Coronavirus prep



  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It's actually easy here in Tx to get a booster. I was just talking to one of my friends yesterday morning about it (she is immuno compromised) and got her 2nd shot in Feb I think. She was able to walk right in to the pharmacy and get her booster yesterday afternoon. It will be interesting to see if she has any reaction to the 3rd. So far all reports I have heard are just arm soreness and nothing like the 2nd shot. She got Moderna I think. (and looks like that poster was quite successful in getting the other thread shut down).

    On another note maybe MORE people will be encouraged to and will be able to get the antibodies now that our Governor has made them more in the news again.

    I don't think that was a "booster". I think she got a regular shot which are widely available to walk into any pharmacy and get. So she got herself a third shot, but not necessarily a "booster". Per the CDC, boosters won't be available until the fall after full FDA approval (which happened yesterday August 23). From what I've read, these won't be just walk in and will get a notification that you are eligible as per the date of your 2nd shot. It will go in the same order that the original shots were prioritized.

    This is per the CDC on 8/20/ not really sure what your friend got here...maybe it was a booster and they were just starting before the official announcement of FDA approval or something. I won't be eligible to get mine until Dec as my 2nd shot was April 2 per the CDC.

    Not speaking for SummerSkier or her friend here, but immunocompromised people are eligible for actual "booster" vaccinations now, officially, and at a shorter time horizon than planned for regular people later. (It's 28 days after the 2nd shot, for this group, and applies to Pfizer and Moderna.)

    It appears that the rules and conditions for getting this vary locally/regionally, possibly especially now, as I think this was a quite-sudden announcement, not one that was preannounced as is happening for the regular booster situation. I think the bureaucracies are playing catch-up on this rule, maybe.


    Details about what is meant by "immunocompromised", in this context, are at that link.

    Ah, that makes sense.

    All I've heard from our state DOH is that we will be notified when we are eligible for our booster and that we will not be given it if we just go to the pharmacy without proof of eligibility, though you can still just walk in and get your initial doses. I just hope that doesn't confuse people here who are unvaxed and now think they have to wait again for eligibility.

    It will be easy to walk in and get it when eligible, but you can't just walk in now and get it unless you're in the group that is currently being prioritized. The post made me think that in Tx for some reason, any old someone could just walk in and get their booster regardless of where they are in line.

    But there's no paperwork (other than an ID) required to get your first dose, and nobody is getting an indelible stamp when they get their initial doses, so all anybody who wants a booster has to do is go into a pharmacy and lie if asked about whether they've had a vaccination yet, right?

    I know the info about vaccinations in our state and at least some others is supposed to be uploaded to a central database, but I don't think they check it for each person coming in before administering the vaccine, do they? I was vaccinated in a sort of pop-up clinic at a church, so I don't know what it's like for covid vaccines administered in an actual pharmacy. Nobody was putting data into a computer in real time until the end of the line (after vaccination) when they were helping people who needed help sign up for the second dose. Maybe it's different at a pharmacy. I haven't been able to get confirmation of my vaccination from the state database, just from the database run by the pharmacy that staffed the clinic. So maybe people who are trying to jump queue could just go to a different pharmacy chain or other provider from where they got the original doses.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    edited August 2021
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It's actually easy here in Tx to get a booster. I was just talking to one of my friends yesterday morning about it (she is immuno compromised) and got her 2nd shot in Feb I think. She was able to walk right in to the pharmacy and get her booster yesterday afternoon. It will be interesting to see if she has any reaction to the 3rd. So far all reports I have heard are just arm soreness and nothing like the 2nd shot. She got Moderna I think. (and looks like that poster was quite successful in getting the other thread shut down).

    On another note maybe MORE people will be encouraged to and will be able to get the antibodies now that our Governor has made them more in the news again.

    I don't think that was a "booster". I think she got a regular shot which are widely available to walk into any pharmacy and get. So she got herself a third shot, but not necessarily a "booster". Per the CDC, boosters won't be available until the fall after full FDA approval (which happened yesterday August 23). From what I've read, these won't be just walk in and will get a notification that you are eligible as per the date of your 2nd shot. It will go in the same order that the original shots were prioritized.

