What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • granitepeak45
    granitepeak45 Posts: 160 Member
    Today’s workout will be hike, undetermined mileage but both options will involve a steep climb.
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Was thinking about an upper body, but my legs locked up in the heat on my walk and now im scared to try a hard lift today
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    I went climbing for 2 hours. I was on form, it was a bit of a sending spree. I got a v3-v5 graded one - I think my first. The crux was at the top, and on the fourth go I went for it in blind terror. To my surprise, it worked and I got the route.

    I also got 20,000 steps.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    edited June 2021
    Squats 5 x 85lbs (fixing that butt wink)
    Landmine OHP just the 45lb barbell (PT)
    Deadlifts 5 x 140lbs
  • koolGsmoove
    koolGsmoove Posts: 32 Member
    3.25 mile jog
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Big change will be doing it AFTER a day at the office, where my preferred is in the morning right after waking up, but due to my new desk job that's rarely going to be an option moving forward unless I get up obscenely early, which I can do every now and then but not as a normal way of life moving forward for the rest of my life.

    Oh, how quickly life can make you change your mind! lol Here I am one month later, and have completely changed my thinking on when to get my workout done. For the past two weeks I've been waking up at 5 to workout before commuting to work. My workouts are more intense than when I do them later in the day, and now when I leave the office it's to go home and eat or spend time with family. And yes, I seriously expect this to become my new normal way of life moving forward for the rest of my life, or at least as long as I keep my current desk job, lol.

    Oh, and today was push day in the weight room, so chest, shoulders and triceps.
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Slept in and was lazy and skipped bootcamp.. but will play badminton today evening to make up...
  • coolinfall1
    coolinfall1 Posts: 2 Member
    Defining my plan today, and will do first strength routine today.
    Strength routine performed every 2 days, and walking 3.5 miles on all other days.

    Strength routine:
    Alternating Sit Squats, 1 1/2 squats, Jump Squats,
    Wall supported Handstand, Pike Pushups, Cobra Pushups, Alt. Heal Touch Squats, Alt. Sprinter Lunges, Plyo Sprinter Lunges, Bodyweight Sliding Pulldowns, Dumbbell Pullovers with home weight, Reverse Corkscrews, Black Widow Knee Slides, Levitation Crunches

    15 seconds each, then repeat the entire sequence.
    Break as needed with goal of reducing breaks over time.
    Time to increase to 1 minute per exercise.
    Routine is every every three days.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Had a bit of a neck kink for the last day or so that seemed to radiate into the back and shoulder blade. Not unusual as I had a broken collarbone years ago that never got diagnosed that healed improperly and have a bad neck from getting T-Boned at 21 on a state highway while driving 65 MPH (I have two vertebrea nicely fused together with scar tissue!). So every now and again, these injuries come back and remind me they are there and this weekend was it.

    Was supposed to do a hard, short sprint row today with weight supersets. It's a pretty brutal workout, so I toned it down greatly. Did a very easy 30 minute row, then 8 supersets of chest, shoulders, legs -- all around 20% to 30% lighter than I have been doing.

    Seems to have helped, not hurt, as the pinched nerve from my neck (for now, knock on wood) has settled down a lot.

    There was a quote in my Franklin Planner today (yeah, I'm old school!). "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes" -- Oscar Wilde. Aptly describes my past in training. I used to go full speed ahead when hurting and have to take weeks off. I'm much smarter now. I've had to learn over time. Pushing the body in your late 50s is a delicate balancing act at times.
  • coolinfall1
    coolinfall1 Posts: 2 Member
    drmwc wrote: »
    To my surprise, it worked and I got the route.

    Gratz on the climbing success. I have no climbing walls around here but there are plenty of rock hills and mountains being in Arizona.
  • KevHex
    KevHex Posts: 256 Member
    15 mile mountain biking at Dalbeattie trail centre in West Scotland.

    Really delighted with my fitness progress over the last few months.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,732 Member
    Around 7k rowing bow in the quad (finally some adequate weather!) in AM, and wandered around supervising open rowing in PM (not much happening, except a turtle that kept on insisting on relocating him/herself to the middle of the driveway - death wish?).
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited June 2021
    drmwc wrote: »
    To my surprise, it worked and I got the route.

    Gratz on the climbing success. I have no climbing walls around here but there are plenty of rock hills and mountains being in Arizona.

    I am just outside London, so I have many climbing walls nearby but not much rock. The nearest rock is probably Tunbridge Wells, which is about two hour's drive. I should aim to go there soon - I've not been for a while. I did it as bouldering the first time, but a lot of the boulders are high balls (e.g. 5 metres) and are a bit petrifying. So top-roping it feels a better approach - it's sandstone so one cannot lead climb it.

    I'm off for another indoor climb this evening. I was fairly sedentary yesterday, just managing a 7 mile walk in the evening.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Little over a half hour on the elliptical today. Finally figured out how to make the built-in TV work, and what's more it connects to my Netflix account. So moving forward I'll be able to start catching up on my movies, a half hour at a time! lol
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Back at morning boot camp today after a couple of days of well needed sleep. Not sure about evening.. maybe a walk or run depending on weather and time...
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did just 5K rowing today in the garage and around 30 more inside the A/C. After the wife brought the hot car back home, during my workout, didn't feel right. It makes the garage heat up another 10 degrees or so.

    I'm trying to encourage her not to come home from running around and browsing stores during my workout. Yeah, that will never happen.
  • nparlapiano1000
    nparlapiano1000 Posts: 3 Member
    Warmup - jump rope, bird dogs thoracic mobility stretches. Barbell squat warmups - 2x5 each of tempo squat, Cossack squat, pause squat. Finished by 1 set 5 reps light squat
    Squats - 5 sets with rpe - 3 for heavy rpe followed by 4 sets with 5 reps for different roe
    Bench - same concept as squats
    Superset 4 sets - elevated bench/ab roller 10 reps for reach
    10 minutes of HIIT - medicine ball and rope slams
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    Squats 5x5 90lbs (😑 butt wink wrk)
    Bent Over Rows 5x5 85lbs
    Landmine Twists 45 barbell only
    Landmine OHP (PT rehab)
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited June 2021
    2 hours climbing. I spent most of my time on tiny crimps, fortunately my pulleys still seem to be intact. It was good fun. I got two new routes. One actually had a dyno, and I'm terrible at them, but I managed it eventually.
  • Skeels13
    Skeels13 Posts: 6 Member
    Will Do some Gorilla Bow Tabata this evening after work!