Whole 30 recipes
I'm currently on a whole 30 (last day this Tuesday) but am hoping to carry on the eating idea through out. This is my 3rd round and I always feel amazing. Any whole 30 recipes that you use as a go to?
Healthy meals that a beginner can cook?
I cannot cook from fresh for the life of me,I was never really taught how to and when is ask for my mum to teach me , she'd get frustrated and shout at me if I didn't do something or I was asking for help so its put me off cooking. I can cook fry up and can follow instructions on frozen food but I've never cooked with…
Air Fryer
I recently purchased an air fryer. If you haven't tried using this for various frozen meals, you need to consider all you can do. Instead of microwaving things and your chicken looking pale, the air fryer does give a nice "crust" and browns the meat. No oil was necessary! You could probably spray some non-caloric sprays…
Dinners under 400 calories per serving??
Any ideas? I’ve looked on Pinterest and searched everywhere, only to come up with about 5 that I like, that are filling enough. I want to make a dinner calendar to have something different every week and cycle back through every month. Trying to keep meat out of my diet to lose weight.
Few ingredients, quick cheap meals?
I'm a pretty busy person and I dont have all the time to cook up a nice meal like you see on instagram, my general meals per day would be chicken breast and broccoli, yogurt and fruit, hard boiled eggs, and I'm trying to incorporate more veggies into my diet but it's kinda hard to when I have to cook them and I have no…
Healthy and CHEAP
I’m really trying to eat healthy and start my weight loss journey BUT I’m on a very tight budget feeding my family Please I need all the help and tips I can get p.s if any one knows how to coupon that would be great too
Dipping Sauces
Hey all! Looking for some low carb dipping sauce ideas for chicken and wraps. I found an awesome recipe for low carb sweet mustard sauce. I tweaked it a little and used lite mayo to cut the calories and fat. I would love to have a few more recipes in my pocket for dipping sauces if you have any. Here is the recipe…
Cannot Save New
Since the breech, I've not been able to save a new recipe. Site says there is a problem and to try later. I have been trying for several days.
Cheat Meal -Yummy Paleo Fried Chicken
I started with MFP almost a month ago and have so far lost 14 pounds on a 1200 calorie/day plant-based diet. Lately I have been craving to really sink my teeth into some fried chicken. I came up with this recipe tonight and was really happy with it and it got two thumbs up from my hubby as well. I’s not super low fat, but…
Protein muffin ideas?
Hi, does anyone have a recipe for chocolate chip muffins made with whey protein? I found some on the internet but wanted to see if an actual person has a recipe they made and can pass on to me. If not chocolate chip, any other kind with whey protein. Thanks so much!!
Sodium content in recipes
I am finding that the calculation of sodium per serving in many of my recipes is miscalculated. I cut down much of the salt used and yet it seems to cause my intake to be way over. Has anyone else found this.
Low carb breakfast burrito
1-2 eggs or 1-2 cup egg makers scrambled 2-3 slices turkey bacon or you may use breakfast sausage or turkey burger instead I add in .5 cup mushrooms and .5 cup onions sautéed with olive oil and garlic! Scramble together meat, eggs, veggies than top with 2 tbsp salsa and sprinkle with Mexican cheese! Today I added half of…
Packed lunches (vegetarian)
So I’ve got into a bit of a rut with my packed lunches, and I’m looking to shake things up from my current default of ‘Quorn cocktail sausages and crunchy vegetables’. Requirements: - Must be able to fit in a mid-sized lunchbox (two compartments) - Must be possible to prepare the previous night (cos I ain’t getting up any…
steamed vegetables / vegetable soup
We have a farmer's market nearby so I bought: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach, celery and cabbage. Cut it, sliced it a steamed it - first the more solid stuff, finally the spinach. Let it cool down and put individual portions into fridge and freezer. Ideal for a quick lunch with chicken etc.
Healthy chocolate recipes?
Hi. My name is Amymoreorless and I am a chocoholic. It has been 30 minutes since I last had a chocolate binge.... I tried keeping individual wrapped chocolate pieces in my desk at work with the intention of limiting myself to one a day. Alas, I am weak willed when it comes to chocolatey goodness. Seriously, I need some…
Has anyone any filling breakfasts they’d recommend? I really struggle to find a ‘healthy’ option that keeps me full up until lunch time
Picky eater and little time
Need high protein meals for a picky eater (me).
Diet drinks
Hey all. I am trying to lose weight by eating fewer carbs and sugars. People I know are always giving me diet advice, and although I know they mean well, they are themselves heavy most of the time. I realize that diet coke is probably not the healthiest choice, but considering that I am transitioning to a low carb sugar…
Study snacks
Hi! I am a student and finals are coming. I have 7 exams in less that 3 weeks, so lots of studying. I am a bored-snacker and a stress-snacker; my snaking habit is at an all time high during finals. I have tried cut up carrots, cheese strings, apple slices, and popcorn but none of those seems to help the snack craving. I am…
MFP blog lacking user recipe reviews?
MFP features a lot of online recipes, but where are the reviews from members who have made these dishes? Star ratings are not helpful. As someone who cooks, I've found online recipes to be hit or miss at best. Many times users have found mistakes and suggested helpful modifications. In this regard, MFP might want to model…
Is There A Way to Change the Servings of an Online Recipe?
When I go to add a recipe and paste in the URL, is there any way to change the servings? My example: I added a vegan eggplant Parmesan recipe and successfully changed two ingredients-flour to almond flour and Panko bread crumbs to two slices of Ezekiel bread crumbs. The online recipe that I imported said this makes 2…
Unable to Add Recipe
Is anyone else having trouble adding a new recipe? I've been trying to add the same recipe for two days. I go through the entire the process of adjusting the recipe then I get an error message when I try to save it. I track my carbs for health purposes so need to add the recipe to see how many carbs I'm eating. I would…
I cannot see the ingredients for the recipes I have saved. Anyone else have this problem?
250 calorie minimum... What foods can I eat to do this?
I'm highly curious. I do a makeshift version of the keto diet ( I don't diet) but... I'm thinking I can do something else for my cutting results... Any suggestions? advice? Im OPEN to all.
Amazing chicken
I made some great stuff. Just sliced breast into halves and marinated in italian dressing with fresh cut jalapenos and fresh cut oarnge slices. Grilled over propane. Amazing. Served with rice and roasted sweet potato. Try it out. Easy as it gets
Cannot log recipe item to meal
for the last few days I have been unable to save a recipe and today, I cannot add a recipe item to my meal. I am met with an error message. Am I the only one experiencing this?
Protein Bar Recipe
So I have been cruising through and trying to find a protein bar recipe that young kids might like. I need a sandwich type replacement for school lunches with no nut butters! We try to keep his protein and fat levels up, we fine his focus is much better when we watch this, however I'm finding this challenging with…
Using up chicken stock
My freezer is full of chicken stock. My go-to use is porcini risotto, but there is only so much of this one can eat. Any other ideas about how to use up chicken stock? Favourite soups? Other risotto ideas? What do you do with veloute sauce?
Help Creating Recipe
Hi I’ve added a few recipes but I find it frustrating you need to add number of servings. I don’t always know!! Is it possible to just create a recipe (let’s say it totals 1kg) and when I eat some I can say 175g and it’ll work that out? Thanks guys
Vintage Cocktail Party Success!
So about a month ago I asked the board for recipes for a vintage "Mad Men"-style cocktail party. Happy to report that we held it Saturday and it was a roaring success! We eventually had about 35 people...it started at 2pm and the last guest didn't leave until after midnight. My menu finally consisted of: COLD DISHES…