    This is per the CDC on 8/20/ not really sure what your friend got here...maybe it was a booster and they were just starting before the official announcement of FDA approval or something. I won't be eligible to get mine until Dec as my 2nd shot was April 2 per the CDC.

    Not speaking for SummerSkier or her friend here, but immunocompromised people are eligible for actual "booster" vaccinations now, officially, and at a shorter time horizon than planned for regular people later. (It's 28 days after the 2nd shot, for this group, and applies to Pfizer and Moderna.)

    It appears that the rules and conditions for getting this vary locally/regionally, possibly especially now, as I think this was a quite-sudden announcement, not one that was preannounced as is happening for the regular booster situation. I think the bureaucracies are playing catch-up on this rule, maybe.


    Details about what is meant by "immunocompromised", in this context, are at that link.

    Ah, that makes sense.

    All I've heard from our state DOH is that we will be notified when we are eligible for our booster and that we will not be given it if we just go to the pharmacy without proof of eligibility, though you can still just walk in and get your initial doses. I just hope that doesn't confuse people here who are unvaxed and now think they have to wait again for eligibility.

    It will be easy to walk in and get it when eligible, but you can't just walk in now and get it unless you're in the group that is currently being prioritized. The post made me think that in Tx for some reason, any old someone could just walk in and get their booster regardless of where they are in line.

    But there's no paperwork (other than an ID) required to get your first dose, and nobody is getting an indelible stamp when they get their initial doses, so all anybody who wants a booster has to do is go into a pharmacy and lie if asked about whether they've had a vaccination yet, right?

    I know the info about vaccinations in our state and at least some others is supposed to be uploaded to a central database, but I don't think they check it for each person coming in before administering the vaccine, do they? I was vaccinated in a sort of pop-up clinic at a church, so I don't know what it's like for covid vaccines administered in an actual pharmacy. Nobody was putting data into a computer in real time until the end of the line (after vaccination) when they were helping people who needed help sign up for the second dose. Maybe it's different at a pharmacy. I haven't been able to get confirmation of my vaccination from the state database, just from the database run by the pharmacy that staffed the clinic. So maybe people who are trying to jump queue could just go to a different pharmacy chain or other provider from where they got the original doses.

    This did not work for my husband and I. They saw that we had been vaccinated, and the pharmacist would not vaccinate us again. This was just before all this current discussion on boosters. And it was not the same pharmacy we used before. So now we wait :).
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I am surprised there is no national vaccine data base in US
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    I am surprised there is no national vaccine data base in US

    I don't think there is in Canada either - it is provincial jurisdiction. My proof of vaccine is from Ontario, not Canada (although I hear they may be implementing a federal Covid vaccine passport for international travel.)

    Speaking of international travel, my son flew to Italy Monday and was a bit worried about his Pfizer/Moderna vaccine mix being accepted - but they didn't even ask for any proof of vaccination on arrival. And they didn't need to be tested either before leaving (they do need to be tested to reenter Canada.) So that was a bit shocking to me.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    33gail33 wrote: »
    I am surprised there is no national vaccine data base in US

    I don't think there is in Canada either - it is provincial jurisdiction. My proof of vaccine is from Ontario, not Canada (although I hear they may be implementing a federal Covid vaccine passport for international travel.)

    Speaking of international travel, my son flew to Italy Monday and was a bit worried about his Pfizer/Moderna vaccine mix being accepted - but they didn't even ask for any proof of vaccination on arrival. And they didn't need to be tested either before leaving (they do need to be tested to reenter Canada.) So that was a bit shocking to me.

    Oh OK.

    Australia has the immunusation registry and all vaccines given nationally ( not just covid) are recorded on it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited August 2021
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It's actually easy here in Tx to get a booster. I was just talking to one of my friends yesterday morning about it (she is immuno compromised) and got her 2nd shot in Feb I think. She was able to walk right in to the pharmacy and get her booster yesterday afternoon. It will be interesting to see if she has any reaction to the 3rd. So far all reports I have heard are just arm soreness and nothing like the 2nd shot. She got Moderna I think. (and looks like that poster was quite successful in getting the other thread shut down).

    On another note maybe MORE people will be encouraged to and will be able to get the antibodies now that our Governor has made them more in the news again.

