
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,875 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,818 Member
    Definitely stretched my shoulders out very well: https://youtube.com/shorts/cGipuFPH6bE?si=eP7TySBjlf2zESH9
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,111 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,489 Member
    going with an old-fashioned agitator top-loader.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    That's what we did! Our first (and possibly second) washer(s) were front loaders. When it/they died, we went for a plain ordinary top-loader. (Can't remember if we had 1 or 2 front loaders ... all I remember is that it or they didn't last long).

    Rhody doesn't like cat-specific beds either.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,000 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,489 Member
    We are having a flu clinic at work coming up soon. I’ll have to decide if I want to get one or not. Covid is only offered to the residents now, not the staff.
    Great news for your brother.

    Off to bed, I overdid it a bit today.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    We were supposed to get our flu shot in April and our 6th (I think, or maybe 7th) COVID vax in May. Got the April flu shot done, partly because they herd all the staff to the department vaccination centres. But because of how busy we were with the move, we didn't get the COVID vax done till toward the end of July. Just in the nick of time for our train trip!

    I imagine Australia will continue to offer COVID vaccinations as an annual thing for the foreseeable future. I don't imagine they'll stop any time soon.

    Nice sofa!!

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,489 Member
    More Indian Pacific Train Adventure photos ...


    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,626 Member
    Lovely sofa, Tracey! Your living room looks great.

    John enjoyed his cricket yesterday. Despite having to wait ages for them to start. He chatted to a young man who was a musician, and an older man who had travelled quite a way to watch. John said he felt he had to 'put himself about a bit' as he is going to join the club next season. :p He walked both ways - a good, brisk, half hour each way.

    My pasta dish was pleasant, but I shan't be rushing to do it again. Quite a bit of work.

    I woke up early and did more than half an hour's physio exercises. I will have a short go on the recumbent bike after breakfast.
    Also ordered some 'Tête a Tête' daffodils for the large pot outside our dining room window. They have been amazing the last two springs. :D Last year I only used the saved bulbs from the year before, but I am ordering new for this year, as the ones I saved are a bit pathetic.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,818 Member
    edited September 29
    Good morning, my chicks, up too early this morning, but then, it's according to how you define "early," you know? Slept well, and that seems to be what matters most.

    That said, it lets me head off to Walmart at first light this morning, as I need to return the iron I bought. Far too heavy, and with how things are set up now, a retractable cord is in order. Ordered the replacement, which should be in tomorrow and put the online return process in motion for this one. Now all I have to do is drop it at the store. Plus I want to pick up a few bits and bobs I can only get there at Walmart, like light string cheese. It doesn't actually have much flavor - it's the way you eat it that makes me happy. You must slowwwwlllly take each string off and eat them that way. My husband, the barbarian, just eats it in three bites.🤷🏻‍♀️👀😂

    Drove into town yesterday with Corey to pick up another half-pallet of sod (pads of overgrown grass, basically) from work. They tend to over-order for the landscaping work they do, and the extras just sit there and rot right back down to the soil. After they've gone past the usable stage for pretty landscaping, he'll bring a bunch of it home to cover the spots in our yard that have gone bare. This time, he laid them down in the space where we had the big tree cut down this last year, which needed a lot of help. While we were at it, we stopped and got most of the groceries at a store in town, and got my washer ordered - should be here Tuesday, fingers crossed. I'm figuring the odds are about 60-40 that it will get here that day.

    The end of September will be here in just a moment, it seems, and the year is hurtling toward winter. I don't know about your bones, but mine are definitely feeling it - the right foot feels like the top bones are grinding together with each step in the mornings. Possibly the yoga is irritating it. It will pass. Reminds me to take my pain meds for arthritis every morning, though!

    Tracey - Love the new furniture, it's wonderful when something you've waited on ends up fulfilling your expectations. And yes, enabling is a good word for the ideas we throw back and forth... That's OK, I'm halfway through that accordion wallet build and stalled. The easy ways don't work for it, so I'm back to square one. No worries, it will all go right in the end.

    Machka - Our current top-loader has lasted me six years - we had to really think hard yesterday to remember where we were when we got it! 🤔 I still think it's 8 years old, Corey thinks it's 6. In American appliances these days, something that gets hard use is doing well to last six or eight years, it seems. Designed and planned obsolescence, in the end, is part and parcel of the market. Technically illegal, but hard to prove.

    Egg just came running by, after hearing her come blowing through her kitty door at high speed as well. I'm hoping it's just because she decided she's hungry, rather than having brought something alive into the house. Not up for a mouse hunt this morning. She had a little one in her clutches in the yard yesterday, and I surprised her and the mouse. The mouse bolted to safety, so hopefully survived.

