

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    I confess that one time I was shopping at a grocery store while I was in college & dropped a bunch of coins. As I was scurrying to pick up change I thanked someone for helping me to pick some of it up. It turns out it was me & I saw myself in a reflection & thought it was someone else. So embarrassing haha.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    Oh that is funny! Well, only because you have to deal with it and I don't. My husband spends way too much time home alone now that he's retired. He talks to himself constantly and when he's not talking he's whistling. He now does this out in public. Drives me nuts. Seriously??? Shhhhhh. It's like walking around in public singing. Can you please NOT call attention to us for no reason?

    Whistlers grate on my nerves! Especially if they're shrill.

    There's an old man who shops at my store who sings & it's adorable & hilarious all at the same time. The one day he went around singing The Star Spangled Banner. Now there's another old man that brings a piccolo in that sounds freaking awful! Makes me want to ram the piccolo down his throat.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    I talk to the self check out machines too... but usually it's to curse at them LOL.

    They're so annoying! I hate when you hit to not bag a heavy item & it constantly comes up for the attendant to help. At least at Wal-Mart you can load your bags as you go, but at Giant you have to leave all the bags on the stand.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Well, here I am, as usual, just finishing catching up while most of you are in bed.....

    I had a stressful day today with workish related things, and lot of strongly worded emails....

    I just ate an entire box of Laura Secord milk chocolate real butter shortbread cookies while reading this thread.....

    let's just say they did NOT fit into my calories....

    Good night all, can't wait to post 400 posts in a row by myself again tomorrow night, lol.

    Another thing I need to try!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So I'm doing the happy dance- I wore a pair of pants to work that although they say size 6, let's be real, they're vanity sized and I'm really more like a 10. But... I haven't been able to wear these pants since before I was pregnant with my 9 month old, so almost 2 years? 2 years? something like that.

    And I'm now down to 21.6 lbs til goal. I'm also 1.6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I was hoping to do the "9 months on, 9 months off" thing, but it's looking like it'll be closer to 9.5 months off. Oh well. What's important is that I'm doing it, right?

    I have a hard time with pants. I lost 160 lbs in 2008-early 2009 and kept it off even after my 1st pregnancy, then gained 20 lb back, got pregnant with my son and had 20 lbs left from that. So all together, I had 40 to lose. I still kept 75% of my weight loss off, so ok not too bad. But I honestly need a paniculectomy (spelling?) I have stomach skin that hangs badly and I have to tuck it into my underwear (I know, gross, sorry). I was waiting until I maintained my goal weight and was done having kids (we are) until I started saving for the surgery. Also, I checked into it- surgeons want you as low of a BMI as possible so they know they're just cutting skin, not all the fat/blood vessels underneath.
    So in the picture below, that's the weird lumpy thing around my hips- stoopid skin :( But I got cute orange pants on, so yayyy!


    You look great! And they may be vanity sized but honestly, you look like you could be a 6 in that picture! Congrats on your NSV!!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I haven't used the group at all since that first day I have a hard enough time keeping up here!

    Same here.

    Me neither. Keeping up with this has replaced so many other things as is ... I couldn't add another thread to save my life.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I'm in a 3 day seminar, just logged on to check the thread.

    603 new posts.

    In one day.

    I'll do my best to catch up!

    Was wondering what happened to you...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    (Kind-of) related to all the first-name-sharing: when I was like 13 I had a "girlfriend" on one of those sites like gaia online. But I was really paranoid so I made up a false name and mentioned all these details about my fake life so that she would never be able to find me in person. And then I was paranoid that she would anyway, so I faked my death. It was... weird.
    Ok, sorry, but I laughed.
    ETA: I laughed with you, not at you!

    I wasn't sure if I was supposed to laugh, but I did!

    I'm laughing at myself too.

    (Confession #2: More so because this is *still* my impulse. A guy was just flirting with me over facebook and I had to sit down and tell myself "no Absynthe. No deactivating your facebook and creating a fake account for a fake friend to notify him that you were in a car crash. Just drop hints that you're gay like a civilized human being.")

    That made me laugh. :p
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    i bought a big bag of snickers (6 regular size bar in one bag) thinking that i would eat only bit by bit each day..only to finish it all in one go, the very same day.. sob
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I do not ever reveal my name online because it is ridiculously unique (I'm serious; I was named after my mom's best friend from high school) and I'm paranoid that someone who knows me will see it and know it's me.
    Oh god, the idea of someone I know in real life recognizing me online scares me. I think I'd deactivate and remake if that happened here. :s

    Why? Don't most people have Facebook? I'm surprised I don't have stalkers or anything because I'm so lax about information about myself. It's a blessing and a curse I'm so naive and want to believe everyone is good! You'd think after working with juveniles, being a corrections officer, and now working in child support I'd be the exact opposite!
    My only experiences with Facebook come from a fake account I set up to get emails about movie screenings and trying to fix something for my parents. I'm a fairly quiet and reserved person outside the 'net. It's just weird to think of people used to that side of me more open.

