

  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hello everyone! Just popping in to say that I'm in the middle of my trial pie-making. All the individual recipes came out wonderfully (crust, peanut butter filling, ganache) and I'm getting ready to whip the cream for the top. I've discovered that I need more crust, less filling, and less ganache though, so when I make the final pies I'll adjust those.

    The pie has looked lovely at every stage, and I wanted to take progress shots, but I thought it would bore most everyone if I showed a bunch of progress shots. Plus, since I still can't walk well, trying to make the pie and get around well enough to take pictures would be a challenge. I'll definitely be taking pictures of the final product, though; promise!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I took your advice about the ganache into account and also took my laziness into account. I let the ganache cool a little (It was warm but not hot) and poured it onto the (carefully flattened as much as possible) peanut butter filling directly, after chilling the filling for several hours, and tilted the pan to spread as I had originally planned. It worked well, so thankfully I won't have to apply the ganache in two layers. I figured I'd try the lazy way on this trial pie, because it's okay for this one to be disastrous. :p

    I WANT TO EAT THIS PIE. Er... ahem... sorry... I got very excited with all the peanut butter/chocolate ganache talk. I imagine that will be the most delicious dessert ever made and Mr. Susieq is a lucky guy!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! Just popping in to say that I'm in the middle of my trial pie-making. All the individual recipes came out wonderfully (crust, peanut butter filling, ganache) and I'm getting ready to whip the cream for the top. I've discovered that I need more crust, less filling, and less ganache though, so when I make the final pies I'll adjust those.

    The pie has looked lovely at every stage, and I wanted to take progress shots, but I thought it would bore most everyone if I showed a bunch of progress shots. Plus, since I still can't walk well, trying to make the pie and get around well enough to take pictures would be a challenge. I'll definitely be taking pictures of the final product, though; promise!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I took your advice about the ganache into account and also took my laziness into account. I let the ganache cool a little (It was warm but not hot) and poured it onto the (carefully flattened as much as possible) peanut butter filling directly, after chilling the filling for several hours, and tilted the pan to spread as I had originally planned. It worked well, so thankfully I won't have to apply the ganache in two layers. I figured I'd try the lazy way on this trial pie, because it's okay for this one to be disastrous. :p

    I WANT TO EAT THIS PIE. Er... ahem... sorry... I got very excited with all the peanut butter/chocolate ganache talk. I imagine that will be the most delicious dessert ever made and Mr. Susieq is a lucky guy!!

    lol! ;) I can't wait to try it myself! I got to eat all the extra filling, after all... It was lovely, so I can't wait to taste the end product! ;)
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was feeling inspired by @pofoster21 so I went looking for a run to do. I'm nowhere near ready to do a half-anything but I found a 5K in the fall that allows dogs. Anything I can include my dog in makes me happy :smile: I'm never motivated to do any proper training when I do runs on my own, but I will have to do some this time to make sure my dog is prepared.

    This is fabulous!!! Good luck! Having all the dogs on the run will be super fun and will be such an excellent motivation. @pofoster21 is a great inspiration to get out and do all the things, isn't she? I think I'll start working on training to climb Mt. Adams in Washington state next spring. My uncle and cousin invited me and my husband to go with them next June and we said we'd do it. Yay!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    just jumping in...ironically after @jthurman3 posted about me (but I will resist going back and looking at what she said) with my daily non sequitur:

    My friend posted something about funniest things that people have bought when drunk. One of them was a package of communion wafers on amazon. So just for fun she went and looked at the reviews of communion wafers on Amazon.

    Not for the overly religious, but if you have a sense of humor about religion this is pretty funny:

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Weird question - has anyone here ever dealt with ovarian cysts? The last 2 months I've had progressively more pain in my left side. I've gone in to the doc and had an ultrasound, but the image of the left ovary was not clear for some reason. So, am waiting for a follow up with my regular doc in a couple weeks. Just wondered whether anyone has had cysts and can tell me what helped the pain.

    I'm keeping on top of the situation... I'm healthy otherwise, about 22 lbs from my goal weight of 160lbs, and don't have a history of any other medical issues. Thanks for your input!

