women 40+ would like to share progress



  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Woo hoo! Hope you have a splendid time on your CRUISE, Missou!!!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    For the most part today was a great day! I think I fell in love with excercise again!!! All day today I have had the energy and stamina that I needed! I did take a short nap this afternoon knowing that today and tomorrow are serious food packing and giveaway days at a Mission that we volunteer at. Today we did over 1000 bags and tomorrow it will be even more.

    Don't you hate it though when you reach for food instead of a drink? That was my one mistake today. I knew that pizza would be part of the day and planned accordingly. I did great until that 3rd piece of pizza (they were cut small)...I should have had water but instead took another piece! UGH! I am really only over by 38 calories but still!!!

    Hope you all had a great one, too!

    PS...I keep thinking about horseback riding!!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I am not very proud of myself... I didn't do any exercises yesterday... But I spent 6 hours on the road and did not eat all that much. This morning, I am at 157!!! That is the good part of it all :wink:

    Today, my youngest is going for her driving test... Watch out everyone :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I hope you all have a great day !!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone - it looks like everyone is doing well and has good plans for Thanksgiving. I am glad mine is over. We celebrated over the weekend. I tried but was 1000 calories over Friday - didn't bother to count Sat and was even for Sunday. Even with the extra exercises there was just too much great food. I wish everyone the best of luck.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Just a quick Hello to all and wishes for a Thanksgiving full of gratitude for the many blessings we enjoy!

    I am heading out to do our Thanksgiving shopping. Having the married daughters changes things! This time we stay home with the sons-in-law not being able to take days off for travel to family in MI. I'm looking forward to it! Especially since we are getting together with one of the in-law families. The Pa-in-law happen to have hobbies of wine making and gourmet cooking. (Count them, 3 - THREE types of stuffing on the menu!!) I'm making the traditional items... green bean casserole, corn, etc. I did find what looks like a great recipe for twice baked sweet potatoes They even look heathy - made with egg whites and only a bit of brown sugar, oh and of course some butter!

    Have committed to exercise before I go shop and of course laundry after that! OH.. the horseback riding! Pleasantly suprised to see the calorie value for that!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!!!:happy:
    I haven't been on in a few days...having a bit of a set-back:explode: , do any of you just get tired? Tired of trying to do all the right things to get the perfect combination to see results?!?! I guess I just got tired.:mad: :sad: . I stopped tracking calories for a few days:frown: , but I didn't eat any different, so I hope I'm ok, I backed off on the intensity of my exercise program and instead did some fun types of exersice, walking my favorite pal, Bella instead of the elliptical, belly dance instead of thousands of push-ups with p90x, gentle stretches instead of 90 minutes of yoga. I hope I am doing enough...I just needed a break. I have been working my tail off this year, I started in January and have only taken a handful of days off and in total I have lost and kept off around 32 pounds...that doesn't sound llike much to me and I don't know I guess with the stress of the holidays I just have been feeling a little blue and tired.:ohwell:
    Reading your post has helped, I will track my food again, starting now and I might want to get in a few more intense exercise sessions before the weekend hits.......
    Have a super weekend everyone, my oldest is coming here with the 2 young grand-kids, it will just be my 3 babies and 2 granbabies plus DH and SIL, small and cozy dinner:smile: ...I am going to run into town today and rent some wii games to try, I thought that might be fun for everyone, it might be to cold here for a walk but if we can fit it in....I'm going to have everyone go with me:happy:
    Stay safe everyone!