    Ahh okay I see now! I'm the same here, there, everywhere haha Loud and I love to talk!

    I'm actually the only Sawsan Al-Hadhrami on Facebook (at least I was as of last year or so), so the whole world can find me. But I don't really care, because I share next to nothing online (except in this thread... I share way too much in this thread!) and so I just use my real name everywhere. I've got nothing to hide, at least nothing in what I share online!

    I facebook stalked you :p . Those cookies look AWESOME!

    I just did too, and they do! And I sent a friend request. :)

    This is scary. This thread is moving into real life? I wonder if I need therapy?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    I have 2 confessions.

    1. My HUGE naked *kitten* has hung in a public art gallery for the world to see. Worst thing is it was a self portrait lol

    2. I also write erotic fiction.

    Those are strong first contributions to this post. Well done! @asflatasapancake take note!!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession: My husband took off work early today and brought flowers to me at my office. I know it's a sweet thing to do, and everybody is oohing and ahhing over the flowers, but I really hate that he came to my office unannounced. Sometimes, I'm not a very nice wife. I will play happy and not say anything negative to him, though. He'll probably have fresh flowers at home, too. He brings me grocery store flowers regularly.

    Trying not to judge... :p I would probably pass out if my husband brought flowers to my office. I have him trained to send flowers on Valentine's Day, but he would never do it spontaneously.

    I had the same thought. I don't think anyone has ever sent me flowers at work. :(
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    GUYS, I JUST DID TWENTY PUSHUPS, IN. A. ROW!!! (Yep. I'm that excited about it. :D )

    Great job!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Wow, today has been busy in here. I can't even begin to keep up :). But my name is Shirley. I hate it. Who the heck names their kid Shirley :).

    My oldest daughter is Rachel, and although I can't admit this to my DH, she was named after the Friend's character. Both daughters have somewhat unusual middle names, Raven and Rain. No Shirleys, because I just couldn't do that to them :).

    And don't call me Shirley! :wink:

    I also named my daughter after Rachel Karen Green. However, we spelled it Rachael because my husband's name is Michael and I wanted to honor him in spelling her name similar to his. He absolutely knows that's where I got the name and she does too. She has a cousin named Raven. :smile:

  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol
    Questions (not judgement of course):

    1) do you mean you don't change out of those workout clothes for days or are you "airing" things out like some of these other ladies?

    2) For the ladies airing stuff out would it be just as easy to take those clothes in the bathroom+when you shower and leave them in a sink full of water and Woolite while you shower and the drain the sink while you dress and then hang them to dry for the same lenght of time they would have "aired out"?...without really costing you any more time if thats the issue?

    3) Is it the scented trash bag, and what do you do with the yellow drawstring tie it at your waist like sweats?

    4) What is the difference between, judgement, curiosity, "nosy" -ness, and concern?

    I put my workout clothes on hooks in my bedroom to air them out. Hand washing & wringing seems like wayyyyy too much work lol

    be careful of ringworm or tinea though.. i used to do this and got a ringworm infection (could be from the gym) of which i have to use both antifungal pills and cream for > 14 days! need to rewash all my clothes in hot water every day during that time to avoid reinfection.. sob.. too much hard works comes with that.. lessons learned though..
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I really love this thread. You guys have helped me through a pretty hard time, and I have seen you help so many other people through hard times as well. People on the internet can be awful, but they can also be great. Best thread ever.

    Same here. This thread has affected my life in many ways. All good ways, which is why I struggle so much to keep up. But I have to accept that I cannot. I have to balance it out with real life, but I'll be here for as long as this thread exists!

    Same for me too. I feel like I've really gotten to know some of you really well, especially when we did the real name thing. Several hundred pages back. I've learned a lot and am very grateful for all of you. Thanks for being so accepting and friendly. Never go away, okay?!

    Is it too late for me to get in on that and tell everyone my name? Because I was just a lurker back then... I was just wondering about that yesterday!

    Go for it. I was just a lurker then too. My name is Jody :)

    Ooh, yay! I'm Sawsan. :) It's an Arabic name, and sounds nothing like Suzanne, which is what every non-Arab seems to call me. -_- It sounds like So-Sen (With a sssss sound, like in snake) and it means lily flower.

    Can you tell that I was totally looking forward to sharing all that? :o

    That is a beautiful name! I've got what has to be the most popular 90s kid name ever lol. One of the many reasons my kid has a relatively uncommon (but not "out there") name lol.

