

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Good appointment with GP
    The appointment with the GP was good. He's new, only my second time seeing him, and he seems caring and to have a few suggestions of things to look at. He gave me prescription for vitamin D and a multivitamin, sent me to get tested for sleep apnea (his idea not mine, due to fatigue), and registered me so that the skin cancer stuff is covered 100% (that is the case for "long term illnesses" here if approved) in case there is an issue. I think so far it has been, but presumably there are situations where that could be helpful, according to him. He seems concerned, moreso than the people I tried recently since my past GP.
    the appointment with the dermatologist was not great.
    I had a list of questions and she answered almost nothing. she seems unable to have any pull to get the biopsy results faster and was making light of that. She as unable to tell me anything about staging, and said they don't really look at staging and staging is only important if one is part of a scientific study, that it has no impact on how one is cared for, that everyone is different, that statistics don't matter. I asked her about prognosis and she said one can't tell me because everyone is different. I found that a very unimpowering answer. She pretty much wanted to tell me that everything is fine and if it's not I'll find out in due time.

    Basically I find her not honest. On the phone a month ago when I saw that the results said "invasive" she said that didn't mean anything. That is really not true, according to everything read online and my GP. Invasive means it's gone below the dermis, so slight spreading.

    She also wasn't clear about the importance of the depth. She was talking abut width and that was not really the issue (the width was tiny), but the depth is concerning. She said usually they take a month to get back to her, and that they operated on me very quickly, compared to most of her patients (8 days after their weekly meeting at the hospital). I said that that could indicate that they consider it rather serious. She seemed to not agree there either.

    When I originally went to see her she told me that she thought the growth I had was nothing, but today she gave me the report, and said this thing that was written came from her observation, which indicated that it was cancerous or pre-cancerous...

    I asked about prognosis and she said "everyone's different". I said I had read that there is 50% chance of getting another one. She said "well, yes, of course, you are 58 with squamous cell carcinoma (young-ish I guess), so there's a good chance that you get it again", as if that was obvious. How can that be obvious to me unless I google it!

    They say if you get it quickly (in less than 6 weeks), you have a good chance of no metastasis. But it was 5 weeks between the biopsy and the 2nd operation. No way of knowing how it was growing for those 5 weeks. She didn't seem concerned in the slightest that I would not get the results for many weeks (7 or 8, rather than 3 or 4) because she was leaving on vacation in the end of august.

    One somewhat good thing was, she had recommended this skin covering that she had said was UV protection, but the nurse said it was not. So she googled and gave a prescription for a new one.

    Other than that, I'm thinking another dermatologist might be good.

    She DID do a thorough exam when I saw her and took the growth seriously, sent it in for a biopsy, rather than just freezing it off, as is often done now. And she did call me right away and call the hospital right away (or send them the results), so they called me right after she did. And follow up reasonably well.

    Granted she is not an oncologist, so presumably she doesn't know all the stats. I would have thought a young dermatologist would know the basic statistics about basic statistics in her field, but granted there is a lot to know in the medical field. She does not work at all on aesthetic dermatology.

    I would like to find a dermatologist more specialised or knowledgeable about oncology and also more straightforward.
    Lack of courage to be straightforward and being excessively positive seems like a reflexion of lack of weightiness to speak simply about risks and statistics. She seems to be of the mind that one should say everything as rosy as can be until the absolute opposite has been proven. Treating patient a bit like children in terms of sharing knowledge.

    I even called another hospital to see if they could do a better job at follow up. they gave me a number to call tomorrow. It's maybe hard to change now - as I'm waiting for results, but I might well try the other hospital for 2nd opinion or other follow up. The one I went to is very well rated in this area, and the 2nd one is as well. So I got 2 spring rolls and a halo top ice cream on way home.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    in addition to the good GP, on the upside I was able to be replacement person for veggie basket.
    (for a commitment of 12 euros a week, people get farm -delivered organic veggie basket.

    There is usually a waiting list to get them - sometimes 3 years! This one was good: 3 cukes. just under 2 lbs of 3 or 4 varieties of tomatoes, 4 zukes, 1 eggplant, 1 small head of lettuce, maybe a pound of carrots or so, and some sage. This would have cost a little bit more than 12 euros, at the shop and it was very very fresh. I would imagine it depends of the time of year, that in the winter it might be a bit more carrots potatoes onions and leeks, and less of a deal. It has to be Tuesday evenings, so it's tricky to be sure to be free most Tuesday evenings. I might go on the waiting list though.

    I joined a veggie basked for a year about 10 years ago when a new one started up. in the beginning it was great! squashes, apples, carrots, other veggies, and a little bit of fruit sometimes, and an abundance of fresh cider if you brought your own bottles for 2 or 3 weeks. There was even the deal that we were to go and help pick veggies one day. That's a lot of work and not usually requested/required. I think almost no-one did it but I did go there with my then-boyfriend and another couple for a day of work. it was a nice experience but also a lot of work. we were on a massive potato-picking tractor most of the day. we helped him get a ton or two of potatoes. It was nice weather and of course they made us a nice lunch.

    but then as the winter came, he started giving everyone mostly only old sprouted potatoes from the previous year, and old soft sprouted onions. and little more. Not even the ton of fresh potatoes we had helped to gather. I said I wasn't keen on the sprouted potatoes and soft sprouting onions, but he and the young organizer said every one else was happy and I was the only one complaining. At the end of the season in the end of the spring. Only 20% of the 60 members renewed their subscription. The other 80% pretended they were happy and supportive including at meetings! and then dropped the farmer like a hot potato. I saw him at the market just after. He was pretty concerned, finance-wise.He had been so happy with his new business selling half spoiled potatoes and onions he was opening up a 2nd one at the same time, either the same day of the week or another day of the week. He had been struggling financially previously with the farm I assume as there was a patched up hole in the roof of one of the barns. So here was this gold mine to get maybe 720 euros a week (maybe 12 euros a week 60 ?) or 30,000 euros or so per year, for (mostly, at the end) half-spoiled potatoes and onions that he couldn't sell anywhere! of course it was a day or 2 of work and gas money and the cost of running the van, (plus he got some free labor- presumably there were a few handfuls of others who went for free labor)
    I didn't follow up. I assume he started giving better quality veggies and continued that business. I think that was an unusual case. usually people are very happy with their farmer's baskets, and happy to buy direct from the farmer, even if it's not a money-saver all the time.

    I'm happy to get these this time as I haven't been eating enough fresh veggies, not so motivated and this gives It a bit more soul.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I don't watch the news on TV nor listen to it on the radio.
    I do google news and pick and choose in ENGLISH.
    in French I read the paper at the café! or watch hugodecrypt sometimes.
    I google if I really need to know something, but I like the short format.

    One new item made me feel really really sad.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Watching news and getting worried/depressed.

    Now I know why I don’t watch the news!

    RvRita on pg 45

    A friend on Facebook posted that the is too stressed from watching news so is going to watch murder show series to relax.

    Heeheehee. Yes. It does seem odd, but murder shows are somehow extremely relaxing. I have also given up the news. I don't really miss it, and I will sometimes listen to NPR news at the top of the hour once in a while in the car, but other than that. I don't need the stress.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
    edited August 2021
    I got my 5th place back, but I had to ride 75 mi to catch up. Did about 55 today. Rode while kirby walked yogi

    Stats for the day-

    Zwift home spin bike- 1hr 53min 38sec, 145elev, 66arpm, 21.17amph, 105ahr, 125mhr, 40.01mi= 675c
    Zwift app = 951c
    Spin bike at gym- 54.29min, 16.08amph, 122ahr, 147mhr, 14.6mi= 446c

    Total cal 1121
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,377 Member
    Did Zero to 60 Low Impact with Weights DVD then because it was drizzling out I rode the recumbent bike. The plan for tomorrow is to do a spinning downloadable workout.

    Allie – one of the neighbors at the condo one year had a real yappy dog. He would bark at everything. And you can just imagine how many people walk by your door! What she did is get a thing that went on the collar of the dog which did something that he didn’t like (I don’t know what it was) every time he barked. Now he’s no longer a barker. I’d ask your vet. I know there are things that you can do so that he won’t bark at everything

    Rebecca – that’s one BIG dog.

    Ironing: Only if I can’t avoid it. Sometimes a shirt needs to have the bottoms ironed out or if I’ve had something in storage and there are folds that need to be ironed out. But I do try to avoid ironing as much as possible. When I make those towel toppers I use one of the pens you use for quilting that disappear when you put the heat from an iron on it. I put those towels in the dryer rather than ironing them…

    When I used to be able to hang my clothes out to dry, I did find that the sun would bleach out things like underarm stains.

    Went with Vince for his shot then stopped at the Salvation Army. I swear, they don’t have much lately. And all the clothes seem to be L or XL. What happened? Did people gain so much weight during the pandemic that they’ve gone from a L to an XL? Oh, well, guess I’ll manage with what I have.

    Can’t believe what’s happening in Afghanistan!

    Well, the door for the condo just came in. It’ll be installed the 27th. We’ll probably go down there the 25th and depending on how things go (we need to prime and paint it. Drying in FL in August should be interesting)

    Allie – are you going to watch the new Fantasy Island? I at least want to see the first few episodes.

    Watch the news: only when I can’t avoid it. I rely on Vince to give me the highlights or else I read the headlines in the paper.

    Julie – glad you had such a good appt with the GP. Bummer about the dermatologist, tho

    Michele NC
    who will probably work on the puzzle a little, then ride the recumbent bike, then work on the puzzle a little bit more
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I'm humbled that my love list touched some of you.

    Here is my favorite piece of artwork, a watercolor by my brother. The original is with dear friends in Nebraska, hanging in a place of honor on their wall. My mother loved this. I hope it brings serenity to someone here.


    Love, Karen in Virginia

    LOVE the painting. It makes me think of my Dad. Thanks for the smile.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Watching news and getting worried/depressed.

    Now I know why I don’t watch the news!

    RvRita on pg 45

    A friend on Facebook posted that the is too stressed from watching news so is going to watch murder show series to relax.

    Murder shows resolve. For an hour or two we don't know what's happening and the "bad" looks like it is winning, and then the "good" obtains the final clue, wins, and everything wraps up nicely. It makes us feel good.

    Real life, on the other hand, is not that neat and tidy.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,775 Member
    Karen- beautiful painting by your brother
    Yes there are a couple types of collars ones that give them a little zap in the neck when they bark ,and ones that omit a odor in there face when they bark.. i really dont want to submit him to either of those,but will ask the vet to see what they suggest.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    Good appointment with GP
    The appointment with the GP was good. He's new, only my second time seeing him, and he seems caring and to have a few suggestions of things to look at. He gave me prescription for vitamin D and a multivitamin, sent me to get tested for sleep apnea (his idea not mine, due to fatigue), and registered me so that the skin cancer stuff is covered 100% (that is the case for "long term illnesses" here if approved) in case there is an issue. I think so far it has been, but presumably there are situations where that could be helpful, according to him. He seems concerned, moreso than the people I tried recently since my past GP.
    the appointment with the dermatologist was not great.
    I had a list of questions and she answered almost nothing. she seems unable to have any pull to get the biopsy results faster and was making light of that. She as unable to tell me anything about staging, and said they don't really look at staging and staging is only important if one is part of a scientific study, that it has no impact on how one is cared for, that everyone is different, that statistics don't matter. I asked her about prognosis and she said one can't tell me because everyone is different. I found that a very unimpowering answer. She pretty much wanted to tell me that everything is fine and if it's not I'll find out in due time.

    Basically I find her not honest. On the phone a month ago when I saw that the results said "invasive" she said that didn't mean anything. That is really not true, according to everything read online and my GP. Invasive means it's gone below the dermis, so slight spreading.

    She also wasn't clear about the importance of the depth. She was talking abut width and that was not really the issue (the width was tiny), but the depth is concerning. She said usually they take a month to get back to her, and that they operated on me very quickly, compared to most of her patients (8 days after their weekly meeting at the hospital). I said that that could indicate that they consider it rather serious. She seemed to not agree there either.

    When I originally went to see her she told me that she thought the growth I had was nothing, but today she gave me the report, and said this thing that was written came from her observation, which indicated that it was cancerous or pre-cancerous...

    I asked about prognosis and she said "everyone's different". I said I had read that there is 50% chance of getting another one. She said "well, yes, of course, you are 58 with squamous cell carcinoma (young-ish I guess), so there's a good chance that you get it again", as if that was obvious. How can that be obvious to me unless I google it!

    They say if you get it quickly (in less than 6 weeks), you have a good chance of no metastasis. But it was 5 weeks between the biopsy and the 2nd operation. No way of knowing how it was growing for those 5 weeks. She didn't seem concerned in the slightest that I would not get the results for many weeks (7 or 8, rather than 3 or 4) because she was leaving on vacation in the end of august.

    One somewhat good thing was, she had recommended this skin covering that she had said was UV protection, but the nurse said it was not. So she googled and gave a prescription for a new one.

    Other than that, I'm thinking another dermatologist might be good.

    She DID do a thorough exam when I saw her and took the growth seriously, sent it in for a biopsy, rather than just freezing it off, as is often done now. And she did call me right away and call the hospital right away (or send them the results), so they called me right after she did. And follow up reasonably well.

    Granted she is not an oncologist, so presumably she doesn't know all the stats. I would have thought a young dermatologist would know the basic statistics about basic statistics in her field, but granted there is a lot to know in the medical field. She does not work at all on aesthetic dermatology.

    I would like to find a dermatologist more specialised or knowledgeable about oncology and also more straightforward.
    Lack of courage to be straightforward and being excessively positive seems like a reflexion of lack of weightiness to speak simply about risks and statistics. She seems to be of the mind that one should say everything as rosy as can be until the absolute opposite has been proven. Treating patient a bit like children in terms of sharing knowledge.

    I even called another hospital to see if they could do a better job at follow up. they gave me a number to call tomorrow. It's maybe hard to change now - as I'm waiting for results, but I might well try the other hospital for 2nd opinion or other follow up. The one I went to is very well rated in this area, and the 2nd one is as well. So I got 2 spring rolls and a halo top ice cream on way home.

    The appointment with the dermatologist is not that unusual.

    "I asked her about prognosis and she said one can't tell me because everyone is different. I found that a very unimpowering answer. She pretty much wanted to tell me that everything is fine and if it's not I'll find out in due time."

    That was the answer I got all the way through my husband's early days in ICU after his accident, and in the Neuro ward, and in Rehab, and even now.

    I finally had to accept that they simply don't know, and that everyone IS different. They often can't predict what will happen.

    However, see if you can get a referral to an oncologist. Your results, BTW, should have gone to both your GP and the dermatologist.

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Ironing The only thing I iron is my cotton placemats that I bought when I bought my table in 1999. I have 16 of them and use only 2 at a time so the need to iron doesn't come up often.

    :)The news I don't watch it or read it or listen to it. The world will not be better or worse off if I know or don't know what's going on. I am more peaceful because I am not agitated by knowing about things over which I have no control.

    :) My zucchini plant has done so well that in addition to having zucchini for me every night, I have been able to give some to both my neighbours and both my walking friends.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    I'm humbled that my love list touched some of you.

    Here is my favorite piece of artwork, a watercolor by my brother. The original is with dear friends in Nebraska, hanging in a place of honor on their wall. My mother loved this. I hope it brings serenity to someone here.


    Love, Karen in Virginia

    the pheasant is beautiful- We used to raise them and a bunch of others when I was really little. Mom and I were just talking about that this weekend. Grandma had one too-
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,093 Member
    I did my dumbbells. Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: take BP,.
    Bonus: returned unneeded toothbrush heads to Freddie’s, recycling, hike up from HB to campground with T, 30 mins grooming Tumble, 10 mins grooming Shadow.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, T’ai Chi, Farmers’ Market, finish minutes, dog group, flagger course progress, figure out how to see what’s using all our mobile data, USE those torture bands/do that BB&B video, call S, fire district: research NFPA, grant NIMS requirements, ongoing: input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, likewise Lee skills/tasks, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Tequila Little Time, Homesick, Nothing but You, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart,; Do Your Thing, practice dances: One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat),); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove, ask Te about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this fall’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    18: Today do something to make life easier for someone else: last week sent $ to J & M.

    Numbers here astonishingly worse than even last week, averaging 40+ new cases/day in a county of less than 25000 people with only one hospital. The hospital has no ICU beds and is having trouble finding other hospitals with icu beds to accept our critically ill. Last week they had to fly someone out to Reno Nevada, almost 600 miles away! Thankful Joe and I are fine, but hard not to be discouraged.

    Made it up the hill from Harris Beach to the campground and really only had to stop to catch my breath at the top. Progress!

    Picked up takeout Mexican food, including margaritas to go, and enjoyed eating with Joe. We can rarely synchronize our meals so it was a triple treat. Enough leftovers for another meal, good thing as it was 30% more expensive than last time.

    Debbie so glad to hear Miso is home safe and sound!
    Welcome KP from Mo! Gorgeous sunset!
    Heather worrisome symptoms, hope they pass quickly!
    Flea your tapioca mystery makes me think of those “who ate my Cheetos?” commercials :laugh: I, too, like the scent of warm cotton but not enough to go back to ironing pillowcases and sheets ;)
    Julie “…A friend on Facebook posted that the is too stressed from watching news so is going to watch murder show series to relax.” At first the irony of this made me laugh, but then I thought, yes. Murder mysteries are usually solved at the end and the bad guys get punished. So much more satisfying/comforting than irl. Like Flea and Machka said. Yes, please, find a better and more straightforward dermatologist. Can your good GP refer you to one?
    Pip attagal!
    Allie what are Alfie’s favorite games? Will he stop barking to play with you?
    Karen :love: your brother’s painting.

    Wind is really gusting here, watching tall trees dance is a little scary. Hope I can get this post up before our power goes out… ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: leaner/stronger/kinder than July.
    daily: sit with Joe: 15, weigh/wii: 17/0/0; steps>6704=7541 vits=16, log=17, CI<CO=16, CI<250<CO=12, Tumble=10, Shadow=16, mfp=17, outside=20, up hill=19, clean 10=6.
    wkly: Sun: Mon: Tue:LD YH=1, Wed:TC=2, PW=2. Thurs: Fri:TC=2. Sat:PW=2. rX x4=2.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/30:141.5 7/31:140.2!!! 8/1:141.3 8/8:140.4 8/15:141.5 :rage:
    mnthly: board mtg=1, grant=, plan=, waist=42.0
    bonus: AF:10 play= sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,377 Member
    Karen VA – I certainly can see why that piece of artwork is your favorite. Gorgeous

    Update: Made avocado brownies to take to FL, one for Vince and one for a friend of mine who I’ll probably see while I’m down there. Shhh...don’t tell Vince there’s avocado in it. He wouldn’t eat it. So I put some chocolate chips in it. The avocado wasn’t as soft as I would have liked so if there’s some in the brownies, if Vince sees it I’ll just say “oh, that must be a chocolate chip”

    KP – welcome

    Didn’t get to work on the puzzle or ride the recumbent bike. Oh well….another day.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Heather We've been watching a program on Amazon Prime that's set in London with lots of scenes of beautiful buildings. Today the episode took them to Brighton and Hove and I thought about how much you love living there.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) Someone mentioned the new "Fantasy Island". I watched it because the show was produced by Elizabeth Craft who is the sister of Gretchen Rubin who wrote so many books that I love. Gretchen and Elizabeth have been talking on their podcast about the production of Fantasy Island from the beginning of the idea through the production trips to Puerto Rico. I loved the show and highly recommend it.

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    The day started out productive....kitchen clean, dishes running in dishwasher, car towels in washer, desk cleared, papers shredded or filed, checkbooks caught up, and bills paid-sigh. Then work happened. I did get received goods into inventory and estimates called. Then more training when got home.

    I have 3 more hours of training to get done before the end of month. Almost done!!!! 18 hours so far since Sunday. The first 2 were done in January when that course was the only one available.

    It is about to get real at work. DH asked me why DS (son in law) was so grumpy. I told him it was probably because he is concerned about the shop and the fact that no one had answers or wanted to discuss the issues he had brought up. They both walked away. DH's comment, well, you can't just get rid of someone who has been working for you for over 40 years. He is right, but that employee is now a liability in so many ways. I can't believe that both DH and Sister in law are so blind that they don't see the signs of DS looking for another job. I am in a bad spot because I saw it coming. I just filled out a skill survey for DS. Now I know he is actively looking for another job. He hasn't said anything to me, but I am not blind. I can't blame him! It will be rough for awhile with DH, but sh** happens. When the owners aren't paying attention to their business and employees, bad things happen. I have tried for 5 years to get training for DS and to get more employees in place. This time I haven't taken any action to remedy the situation. Neither of them have asked me to do anything, nor have they done anything. Not even a sign on the door saying help wanted. Like I said, it is about to get real! My vacation is Sept 6th -Sept 19th!!!!
    The positive thing if/when DS finds a better job is that maybe we will see them more. DS really doesn't want to see us on weekends when he is with us all week. Okay, he doesn't mind seeing me, but DH is much more difficult. Please keep me in your prayers and happy thoughts because I am already feeling the anxiety coming on!!!

    Whatever happens is out of my control at this point, but that doesn't help the anxiety.
    I am STRONG
    I am ABLE
    I am FLExible (kind of)
    This is only partially my problem, I really am just an employee.

    Love you ALL!
    Kylia heading to bed with an inspirational magazine in OHio