moving in the right direction! :) How are you doing? It looks like you are doing good on your water and decluttering.

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @gemwolf110 Now is definitely a good time to refinance, I hope it goes well!

    @RetiredandLovingit Don't feel bad, we didn't realize the severity.

    @renaegry Congrats on the loss. You've got this!

    @trooworld I love your lemonade out of lemons mindset, I need to do the same!

    @TeresaW1020 I hope Medicaid can help you virtually, if not in person. I know we're moving all of our services to online meetings for that reason. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe!

    @theslightedgeforever Good point on France. I still think I'm better situated to fight it off than an older individual, but it's a good point that it can be severe for us too.

    Well it looks like I'll be working remotely from now on. Here's to hoping I don't go too stir crazy is the weeks (months?) ahead. This is truly a surreal experience to go through. I hope you and all your loved ones stay safe!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @RetiredandLovingIt don’t beat yourself up about not taking it seriously, a lot of people didn’t. I didn’t. We know better now, and fortunately a lot more people are now trying to do the right thing.

    @trooworld did you say you were on a news break? That is a good idea. I know myself I’ve had to limit social media ie twitter etc. I just get too upset at all the vile comments and fear mongering.

    @TeresaW1020 I know the cancellations of everything really suck. I hope you can get the health care sorted out for your mother.
    et's throw some ideas out on how you will cope with stress eating today?.

    @theslightedgeforever that is a great suggestion. I don’t know though lol! It’s funny yesterday and today I was like- well I have a choice to let it all go or not. But I try to think about how hard I’ve worked the last few months, the habits I’ve made, and how awful I would feel if I just went backwards for a month and then had to start over. What about 2.5 glasses of water? You can ignore me lol. There are sports reruns, but I'm not into it. I have made my peace with it more, though or I've adjusted I guess.

    My routine has changed- my gym closed and that is a huge lifeline for me. And without that structure of going there my immediate impulse is to stress eat, eat junk.

    I’m trying to come up with a new self-care routine for each day.

    -get out of the house x3 (mostly walking)
    -moisturize face and hands
    -do regular stretches for my back and legs

    I’m trying to find some substitute exercises for what I would normally do at the gym.

    Mentally I’ve finding all this a bit tough, but just trying to take care and wait it out.

    I'm trying to limit time on social media.

    @trooworld hope your day goes ok and things get sorted at work. Maybe it would be nice to skip the commute!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Omg. Our schools just got shut down indefinitely. What the heck am I to do with a 12 year old and 14 year old home till sept. Lol.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all, not much time, dh just announced he is going for a walk in a bit. I'm going, too. Don't usually see anyone & if we do we can step aside, lol. I think a little fresh air every time we can will do all of us some good.

    Re: the stress eating I think I really am doing the opposite, especially now that I think I can quit thinking about jury duty for awhile, lol. Don't really have an appetite (hard to believe I am saying that!) Trying to keep hydrated, tho, because they say that is important right now especially.

    Pretty sure the schools here will be shut down for 4 weeks.(they are on spring break right now) Dd here is a kindergarten teacher, so we shouldn't have to help with kid care..she will be home, too. Kinda glad dd in OK said she will be able to work from home, so she shouldn't need help with kid care either. I love the gkids but they can be little germ carriers, lol. Makes me think of the 2 in OK that had influenza..hope that was all they had! Oh well, we kept them away from us for the most part. :)

    @theslightedgeforever I havent heard of any Covid in Grinnell, so ds is probably Ok for now. The college there was one of the first to send everyone home.

    Just heard at noon that the casino is shutting down. They didn't sound like they would. Great thing is they said they will still be paying all their employees until they can come back to work.

    Stay safe & keep washing hands. ;)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Seems I can do good on a couple of things then the other 2 things go by the wayside. But I still plug along. I made some good choices today and some not so good choices.

    @mswatson0777 I guess in times like these we all see what we are made of. We are stronger than we think. We just have to keep our goals in mind and focus on something other than the current situation. Easy to say hard to do, I know. But that's what I'm telling myself. How's the low carb going this week?

    @its_cleo I love your persistence. If I was going to drink 2.5 I would just go ahead and drink 3 cause my mugs are 1.5- I probably actually get about 2.25 on days I don't meet my goal. I always get in one mug plus 1/2 when I take my meds at night. But I've hit my goal for 2 days in a row and now on to 3. Yesterday I read on Twitter about PBS streaming a baseball documentary series for free for those missing baseball. I have no idea what it's about. But this is the link. Says available now in Canada too. Better than nothing. Good plans you have there. I hate when my routine gets changed because it takes awhile for me to return to my old one. Especially if it was successful.

    @renaegry Yikes. That's bad news. I'm sure the kids are jumping for joy. I'm the kind of mother that dances around the house smiling all day on the first day of school. Are they doing any virtual learning from the school? Sad times for seniors with prom and graduation. I know corona is more important in the scheme of things but you never get those events back once they are gone. So I guess that means all the sports programs you normally attend is over too. We'll all need a new normal.

    @retiredandlovingit Enjoy the no appetite while you can and hopefully your trend will go downwards through all this. Walking outside is good for us. Vitamin D. Doesn't that help immunity? That's good about Grinnell He's also at Newton. I think that's what he said. lol I'm glad the casino is shutting down but better that they are still paying the employees. So many places to touch where others have touched.

    So I need to do better at my stress eating. I don't necessarily think that I'm stressed and then I go eat something. Well, the other day was like that. But it's that my ability to choose well and say no is impaired at the moment.

    Stress-relief tactics:

    Finding a funny clip or interview with one of my favorite TV/movie actors on YouTube.
    Go outside and sit on my porch with a cup of tea
    Dance to a song from my past
    Call a friend. Reconnect with someone.

    We all have said we are so busy we don't have time to.......

    What are those things?

    Yellow Day- Went Over 170/164 Exercise-did not exercise

    March goals: 3 glasses of water o:) Decluttering o:)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well, I'm officially a temporarily work-at-home worker as of today! But I will go into the office on occasion as long as I feel it is safe and they allow us to do so. I don't think that is going to happen very often, as I don't feel very safe venturing into that building. Surprisingly, I'm not eating over all of this!

    @mswatson0777 I hope you can find a way to do it! Welcome to the remote world lol (like I've been doing it for years ;) ).

    @its_cleo Yes, I stopped watching the news for a bit. I'm allowing myself to watch it a little now but not like I was last week. I'm also limiting social media for that reason. I hope you find your "groove" with at-home fitness. Have you tried Fitness Blender? I think it's on YouTube? I'm very glad not to have my commute for a bit! Making lemonade out of lemons again! lol

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Fresh air sounds good. I'm going to get some this morning myself.

    @theslightedgeforever Keep plugging along you'll get over this, whatever it is. I've been so busy, I don't have time to...go for walks, declutter my spare room, learn to bake bread...probably more stuff. Thanks for your ideas about how you can relieve stress, I can use some of those, too. <3

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever hey thanks for that link re the documentary. It's supposed to be really good, I've never seen it.

    I find the mornings a bit rough. Not sleeping well.

    Today I will go for a walk and try to do a bodyweight routine at home.

    Stress-relief tactics:

    Finding a funny clip or interview with one of my favorite TV/movie actors on YouTube.
    Go outside and sit on my porch with a cup of tea
    Dance to a song from my past
    Call a friend. Reconnect with someone.

    We all have said we are so busy we don't have time to.......

    What are those things?

    Yellow Day- Went Over 170/164 Exercise-did not exercise

    March goals: 3 glasses of water o:) Decluttering o:)

    These are good ideas. There are some funny things out there. Also stretching or gentle yoga on youtube? Deep breathing exercises. Writing. Those are some of my stress relievers. For me I feel like I have to express the feelings out somehow.

    Take care all.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all! I did get on the treadmill yesterday morning, but today I may not. I have an appt at my house today and need to make sure all is clean and in order. I was supposed to take my GGD to the Dr today for her 18m shots and they called yesterday and cancelled. Said because of the current situation, she can wait until summer to get this one shot. So I too have to be careful about bringing home things. My GS works at a local grocery store, in fact I have 3 GK that work for the same chain, but different location. My one GS got shoved or something as he has to stand guard over the water..1 case per person. People are crazy. We need to be helping each other. I had a friend post on FB her cousin needed baby wipes..I had extra..I went to buy diapers yesterday..yea sold out of the ones I usually get. For now I am still going to work. I work at a call center and yes I am cautious as you see I am 62. However I am in good health and I intend to stay that way.

    I thank God for this group and I don't always get on here like I want duty. LOL. But I know that you will be here when I do get on here. Let's continue to support each other, encourage each other and pray for each other.

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning all! I'm officially starting my first day working remote and it already feels weird. I had extra time this morning since I didn't have to get ready for work so I was able to take the dogs for an extra long walk and cook breakfast. I'm going to set up a daily schedule for myself to keep the hours from dragging and that so I have stuff to look forward to throughout the day.

