
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Lisa--When I and DH were called for jury duty we were paid our regular wages and then the court sent like $75 a day. So we were never out of wages.
    Heather--I think your painting is very well done.
    Well am glad it is Friday and I have the weekend off, no plans other than church on Sunday. It has cooled down to the high 80's so not so bad being outside.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3

    here they pay $15 a day and don't pay for your first day. If you go and sit all day and don't end up getting chosen, you don't get anything. DH's work paid his regular pay but for me, self employed, I didn't get anything
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Debbie: Congrats on 20,000 steps. Does your MIL text? I enjoy texting my son and then he responds on his own time.

    I did not feel well much of the day and mostly rested. I guess this Covid takes longer to get over than you might think. I feel better this evening and hope to do some knitting. I was able to sit outside today for awhile and enjoyed this. I am ready to start to go out again. I will test tomorrow and maybe treat myself to lunch at Panera if I am negative!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    No, MIL does not text, she can barely use her flip phone or home phone. She doesn't read or write English well enough to really function. Dh does all that for her. Her first language is Okinawan/Japanese.
    She has been here since she was in her mid 20's I think but never learned. I think she can do more that she lets on though(I have seen this in many areas, where she can do more for herself than she lets on)

    Yes, it takes quite a while to get your energy back from Covid, at least that is what I found- a month after I had it I still had very little energy.

    Napa Valley, CA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Another good walking day. Over 10k steps. 10 flights.
    Salad with filet and spinach for dinner. Spent time with friends. Laundry going. Found a new wallet as mine was over 10 yo and falling apart.

    Good day.

    Much love to you all!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    edited September 2023
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Lanette- neither my BFF or myself is fond of the flavor of honey - so we didn't even consider the recipes calling for it.

    Wait honey lovers ! I admit that the honey I don't like is grocery store honey and that I have never done a honey tasting of other varieties. I don't remember ever being somewhere where their was honey tasting, but of course as it is not something I lean to I might just have not noticed. But the special honey's are expensive here and I would not spend that money without tasting first.

    LOL smiles


    I was going to say ... which honey flavour? There are so many different flavours depending where the bees were.

    Just a small selection that this particular company in Hobart sells ... and I've tried almost all of them. :)


    Some grocery store honeys aren't actually honey. They're honey mixed with corn syrup or something and heated to kill off any benefits that raw honey might offer. If your honey stays liquid for months on end, chances are it's not a real honey. If it crystalises, chances are it is a real honey.

    What’s the difference between fake honey and raw honey?

    Honey is something else I'm happy to spend a bit more on to get a better quality and more variety. :)

    Bread and honey ... mmmm ... good!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Machka and Pip, Today I read about the group of octogenarians in my town who have a bicycle club and ride three or four days a week. They are called "The Society of Ancient and Honorable Cyclists" Most go about 20 miles a ride and some go 80 or more miles a week. You're not there yet, but it is a snapshot of what might be in your future.

    <3 Barbie

    That's great!!

    And I hope so! Given that my father is in his 80s and still cycles, there is hope for me. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Katiebug - Used the spin mop this afternoon, and I'm actually really impressed with the use and design. My method for mopping is to use a quite wet mop on the first run to get hot water and soap into the places the mop strings can't, then go over the floor again and mop up the water with a slightly damp mop.

    I do NOT like wringing mops out, so it takes me a while to find the energy to do two passes at a floor and get past that continual rinsing and wringing thing. But the spin mop actually works. I thought it would slop water out on the floor, but the design keeps it funneled right back into the bucket. It got it drier than any mop I've ever wrung out by hand on that second pass. And it's a microfiber head which I spun as dry as I could afterward, and is in my laundry for my next load, so no mop head hanging around to dry out. The only time I touched the mop head was after I pulled it off so I could put it in the laundry.

    Oh, and the handle telescopes, so it fits my short frame. So yes, I like it, and would recommend it.

    From the domestic goddess of Arkansas,
    Lisa :smiley:

    I still like using the mop really sudsy on the first pass to scrub the floor a bit, then I use the mop wrung out with the spinner on the second passes. I have a diamond sized mop head which is a bit small for my liking, and though it SAYS it can be thrown in the wash, the plastic thing that holds all the mop "strings" is way too hard and my washer and dryer would die with that plastic thing banging in it. So I just fill the sink and wash it by hand. Then just hang the diamond sized plastic thingy on a doorhandle, after I spin it.
    Domestic goddess in
    Whidbey island
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Yikes! Skip a day and it turns into 4 days and 10+ pages!!!
    Belated welcome sspell1958 , @lolitahuggins and @mitchandsamsmom !
    Machka “scorpions and jackjumpers” had to google jack jumpers and scroll through a lot of basketball sites to get to the jack jumper ants you have there. Yah no barefoot there for me!
    Barbie love your attitude about lessons in patience ;)
    Kylia what are warming bears and warming horses for your cars? Looking down through that tower’s glass floor through your feet made me go “Urk” :sick: Lovely pic of you both, handsome couple.
    Ginny what stretches do you do with those toe spacers?
    Rebecca lovely letter, “…in each of us” wonderful response. Welcome Eli! Sounds like those were healthful happy tears. What a relief after so many sad ones…
    Margaret thanks for the Organized Enough and Stuff Your Face or … recommendations
    Heather I wouldn’t be stressed, after going near postal I’d be catatonic.
    Con VERY gratulations pip and Kirby! Very well done!
    Tracey fingers Xd for the EI.
    Vicki “Lanette--Love you too. You are an important part of my life, all you ladies are.” Amen, sister, amen!
    Joy ((hugs))
    Rita Yay you indeed!
    Beth the estimate to replace some siding on the front of our house is $500 materials and $1800 labor.
    Lanette thanks for yours on blue zones, mouth breathing etc. especially your reflections on activity. Been thinking too, about Machka’s info on how fat leaves the body through the lungs and not the colon. That what I really want is less fat around the middle, not a smaller number on the scale.

