

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ordinary things done today;
    -moment at café talking to 2 nice ladies. one had started conversation with me a few days ago and I have seen her often there this week. she's working on job aps so I asked her how it's going. she has an interview this week with her target company. (executive assistant or something like that).
    -and the other woman sitting between us was a researcher about unusual buddhist branches, (I didn't totally get how) mostly in Burma. We spoke about vaccines, politics, communication in different languages and probably something else that I can't remember. A short friendly café chat.
    -Then read the paper. there is a weekend 7 part summer series in one of the papers about "the self": a 2 page interview with different living philosophers on the subject. I found last week's more interesting or clear, but I find the subject rather captivating and uplifting to read about (limited to 2 pages for general non-specialist reading).
    -then made hairdresser's appointment for in 10 days (they are pretty booked as they are not expensive and my hairdresser is good and very pleasant).
    -Then went to grocery store and ordered big lot as you get 10% discount every so often with points, and also free delivery after 50 euros. Waiting for delivery (within 2h max), so maybe 30-60 more minutes to go.
    - Then 16 min on recumbent at over 115hr. I was planning on 20 but it's 78° and on the humid side for here. I know it's not very hot compared to many of you.s experience, but I was sweating a lot and it was less pleasant than usual.
    - V quick shower shower, so as not to miss the delivery;
    - had salad with veggie basket.
    - Now w post W.O. (workout) fatigue. feel like napping in front of Netflix. :D

    Anti health-pass March within earshot
    Ah there's a weekly "anti-health pass" March going on 100 m from my home this week and another starting 1km from my home. not sure which one I heard. I think the latter due to timing. I heard them chant the following:

    « On est là ! On est là ! Même si Macron ne le veut pas, Nous on est là ! Pour défendre les salariés, Pour défendre les retraités, Même si Macron ne le veut pas, Nous on est là !
    On est là !, Même si Macron ne le veut pas, Nous on est là !,Pour l'honneur des travailleurs, Et pour un monde meilleur, Même si Macron ne le veut pas, Nous on est là ! »

    "We are here ! We are here ! Even if Macron doesn't want this, We're here! To defend salaried workers, To defend retirees, Even if Macron does not want it, We are here!
    We are here !, Even if Macron does not want this, We are here!, To honour workers, And for a better world, Even if Macron does not want this, We are here! "

    This chant was developed in 2018, and was often sung in protests, in response to retirement and workers reforms, which reduce employment protection for all or most, and retirement benefits for many. The words are not really pertinent at all to the current anti-health pass protest! I find the mixing up of motivations of protest a bit annoying, but that's life! (I am also not anti-health pass. There are bigger things to protest for - like retirement benefits, funding of hospitals, etc.)

    I only heard them couldn't see them. They went by really quickly so it must be a smallish group, relatively speaking. Apparently there are 4 distinct marches on this same subject in the city today. Don't know why they didn't convene. Social distancing?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited August 2021
    DH is out tomorrow. He is driving up to see his daughter's apartment for the first time. Wimbledon. I would go, but I haven't been in the car for 19 months and have no desire to. I hope to visit her by train when covid numbers are lower.
    Sooooo, I get the day to myself and will indulge in my favourite foods. Lunch will be Curry Laksa, an Indonesian soup. Dinner will be Dim Sum. So I walked up to the Chinese shop to buy the frozen Dim Sum. As I was out, I bought other stuff, including my favourite focaccia from the bakery. Then went to the Mediterranean shop to buy mango pulp to make ice cream. Then on to the Middle Eastern shop to buy frozen tilapia. Oouuff! :D Everywhere was just one or two people and masked.
    Now I must row for 20 mins. I want to get a coat of the testers on today so we can do a second coat tomorrow.

    We are finding sequins and glitter all over the place! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    Kylia great news about the raise! Maybe they do appreciate you.

    Machka I keep all the cards tucked into odd corners where I can't find them. Don't do as I do-- it's a mess!

    Annie in Delaware who lost two pounds!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    Saturday --

    Sleep! Absolutely!