    @its_cleo Sorry to hear you haven't been sleeping. I've had trouble as well. Anxiety really does a number on us, doesn't it?

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I'm glad you're practicing social distancing and that your kids are able to take care of your grandkids so you're not exposed.

    @renaegry I can't even imagine having to work and care for two kids at home. This is certainly going to be a challenge!

    @trooworld Let's definitely keep each other accountable now that we're home for the foreseeable future.

    @theslightedgeforever Low carb is going great, since I no longer have any restaurants or social gatherings to tempt me. Honestly, I'm glad I did it when I did because otherwise I think I'd be bingeing with all this stress.

    My Anti-Stress/Social Distancing Tactics:
    1) Set up a daily schedule so that I don't waste my day doing aimless things
    2) Within that schedule, do both a morning and an evening walk with the dogs
    3) Eat all meals at the table with no media distractions
    4) Workout 6 days a week (get my heart pumping)
    5) At least 15 minutes of yoga/relaxation breathing before bed
    6) Connect with at least one person/friend via messenger and phone every day
    7) Make a list of house stuff I want to get accomplished so I have things to keep me busy on the weekends
    8) Rent books from the digital library so I can escape with stories
    9) Drive to new hiking paths on the weekends
  • nighthazel01
    nighthazel01 Posts: 57 Member
    It's motivating to read about all the plans people are making to stay busy and healthy during this crazy time. I'm officially working from home as of today. I need a plan because I've been crazy hungry this last week and being home is not great. So I need a plan:
    1. Continue to go for my lunch time walk
    2. Add another walk at least 4 days a week
    3. Eat more apples, less carbs

    It's kinda funny watching my family trying to find their own workspace around the house. Two kids are crowded around the dining room table, one took over a desk upstairs in a hallway, they're on their computers for online classes and homework, and I took over the living room for work. DH has been spending a lot of time in the garage, I can't imagine why.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt - It's understandable to joke when things are farther away, and humor is often the best medicine. I've made my share of jokes about this disease, but that doesn't mean I don't take it seriously. I'm not in a panic, but I'm pragmatic. I've stocked up on food for a few weeks, but nothing outrageous. We have officially kicked off our social distancing, we are staying inside for at least a couple of weeks. After that we will probably venture out for food and supplies.

    @TeresaW1020 - I'm concerned about family members too. My mother-in-law is 95, and my DH is one of her main caregivers. She lives in her own home, but with round-the-clock care, DH spends several hours a day with his mom, but we'd hate to expose her to this, so he is planning on staying away, if he can. My parents are also watching my nieces because they're out of school, and their mom is a health care worker, my dad is 80 and my mom has a serious heart condition. I'm worried, we're trying to be as careful as we can. My state has been very aggressive about shutting things down, hopefully this makes a difference.

    @gemwolf110 - Good luck with the move

    @mswatson0777- I'm glad the pressure in your chest has eased.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Baking bread....mmmmmm......I've been wanting to do that since I got my new dutch oven. I'm going to try raisin bread. I've been craving that. But I keep putting it off because I'm afraid I'll eat the whole loaf just one slice at a time. Well now you don't have the commute so you can do all these other things. How about your bicycle? Maybe 10 min a day on that and then switch to something else? Your food seems to be going very well. :clapping:

    @its_cleo I need to get back to my journaling too. (lots of things I need to get back too) I always enjoyed when I was journaling and wrote down three things I was thankful for each day. I hope you enjoy the documentary

    @cbabie Yaay on the treadmill. Each little day in the week counts. I read the other day about thinking about exercising like a snack. Sometimes all you have is 5-10 min. Do something. We don't always have to think about exercise like a meal and must do 30 min or longer. Goodness, hope your GS stays safe. Crazy people. I've gone to wiping down different objects in my house three times a day. Things I know dh and ds routinely touch. They will be the ones bringing me home the virus. I'm like a parrot in the house. Wash your hands Wash your hands.

    @mswatson0777 It would be nice if companies could see that a lot of work could be done remotely. It would free up SO MUCH time for people. Less money spent in gas driving back and forth. Less polution in the air. Great list. I love hiking. I haven't decided if it's the outdoors I love or just the hiking itself.

    @nighthazel01 How goes it with all the kiddos at home? I would be like Calgon take me away. I don't know if you are old enough to remember that. I'm snickering about your dh in the garage. lol Your extra walks sound good. Always a good way to clear the mind and move the body at the same time. I've been eating apples the past couple of mornings for breakfast. I always seem to start out the day good and then it seems to go south around lunchtime these days.