    I hated my name so much and how popular it was that I gave my kids "European sounding" names- Aleksandar and Leonid. (they go by Aleks and Leo, though, which is about as common as you can get, guess).

    My daughter's name is Raelynn, it's a mix of part of a childhood nickname for me (Rae) and my MIL's middle name (Lynn). Apparently it's supposed to be spelled Raelyn but we added the extra "n" on for MIL (she's the first female grandchild). Her middle name (Grace) is ridiculously trendy right now and I'm really glad we didn't make that her first name like we had thought about doing. I tried to go for something that couldn't really be shortened, but I guess it could be just shortened to either Rae or Lynn. And, no her name didn't come from the country singer RaeLynn. You would not believe how many people ask me that lol.

    My son's name is Kypton and I am ashamed to admit I got it off The Bachelor

    If we're going into kid's names....

    My husband is a HUGE Dallas Cowboys (American football) fan. His favorite player of all time is Emmitt Smith. He jokingly insisted on naming any child we had, boy or girl, Emmitt. I eventually caved and told him if it was a boy, his middle name could be Emmitt. Then I figured, if he gets his football team in the name, I get mine, too! I'm a Chicago Bears fan. I couldn't see naming a kid Urlacher or Ditka, so Payton it was. Payton Emmitt. And, yes, he plays football, although he likes being a D lineman better than a running back.

    If he was a girl, he was going to be Rhys (pronounced Reese) Emmalee (from the Emmitt thing my husband insisted on).

    Emmitt Smith was my neighbor in Dallas :) Mind you I was only 5 to 7 so I didn't realize the importance of this until I was older. My sister and I are die hard Dallas fans!!

    My husband would **** a brick! The only reason I ever root for the Cowgirls is because I don't want to deal with my p!ssy husband when they lose. But Dallas does have a bunch of Boise State players, so I root for them individually.

    CowGIRLS? Tee hee

    That was intentional. ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Ugh. I ate a whole package of Ritz Bitz crackers last night. 450 calories of pure processed grossness. And what's worse: That was after debating over what to get. I made the conscious decision to get the crackers instead of the nice bananas at the front of the store. :( Luckily, today is a new day to do well. But still, not proud of last night.

    I ate a whole bag of caramel Bugles last night. Went specifically to the store to buy a splurge. Wanted Ben and Jerry's The Tonight Dough ice cream, but they didn't have it.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Big confession. I got down to 203 lbs, from 227 lbs. Just 14 lbs from my long term maintenance target...

    This was back in November 2014...

    Since then, I have binged, forgotten what exercise is, and have ballooned to 235 lbs. No self-esteem, no fitness, nothing. Time to make a change, and get back into the game!

    Baby steps! You can do this! A lot of us have been there.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I do not ever reveal my name online because it is ridiculously unique (I'm serious; I was named after my mom's best friend from high school) and I'm paranoid that someone who knows me will see it and know it's me.
    Oh god, the idea of someone I know in real life recognizing me online scares me. I think I'd deactivate and remake if that happened here. :s

    Why? Don't most people have Facebook? I'm surprised I don't have stalkers or anything because I'm so lax about information about myself. It's a blessing and a curse I'm so naive and want to believe everyone is good! You'd think after working with juveniles, being a corrections officer, and now working in child support I'd be the exact opposite!
    My only experiences with Facebook come from a fake account I set up to get emails about movie screenings and trying to fix something for my parents. I'm a fairly quiet and reserved person outside the 'net. It's just weird to think of people used to that side of me more open.

    Ahh okay I see now! I'm the same here, there, everywhere haha Loud and I love to talk!

    I'm actually the only Sawsan Al-Hadhrami on Facebook (at least I was as of last year or so), so the whole world can find me. But I don't really care, because I share next to nothing online (except in this thread... I share way too much in this thread!) and so I just use my real name everywhere. I've got nothing to hide, at least nothing in what I share online!

    I facebook stalked you :p . Those cookies look AWESOME!

    I just did too, and they do! And I sent a friend request. :)

    This is scary. This thread is moving into real life? I wonder if I need therapy?

    16 almost 17 years ago I was on a a similar (but different) thread of sorts. Some of the women from this ivillage thread over time formed a yahoo group. There has been some attrition but nearly 17 years later we still check in nearly daily with each other. All of us have met some of us but we have never managed yet to all get together. We know each other's phone numbers and home addresses. It was carefully screened and we took time to get to trust each other but sometimes internet does move very nicely into real life.

    We have been there through good and bad times and really have some great friendships.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    I have 2 confessions.

    1. My HUGE naked *kitten* has hung in a public art gallery for the world to see. Worst thing is it was a self portrait lol

    2. I also write erotic fiction.

    Those are strong first contributions to this post. Well done! @asflatasapancake take note!!!

    That is funny! Good confessions and funny follow up by @quiksylver296