    Office - right now I'm trying to find all my uni notes. I have quite the stack now! I'm also trying to put things into category piles when I pick them up, things like cards, calendars, bills, cycling stuff, etc. etc. etc.

    I started colouring a new picture.

    I put together the first new page on my website in a long time! I hope to start doing that more.

    And I exercised! My husband and I rode our bicycles inside using Zwift. I also did some weights and stretching.


    Machka in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: take BP, dogs to powerline, 4 loads laundry.
    Bonus: changed linens, 40 mins vacuuming 110 mins cleaning, YouTube highest point in KS :laugh: and part of Mossy Forest hike.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, finish minutes, dog group, veg prep, do something with goat’s milk, cheese or yoghurt?, flagger course progress, figure out how to see what’s using all our mobile data, USE those torture bands/do that BB&B video, call S, fire district: research NFPA, grant NIMS requirements, ongoing: input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, likewise Lee skills/tasks, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Tequila Little Time, Homesick, Nothing but You, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart,; Do Your Thing, practice dances: One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat),); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove, ask Te about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this fall’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    20: Look for the good in everyone you meet today: Home all day so only Joe. Lots of good there, see critter stories.
    21: Donate unused items, clothes or food to help a local charity: maybe Sunday ;)

    Had house to myself today so did I finish the minutes? Nope! But cleanathon needed doing too… ;)

    Pressure was 20 in Joe’s stubborn eye, so Dr. injected a tiny something that releases medicine over time. Might work for a few months, or up to two years, will recheck in six weeks. It hurt the poor guy all the way home and I think it still hurts but perhaps a bit less.

    Julie so sorry to hear about the distracted and unresponsive surgeon. The downside I see to healthcare for all is possible lack of accountability in professionals. Are there websites with reviews of health care professionals? There are astounding delays here too. We must keep advocating for ourselves, follow up, demand results and push for sooner appointments wherever needed/possible. If the results show they didn’t get it all, can you demand a better surgeon and dermatologist team? ((hugs)) and healing thoughts.
    Machka and those are just the visible scars.. ;) I am so happy to hear “sleep” in your plans. Long postponed and overdue. :love: your story, the wedding photos, and the persistence of your love.
    Allie “badge of courage” indeed!
    Karen :heart: The artist is Dr. Teri Cottingham of Idaho Dermatologic and Laser Associates.
    KJ you make me laugh. You have no idea how hard it was for me to do a selfie. Not my gift!
    Heather snow globes and mess and touching family history and wine. What a rich day! Cheers!
    Pip what are the plans for your patio?
    Kylia a raise AND two interviews? Wow things are looking up!!!

    Time to snoozzzzzzz
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: leaner/stronger/kinder than July.
    daily: sit with Joe: 18, weigh/wii: 20/0/0; steps>6704=7332 vits=19, log=20, CI<CO=19, CI<250<CO=15, Tumble=11, Shadow=19, mfp=21, outside=23, up hill=22, clean 10=21.
    wkly: Sun: Mon: Tue:LD YH=1, Wed:TC=2, PW=2. Thurs: Fri:TC=2. Sat:PW=2. rX x4=2.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/30:141.5 7/31:140.2!!! 8/1:141.3 8/8:140.4 8/15:141.5 :rage:
    mnthly: board mtg=1, grant=, plan=, waist=42.0
    bonus: AF:12 play= sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

    Pavers were going to cost over 7k for that small space, doing cement slab instead, much cheaper
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Evelyn - I was a secretary for the condo board for one year. I hated it. My closest neighbour and I joined at the same time in hopes of trying to make some changes, the older people never let us have a say and outvoted us on everything so we quit. Thankfully, I don’t deal with that now.
    We are forecasted for rain all next week, I hope you get some too.

    Heather - I couldn’t work for my husband either. We have worked together a few times at the same companies but I was “over” him. We had a rule that work talk was off limits at home. Thankfully those were short lived times.
    Thank you, I think my Grands are pretty awesome. So are yours!

    Margaret - I used to be very “old fashioned” in that it was my job to cater to my husband. My daughters would both say I still do it. My husband says I never did. Like you, I like this younger generation does better than we did at being equals. I hope he sees the light and starts treating you better soon. Hugs.

    Allie - how exciting! A boy will be wonderful.

    Pip - do you find that much cycling boring? Great job!

    Machka- I have a few calendar pictures that I have framed. I have them hanging in my office at work right now, but have used them around the house too. It is cheap “artwork”. I stack them in the frame so I can change them out from time to time but don’t need to find storage space for them.

    I also have a bin of cards from people that mean a lot to me. I only keep the cards that have thought put into them though, not the type you buy by the box.

    Pip - have you seen how some people are painting “rugs” on floors to give a different look? I bet you could do that on your cement slab to give it a different look, you’re very talented.

    I had a relaxing evening last night. Today I am doing some tidying and then I am going to pick Michaela up for a visit with our youngest daughter and her MIL who is visiting. It will be a good day.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Well I have battened down the hatches as best as I can.. my son is planning on staying over the next couple nights as im only a hop skip and a jump from where he works ,im prepared if the power goes out ,if they have ice at the supermarket where he works he will get some..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    rjv230 wrote: »
    I’m 70, a widow after 50 years together, and only 4’9”. My nutritionist says pretty Impossible for me to lose the weight I gained in last 3 years. I want to lose at least 10 lbs. my size and age, she says, means I can only eat 1000 calories a day! And that is with exercise and possibly ONLY losing 1/2 lb a week! I am trying to keep the calorie count. Don’t think this is the way. Any stories, suggestions, success will help. I feel defeated. Can I lose and still eat and have energy?

    1/2 lb a week isn't bad.
    You could try the 1200 cal minimum recommended here and see how it goes. Get a food scale and measure accurately.
    What are you doing for exercise?
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,497 Member
    rjv230 wrote: »
    I’m 70, a widow after 50 years together, and only 4'9”. My nutritionist says pretty Impossible for me to lose the weight I gained in last 3 years. I want to lose at least 10 lbs. my size and age, she says, means I can only eat 1000 calories a day! And that is with exercise and possibly ONLY losing 1/2 lb a week! I am trying to keep the calorie count. Don’t think this is the way. Any stories, suggestions, success will help. I feel defeated. Can I lose and still eat and have energy?

    maybe get a new nutritionist?

    Just a thought.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    It takes awhile and some experimentation to find things to eat that meet your needs and stay under low calories. But it is possible at any age.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited August 2021
    Karen one of my favorite pieces at the Minneapolis Institue of Art is a Mandala. It was created to be permanent with the help of 3M ususally they are swept up shortly after being created.

    The story I love is that when they were creating it when school groups would come through no matter how roundy they would immediatley calm down in the presence of the monks. We need more of this in our world...

    I went out to a Nature Preserve today. The air was wonderful. We just had had a much needed reain too!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Our yard is being invaded by more critters :smiley:
    I started feeding a squirrel in the back yard, on the fence between us and the neighbor that is attached to our house. I think it is the same one that I was feeding with the birds in the front yard. I thought it was just one but the second day there were two smaller ones eating too. Looked up what they like to eat, besides sunflower seeds- grated apples,squash, frozen corn, peanuts- seem to only like the sun flower seeds. While putting more food out for them, I saw a very young possum so I put a little mixture of food out for it- likes dried cat food best.
    THEN, last night I looked out and see raccoons on the deck- we knew there was one out. DH had left the canister of cat food out so I grabbed it- the little one just sat there looking at me, didn't really run.
    As I was getting ready for bed I could hear them getting up on the kids climbing structure where we feed our one feral cat(Jack has been around for MANY years). I counted at least 4, hard to see when it is dark, just shadows except when the motion sensor lights come on. Then I hear them climbing the lounge chair which is RIGHT under our bedroom window. I look up and one of the little ones is trying to get through the screen on the catio to where the inside cat's food is. I dumped a little water on it from their water dish to get it to go away, left for maybe 10 seconds and came back- bopped it in the nose with my phone and it finally left- Saw all of them on the back lawn-
    I don't mind the squirrels or the little possum but not encouraging a big family of coons!
    We don't live in the country- we live IN town. We also have skunks every once in a while- sure do NOT want them in the back yard.

    I made my daycare mom's day yesterday. The county pays for part of her fees(single, low income mom). They changed it in March where she had to pay most of it because she got a raise. Then I got a letter saying they got a grant and they are waiving the family fees from July 2021-June 2022. I had heard they were hoping to do that so saved the money she gave me(100 a week) and got confirmation Thursday night that it went through. She was thrilled when I gave her back $500 and told her she got to keep the $100 she was there to pay me.
    Now we will see what the county pays me now that Ezie is in school- shorter hours so they may really cut my pay(had this happen before with a school age kid-they only wanted to pay me $5 a day for picking him up and having him for under 2 hrs-dropped that one really fast). I talked to her mom and told her what my full rates would be, including transportation now that I have to drive and pick her up from school. I told her I would let her know how much the county paid and what she will have to pay going forward, if she still wants me to watch Ezie. I am fine if she wants to find someone else. I am stuck at home 4 days a week because of her(off Thursdays, would rather be off Fridays) for $30 a day including transportation. I would be totally fine not having her and get a new one after the first of the year. After 40+yrs of teaching preschool or doing in home daycare, I am ready to a break. My age and after 6 yrs with triplets 55hrs a week- I am worn out and see I don't do as much as I could with her.

    Going to work in my little garden for a bit- Pretty chilly here.
    Was cold last night while I was watching tv but then my big boy, Umaku, climbed up in my lap and I warmed up fast.
    He is a great fuzzy blanket.

    Have a wonderful Saturday, Ladies

    Napa Valley Ca
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Zwift home spin bike- 3hrs 26min 14sec, 549elev, 20.39amph, 105ahr, 142mhr, 70.1mi= 1222c
    Zwift app = 1588c

    Another 70mi done, in 4th place…. for now
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    Evelyn - I was a secretary for the condo board for one year. I hated it. My closest neighbour and I joined at the same time in hopes of trying to make some changes, the older people never let us have a say and outvoted us on everything so we quit. Thankfully, I don’t deal with that now.
    We are forecasted for rain all next week, I hope you get some too.

    Heather - I couldn’t work for my husband either. We have worked together a few times at the same companies but I was “over” him. We had a rule that work talk was off limits at home. Thankfully those were short lived times.
    Thank you, I think my Grands are pretty awesome. So are yours!

    Margaret - I used to be very “old fashioned” in that it was my job to cater to my husband. My daughters would both say I still do it. My husband says I never did. Like you, I like this younger generation does better than we did at being equals. I hope he sees the light and starts treating you better soon. Hugs.

    Allie - how exciting! A boy will be wonderful.

    Pip - do you find that much cycling boring? Great job!

    Machka- I have a few calendar pictures that I have framed. I have them hanging in my office at work right now, but have used them around the house too. It is cheap “artwork”. I stack them in the frame so I can change them out from time to time but don’t need to find storage space for them.

    I also have a bin of cards from people that mean a lot to me. I only keep the cards that have thought put into them though, not the type you buy by the box.

    Pip - have you seen how some people are painting “rugs” on floors to give a different look? I bet you could do that on your cement slab to give it a different look, you’re very talented.

    I had a relaxing evening last night. Today I am doing some tidying and then I am going to pick Michaela up for a visit with our youngest daughter and her MIL who is visiting. It will be a good day.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Nope cuz for those long rides I was looking at movies on Netflix or Amazon prime video. I also ride with zwift app which keeps me on track wit( my speed and if I wasn’t watching movies I would be with my headphones listening to my music
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Went out and picked more raspberries- may freeze these- too many to eat fresh and not enough to make more than about a jar or two of jam.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,319 Member