    I don't think that was a "booster". I think she got a regular shot which are widely available to walk into any pharmacy and get. So she got herself a third shot, but not necessarily a "booster". Per the CDC, boosters won't be available until the fall after full FDA approval (which happened yesterday August 23). From what I've read, these won't be just walk in and will get a notification that you are eligible as per the date of your 2nd shot. It will go in the same order that the original shots were prioritized.

    This is per the CDC on 8/20/ not really sure what your friend got here...maybe it was a booster and they were just starting before the official announcement of FDA approval or something. I won't be eligible to get mine until Dec as my 2nd shot was April 2 per the CDC.

    Not speaking for SummerSkier or her friend here, but immunocompromised people are eligible for actual "booster" vaccinations now, officially, and at a shorter time horizon than planned for regular people later. (It's 28 days after the 2nd shot, for this group, and applies to Pfizer and Moderna.)

    It appears that the rules and conditions for getting this vary locally/regionally, possibly especially now, as I think this was a quite-sudden announcement, not one that was preannounced as is happening for the regular booster situation. I think the bureaucracies are playing catch-up on this rule, maybe.


    Details about what is meant by "immunocompromised", in this context, are at that link.

    Ah, that makes sense.

    All I've heard from our state DOH is that we will be notified when we are eligible for our booster and that we will not be given it if we just go to the pharmacy without proof of eligibility, though you can still just walk in and get your initial doses. I just hope that doesn't confuse people here who are unvaxed and now think they have to wait again for eligibility.

    It will be easy to walk in and get it when eligible, but you can't just walk in now and get it unless you're in the group that is currently being prioritized. The post made me think that in Tx for some reason, any old someone could just walk in and get their booster regardless of where they are in line.

    But there's no paperwork (other than an ID) required to get your first dose, and nobody is getting an indelible stamp when they get their initial doses, so all anybody who wants a booster has to do is go into a pharmacy and lie if asked about whether they've had a vaccination yet, right?

    I know the info about vaccinations in our state and at least some others is supposed to be uploaded to a central database, but I don't think they check it for each person coming in before administering the vaccine, do they? I was vaccinated in a sort of pop-up clinic at a church, so I don't know what it's like for covid vaccines administered in an actual pharmacy. Nobody was putting data into a computer in real time until the end of the line (after vaccination) when they were helping people who needed help sign up for the second dose. Maybe it's different at a pharmacy. I haven't been able to get confirmation of my vaccination from the state database, just from the database run by the pharmacy that staffed the clinic. So maybe people who are trying to jump queue could just go to a different pharmacy chain or other provider from where they got the original doses.

    We are required to show the text or email or by mail paper work from our state DOH indicating we are eligible for a booster to the pharmacy. It is also recommended to bring your vaccination card, though the text or email from the DOH is sufficient documentation that you are eligible. Our DOH is rolling this out much in the same way they did the initial doses and they want to make sure things stay orderly and there isn't a run on vaccine.

    With the initial vaccine rollout, they did the same couldn't get a shot until you received a text from the DOH that you were eligible and your shot was available and was this way until eligibility was everyone. This completely avoided the "southwest airlines" cattle call to get simply waited to be notified and went to the testing facility they told you to go to at that date and time.

    Our DOH handled the rollout of the initial vaccinations. Mass vax centers were all run by our DOH and data was input real time and I can look it up online as well as get a replacement card if I need one. I just had my annual physical this morning and one of the first things my Dr. said was, " had your COVID vaccine." So it's definitely uploaded and has been disseminated to Dr.s and such because I didn't say a word about it and was never asked.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited August 2021
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It's actually easy here in Tx to get a booster. I was just talking to one of my friends yesterday morning about it (she is immuno compromised) and got her 2nd shot in Feb I think. She was able to walk right in to the pharmacy and get her booster yesterday afternoon. It will be interesting to see if she has any reaction to the 3rd. So far all reports I have heard are just arm soreness and nothing like the 2nd shot. She got Moderna I think. (and looks like that poster was quite successful in getting the other thread shut down).

    On another note maybe MORE people will be encouraged to and will be able to get the antibodies now that our Governor has made them more in the news again.

