

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @SophieRosieMom thanks for the good news! we need that.

    @KetoneKaren the washington post article has a paywall

    i spent so much time prepping distance classes for tomorrow. it's like double the time as regular classes.

    Did you try scrolling down? WaPo posted it free because it was important. I'm sorry if you are having trouble seeing it, it's very good.

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    @SophieRosieMom thanks for the good news! we need that.

    @KetoneKaren the washington post article has a paywall

    i spent so much time prepping distance classes for tomorrow. it's like double the time as regular classes.

    Did you try scrolling down? WaPo posted it free because it was important. I'm sorry if you are having trouble seeing it, it's very good.

    I copied the link and put it in my browser. No issues viewing it.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Posting a sp0t to get recipes with least ingredients ideas 💡.typing left handed JRs snuggle bug
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    That’s wonderful!! My plan to buy a few for our medical people here failed today,but making it if someone can for hospitals is a great thing to do! Joanne Fabrics needs a big round of applause 👏

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Adding 3 item recipes as I go to the thread I made on foods with less ingredients . Hard JRs hyper but 6 now if you need them

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Regarding online classes ...
    One of my classes allows me to do the work on my own time, except that assignments are due on certain days.
    The other class sends out an online lecture at the beginning of the week, which we have to watch, and then on a particular day we have an interactive workshop. My interactive workshop is on Wednesday mornings.

    Regarding the length of time this situation could last ...
    They are estimating that the vaccine won't be available for 12-18 months. That means the virus could keep doing its rounds till then. It is, apparently, coming back into China now that people who fled are returning.
    That doesn't mean we have to remain in isolation for 12-18 months, but we will have to practice hygiene, social distancing, and businesses may have to change the way that they operate.

    They are estimating that the peak of the virus should be through in about 6 months. Therefore, more strict measures will be in place for 6 months. Places will be closed. There will be limits on the number of people who can gather. And so on. However, this also does not mean we have to remain in isolation for the whole time. Some shops will be open so we can go shopping with caution. We can go outside for walks, bicycle rides, hikes etc. as long as we maintain distance between ourselves and others. In fact it's good to be moving around outside in the sunshine and fresh air.
    But we do have to remain really vigilant about hygiene and social distancing.

    And then there is the 2-8 weeks of either quarantine or self-isolation. That's why we stock up ... for that time period.

    Sorry about the size of this image, but it helps explain the difference.


    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    We’re on Mandatory stay at home now. So lots of places will be closed for sure now even the clothes place trying to sell on Facebook to churches ⛪️ who were outdoor services .San Antonio y Austin Texas

    Thought we were already on mandatory here . Probably effect my Dads town next .

    Amber Tx
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited March 2020
    I give up. There’s a fault in my BOLD items somewhere. Sorry.

    I'm on page 80. Update: Daughter did grocery run! Even found some tp [\b] Thank you so much for all your concern! You are all SO sweet - the foods and quantities I mentioned were just metaphorical! I have enough food for sure. Combinations are odd sometimes, but Hey! Thanks again for all your concern! 🥰 I’m touched.

    Luci, [\b]that sounds VERY dangerous to me! I hope all is ok today!

    Machka, [\b]your beach looks so tranquil. I could just sit on a log or a rock (or on the sand as long as there’s either help or no one to watch my floundering to get to my feet!) and listen to the lap and gurgle and awash. And watch the sky.

    Michelle [\b]I remember polio epedemics too well. Every year another kid coming to school with leg braces and crutches. Every year one or two not coming back. I had a light case which left my left leg a bit clumsy when I was three. I was terrified. Parents weren’t allowed in with you then. Horrifying. We lost three kids in about a 4-block area one year when it came early and they were exposed. Good parents didn’t let kids go to pools or movies or dime stores or on busses. I can’t imagine how parents without cars coped. Of course almost everyone had stores by neighborhood then. Corner groceries, pharmacies, meat markets. You didn’t need to leave your neighborhood for much.

    Barbara AHMOD[\b] a thank you SO much for your down-to-earth tell-it-like-it-is posts. Someday I’d love to meet you on one of my Oregon coastal forays.

    SuziQ in SFL, [\b] thank you and all the others finding links and resources. I will copy the Seattle ones to send to friends. I’m actually about a total of 20 miles from Seattle in far Eastside suburban area, but almost past it. Issaquah is a delightful town that has wonderful services for those more needy than I at present. It’s a haven for retirees, techies and a few sports stars. Some of our Seahawks live not far away, as well as Mariner baseball talent having summer homes here and winter in AZ.

    Love RoTel, BTW and use it or canned green chilis a lot.

    Julie(?) in France[\b], it’s interesting to hear from someone who is in a large city in Europe. I have hopes we may also hear from Penny(?) in Svalbard. I understand tourism may pose a problem there, as well as needing boat and air travel to get off island for anything.

    And I would do the same for you, Allie.[\b] Stay well!

    Kymarai,[\b] What lovely photos! Can you identify what the ones besides daffodils are? Here in Washington State all voting is by mail with prepaid postage. I’m proud of our state for getting this done a while ago! I hope it’s the wave of the future.

    I sat in a polling booth when little and watched mom mark her ballot for Dewey! Boy, was that ever a shock to them. They’d be rolling in their graves now to see how politics in general and elections in particular have changed. Paper ballots all their lives, and in person except for invalids and servicemen, mostly.

    I’m on page 81 so I’ll close for now, but gratitude #1 is having had a Depression Era MIL and DH. And my years on a farm as an adult. I learned a lot.

    One of the things I’m seeing change is people asking for that information and using it to reduce waste and be more serf-sufficient.

    Sharon Near Seattle because no one ever remembers oIssaquah[\b]