    Better go check,
    Happy Sunday, my chickens, past present or future,
    Lisa in AR
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,603 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Rita - I wanted to comment on your 3 mile walks - good for you! You have such nice walking areas there as I recall, with good foot paths - no dodging traffic, loose dogs, etc.

    Tracey - awesome sofa set, and perfect color. Your living room looks so cozy. <3

    I've started working on my 2025 budget, and it looks like costs on everything (Medicare premiums, other insurances, electricity, food, etc.) will be skyrocketing. I'm so grateful I have enough income to cover my needs. And I'm grateful I've had jobs where I worked with budgets in the past so this process isn't too daunting. My DH used to wonder why I spent so much time working on our home budget over the years - I told him I'm trying to eliminate surprises. (And funnel extra $$ into a secret emergency fund to deal with surprises that inevitably come up - I didn't tell him that part. :p )

    I'm shopping for a small pocket-sized 2024-2025 monthly planner with a plastic cover. I've been getting them at Walmart throughout the years but don't see any there yet. Amazon has some, but I'd rather not buy it online if I don't have to.

    I'm anxious to hear from Michele. I saw some videos of a bridge being washed out somewhere in N. Carolina, and I think her area was hit with flooding.

    I'll be heading out in the dark to early morning shop in about an hour.

    Weekly Check-In Reminder to those of you participating this week - please send me your info no later than noon tomorrow. Thank you!!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,712 Member
    Heather - I hope you have good weather for a while so you are pain free.
    We are having a flu clinic at work coming up soon. I’ll have to decide if I want to get one or not. Covid is only offered to the residents now, not the staff.
    Great news for your brother.

    Barbara - are you starting to enjoy the decluttering? You’re doing amazing at it. It feels so good when it’s done.

    Lisa - I’ll try not to give any ideas, you just keep unlocking memories and ideas for me. 😂 it’s probably best that we don’t live near each other. We would be enablers.
    I hope you find a sale on washers and get exactly what you want.

    Lanette - Our rotisserie chickens are $10.97, they don’t lower the price for chilled.
    I don’t know if it’s a brand available in the States or if it’s just Canadian, but I love my Heritage Rock set. I have pots, the pans and an electric griddle. My griddle’s thermostat went and I’m struggling to find a new one but I keep trying.

    Rebecca - how are you feeling today after the donation mishap?

    I have very slowly been paying for this couch on a layaway plan. I got it paid off and delivered today. I have been dreaming of this set up for 4 or 5 years. I’m so happy to have it. We only had comfortable sitting for three and now can fit 7 and with the little stools readily available 9. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving now.

    I’m keeping my recliner in case I can’t sit on this for an evening, it’s quite firm so I should be able to.
    We ordered some lights to put in behind the tv. Rodger has been wanting it, and I never thought I would like it until I babysat at a house that had them in February.

    Off to bed, I overdid it a bit today.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    I was feeling fragile on Friday, but by Saturday all was fine. I was not a smart cookie donating while fasted, and I will know never to do that again. I plan on donating again in December so as not to shy away from it. As long as I do my part, all will be well.👍🏼🙏💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,712 Member
    This morning up at 5:30 am, son leaves today. I am numb but will crumble after I have to say our see ya laters. It will be a couple years until I get to hug my big loving gentle giant of a son.
    "All will be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be exceedingly well".
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,111 Member
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, Beautiful ladies,
    I have one more night to work; unfortunately, I will be in charge tonight. :# Yes, Lisa, fall is here, and the little ones are coming in with fevers, coughs, and asthma attacks. Machka, thank you for your inspirational post. I will take a picture of them. Sleep is so important. So, I am going to bed; hopefully, Rose will let me sleep. I let her stay outside yesterday so I could sleep. Annie, I loved that book by Emily Henry. I love her books. They are so good. I am reading two books, Romantic Comedy and Seven Year Slip. Kristin Hannah is great, too. I am holding off reading her newest book, Women. The next time I am off, I think of going to Hobby Lobby to start a project after my doctor's appointments. I swear, my days off are filled with visiting different doctors. This October, I better plan on getting pics of my girls to check for breast cancer. I wouldn't say I like Mammograms. Annie, just be yourself and hold your head up high. You are fun and very interesting; if your friends don't see it, it is their loss. Something must be wrong with them. You are a wonderful, loving, and patient daughter. Trust me, I know I have dealt with my mom living with us for fourteen years. My son was resentful of it. Anyway, I am going to bed, so I will not be a grumpy charge nurse.
    Mo in Mississippi