
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,530 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Happy Anniversary! So let me get this straight. Its your anniversary, yet he's going to go out with a friend, and might pick bbq up for you, though you aren't really a fan of bbq??? There's so much going on there, it makes my brain hurt.😥 You deserve the moon friend!

    Thanks- yep, hurts my brain and my heart.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    I ordered a midax black pleated skirt from M&S, and then after checkout, realised it was a Petite. :o So I had to cancel that order and reorder it in Regular. I like my skirts to cover most of my legs. It's coming tomorrow, and I hope it fits. It will go with my new Chanel jacket. It's in a Jersey material, so should be relaxed and comfortable.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Debbie ~ I am so sorry that your husband was indifferent to your anniversary. Sounds very self centered and selfish. I do hope he took you out to dinner.

    Annie ~ Would love to see a photo of you and your red hair. I bet it's pretty.

    Barbara ~ Your dogs are a hoot. Mooch must add so much fun and entertainment to your family.

    Went to what I decided would be my last physical therapy treatment on Wed. I think I went to at least 14 treatments and am all over it. The last few times I was told to use their leg press machine and leg curl machine. I really think these were doing more harm than good. I read that these can do harm if not supervised correctly and I think the weights were too much. The therapist was really concerned because of continued swelling, redness, and heat.
    But, I think these machines aggravated it. Anyway, I think I can now work on some exercises I learned at home and will heal.

    Carol in GA

    hugs- hopefully it heals up- you know your body better than they do- Do what feels good to you and take it at your own pace.

    Thanks- yes, he is very self centered and selfish. Sadly, after all these years, I am very indifferent towards anniversaries too. Too many years of it.

    Time to go walk the wetlands- Weather should be just right, praying for a nice breeze like yesterday.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 5min 19sec, 96elev, 2.88ap, 79ahr, 91mhr, 6.05mi= 550c
    Strava app = 733c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats - 38.38min, 122aw, 1237elev, 8.0amph, 105ahr, 133mhr, 5.04mi= 236c
    Strava app= 261c
    Zwift stats- 37.43min, 1239elev, 121aw, 54arpm, 8.02amph, 5.04mi= 261c

    Total cal 786
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    edited September 20
    Good Morning! Two days ago, I had a lot of labs drawn. A young lady asked me if I was having a great morning. I told her that I spent it in the clinic, but I was having a great morning nonetheless. She asked why, and I told her it was because I woke up. I had a great week because I got to do the exercises I love. It is such an empowering feeling. Heather smiling at the beach made my week. As far as organizing, I threw away quite a bit. I threw away the cover-up I wore to the pool when I was done. It had bleach stains, and it was way too big.
    Machka, as far as the kitchen, I threw away a lot. I have a lot more to do. Next week, I will focus on that and my bedroom. I want to pack up what I want to keep that I am not using, but everyone is coming home for Christmas, so I will have to wait. I need the kitchen re-hauled; I asked DH if we want to redo the kitchen before selling. I know we have a plumbing issue as well. Until then, I must move things out of the damaged cabinets. So, for now, I will try to organize my kitchen office cabinet, pack those things up, and move stuff in there. Maybe some things in the pantry can get thrown out or boxed for the yard sale for now.

    Lisa, your quilt fabric looks like a store display. You are working pretty hard, and it has paid off. I can't believe how much energy you have. You even mowed the lawn.

    Barbara, Mooch is a powerhouse. Rose hunts for birds, and I have to save them. One year, she had a vast collection of turtles, and I had to save them, too. She even hunts lizards. I take her to people's houses who have a great fear of getting out of the house. Rose may try, but I have never seen her catch a squirrel.
    Rita, the food looks excellent, and it is working.

    Annie, I am with Carol. I want to see the red hair, too, and I am curious about how long it lasts.

    Carol, I wish my therapist Rachel could work with you. She makes sure you are okay and does therapy in the pool to decrease stress on your joints. I would listen to your body and look up the kind of therapy you need. I did, and it worked with my hand. Let them know it isn't working for you and causing more discomfort than helping.