    Only through pg 18 but time to sleep.
    9/8 estimate received for replacing siding/window trim on the front of the house.
    9/7 Shelter worker saved voicemail from Gino’s new mom, “best dog ever.”
    9/6 Joe’s new Dr. told him the recent bloodwork showed he’s not diabetic. Thanks be!
    9/5 massage.
    9/4 gratitude: misty, moisty, foggy morning gave way to blue skies and gentle breezes.
    09/07: Move: ZERO sets PT, stroll with Joe and the dogs at Cape San Sebastian, Jeopardy walking. Steps:8034
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=6 CI<CO net=369
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, one load laundry. Wt: 128.5 !
    09/06: Move: 3 sets PT w/2*x&a, line dance class, dogs to powerline, . Steps:
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-14 CI<CO net=651
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, box and bag of books to shelter thrift shop, library, Post Office. Grocery Outlet, bottle drop. Wt: 130.3
    09/05: Move: 1 set PT w/d, dogs to powerline, line dancing. Steps:9236
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=20 CI<CO net=879
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, massage, library, post office, BiMart, Grocery Outlet, recycling. Wt:130.7

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,822 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Lanette thanks for yours on blue zones, mouth breathing etc. especially your reflections on activity. Been thinking too, about Machka’s info on how fat leaves the body through the lungs and not the colon. That what I really want is less fat around the middle, not a smaller number on the scale.
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    Yep ... breathe!! Exercise to the point of huffing and puffing!

    Where Does Body Fat Go When You Lose Weight?

    "Exercise also increases your respiratory rate, so more CO2 leaves your body when you work out."

    How Does Fat Leave the Body When You Lose Weight?

    "When combined with a healthy, balanced diet filled with nutrient-dense foods, physical activity is probably the best thing you can do to get your heart rate up and increase your oxygen intake, which can help promote fat loss. Keep in mind that you'll still need to burn more calories than you're consuming to create a calorie deficit in order to lose weight.

    Exercise increases your metabolism or the rate your body uses energy. Meerman suggests that you can use up more stored fat by performing physical activities that double your metabolic rate—for example, swapping out one hour of rest with exercises like brisk walking or light jogging.

    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, plus at least two days of strength training to promote both weight loss and weight management.

    Other basic suggestions to increase your metabolic rate and reduce fat from your body include:

    Engage in active playtime with your kids.
    Park your car further away and walk more.
    Stand at your computer vs. sitting.
    Stay active over the weekend and avoid being a couch potato.
    Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
    Take short walks and stretch during your breaks at work.
    Get the family involved in a kickball game or go on a family hike
    Get a good night's sleep.

    Your body is also hard at work removing CO2 while you sleep, and research shows that poor sleep quality is a common cause of weight gain. Not getting enough sleep can also affect your ability to lose weight."

    Machka in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Edie has her Brighton Triathlon tomorrow. Her swim starts at 7.50. The sea will be warm and the land won't have heated up too much. We are still in a heatwave. I have asked if she would like us to be there. <3

    Done all my exercises. The ones I am doing every day for the aductor muscle seem to be helping. No spasms recently.
    All in all I'm spending over an hour a day on various exercises. Mainly rowing 20 mins, and recumbent bike 25 mins, then mat work. That is a mixture of body strength, (knee push-ups) stretches, yoga, pilates, balance, and various PT exercises for knee, back and now thigh. Then a short weight session with dumbbells.
    I used to always do more rowing or walking after lunch, but not often at the moment. It's too hot. (No AC)
    We do have a three storey house, so I'm stair climbing frequently. It would be a rare day that I didn't do 10 flights. Mostly more.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    edited September 2023
    From Barbara:
    9/7 Shelter worker saved voicemail from Gino’s new mom, “best dog ever.”
    9/6 Joe’s new Dr. told him the recent bloodwork showed he’s not diabetic. Thanks be!
    9/4 gratitude: misty, moisty, foggy morning gave way to blue skies and gentle breezes.
    Barbara - So pleased that Gino was placed well, I know that taking him back just broke your hearts... and so very happy that Joe's not diabetic! It's 60 degrees outside right now, at 5 a.m.-ish, and so wonderful to feel that assurance that the weather is changing here, too. The ten-day forecast shows no 90-degree or higher days for the first time in months and months!

    Rebecca - That's pretty much my routine as well... I had my doubts about that bit of plastic at the top of the mop head myself, but I figure if I wash my tennis shoes occasionally, which I do, the washer will survive the mop head. Plus that was one of the main selling points for me--not having to touch the mophead. (It's possible I'm a domestic princess, as well as a domestic goddess... :smiley: )

    I want to know immediately if things are going to make it through, so I pitch them into the washer on their first use. Much like my mother, who pretty much put everything through the dishwasher. She said if something wouldn't make it through the dishwasher, she didn't want it in her kitchen... :smile: If they didn't have cloth or plush fur as part of them, she would even put the grandkids' toys through the dishwasher, and anything she bought at a garage sale or yard sale.

    Anyway, off to get Corey a cup of coffee, he's up early this morning. He and I had an interesting debate last night on what drove the feminist movement of the 1960s - grew out of my recent attention to domestic matters. Love talking to him.

    And y'all!

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR