Auto-convert between basic units
Often, when searching the food database, I find an item that matches what I need but does not support the units I'm familiar with (I may use grams, but the entry uses ounces, or fluid ounces instead of ml). Or it has the right unit, but only in a multiple (e.g. 100g but no 1g). Sometimes this goes as far as only having an…
Weekly Total
This is primarily a feature for those in maintenance, but would work for those actively trying to lose also. For those that don't necessarily stick to a specific amount of calories each day, on the "Food Diary" page, if there was a field that displayed the planned weekly calorie goal. For instance, I eat 1200 calories/day.…
Don't shift text when add appears
One thing that is very annoying is when I try to enter something in one of the logs. I click on something but the text shifts due to an advertisement causing the shift and then I end up clicking on the wrong thing. This happens a lot since it takes a long time for the advertisements to show up. This can be easily fixed.
Combined Report: Weekly Cals vs Weight Loss
I've been losing weight since August 2020. Usually slowly and steadily but not always. I thought it would be helpful to see a graph that shows my calories consumed as well as my weight lost. That would help me assess where I've been most successful - maybe even see the "sweet spot" of caloric intake for my personal self to…
Ditch New Logging Format
The new format of a selected food item immediately being added (instead of being able to review the entire checked foods list for a meal before the list is added) is very inconvenient. Too frequently multiples are added unintentionally. Please go back to the method of being able to review first before the meal or snack is…
Option to "check" (✅) individual foods and whole meals after consuming them.
I always preplan what I will eat the day before. I love doing that, but it can be confusing at times to remember what I actually ate and didn't eat yet (especially after studying and such.. I'm very dizzy). I'd like an option to check/tick (✅) a logged food, to indicate that I actually ate it, and an option to check/tick…
Hello, is it possible to mark food off as eaten throughout the day, i bulk add my meals and prep on a Sunday but it would be nice to be able to mark foods off as consumed ie I ‘budget’ for four cups of tea a day but they come at irregular hours so to mark them off as drank would be good, if possible and also the times at…
Add GymBook trainings for trainings
Hello, today i discovered that trainings of Zwift in the Health-App are automatically included in the MyFitnessPal-App. Can you please add the weight-trainings of the "GymBook"-App (which are already showing up in the Health-app)? Kind regards, nordx
“Complete your macros” function
This would be amazing - hear me out…. It’s the end of the day, you have had all your meals and you see you have (for example) 210g carbs, 0 fat, and 12g protein left to eat to fulfill your daily goal for macros. But you have no idea what to eat to get there. Well, MyFitnessPal has an obsurd database that you could use to…
Let Night Shift Users Post Our Food/Exercise Diary in the Morning! **PLEASE READ**
PLEASE add a feature to the food and exercise diary so users who work at night or the overnight shift can post our food and exercise diaries to our newsfeeds! The diary will only post a short while after midnight. Some of us are at work late at night (doctors, nurses and other medical personnel, police and ambulance,…
Show post HH:MM time beyond current day
Replies on prior days do not display the time posted. Please extend the display of HH:MM along with the date to at least the most recent prior day. Granted, for items posted a week or more in the past, the hour and minute are not very useful. But it can be helpful to know the time for posts made in the prior day,…
Improved support for bariatric diets
I'm currently recovering from bariatric surgery and I'm finding there's a bit of a disconnect between what myfitnesspal wants to track, and what my nutritionist wants me to track. At this point I'm really only tracking protein and water and nothing else. Some individual features that would help: -Support water content of…
Deletion of Notifications
Please add the options to delete your notifications in bulk after reading them...takes forever to delete them one-by-one and they just annoy me sitting there...
Add Recipes to Recipes
Greetings, I would like to have the option to add existing recipes to new recipes. For example, when we have homemade meatloaf, I use the leftover meatloaf in a sandwich later in the week; so I'd like to add a measured amount of the meatloaf recipe I already have as an ingredient in my meatloaf sandwich recipe. Cheers
Closing out the day with less than 1200 calories
Please allow us to close out the day with less than 1200 calories. I calculated my TDEE, and because of my height( and probably age 🙃) my TDEE is low. I'm trying to stay in a 500 calorie deficit a day to loose a pound a week. That puts me at 1000 calories.
Time Tracking
I'm probably anal, but I'd like to see tracking what time of day food intake occurs. I think this would be helpful.
Create recipe from my foods
Currently the only way to add ingredients to a recipe is adding through the web or bulk. I’d like to see an option somewhere that allows me to use food items that I’ve created (in the My meals, recipes, and food section). This will save me time when creating my recipes as I won’t have to look through a long list of search…
Ability To Add Own Exercises & Photo Examples To Workout Routines
While I’m not a total exercise newbie, I have yet to memorize the names of every exercise I could possibly do and exactly how to perform them. I was ecstatic when I saw we now have the ability to build a workout routine (thank you MFP!), and I know some exercises have example videos on how to do them already, but that only…
Bring back my food selections by meal
The current version jumbles up all food selections such that if I select breakfast, the first selections at the top of the list is yesterdays dinner. I preferred the past version selection method where my breakfast foods come up when I do Breakfast selections, etc. thanks. John
Nutrition and Note buttons
It would be great if the two buttons could be anchored at the top, to avoid scrolling down all the time to find them. I choose my foods based on macros so I am always checking the levels using the nutrition button
Customise app navigation bar
It would be lovely if we could customise the navigation bar on the android app with the areas of the site we use the most. I never click into recipes or plans, but would be delighted if community and nutrition were more convenient to get to. I suspect other people have their own preferred buttons too.
Add sugar alcohols
Could you please add the grams of sugar alcohol so that net carbs are correct? It’s frustrating to have to keep up with that number because only fiber is currently being subtracted from the number of carbs.
Printable (or in app) shopping list
I apologize if there is already a thread, I did not find one searching. I would like to be able to plan out my entire week of meals and snacks, and then see everything including recipe ingredients in one consolidated list, so that I don't forget anything when I am grocery shopping for the week and I have all the right…
Hello, I have a healthy recipe blog and I would love to give the option to readers to scan a qr code to easily find my healthy recipes or combinations, or detailed heathy food entries. I cannot use barcodes because they are about selling products. It would be great if you add a button of qr codes when you can scan the qr…
Gousto or hello fresh integration
It would be great if there was a food box integration. Where it could sync up with the meals you had delivered that week from Gousto or HelloFresh. Also the breakdown of the items in it. Currently I’m just doing quick add and putting in the calories.
Easy way to add same items every day
Is there an easy way to add the same thing without having to do it every day? For example, I eat 1 banana,1 apple, and 1 orange every day and add this in the snacks section. Everyfay I have to add these items, is there any way to add these so it does it automatically rather than having to add the same items every day?
Ability to quick-add fiber amount along with other macros
Everyone is aware of how important fiber intake is to gut and overall health. I would take a guess and say that more and more people are tracking daily fiber intake (including younger people such as myself - being in my mid twenties). I would like the option of being able to add fiber amounts along with carbs, fat and…
Quickly add members from a group as friends
Could you make it possible to add all members from a private group as friends without having to add them all individually. Possibility to follow groups on feed
Just delete the user entered database of food, and put it out of its misery.
It is frustrating at best, and useless at worst. You can type in a product name, get 100 variations, and every single one of them is wrong. You find one that at least has the right calories, use that, and the macros are wrong. So then you end up manually entering your new variation of the food anyway, adding to the mess…
Default to Food Entry Area
Instead of 'requiring' us to click the mouse to the area where to tell the food you are looking for, default to that spot when you choose breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. It is a pain to always have to use your mouse to get there. And that is 'always' where you want to go when adding food.