    DD, glad your back in the gym and feeling better!
    Dominique...so sorry I missed saying good bye, you lucky girl...so happy for you,
    Happy Anniversary!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Boo-Boo, I'm the one that is always requested to do the cooking too, I feel it's a mixed blessing too, I mean, I do feel happiness in knowing that I am giving comfort with the things I make/bake, etc...but sometimes I just feel like...."Man, can we focus on something else besides FOOD, FOOD, FOOD!:mad: " and then I am fighting myself the whole time not to take "test bites":embarassed: I have had success with chewing gum while cooking, it does help
    Pinbot, love your positive attitude, I have been beating myself up, but you make me feel like it is ok.
    Snowflakes....not sure if I said Great Job on your 15 pound loss....but GREAT JOB:flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy: !!!!! Your doing great!
    Hoosiermomma, My oldest worked and rode horses for years and it really kept her trim, that takes work managing those big animals! I'm scared to death of them, your sweet potatos sound yummy, I'm the only one that likes them here.
    I need to get off of here and I think today I'll do an older firm video!
    sorry so long winded this a.m.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    makeitallsue: Wow 32 pounds in a year! whoo whoo. That is terrific. I often think why didn't I get serious about this sooner... But I can't change that so we will move forward from today. I am sorry you felt burned out but you are not alone in this. I think we ALL get tired and discouraged from time to time. One difference I have noticed between us is you really do intense training. Whereas I tend to do light to moderate cardio and strengthening. Things that I feel I will continue through maintenance, the rest of my life. This is becoming a lifestyle change for me, slowly. I am losing 1 - 1.4 pounds a week. I can't remember do you have a weekly or monthly goal? Not that it matters. But you will find a combination that works for you. I use the carbs and fat etc. only as a guideline or I would make myself crazy. You are doing great. Look how far you have come. When we get stressed it is easy to lose perspective. Enjoy your family, enjoy the process, enjoy your celebration of the holidays. 2010 is just around the corner and we will make our goal weight.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Snowflakes, Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and yet on such a busy day!
    I agree my training has been pretty intense the last 11 weeks, I just hit this stand still where I didn't even lose 1 pound from April thru Septemeber, 5 long months and I didn't lose a pound. I had really cleaned up my eating early in the year so I didn't think it was that, so I thought maybe I was doing the same exercises and that's why I hit a stand still, so I started running and then I seen p90x. I'll be honest, it is a lot of strength training, but I was hoping my DH would like it and we could do it together. He did like it and stuck with it the first 5 weeks, but work and overtime really didn't leave him much time, (he's skin and bones and eats everything in site...so he was more just doing it to support me), I don't know why, but I just got really tired of working out and not seeing the scale move! I thought maybe I was building muscle...but geez, I need to lose the weight too, I hate being over 200.
    I had a weekly goal of 1 pound a week, but I was quickly getting discouraged, so I took the advise of a gal here and decided I would go every 2 weeks instead, but that puts me with weigh in this Friday and since it is right after the holiday and I had such a bad start this week I'm thinking I should go another 2 weeks and then weigh in.

    Thanks so much for the encouragement, I really was feeling so blue....so not like me. I did work out today... to an old favorite, the Firm VOl #3 with Sandahl Bergman, have you ever heard of it? I worked out with this video back in the early 90's along with a stationary bike and I took off 73 pounds, kept it off for 2 years, then had baby number 2 and put it back on. I know these struggles are what makes me ....me, I just need to embrace it. Thanks again for having take me take a look at 32 pounds gone for good! That is something to be proud of and I can do 40 push-ups in a minute and I can run 3 miles in 30 minutes and back in January....I could not do either of those things.... and I am 43 years old! :)
    You have a super holiday!!!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sue, you didn't miss me, I'll be leaving home in 4 hours for Burlington. From there, I'll fly to sunny Barbados with a stop in JFK.

    Take care everyone and I'll use the stairs on the ship just for you :wink: :tongue:

    See you all on December 14th!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone - enjoy today, give your family extra hugs and dont worry too much about the food.

    Here is my advice based on Celebrating last weekend - enjoy yourself and don't worry too much about the calories. Shoot for a goal of staying even for the week so that if you eat 3500 calories (1 pound) over you will be even for the week - that is a lot of extra calories in one day. Don't panic like I did when the scale shows a huge gain the first few days after Thanksgiving - it is most likely water weight from the added salt in foods you ate. It has taken 4 days of returning to normal eating for this to come off. I really could have used my own advice Monday Morning :blushing: I am happy to have maintained and not gained after all of the great food.

    Missou - enjoy your cruise and we will see you next month.

    Makeitallsue - 32 pounds is fantastic - WOW - and you have maintained it for quite awhile. Go to the grocery store and look at 3 10 pound bags of potatoes - you have lost that much weight - where did it used to sit on your body... You are my role model. I can barely jog for 3 min without a rest and you can go 30 min. I will get there with the c25k training. I have only been on this journey for 9 weeks. Thinking of maintaining starts to overwhelm me - but this is a lifestyle change - I can never go back to eating/drinking like I was. Maybe you could weigh-in this morning (1 day early and avoid the holiday food problem)... I am glad you're taking it easy this week. Life is too short to stress out too much over numbers - I bet if you took time to write down about the positive things that have happened since April you would be surprised. In the 9 weeks I have been here - I have sooooo much more energy, feel more confident, am happier, am standing straighter, am in less pain, am spending more time with my mother, my clothes fit better, and I feel prettier.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    - I bet if you took time to write down about the positive things that have happened since April you would be surprised. In the 9 weeks I have been here - I have sooooo much more energy, feel more confident, am happier, am standing straighter, am in less pain, am spending more time with my mother, my clothes fit better, and I feel prettier.

    Pinbotchick, You are so right, I did exactly as you suggested, starting with some of the same reasons that you have mentioned, there are a lot more positive things that I can add to a list since I have lost the weight.....I'm not sure what happened earlier this week, guess I was feeling sorry for myself. I did great yesterday, i got up did my stretches and elliptical and I ate what I wanted and even after I added all things up I came under with my calories....I'm sure the salt in the ham will effect the scale a little..but my month;y friend showed up, so I'm not weighing in until next Friday, and maybe I'll get a surprise.....:happy: , I'm not giving up...I've came to far....thanks for the reminder, and again I love your positive outlook!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    About the running, you can do it!!!!!!...I was amazed at how fast my body responded, each time I ran I could go a little longer and I hated it at first, now...I love it, I'll take my dog and we run the country lap, I did my first 5k back in September and it was very emotional for me that day.....I finished!!!:happy: Keep me posted, would love to hear how your doing, have you started your program?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    makeitallsue - I have been working on slowly on the c25k program. I got up to week 3 and was doing well with it when a friend near me want to do it too, so I started over at week 1. Unfortunately, the friend got the flu and hasn't been able to do it for 2 weeks. I am in a holding mode on week 2. I don't want to get too far ahead of her but I don't want to stay here. I guess I will go on without her if she cant restart soon. The next 5k in our area is April. Did I read somewhere that you are in Indiana? Are there any 5Ks near Fort Wayne in Feb or March? I have an aunt there I could visit. I will keep you posted on my progress.
  • charlo2010
    Hi pinbotchick and makeitallsue! New to the site and liking it already. Just wanted to add my two cents of encouragement about running. I just did a Turkey Trot (5k) on Thursday - my FIRST EVER! didn't really train for it, but I have been going to the gym consistently for about 2 months. Even though I had to walk at times, I completed it all under 45 minutes! Not the greatest time ever, but HEY! Anyway, the point is, keep it up ~ you can do it!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ladies:

    charlo2010: welcome. Good job of your first 5K. I baby my knees I don't know if my knees will ever take that kind of impact.

    It has been a wonderful couple of days having everybody home. My weekly weigh in was today and the scales says I am down three pounds. I hesitantly reported that because I know that it is not 3 pounds of fat. I am set up to loose up to 1.5 pounds a week with calories and exercise. It will be interesting to see what scales do the next week or so.

    Have a good evening:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    The next 5k in our area is April. Did I read somewhere that you are in Indiana? Are there any 5Ks near Fort Wayne in Feb or March? I have an aunt there I could visit. I will keep you posted on my progress.

    Pinbotchick, I don't know for sure about future races, I will look into it and get back with you....that would be so much fun. I am from Columbia City, Fort Wayne is about 25 minutes East from here, my oldest daughter lives there. We just had the first in our area marathon on November 12. (the veterans marathon) It was really exciting, the route they ran was right out by our house, i watched them that day as they came down our road, it was mile marker 18-19 by the time they made it out here....I watched them in total awe....I can't even imagine running that long, but they are coming back next year and I told myself I would love to try the half-marathon, it would be in November again....today I bought myself a new pair of running shoes....I'm hoping to wear them out!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi pinbotchick and makeitallsue! New to the site and liking it already. Just wanted to add my two cents of encouragement about running. I just did a Turkey Trot (5k) on Thursday - my FIRST EVER! didn't really train for it, but I have been going to the gym consistently for about 2 months. Even though I had to walk at times, I completed it all under 45 minutes! Not the greatest time ever, but HEY! Anyway, the point is, keep it up ~ you can do it!

    Welcome Charlo2010,
    Super news about that 5k! That is great and something to build from, what a great idea ( to run in stead of stuff)...it was pretty cold here yesterday, was it warm where you ran? I haven't ran in the cold, it's been pretty nice here and the coldest I've tried it has been about 50 degrees, I'm such a wimp with the cold...I'm worried about that, I have really enjoyed running and winter is setting in on me, I'm going to try my hardest to try to at least get out and run once a week as it gets colder, I'm just going to pick the nicest day of the week for my run. Good Luck!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    It has been a wonderful couple of days having everybody home. My weekly weigh in was today and the scales says I am down three pounds. I hesitantly reported that because I know that it is not 3 pounds of fat. I am set up to loose up to 1.5 pounds a week with calories and exercise. It will be interesting to see what scales do the next week or so.

    Have a good evening:flowerforyou:
    Wow, Snowflakes, you are doing so great! Your going to be hitting that next 15 pretty quick at this rate! Congrats!:bigsmile:
  • amcmamcm
    With Thanksgiving behind us, let's concentrate on our new goals for Christmas or New Year. I lost my first 10 lbs on MFP easily and I have set a goal of reaching 150lbs by Christmas. That is only 5 lbs, but I am sure that this next 5 lbs are going to be harder to loose. Also 150 lbs will bring me to a healthy BMI, and I do not remember last time that I was not overweight! I have been as much as 30-40 lbs overweight, so this last 5 lbs are going to be really important for me.

    DD, I am happy that you are back in the gym and feeling better.

    Boo-Boo, I also did the cooking, and cooked most everything low fat. This Thanksgiving, my daughter, who is in college, could not make it home, so we decided to go visit her. It was only the 4 of us (husband, daughter, son and me) so it was easier not to overeat. The special thing was that we were together not the food.

    Hoosiermomma, riding horses sounds like a lot of fun.

    makeitallsue over 30 lbs is such an accomplishment! I know that you must feel great. When you feel down think of all the things that you can now do. What is your goal for Christmas or new year? Since you are doing so much exercise, and probably gaining some muscle, you can set an exercise goal instead of a pound lost goal, that way you do not get discouraged. I wish i were as disciplined as you with the exercising...

    Missou I hope you are having a wonderful time!

    pinbotchick I walk every day with my neighbor. But if she cannot walk with me, I use the treadmill. If your friend cannot exercise with you and you do not want to get ahead, just do some different form of exercise for that day.

    charlo2010 Welcome!

    snowflakes congratulations on the 3 lbs and good luck with this week!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!

    Hope all of you are happy with yourselves following your Thanksgiving feasts. We had 17 at the table and had awesome food. 1 plate for me and more of the lean choices. The twice baked sweet potatoes turned out awesomre. I'm still enjoying those! Plenty of wine and about 1 slice pie with samplings I enjoyed.

    I weighed myself the day before Thnksgvg and will check my progress again next Friday. This is the first week in awhile that I did get 4 REAL exercise sessions in! Working to keep THAT up! :tongue: The weight went back down so I am working to keep heading in the right direction.

    We are headed up to Mi. for an engagement party tonight.. The parties continue! :drinker: Fortunately I enjoy talking so much. That will slow me down in the eating department! :laugh:

    This morning I was able to run 1 1/2 miles on the treadmill! :tongue: That is a pretty big deal for me! Altogether I ran 2.5 miles! I would like to be able to run an entire 5K. So I will keep working!

    Enjoy a relaxing weekend All!!

  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    Wow what a great way to think about talking! I've always been a talker and never thought of it as an asset before, but now I can say it's all part of my new diet strategy! Thanks Hoosiermomma, us talking momma's gotta stick together!