    Ultrasound tech here!! You may not have had a full enough bladder or there was too much stool content in the bowel. This depends on if they were doing endovag or on the abdomen (outside). With the endo, it was probably gut in the way, as the bladder does not have to be full to see. As for the pain, you may try the heating pad and some ibuprofen. That's about all I got!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was feeling inspired by @pofoster21 so I went looking for a run to do. I'm nowhere near ready to do a half-anything but I found a 5K in the fall that allows dogs. Anything I can include my dog in makes me happy :smile: I'm never motivated to do any proper training when I do runs on my own, but I will have to do some this time to make sure my dog is prepared.

    This is fabulous!!! Good luck! Having all the dogs on the run will be super fun and will be such an excellent motivation. @pofoster21 is a great inspiration to get out and do all the things, isn't she? I think I'll start working on training to climb Mt. Adams in Washington state next spring. My uncle and cousin invited me and my husband to go with them next June and we said we'd do it. Yay!

    The Turkey Trot 5k I did last Thanksgiving was won by a guy and his dog in just under 16 minutes. I was amazed!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Confession: I bought a children's duck-down vest at Costco last night because it was made of real down but $20. $20! Luckily I'm hobbit-sized and can make that stuff fit (at least with athletic wear, which generally doesn't look so obviously from the kids' section) because it's so much cheaper than adult clothes. So yeah, I wear kids' clothes....

    I'm far from hobbit-sized (I'm 5'9) but I own quite a few kids' XXL clothes from the Gap because a) they're something where length didn't matter b) they were cute and on sale dirt cheap and c) kids' clothing is exempt from sales tax here -- double win. Including... drum roll please... a down vest!

    Oh, wait. My bust probably qualifies as hobbit-sized. :|

    Oddly, mine does not (I wear a 28H in American sizes) but because my frame is small underneath them (ribcage/shoulders) they still fit in kids' tops by some weird alchemy.

    I've never been able to figure out who women's clothing is actually cut for, because it's certainly not people like me, but then bigger and or/taller women (even my tall slim friends who would seem to have a body like a runway model) say nothing fits them either. So who is this stuff for (and who is the child that my girls' shirts were intended for, for that matter)?

    My heavens, where on earth do you find bras that size??? I thought it was a challenge getting 32C but I will never complain again... I can still find a few here and there.

    And I have NO idea what the "average" woman that is supposed to fit these clothes looks like... I always assumed she was just shorter than me and blamed the poor fit on my length... like the waistline of dresses ending up around my ribs, midway between waist and bust, or rises that are too short.

    I wear a brand called Freya that I mostly order online (although there are expensive boutiques in my city that also sell them.) But luckily it's more common than you'd think now that more and more women are learning to measure themselves correctly. I can never go back to the sort-of-fitting 32DDs I was wearing before that would crawl up my back and float away from my chest in the middle and not hold a darn thing in place. So it's great that there are so many more options than there used to be, even if they're pricey.

    I'm not even that short at 5'4" but rises on pants come up way too high on me and hemlines on skirts are always just too long enough to look dumpy and hip-length shirts are dresses, so I can't fathom who clothes are indeed meant for.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Thanks, everyone! It really is the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I own, that's for sure. I was bummed because it was supposed to come in a couple days before we left, but they never called...or so I thought.

    I told Mr. Mo I was disappointed because I was hoping to have my ring before we left so I could show it to my brother (who we were lucky enough to get to see while down there). He said he was bummed too, but at least I'd have something to look forward to when we got home.

    Unbeknownst to me, that little turd picked it up the Wednesday before we left, and snuck it in his carryon. On our anniversary, we decided to go to breakfast, then do some shopping on another key, then go seashell, and shark tooth hunting. While on the beach hunting, he got a little ahead of me lower on the beach looking for shells while I'm still working my way down the hill. He turns around and asks me, "So, what do you think of this little one?" In the palm of his hand was my ring. It was so cute and romantic. He told me every time I mentioned being bummed about not having my ring ahead of time, he laughed to himself. He's such a brat sometimes.

    I want your extra calories and your husband. I am seriously breaking one of the 10 commandments.

    Are you coveting my husband's @ss? :wink: Sorry, I couldn't help it. He is a pretty wonderful man. God truly blessed with him and his stinky behind.

    Also, if you read my diary yesterday, I didn't have extra calories to share, I actually had to borrow some from the day before. Whoops.

    Well, I haven't seen your husband's posterior, so I would have to decline to comment on that one, but I do envy your relationship with him! I managed to stay under my calories but only after walking adjustment. I was better today!

    He has a very sweet heiny. As a matter of fact, that's one of the things that physically attracted me to him. And congrats on staying under your calories.

    I was skimming the posts and at first glance thought this said "sweaty heiny" and when I got to the "physically attracted" part I had to go back. Of course I wouldn't judge if you were into sweaty, but I'm glad that's not what it said! lol :lol:

    Well, it can be sweaty sometimes because he does work in a body shop with no air conditioning and his paint booth is 10-20 degrees hotter than it is outside. For instance, the temp outside today is 97° but the heat index makes it feel like it's 105-111°. I'm sure his heiny will be plenty sweaty tonight when he gets home.

    This made me smile.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, no one really took me up on our daily motivation, but I am going to go ahead and share progress anyway.

    Steps: 19, 903 (vs. 25K goal) due to rain and help at barn, as I didn't do quite as much walking as I might normally due as I had help. +
    Never got to my run. I had forgotten my shoes so had clothes but no shoes at barn. So had to come home (kiss of death) and try to motivate myself. Well, after eating, and dealing with a washing machine mess (standing water due to clogged filter from washing bathroom mat that disintegrated) it was 10:00. I just couldn't get myself out then. +
    No alcohol +
    Did not work on dissertation. For the above reasons.

    So not great. Today:

    Flying to Dallas on a 6:40 flight (hence being up so early) for a meeting. So... this is really going to be a challenge but going to try to:

    Walk 10K
    Run 1 hour
    Work in dissertation (I will use the plane trip to read some articles I have lined up for my literature review)
    No alcohol (this will also be challenging as I am going out with some of my team for 'drinks' as I am in Dallas and we don't see each other much.

    So...on 3 hours sleep off I go. I'll probably check in at airport, etc. Have a great day all.

    - Housework (Please, self, for the love of God, clean this house...)

    This made me laugh so hard. ..

    lol :p It made my husband snicker, too, when he saw it. I'm happy to report that house-cleaning is under way, and the apartment almost looks like humans live in it now!

    ... Not that it was a pigsty or anything, but I have a tendency to do a ton of cleaning in one day (like today...) and the house sparkles, then I let it all go downhill for a week or so until there's another ton of cleaning to do. I need to learn to just maintain the shiny! :p

    This is why I have a cleaning service come once a month. Or nothing would ever get cleaned. Then it's insurmountable.

    What all does your cleaning service do?

    *Waves hello from page 1114*

    *Waves back!* Ours does pretty much everything; unload/reload dishwasher, cleans and dusts all surfaces, vacuum, mop, ceiling fans, garbage, all bathrooms, makes our beds (I try to make sure this is already done). They came yesterday, our riding mower has been broken for three weeks and Mr. Kellie tried to fix it but couldn't. Mr. Kellie mentioned it to the cleaning guy (it's a married couple) and cleaning guy says 'oh, I can fix that'. So, he fixed it and Mr. Kellie gave him an extra $50. They also brought us some homemade brew last night! Seriously awesome people!

    Would you mind sending them to KS for a while? My house is in serious disarray. I told Mr. Mo we're spending Saturday cleaning because I cannot take it anymore. He agreed and said he'd make us ribs. :smiley:

    I think that might cost a little extra! ;) Ask friends and family if they have anyone that cleans for them that they trust. That's how we found our people!

    That's really the issue. My mom has been a housekeeper my whole life, but I don't (neither does Mr. Mo) feel comfortable with her cleaning our house. I don't want her snooping in my stuff, plus she's over enough as it is. Rude, I know, but she comes over uninvited ALL THE TIME.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Just popping by to say, I'm still behind (page 1225) but the end is getting nearer so I'm encouraged. Also, I hate my job sometimes. That is all.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »

    Ultrasound tech here!! You may not have had a full enough bladder or there was too much stool content in the bowel. This depends on if they were doing endovag or on the abdomen (outside). With the endo, it was probably gut in the way, as the bladder does not have to be full to see. As for the pain, you may try the heating pad and some ibuprofen. That's about all I got!!