    Yellow Day- Went Over 190/164 Exercise- 35 min strength training

    March goals-Drink 3 glasses of water o:) Decluttering :(
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @nighthazel01, it sounds like your family is finding a way to all function in the same house. Yes, to having a plan!! I have read that from so many people and it’s so important for our wellbeing. :)

    @mswatson0777, you have some great tactics lined up to help you through this crazy time. It’s hard not to just function in a state of limbo but we really don’t know what all this means for our future so having a plan and making a new normal seems to be one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

    @cbabie, yikes I am sorry that your GS had that experience at work. Times like this so often bring out the best in people but unfortunately, they can also bring out the worst in people. Fear will do that. Stay safe and take care of yourself and that sweet baby! <3

    @trooworld, hey it’s good that you are able to do your work from home! That is great that you aren’t stress eating. Do you find being on the WW plan helping you to stay on track? I think it is for me.

    @theslightedgeforever, great stress relief tactics! Finding a way to not stress eat is so important. I have been seeing so many people on my FB groups talk about how they can’t stop eating. When this thing is all over the diet industry will make a fortune on us all if we don’t get a grip. ;)

    Good morning! How our conversations have changed in the last couple of weeks! I was saying at the beginning of March that the media was blowing up this virus to be way more than it needed to be. This morning that is NOT my attitude and I’m taking it very seriously. I went to Walmart and Publix yesterday and there were many empty shelves. The most surreal part was the interaction with people and how we all did our best to stay away from each other as we shopped and walked the aisles. My goal right now is to keep myself and my two seniors living with me as healthy as possible. I did find out that mom can sign up for her medical online, so we are going to do that today and pray that it works! Tomorrow morning, I will go to my staff meeting and we will all discuss what to do about church. Obviously, it won’t be business as usual. Take care everyone! <3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    Hello everyone! Well, things are changing every day and now we are told to work from home if our job is the type that can, so I won't be going into the building unless I run out of work! LOL My first day of being WAH (work at home) was weird. I felt a little lost. I did work, but not at the pace that I usually do. After lunch, I took a nice walk in the neighborhood. I plan on doing that every day.

    @cbabie I'm glad you got on the treadmill. This virus is bringing out the worst, and in some cases the best, in people. I've seen on people offering to get groceries and run errands for the elderly in the neighborhood and I think that is really wonderful. But I've also heard some horror stories, including something that happened to my mother-in-law. Do continue to be careful, cbabie. <3

    @mswatson0777 It is weird, isn't it? Yes, let's do it! I'm trying to stick to a schedule as well. I love your anti-stress/social distancing tactics.

    @nighthazel01 Yeah, if my husband gets sent home to work from home, we are going to have problems because we only have one computer lol! I'm glad you found your space.

    @theslightedgeforever That sounds yummy. I made beer bread on Monday when I made chili, it was delicious! Bike schmike ;) I hate that thing lol. I should ride it. Especially now that I am home all day. I'll think about 10 minutes a day.

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, definitely. Although I did eat over my points yesterday. :/ Being home working is going to be an adjustment. I didn't drink enough water and I got bored I think. I'm glad you can sign your mom up for Medicare online. That's a relief I'm sure!

    March goal: track 1 meal a day, go for a walk 1 time a week
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    morning all, wanted to get on here before I jump in the shower. I got on the treadmill again today!! YES

    @TeresaW1020 Yes please keep your family safe. I feel as if we can do only what we can do and the rest is up to God. I have a couple in my family that I don't even know where they are, but I know God does.

    @mswatson0777 its a new way of life for most and I am glad you are adapting and enjoying as much as possible. LOL

    @nighthazel01 LOL Mine would spend time in the garage too if I didn't have the baby. LOL. it's their safe place.

    @theslightedgeforever Take care of yourself and you MIL. I pray for you each day and yours!!

    @its_cleo I pray peace over you and that you get more rest. We need to keep our stress to a min if possible and our minds on the good things. Sometimes I just tell my DH I don't want to hear it right now. I can only handle so much of the stuff being said..LOL

    This is just another reason we all have been trying to keep our health in good order. In one day things can change one way YET always remember it can change in one day to be better!!

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hi all--I am thankful for this thread where everyone is so thoughtful of each other. A neat thing happened yesterday when we were walking around the neighborhood. One of our neighbors who we have only met once (we've been here 2 1/2yrs) told us to let her know if we need anything. I said, thanks, we don't think of ourselves as old, but I guess we are. :) My dd will help us, too, I know. The grocery stores around here are allotting the first hour they are open for anyone 65+, or having other health issues, or pregnant. They figure that's when they are cleanest & hopefully less people.

    @theslightedgeforever I like the idea of a gratitude journal. I think I am going to start doing that also. Good luck with telling your fam to wash hands. My dh gets tired of me saying it, lol. I cleaned everything the other day, so as long as we wash as soon as we come in, we should be good. Of course, I still clean somethings anyway.

    @TeresaW1020 Our church has been cancelled, along with everything else. The area is starting to have community spread. Glad WW is helping you stay with it.

    @trooworld Will either of your work let you bring home a computer? My dd is able to do that. I think her ex may still have to go in to work. They usually alternate kid weeks, but not sure they will continue that if he does. Dd still worried about GS cookie sales. Think I will order a few more boxes, maybe it will help her stress. Dh says we don't need more, but I can always give them away later.

    @mswatson0777 That sounds like a good plan. It is different being home when you are used to being so busy, but you will figure out what works for you.

    @nighthazel01 Thanks. Glad you are all finding your spot. My stepniece is in Switzerland on lockdown. She had a picture of Facebook where they were all working different places.

    @itscleo I see on my Fitbit that I am not sleeping that well either. Think I better shut off the info on my Ipad & go back to doing my jigsaw puzzles on it.

    @cbabie I especially love your post. This is definitely trying times, and we do need to trust in God's plan for us. I love that last line about things changing for better the next day. So true!

    I know there are still people that think it is nothing to worry about & like someone said, others believe its right outside their door waiting to get them, lol. I think I tend toward the latter, but trying to stay calm about it. We were walking yesterday on a fairly wide walking path & we meet 2 women, so I ducked behind dh & assumed they would do the same. It would have left about 4 ft or more between us, but no...they just kept walking & talking, so only about 2 feet. After they went by, dh said he held his breath til they got by. Darn...I didn't think of that. Of course, I started obsessing, then decided they weren't coughing or sneezing, so I decided to let it go & not think about it.

    If anyone wants a little levy, there is a posting of Covid memes on here. Some are pretty funny! We all need something to help us laugh.

    Stay as safe as you can & keep washing hands! :)

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @nighthazel01 I love that your family has spread out over the house too. My partner and I are joking that the upstairs is my office and the downstairs is his. We've got to have some separation in all this!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I'm definitely going to check out those memes, thanks! And I'm sure your fine if they were just breathing normally, but it's so frustrating that they weren't practicing social distancing when they could have easily accommodated.

    @cbabie I hope it does change for the better, I think we all need good news right about now. Great job on the workout!

    @trooworld I've been having the same problem. I've had trouble focusing and even when I do, my new setup doesn't allow me to be as quick as I normally would be. I'm going in this weekend to pick up my extra monitors.

    @TeresaW1020 Having people over 70 in the house definitely adds an extra layer of complication. I'm glad you're social distancing as much as possible to protect you and them.

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you're able to find some time to go hiking

    I feel like I've just fallen into an anxiety puddle. The pressure in my chest is back. I feel like I can barely focus on function on work, let alone grad school. Everything is changing so quickly it all just feels overwhelming. I know rationally it will all be okay, but it just doesn't feel that way right now.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Your comment about people over 70 in the house made me chuckle. My dh (he's69) went to the grocery store. When I told dd, she laughed & said oh--he got to go because he's not 70 yet, huh? Yup, that darn birthday last December!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt lol. Yeah it's weird walking. Monday Tuesday I tried to walk and give people a wide berth and some guy gave me a funny look. I noticed today more people were veering to the side though too. Although there are not a lot of people out anyway.

    @mswatson0777 Sorry you're struggling with anxiety. Do you know about the mindspace meditation app? Apparently they are offering a bunch of free stuff for relaxation/meditation. I haven't checked it out but someone else mentioned it to me.

    @cbabie thank you, you're so kind. :)

    @trooworld WAH can be an adjustment but yep the nice thing is more time to walk etc. And yep it is a slower pace.

    @theslightedgeforever I like the gratitude thing although I don't do it all the time. I know I am very fortunate in many ways.

    Well I didn't do so well on my goals today, got some fast food for lunch. I expect my weight is going to increase through this and as long as it stays under a certain threshold I won't freak out about it. I mean I will still try to hit my calorie goal, but the drop in activity will likely affect me.

    My father called me yesterday which was nice, we're not very close.

    Take care all!