    I don't think that was a "booster". I think she got a regular shot which are widely available to walk into any pharmacy and get. So she got herself a third shot, but not necessarily a "booster". Per the CDC, boosters won't be available until the fall after full FDA approval (which happened yesterday August 23). From what I've read, these won't be just walk in and will get a notification that you are eligible as per the date of your 2nd shot. It will go in the same order that the original shots were prioritized.

    This is per the CDC on 8/20/ not really sure what your friend got here...maybe it was a booster and they were just starting before the official announcement of FDA approval or something. I won't be eligible to get mine until Dec as my 2nd shot was April 2 per the CDC.

    I'm not sure how those notifications will work since that data isn't always in a single place (aside from the paper vaccine card).

    I got my 1st dose of Moderna in TN, then moved to TX and got my 2nd dose at a pharmacy here. In May, the county where I lived in TN called me wanting to know if I was going to schedule my 2nd shot. There is no single national / international database with all of those records for each individual.

    ETA: The original shots were also not prioritized in a uniform fashion. This was also a state decision. This is part of the reason I was able to get it in TN in March. I knew I would be moving soon and TX considered Type 1 Diabetics in the "healthy" group while TN put us in the "comorbidity" group. I agreed with TN and made sure to get my first when able. I got it the same week they opened it up to residents with 1 comorbidity. I was able to schedule a 2nd dose in TX only because I had already received my 1st dose.

    In my state, those records are held by our state DOH and we will be notified by our DOH when we are eligible and that record will have to be provided to the pharmacy. This is to avoid a run on vaccine and vaccine shortfalls. Our state is simply following the 8 month CDC guidance for when to send notifications. This keeps everyone in the same order as the first go around.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,046 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    Here's my 5 min on mfp today. Was listening to the radio this AM while walking the cats. This particular show host is fully against vaccines which has caused me to limit whether I bother to listen to him. This AM he was recounting which catagories of people are most avoiding vaccinations. He mentioned the usual list of ethnicities and the like, but then he added that PhD's are highly avoiding vaccination (I do remember seeing such a headline but did not bothered to read). He was touting it like that was a more relevant point than I personally would give it credit to be. He continued on saying how all these "highly educated" people are avoiding the vaccine and that that should be indicative to us, the listeners. My thought is that that point might be more valuable if they were MD or select PhD with a pertinent knowledge base that were avoiding the vaccines. IMM does a PhD in dramaturgy really have greater insights into vaccine safety than a general population individual? Those are my thoughts for the day, and I found it annoying that the talk show host thinks we are too stupid to not see the flaw in his argument.

    Back to cleaning and packing the house........

    I'm resting from packing myself (we are moving in a few months - you?) and was able to verify the hesitancy among PhD's but have not been able to find more details. When it says "by May PhD’s were the most hesitant group" I don't know if that means among education only or among all groups.

    ...The largest decrease in hesitancy between January and May by education group was in those with a high school education or less. Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a PhD); by May PhD’s were the most hesitant group. While vaccine hesitancy decreased across virtually all racial groups, Black people and Pacific Islanders had the largest decreases, joining Hispanics and Asians at having lower vaccine hesitancy than white people in May.

    @kshama2001 I will be honest, as I said I saw a headline mentioning PhD's but I have no idea what source. I was on my computer, but have no further details as I did not open the article. My reason for bringing it all up is that I just found the claim made by the talk show host to be self serving for his show. Lots of people make convenient statements hoping no one will look at the quality of the data behind it. In this case stating "PhD's......" like every PhD is better informed about COVID than other people, or any topic for that matter. In contrast, there are many well informed people here in this group (note that I am not including myself in this list) and I bet they do not all have "phD's". Hope my point is making sense.....

    Thanks for the article. If I were to poll within my own family, every PhD is vaccinated (along with all the MD). The primary vaccine refusers in my family are two with chiropractic degrees and a wife of one. There are two others, but they did have COVID and claim they are delaying their vaccine. Not sure where to rank them.

    Moving? Passing papers on a down sizing townhouse this friday. Have had painters and contractors in my house 6 days a week from July 12 -Aug 15. Packing, decluttering, giving away and dumping. We hand house to real estate for listing the Friday after. I have since said that for the time, I am just going to die in my house. At the moment it sounds preferable.....

    @SModa61: Hopefully this move is my last move and I will die there, as did my grandfather, and as is the plan for my mother.

    On the plus side, our soon-to-be-former house was only on the market for FOUR DAYS before we accepted a very good offer. 63% of the people who saw it put in offers, all over ask.

    @kshama2001 Congrats on your sale. I am happy for you. We did things *kitten* backwards (can I say that??) and we found a townhouse before we started the whole put-your-house-on-the-market thing. So we will be floating two primary homes for some amount of time. The similarly priced houses in our town (not a lot in our price point) have sold between 2 and 10 days. All over asking. The least being $50,000 over asking. It will be interesting. But yes, hubby and I are both 60 this year. 28 years in our current house with 10 in the one before, so yes, we share a same plan with you. Good luck on your move and congrats again on a great sale!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,046 Member
    33gail33 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    Here's my 5 min on mfp today. Was listening to the radio this AM while walking the cats. This particular show host is fully against vaccines which has caused me to limit whether I bother to listen to him. This AM he was recounting which catagories of people are most avoiding vaccinations. He mentioned the usual list of ethnicities and the like, but then he added that PhD's are highly avoiding vaccination (I do remember seeing such a headline but did not bothered to read). He was touting it like that was a more relevant point than I personally would give it credit to be. He continued on saying how all these "highly educated" people are avoiding the vaccine and that that should be indicative to us, the listeners. My thought is that that point might be more valuable if they were MD or select PhD with a pertinent knowledge base that were avoiding the vaccines. IMM does a PhD in dramaturgy really have greater insights into vaccine safety than a general population individual? Those are my thoughts for the day, and I found it annoying that the talk show host thinks we are too stupid to not see the flaw in his argument.

    Back to cleaning and packing the house........

    I'm resting from packing myself (we are moving in a few months - you?) and was able to verify the hesitancy among PhD's but have not been able to find more details. When it says "by May PhD’s were the most hesitant group" I don't know if that means among education only or among all groups.

    ...The largest decrease in hesitancy between January and May by education group was in those with a high school education or less. Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a PhD); by May PhD’s were the most hesitant group. While vaccine hesitancy decreased across virtually all racial groups, Black people and Pacific Islanders had the largest decreases, joining Hispanics and Asians at having lower vaccine hesitancy than white people in May.

    @kshama2001 I will be honest, as I said I saw a headline mentioning PhD's but I have no idea what source. I was on my computer, but have no further details as I did not open the article. My reason for bringing it all up is that I just found the claim made by the talk show host to be self serving for his show. Lots of people make convenient statements hoping no one will look at the quality of the data behind it. In this case stating "PhD's......" like every PhD is better informed about COVID than other people, or any topic for that matter. In contrast, there are many well informed people here in this group (note that I am not including myself in this list) and I bet they do not all have "phD's". Hope my point is making sense.....

    Thanks for the article. If I were to poll within my own family, every PhD is vaccinated (along with all the MD). The primary vaccine refusers in my family are two with chiropractic degrees and a wife of one. There are two others, but they did have COVID and claim they are delaying their vaccine. Not sure where to rank them.

    Moving? Passing papers on a down sizing townhouse this friday. Have had painters and contractors in my house 6 days a week from July 12 -Aug 15. Packing, decluttering, giving away and dumping. We hand house to real estate for listing the Friday after. I have since said that for the time, I am just going to die in my house. At the moment it sounds preferable.....

    @SModa61: Hopefully this move is my last move and I will die there, as did my grandfather, and as is the plan for my mother.

    On the plus side, our soon-to-be-former house was only on the market for FOUR DAYS before we accepted a very good offer. 63% of the people who saw it put in offers, all over ask.

    The pandemic has made the real estate market insane where I am, like the list price tells you nothing about how much something will sell for, you are basically bidding blind.

    I tried to buy a property last week, bid 20% over asking, and wasn't even close (it sold for almost 70% over asking). Twelve offers so I knew it would go over, but no idea it would be that much.

    @33gail33 That is just crazy. So sorry your bid was not the winner. The market has been nuts, and of course we bought are buying the townhouse at a high so I am hoping the market stays hot a few more weeks so we did not buy at a high and sell at a low.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    It's actually easy here in Tx to get a booster. I was just talking to one of my friends yesterday morning about it (she is immuno compromised) and got her 2nd shot in Feb I think. She was able to walk right in to the pharmacy and get her booster yesterday afternoon. It will be interesting to see if she has any reaction to the 3rd. So far all reports I have heard are just arm soreness and nothing like the 2nd shot. She got Moderna I think. (and looks like that poster was quite successful in getting the other thread shut down).

    On another note maybe MORE people will be encouraged to and will be able to get the antibodies now that our Governor has made them more in the news again.

    I don't think that was a "booster". I think she got a regular shot which are widely available to walk into any pharmacy and get. So she got herself a third shot, but not necessarily a "booster". Per the CDC, boosters won't be available until the fall after full FDA approval (which happened yesterday August 23). From what I've read, these won't be just walk in and will get a notification that you are eligible as per the date of your 2nd shot. It will go in the same order that the original shots were prioritized.

    This is per the CDC on 8/20/ not really sure what your friend got here...maybe it was a booster and they were just starting before the official announcement of FDA approval or something. I won't be eligible to get mine until Dec as my 2nd shot was April 2 per the CDC.

    Not speaking for SummerSkier or her friend here, but immunocompromised people are eligible for actual "booster" vaccinations now, officially, and at a shorter time horizon than planned for regular people later. (It's 28 days after the 2nd shot, for this group, and applies to Pfizer and Moderna.)

    It appears that the rules and conditions for getting this vary locally/regionally, possibly especially now, as I think this was a quite-sudden announcement, not one that was preannounced as is happening for the regular booster situation. I think the bureaucracies are playing catch-up on this rule, maybe.


    Details about what is meant by "immunocompromised", in this context, are at that link.

    Ah, that makes sense.

    All I've heard from our state DOH is that we will be notified when we are eligible for our booster and that we will not be given it if we just go to the pharmacy without proof of eligibility, though you can still just walk in and get your initial doses. I just hope that doesn't confuse people here who are unvaxed and now think they have to wait again for eligibility.

    It will be easy to walk in and get it when eligible, but you can't just walk in now and get it unless you're in the group that is currently being prioritized. The post made me think that in Tx for some reason, any old someone could just walk in and get their booster regardless of where they are in line.

    But there's no paperwork (other than an ID) required to get your first dose, and nobody is getting an indelible stamp when they get their initial doses, so all anybody who wants a booster has to do is go into a pharmacy and lie if asked about whether they've had a vaccination yet, right?

    I know the info about vaccinations in our state and at least some others is supposed to be uploaded to a central database, but I don't think they check it for each person coming in before administering the vaccine, do they? I was vaccinated in a sort of pop-up clinic at a church, so I don't know what it's like for covid vaccines administered in an actual pharmacy. Nobody was putting data into a computer in real time until the end of the line (after vaccination) when they were helping people who needed help sign up for the second dose. Maybe it's different at a pharmacy. I haven't been able to get confirmation of my vaccination from the state database, just from the database run by the pharmacy that staffed the clinic. So maybe people who are trying to jump queue could just go to a different pharmacy chain or other provider from where they got the original doses.

    We are required to show the text or email or by mail paper work from our state DOH indicating we are eligible for a booster to the pharmacy. It is also recommended to bring your vaccination card, though the text or email from the DOH is sufficient documentation that you are eligible. Our DOH is rolling this out much in the same way they did the initial doses and they want to make sure things stay orderly and there isn't a run on vaccine.

    With the initial vaccine rollout, they did the same couldn't get a shot until you received a text from the DOH that you were eligible and your shot was available and was this way until eligibility was everyone. This completely avoided the "southwest airlines" cattle call to get simply waited to be notified and went to the testing facility they told you to go to at that date and time.

    Our DOH handled the rollout of the initial vaccinations. Mass vax centers were all run by our DOH and data was input real time and I can look it up online as well as get a replacement card if I need one. I just had my annual physical this morning and one of the first things my Dr. said was, " had your COVID vaccine." So it's definitely uploaded and has been disseminated to Dr.s and such because I didn't say a word about it and was never asked.

    Yes, as indicated up thread, things are different from state to state.