

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Getting really annoyed with my mother right now. My job is super stressful at the moment and last thing I need is stress at home.
    I work from 9am (9.30 of I'm lucky) to 4, usually without a break. Then I get an hour and a half for lunch (most of the time). After that I work from 5.30 to 10.30. At the moment because they've messed up the Rota, I'm doing 3 people's jobs, so stressed is the word.
    I'm getting annoyed because she's retired and just can't seem to keep the kitchen tidy. I make very little mess. Work days I have a protein shake for breakfast, which means if I'm late I'll simply fill it with water and leave that. Lunch is a prepackaged meal and yogurt. At the most I leave a plate with cutlery on the side. I don't usually. I normally put it in the dishwasher. Evening is a shake again. Yet the kitchen is always full of dirty pots which she'll leave until my day off and then complain loudly about how dirty the kitchen is. When I offer to help she says no and afterwards will moan at me for not helping with the mess 'I made'.
    I know she's retired and things are more effort when you get older. It would be nice if when she just uses something she'd put it back. You know?

    I can feel for you there.
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    I'm addicted to Fiber cookies. I will eat one after another until my stomach hurts. I tell myself that my body will get rid of it so I don't have to log the calories.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I'm going to fess up before catching up today.
    Yesterday I ate everything. :disappointed: Reeses Pieces, Cadbury's Picnic bar, Jaffa Cakes, and a cookie. I also didn't go to the gym or go for a run after work. Then I thought it would be a great idea to weigh myself this morning and I'm back up to 214lbs. So I went for a swim this morning and finished 5 minutes early. I feel really tired, and I think my 'go to' is sugar. I feel like having a nap at my desk right now and its only 9.50am. :frowning:

    Is there any way you can get a piece of fruit? Like a peach or a mango or a nectarine? They have sugar. :smile:

    Also, you have a total victory in there...I bolded it for you. :smiley:

    I eat butt loads of fruit. lol. I don't know what it is. I feel like I haven't managed to catch up on sleep, but I feel it all day, everyday. Apart from the moment I wake up, which is normally before my alarm goes off. I suspect it is a 'thing' but I don't want to go to the doctors and make it a 'thing' because she will probably look at me over the top of her glasses and say "I'm sure you will snap out of it." Bit like the brilliant diet advice of going down to 1000 calories.
    I feel like I need a full body MOT and Service. If cars can get one, why can't my body.

    WTF?! I had one doctor try to put me on an 800 calorie diet...I was like...uhm..I'm finding a new doctor.

    That might not be an option for you(finding a new doctor) but just listen to your body and do what you can. Maybe you need a day off that you just spend on you. Be selfish and indulge in bubble baths and a good book or movie. Hang a Do Not Disturb sign on your door and relax. Tell everyone not to bother you unless it involves fire or blood.

    Too often, we don't take enough time for ourselves.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have 477 posts to catch up on.

    But just to say: I climbed a mountain on Sunday. Felt awesome. Didn't struggle. Photos on my just giving page soon (address on profile)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I desperately want to lose weight yet I keep eating emotionally and not logging in my diary. I'm really sad about it. I want to cut ouy things like chocolate and noodles but my cravings are awful. And every time I try to stay below my daily calorie limit, I feel starved and light headed. My migraines are making it difficult to go to the gym. I am so depressed.

    If you're feeling light headed how many calories are you eating?
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    10+ pages later I am caught up. Whew!

    I am afraid to weigh myself because of my benders since last Thursday up until yesterday.

    @pofoster21 I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I'm going to fess up before catching up today.
    Yesterday I ate everything. :disappointed: Reeses Pieces, Cadbury's Picnic bar, Jaffa Cakes, and a cookie. I also didn't go to the gym or go for a run after work. Then I thought it would be a great idea to weigh myself this morning and I'm back up to 214lbs. So I went for a swim this morning and finished 5 minutes early. I feel really tired, and I think my 'go to' is sugar. I feel like having a nap at my desk right now and its only 9.50am. :frowning:

    You can't go wrong with sweets:D. What does a Jaffa cake taste like?

    Hopefully your work day will go flying by.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    @Alatariel75 :blush: It just needed to be said...

    Confession #1: I couldn't leave the thread. There has been too much awesome support and too many valid discussions.

    Confession #2: I totally judged @riinbale for their post. Sometimes it is not WHAT you say but HOW you say it and I feel they said it wrong.

    Confession #3: I am happy to report that Dale, the diabetic at my job that I complained about earlier, will now be reporting to Kim(our main staff nurse) for regular monthly check ups and diet education as part of our Employee Health and Wellness and Early Intervention programs at the request of the lieutenant and the insistence of his own girlfriend. While it is not mandatory or remotely required for him to keep his job, I hope he takes full advantage of the opportunity and I am sincerely hoping for improvements in his health and job performance.

    I just read it as someone who was trying to promote low-carb. I considered flagging it, but I couldn't be bothered quite frankly. lol

    Me too, I just decided to ignore it. I don't feel bad for me, I love me and I get to eat whatever I want. <3
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I'm addicted to Fiber cookies. I will eat one after another until my stomach hurts. I tell myself that my body will get rid of it so I don't have to log the calories.

    I confess that once when I was going to visit my sister & her family when they were stationed in Hawaii I ate around a whole box of Fiber One brownies while on the plane. My mom still laughs to this day that I farted the whole time on the plane.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Pammalla wrote: »
    Confessions time: I walked right into someone mail box when I was walking while reading this thread on my phone

    HAHA I'm sorry but that is awesome! I can't stop reading either!
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    amykay9377 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Confession: I feel like I've lost more weight than I obviously have. Just went out to buy new running shorts but when I tried some on they looked bad. Very, very bad. I instead bought some capri-length leggings that didn't look great, but are at least *FUN* (stripy). Also got a new sports bra in a size that I've never been before (throwback to earlier in the thread!) I'm excited about that because it has a normal clasp rather than the pull-over your head type which are really hard to get off when you're all sweaty.

    Yes! I love the sports bras with clasps. So much easier to get on and off.

    I'm 10 pages behind, but ME TOO!!! It's a requirement in a sports bra now.

    Yes. I'm slowly replacing my non claspies with the good ones.

    What are the good ones?!

    Ones that clasp in the back like a regular bra so you don't have to wrestle a tight, sweaty sports bra off over your head.

    Ok... I thought all sports bras were like regular bras, lol.

    I have this one. Haven't got any issue with it. It's pretty cheap too...

    I have that one, it's pretty good, but I also have this one, and it's so much better - there is a flap in the front to adjust how tight you want the girls to be held in (super-tight for running, less tight for yoga or chillin')

    I'm really bad at this quoting thing, but that bottom link- I must confess it took me a minute to figure out what's going on there. I thought it was a nursing bra! LOL!!!! I get it now and it's a great idea.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I have 477 posts to catch up on.

    But just to say: I climbed a mountain on Sunday. Felt awesome. Didn't struggle. Photos on my just giving page soon (address on profile)

    Awesome job! I bet you felt badass:D.
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    riinbale wrote: »
    I have been reading this and i feel sad for you :( People, i know what it is like to count calories and binge eat and how it feels later. But going on a low carb diet made it all go away. No more longing for "something good" and no more going to five different stores to find the right kind of ice cream. I just dont want these anymore and i am happy with eating low carb food. And my health has never been better :)

    *queue sarcasm*

    Feel sorry for us all you want. I know what it is like to avoid tasty fruits, potatoes, and rice and how it feels to long to eat baked potato. Now, I enjoy a high carb fruit based diet. I never crave anything sweet because I am eating sweet stuff all the time! I always have energy and I am happy I don't have to worry about my calorie intake. No more pointless counting and weighing. I enjoy physical, emotional, and psychological health by not eating any animal products. :)

    *end sarcasm*

    @riinbale Read the above and how passive-aggressive and judgmental it sounds. There is no 'right way' to do anything. This is our vent thread. We do not pass judgement and advocate a specific way to fix something. We offer suggestions and support. We feel for each other, but we do NOT feel 'sorry' for each other. There is no pity here.

    Sure there was some judgement and misunderstandings towards me and between a couple other posters in the past pages, but at least they had the brass to judge outright and plainly say "I think you are wrong" or "That hurt my feelings" instead of your piss poor way of trying to get everyone on the low carb bandwagon.

    Sure we binge a bit and have cravings, but we let it out here. We tell our story and it allows us to pick up and move on. Good days and bad days, we are here for each other asking for support and offering it to others.

    We are here to lift each other up and tell each other we are not alone. We are NOT here to stand on a 'low carb' or 'paleo' or 'vegan' pedestal and look down on each other.

    If only you had said: "I confess that I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't know the ease and health benefits of a low carb diet. I know that I have been much happier and healthier since I adopted this lifestyle change and I wish other people would do the same so they wouldn't feel the need to binge and feel bad about it later."

    Judge me if you want to, but I feel by saying what you have said, you have put yourself out there and shown yourself to be on your pedestal and very much alone.

    ETA: Punctuation.

    Don't let this person's 1st post ever bother you. It reads to me like it was out there to rattle someone up. Not helpful and not the point of this thread. Moving on.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've finally caught up. It's only taken me forever!

    Some confessions -
    1. On the subject of shoplifting, I was caught doing it with a friend when I was 11. We only used to steal little things like lipglosses etc. One day we got brave and filled a carrier bag up with face masks, foot scrubs and chocolate and got caught by an undercover security guard. I never dared steal anything again after that! I also ran away from a restaurant without paying with the same friend when I was that age.

    2. I'm also a member of the alcoholic parent club. My mam was a massive drinker when I was younger and it came before everything else. She used to lie in bed and sleep all day, get up at about 8pm and stay up all through the night. Me and my younger sister basically had to fend for ourselves. We went into foster care when I was 14.

    3. Growing up my Grandma was a huge maternal figure in my life and the person I would turn to for anything. She was diagnosed with Dementia around 4 and a half years ago and is in quite the later stages now. I'm caring for her full time. I get a break over the weekends and for 2 hours in the morning on the week days (which is when I usually go to the gym!) I can't bare the thought of her going into a home but at the same time I am finding the role of full time carer both physically and mentally draining at times. She needs help with getting washed, dressed, toileting, is very restless through the night and can't be left alone under any circumstances because of safety reasons meaning it's hard for me to make plans as there always has to be someone here to watch her. I love my Grandma more than anyone in the world and she was always there for me growing up so I want to be there for her now. I feel guilty sometimes when I get frustrated.

    4. I'm almost 25 and I still haven't figured out what I want to do with my life. I studied Journalism at University but it wasn't really for me. I'm so jealous of people who have ambition and know what they want to be from a young age.

    You are a saint. My grandmother has had dementia for several years now and is in a home. Compared to you, I feel like an aweful person as I haven't gone to see her in about 3 years and her home is only 20 minutes from where I live. It is so hard to go see her when she doesn't know who I am anymore (and not just b/c I haven't seen her). I used to spend most of my summers with her and we did all sorts of crafts. She was the best practical joker. Good job for taking on that responsibility; you should not feel guilty for being frustrated.

    Everyone is different and you shouldn't blame yourself for not being able to commit to a caring role other people can. Nothing to be ashamed of. It is a huge commitment and I admire people who can do it long term. It is important for the informal carers to look after their own health too!
    Also for some people move into a care home means better quality of life and a safe place where they can be well looked after.
    I know it is hard to see your gradma when she doesn't remember you but maybe you can go and reminiscence with her,talk about her past. People with dementia often have fantastic memories from their younger years. This will give you both quality time together.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    I have 477 posts to catch up on.

    But just to say: I climbed a mountain on Sunday. Felt awesome. Didn't struggle. Photos on my just giving page soon (address on profile)

  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I refuse to do any type of jumping Jack or burpee type exercise bcuz when I do my butt cheeks make this weird/awkward/embarassing (even if I'm alone) "flapping" sound :(

    I wear compression shorts if I know I'm going to be doing these types of exercises, specifically so my butt won't "clap."

    It's just cheering you on. ;)

    LOL love it!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    margfish wrote: »

    Hahaha thanks for the morning laugh. The boobs one OMG.
    I have 477 posts to catch up on.

    But just to say: I climbed a mountain on Sunday. Felt awesome. Didn't struggle. Photos on my just giving page soon (address on profile)

    Awesome job. I want to climb a mountain too!
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    @Alatariel75 :blush: It just needed to be said...

    Confession #1: I couldn't leave the thread. There has been too much awesome support and too many valid discussions.

    Confession #2: I totally judged @riinbale for their post. Sometimes it is not WHAT you say but HOW you say it and I feel they said it wrong.

    Confession #3: I am happy to report that Dale, the diabetic at my job that I complained about earlier, will now be reporting to Kim(our main staff nurse) for regular monthly check ups and diet education as part of our Employee Health and Wellness and Early Intervention programs at the request of the lieutenant and the insistence of his own girlfriend. While it is not mandatory or remotely required for him to keep his job, I hope he takes full advantage of the opportunity and I am sincerely hoping for improvements in his health and job performance.

    I just read it as someone who was trying to promote low-carb. I considered flagging it, but I couldn't be bothered quite frankly. lol

    Me too, I just decided to ignore it. I don't feel bad for me, I love me and I get to eat whatever I want. <3

    Yup. Love my cookies, chocolate and ice cream, and they make me happy.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    Forum double posted again.

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    We walked out with $33 worth of candy... and most of it cost 29 cents a piece! I am the proud owner of a CASE of Russell Stover Maple Cream Eggs (that would be 36 of them).

    You I like.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I'm going to fess up before catching up today.
    Yesterday I ate everything. :disappointed: Reeses Pieces, Cadbury's Picnic bar, Jaffa Cakes, and a cookie. I also didn't go to the gym or go for a run after work. Then I thought it would be a great idea to weigh myself this morning and I'm back up to 214lbs. So I went for a swim this morning and finished 5 minutes early. I feel really tired, and I think my 'go to' is sugar. I feel like having a nap at my desk right now and its only 9.50am. :frowning:

    You can't go wrong with sweets:D. What does a Jaffa cake taste like?

    Hopefully your work day will go flying by.

    Ha ha Uh, I can't really describe it. I disassemble them anyway, chocolate edge first and then take the jelly off, eat the cakey bit and the orange jelly last. I don't play with my food normally but it seems to be a habit with Jaffa Cakes. Its a bit like eating the chocolate edge off a Kit-Kat first.