

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    A. writes to lawyer about issue that A and B are looking at, puts B in copy
    B answers "Thanks for this message"
    A asks: "Is that an ironic thank you?"
    B answers : I am not ironic. If every time someone says something nice and you are suspicious or take it the wrong way, there is nothing to be done.

    That is the whole exchange.

    What do you think of A and B's ways of writing, speaking. Looking for outside point of view !
    thanks !

    Here's my take:

    If I were A, and I received the above response from B, I would have responded: "No problem! :)"

    If I were B, and I received the response from A to my thanks, I would have responded: "Not ironic at all! I sincerely appreciate you writing to the lawyer."

    ln other words, I think A was trying to start something and B escalated it. The situation could have been avoided or defused easily by either one of them.

    Tone is hard to decipher in email, as we know, so I try to think the best and respond to the best intention, and if the original writer really meant to be hurtful or ironic or mean, they are going to have to try again. They usually don't.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    Flea, that's more or less my take on it
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Good morning! (PNW)

    I am now one week out from my last chemo treatment, and beginning to feel back to normal. It is such a reassuring feeling to know that I will keep feeling better now; at least I won't have to go through another week-after-chemo feeling. :) I know recovery from surgery is not going to be pleasant, but there is an end to that, as well.

    My pre-op appointment is this afternoon at 3:30. I am more nervous than I should be. I keep waiting for them to turn me away as hopeless. The insurance company has already pushed back, but maybe that's just them being the insurance company. Soulless. The surgery is scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow. It is really time for me to get my desk cleared of pressing projects. I am hoping to be approved for four weeks of medical leave, but I would take six. That would keep me out until Christmas break, so I wouldn't go back to work until the first week of January. I might even have some hair back by then! I'm totally over the wig. I hate it. I wear it only when I go to work, but that is still 4 or 5 days a week.

    Oldest son has moved to the final stage of the paramedic program acceptance process. On November 12 (!!) he has a skills assessment, essay, and interview. He should sail through those. I would rest easier knowing that he is on a positive path. His EMT job is going very well. So I think he has found his calling -- turns 26 in January, so I guess it's about time! <3

    Middle son has moved to Eugene with friends and still looking for work, although he has begun training as a wildland fire fighter, something he has wanted to do for a while. It is seasonal, so I reminded him that he does still need to find a job.

    Youngest son just finished the first grading period of his first year in high school and earned a 4.0. I am proud of him, but for those of you who don't have high schoolers, no homework is given anymore. Everything is done at school, even reading, and he hasn't missed a day, so . . . . There are tests, so he is showing some skills. I talked to one of my Education professors yesterday about it, asking him when homework would be coming back, and he said it is gone for good. Apparently, homework has been shown to be an equity issue. Those kids without supportive families end up not completing/submitting home work and earning lower grades because of it. From an equity perspective, that actually makes sense to me, but as a parent who hopes to see her son go to college where there is definitely homework, I am somewhat distressed. By comparison, one of my son's friends, who is in an IB program, has 3-4 hours of homework a night, so the equity issue will still be there when all of these kids are back together in college.

    That turned into a bit of a rant. Sorry about that. I hadn't intended it to.

    Take care everyone. I have been reading and thinking about all of you and your struggles, but with my chemo brain, if I don't respond right then, it is in and out.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    Is there a maximum sick leave?
    Do you dislike the look of the wig or the feel of it or both or something else.
    My MIL had a wig and she got this strong auburn bob, (at around 70) and she seemed to enjoy it. She was quite into appearance - and was pretty put together appearance-wise overall. I think it was fun for her to play with wigs, but I can certainly get that It wouldn't work for all.
    Understandable that you be nervous! insurance companies shouldn't be soulless! that really irks me. glad if feels like an uphill path since end of chemo (if I understand) Yay for your son. finding a calling at 26. doesn't sound very late at all in the large scheme of things. No homework anymore ! wow! we didn't have a ton but surely did have some essays and a science projet and math homework I guess...and reading to do... there is no homework in any public high school all over the country? hmmmm..
    I mean we also had 1-2 study periods per day out of 7 for reading, homework, etc. it was okay for doing short exercises if not too distracted.
    they don't have study periods to work during - working on one's own is part of growing up..and becoming mature...agreed that if public is that way but private is vastly different that doesn't solve the equity issue much at all. as solution would be to have tutors available after school for those who wish to stay and get help.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    canceled dinner w friend.

    needed to rest and not eat.

    I've eaten mostly dry crackers and dry bread and bananas and a couple of apples today - due to funky stomach.

    anyone ever do that with funky stomach...?

    CI okay
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    canceled dinner w friend.

    needed to rest and not eat.

    I've eaten mostly dry crackers and dry bread and bananas and a couple of apples today - due to funky stomach.

    anyone ever do that with funky stomach...?

    CI okay

    hope you feel better soon- when I have the funky stomach, I go with ginger tea or candied ginger- I do that often. Trying to figure out what causes it.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    have eye dr. appt. this afternoon- With dh working full time again(retired but they lifted the restrictions on how many hours he can work)we get better medical/dental/vision coverage. Now, we get glasses every year instead of every other year. I still have to pay about $250 for mine because of the progressive lenses but that is better than the $950.
    A friend of dh's came down this morning with our yearly gift of Oregon potatoes- 50lb box every year. We share with family/friends and still end up with some growing, which I put in the garden and sometimes they produce.
    Going to the dollar store to pick up ModgePodge to try my hand at making those key chains I was planning on buying- will be fun to try.
    Tracey- Talked to an old classmate of mine that lives up in Edmonton- he said he is getting ready to hibernate. Was surprised when he told me how cold it gets and how much darkness you get in the winter time. CRAZY

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2021
    Pip – Congratulations on your planned trip to Alaska next year. My parents took a cruise ship to Alaska many years ago. They loved every minute of their trip. It was their grand adventure. I hope you and Kirby enjoy your adventure as much as they enjoyed theirs. :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:

    Terri – So sorry for the loss of your friend and for all of the heartaches her family has faced. :broken_heart::heart:

    Lanette - I am delighted to see your post! I have missed you. :star:

    Flea – We plan to leave here in November to be present when our son and daughter in law have their new baby. We are in touch with them and are doing our best with timing our visit. We plan to fly to VA on November 19 and return home on December 13. I have a dentist appointment the very next day, December 14. I hope the timing will work for all of us. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara - Chanterelles!!! Good for you! We haven’t had any in years. They are delightful. :heart:

    Allie – We have had three Pfizer vaccinations and also flu vaccinations. They will help keep us and those we love a bit safer. Every little bit counts. :star: Regarding knitting - I knitted a baby blanket for the new baby that is coming soon. I unraveled it and started over more than a few times before I was happy with the outcome. I shipped it off to our daughter in law and she has received it. We knew our newest grandbaby will be a boy and I let his mom choose the yarn. :smiley:

    Flea – Sending good thoughts your way. No more chemo seems like heaven. :heart:

    Debbie - I have had progressive lenses for several years. I love them! I probably should have an eye check and see whether I need a different prescription. My eye doctor would like that, but I am so happy with what I have, I am putting off any changes until after our trip. :smiley:

    We’re having an overcast sky and occasional rain this morning. I am happy to be at home and cozy just now.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2021
    Flea - As a retired teacher, I am in full agreement that school work should be done at school. I taught 8th grade during the last few years of my teaching career. Our group of teachers were present and able to offer help to students who needed it. We invited students to eat lunch with us in our classrooms. It was an open offer and more than a few students chose to join us there. They had the option of eating in the cafeteria with everyone else but many preferred to eat lunch in our rooms. Sometimes they would ask for help, and other times they were happy to be with a friend or two in a relatively quiet room. :heart:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,648 Member
    Oh Beth ! I wish we were closer and I would bring dinner over! I have a counter of fresh tomatoes and would make fresh tomato soup for your family with grilled cheese!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    Beth we have a counter convection oven. I did not know could be used as air fryer. Agree about counter since we had to clear everything for painters. I learned paint is getting even more expensive and in short supply. I am glad it is getting done. I will get a bid for the high painting job from this team.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Short walk w/family- 39.39min, 28elev, 81ahr, 91mhr, 2.01mi= 167c
    Strava app= 243c
    Walk to gym10.40min, .52mi= 46c
    Strava app= 64c
    Treadmill jog- 59.28min, 9.55min mi, 146ahr, 175mhr, 6mi= 619c
    Walk gym to home- 10.28min, .53mi= 54c
    Strava app= 64c
    Walk w/family- 1hr 8min 24sec, 79elev, 95ahr, 115mhr, 3.38mi= 398c
    Strava app= 409c

    Total cal 1159

    Had to cut the walk and run short, went to go see nephew run
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,870 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,770 Member
    Evening ladies
    Im having a cup of lemon jasmine sleepy time tea.
    Getting ready to watch Love Boat.... well the window people called and wanted to do the windows and patio door tomorrow they called this afternoon. I told them to hold off until monday,thats short notice when i have to have Alfie looked after... so im having them come monday.. gives me the weekend to somehow try and get my bedroom in order.. they sawsall the whole window frame and all out and even though they cover everything there is dust everywhere.. that i am not looking forward to..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,770 Member
    Aww Lisa' praying for a solution for you.. i know im not feeling 100% but nothing like what your going through, bless your heart..
    DD just texted and wants me at her house monday as her countertops are to be installed, my ex will have to go,because i cant be in 2 places at once..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member

    For all of you going through stuff. :heart:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,071 Member
    Rain, rain, rain, rain ...

    Over 40 mm of rain last night and still going. This October has been incredibly rainy, and unfortunately a lot of it has been on weekends! We'll have had at least 150 mm by the time the month ends (the average is about 65 mm).

    Homework ...

    I did hours and hours and hours of homework all the way through school, college, uni, etc. etc. The only time I have not done homework is if the course is a little, usually free, "for information" thing like my recent "Understanding TBI" course.

    I remember coming home after school in Grades 11 and 12, especially, sitting down at my desk at 4 pm and doing homework right through to midnight, with only a short break for dinner. Mainly math. For some reason, I really struggled with math and ended up graduating Grade 12 with about 56% in math, even after all that work. I just didn't get it. My math teacher even told me that whatever I did, I should not go into any careers that involve math.

    And I believed him for a while.

    Then I took an Engineering Tech course ... and nailed the math classes with 100%. Then I took a Business Admin course ... and nailed the math classes with 100%. Then I took a Software Development course ... and nailed the math classes with 100%. Then I took math as part of my Bachelor of Education, and did really well (80%+).

    And then I realised it probably wasn't me, back in high school, it was probably the instructor!

    So I can see the idea of no homework ... IF the instructors are really good and can explain things in such a way that students get it.

    M in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member