    They did both versions of the ultrasound... thrilling, for sure! Ha! My bladder was extremely full for the abdominal one (I'm great at compliance with instructions! hee hee)... maybe it was just full bowel? I dunno. We'll see if doc orders another one.

    Thank you for your input and suggestions! I'll keep up the ibuprofen and maybe will dig out the heating pad and give that a whirl tonight.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was feeling inspired by @pofoster21 so I went looking for a run to do. I'm nowhere near ready to do a half-anything but I found a 5K in the fall that allows dogs. Anything I can include my dog in makes me happy :smile: I'm never motivated to do any proper training when I do runs on my own, but I will have to do some this time to make sure my dog is prepared.

    Nice! Btw- how is she today? Getting better?
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »

    Ultrasound tech here!! You may not have had a full enough bladder or there was too much stool content in the bowel. This depends on if they were doing endovag or on the abdomen (outside). With the endo, it was probably gut in the way, as the bladder does not have to be full to see. As for the pain, you may try the heating pad and some ibuprofen. That's about all I got!!

    They did both versions of the ultrasound... thrilling, for sure! Ha! My bladder was extremely full for the abdominal one (I'm great at compliance with instructions! hee hee)... maybe it was just full bowel? I dunno. We'll see if doc orders another one.

    Thank you for your input and suggestions! I'll keep up the ibuprofen and maybe will dig out the heating pad and give that a whirl tonight.

    Hope it helps. I know those exams can be uncomfortable, especially when you are already in pain.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Confession: I bought a children's duck-down vest at Costco last night because it was made of real down but $20. $20! Luckily I'm hobbit-sized and can make that stuff fit (at least with athletic wear, which generally doesn't look so obviously from the kids' section) because it's so much cheaper than adult clothes. So yeah, I wear kids' clothes....

    I'm far from hobbit-sized (I'm 5'9) but I own quite a few kids' XXL clothes from the Gap because a) they're something where length didn't matter b) they were cute and on sale dirt cheap and c) kids' clothing is exempt from sales tax here -- double win. Including... drum roll please... a down vest!

    Oh, wait. My bust probably qualifies as hobbit-sized. :|

    Oddly, mine does not (I wear a 28H in American sizes) but because my frame is small underneath them (ribcage/shoulders) they still fit in kids' tops by some weird alchemy.

    I've never been able to figure out who women's clothing is actually cut for, because it's certainly not people like me, but then bigger and or/taller women (even my tall slim friends who would seem to have a body like a runway model) say nothing fits them either. So who is this stuff for (and who is the child that my girls' shirts were intended for, for that matter)?

    My heavens, where on earth do you find bras that size??? I thought it was a challenge getting 32C but I will never complain again... I can still find a few here and there.

    And I have NO idea what the "average" woman that is supposed to fit these clothes looks like... I always assumed she was just shorter than me and blamed the poor fit on my length... like the waistline of dresses ending up around my ribs, midway between waist and bust, or rises that are too short.

    I wear a brand called Freya that I mostly order online (although there are expensive boutiques in my city that also sell them.) But luckily it's more common than you'd think now that more and more women are learning to measure themselves correctly. I can never go back to the sort-of-fitting 32DDs I was wearing before that would crawl up my back and float away from my chest in the middle and not hold a darn thing in place. So it's great that there are so many more options than there used to be, even if they're pricey.

    I'm not even that short at 5'4" but rises on pants come up way too high on me and hemlines on skirts are always just too long enough to look dumpy and hip-length shirts are dresses, so I can't fathom who clothes are indeed meant for.

    There really should be a greater variety of sizes for women. I'm 5'8", and a dress that is supposed to be knee length will usually be too short for me to wear to work. Anything shorter than that will be dangerous to bend over while wearing.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    just jumping in...ironically after @jthurman3 posted about me (but I will resist going back and looking at what she said) with my daily non sequitur:

    My friend posted something about funniest things that people have bought when drunk. One of them was a package of communion wafers on amazon. So just for fun she went and looked at the reviews of communion wafers on Amazon.

    Not for the overly religious, but if you have a sense of humor about religion this is pretty funny:


    I never went through that post of the funniest things that people have bought while drunk, but several friends posted it. Now I need to go back and look at that one.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    Confession: I've been daydreaming about the salad I plan to make for dinner since 9:30am today.

    No shame there! My stepmother-in-law (or "bonus mom" as I like to call her) makes this one great salad we're obsessed with and we're planning to replicate it tonight if I can convince her to tell me how she makes the dressing. It has apples and soft cheese and tons of spinach and tomatoes and some magic dressing I can't pick apart with my palate....

    I miiiiiiiiight have been thinking about it since this morning as well.

    That sounds amazing. I will never understand how salad got a reputation for being boring or bland!

    Are you going to tell us about your salad?
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Confession: I've been daydreaming about the salad I plan to make for dinner since 9:30am today.

    Please shared this dreamlike salad's recipe!! I'm always looking for new salad recipes!

    It's really not all that exciting - just a twist on the classic spinach salad. Baby spinach, hard boiled egg, bacon bits, then I toss in banana pepper rings instead of red onion, and do a honey dijon dressing spiked with Worcestershire sauce for extra bite. And I'm going to throw in little rye chips today since I have the delicious points!
    Confession: I've been daydreaming about the salad I plan to make for dinner since 9:30am today.

    Wait wait - aren't you still on vacation? That has to be some crazy good salad - I request pictures!

    Alas, I'm not on vacation. There are several folks who are though!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Confession: I bought a children's duck-down vest at Costco last night because it was made of real down but $20. $20! Luckily I'm hobbit-sized and can make that stuff fit (at least with athletic wear, which generally doesn't look so obviously from the kids' section) because it's so much cheaper than adult clothes. So yeah, I wear kids' clothes....

    Me too.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was feeling inspired by @pofoster21 so I went looking for a run to do. I'm nowhere near ready to do a half-anything but I found a 5K in the fall that allows dogs. Anything I can include my dog in makes me happy :smile: I'm never motivated to do any proper training when I do runs on my own, but I will have to do some this time to make sure my dog is prepared.

    Nice! Btw- how is she today? Getting better?

    Thank you for asking! Yes, she seems back to normal. She just has a couple days left of antibiotics. I'm amazed at how quickly the meds start working!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Weird question - has anyone here ever dealt with ovarian cysts? The last 2 months I've had progressively more pain in my left side. I've gone in to the doc and had an ultrasound, but the image of the left ovary was not clear for some reason. So, am waiting for a follow up with my regular doc in a couple weeks. Just wondered whether anyone has had cysts and can tell me what helped the pain.

    I'm keeping on top of the situation... I'm healthy otherwise, about 22 lbs from my goal weight of 160lbs, and don't have a history of any other medical issues. Thanks for your input!

    While I can't help, I know that a few posters here have mentioned having ovarian cysts, at least two that I can recall. @Francl27 was one of them, but she seems to have left us, and I don't remember the second--so here's hoping someone else will pitch in with their thoughts. :)

    She's only on vacation! I expect she'll rejoin us when she's back home.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Weird question - has anyone here ever dealt with ovarian cysts? The last 2 months I've had progressively more pain in my left side. I've gone in to the doc and had an ultrasound, but the image of the left ovary was not clear for some reason. So, am waiting for a follow up with my regular doc in a couple weeks. Just wondered whether anyone has had cysts and can tell me what helped the pain.

    I'm keeping on top of the situation... I'm healthy otherwise, about 22 lbs from my goal weight of 160lbs, and don't have a history of any other medical issues. Thanks for your input!

    I had a rather large one not too long after I had my daughter and was in quite a bit of pain. The doctor prescribed some stuff and I used a heating pad for about a month or so...however long they need to see if it's going to get bigger, smaller, or disappear. It got bigger so they removed the cyst. Recovery was a couple days without heavy lifting. The only bad part was I put on ten pounds after the surgery.