    Tracy, you have wonderful children who appreciate you. What a blessing.

    Pip, I will donate more because I believe in the cause, and you deserve Jersey!

    Heather, your walk reminds me of going to the mall to walk. I ended up shopping after it opened, so it was expensive for me too. This is good for you. You are getting out and making memories.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. If work isn't too busy, I will try to keep up here and there. Until then, ladies, stay safe.

    That is sweet of you to say, you don’t have to donate anymore. I think I deserve it too, lololol but hopefully I will get more $$ coming in.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Today was an egg salad sandwich, with fridge pickled English cucumbers. Then dinner was bbq pork fried rice for eldest son.💖. I had a bowl. I didn't really pay attention to fasting today. I can always get back more into my rhythm when he goes toward the end of this month. On the 2nd I will be watching my cousin's dog, and I am kind of nervous. It will be fine though. I will shore up my eating to tight 2 hour windows, drink a lot of water and just chill with a 12 yr old dog, that I hopefully will take to my sunny disposition.😁💖. Plus do a lot of reading and maybe some watercolor painting. 👍🏼
    Have a good weekend ladies!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited September 21
    Thank you Lisa for reminding us of that poem. I love the bit about everyone having a story, even the dull and the ignorant. We can never know what is going on for people, and the whys and wherefores of their behaviour. It is so deep. Nor can we change them. We can love them, and sympathise, but we don't have to spend our precious energy trying to change them, or even staying for long in their proximity.
    My new book is about the unfolding of the universe and the miracle of us. Each of us.

    This morning I woke up at 5.30 and managed over half an hour of exercises in bed and upright. I do wall pushups at the moment.
    I don't usually write at weekends, but may transfer the recent paragraphs I have emailed to myself into a Word document entitled, 'What If ... Rough'. :p I'm using a very primitive app for my initial jottings, which operates in my mind like a very rough scribble draft in the old days, but it doesn't upload to any cloud. So I 'Copy' and 'Paste' it into an email to myself. Madness, I know, but it works for me, as I find the temporary look of the app less intimidating than Word. Anything to get myself to the page.
    I find myself channelling Cas, 'It only has to be 5 minutes! Just 5 words! Anyone can do 5 words!' Of course, it ends up as 450 words and 40 minutes, but the important thing is to get there. Like exercise, or decluttering, or art, or sex - anything worth doing has an element of resistance, because you know you are going to be getting into a flow state of surrender.

    We had a bit of rain overnight, but I think the heavy rain forecast isn't going to get as far east as us today. Blue skies at the moment.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Apparently, there was a big thunderstorm last night, which I slept through, with my earplugs! :o
    It is now raining. Properly raining. :|

    We've got Scotch Eggs for lunch, with mixed salad, and I'm making Lamb and fresh spinach and potato curry for dinner. John bought two big bags of spinach on Thursday. I have neck fillet of lamb.

    Had a lovely shower this morning and washed my hair. Feeling good.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,232 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Lanette so sorry you are sick. But it sounds like you are taking good care of yourself. Hope it flies by quickly!

    Lisa thank you for sharing that poem. I like the Invictus, too. It makes my troubles seem trivial.

    Barbara I love my car, too! Big enough to see out, but small enough to park. Just perfect, and exactly what I'm used to!

    Carol yes PT on your own sounds better. Hope it goes well, you have been struggling with that for some time.

    Vicki Yay for the new person working out!

    Heather Yay for walking! And yes, I always find obstacles to writing. My next story is almost all dialogue, so I couldn't possibly proceed until I know exactly how to punctuate it. One character announced a talk given by another character, so I think the name of the talk goes in single quotes, or is it underlined? Or maybe I should just use exclamation points everywhere like I do online!!!!!

    And then there is the whole issue of charging the laptop and working where my Dad won't see it. Challenge after challenge! Lol. Maybe I will write this afternoon.

    We are going walking this morning, despite my little foot issues. It's been a week off, so I should be fine.

    Have a great day, my friends! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware