

  • julescba04
    julescba04 Posts: 40 Member
    Today I ate two and a half turkis delights and found that they totaled 530 calories! !!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!

    Haha I got my armpits waxed once. Holy ingrown hairs. Never again... I still get them with shaving, but much less (and yeah that's using scrubbing gloves all the time).

    I keep saying that if I win the lottery the first thing I'll do is laser hair removal... then a tummy tuck. But I can't justify spending $10k for that (and I did spend $3k to have my teeth fixed, but it was getting necessary as food was getting stuck in there all the time). At least nobody seems my horrible belly, well except my husband. I'm not sure I'd like a scar more anyway...

    I'm seriously considering having my armpits lasered. because I can no longer see what I'm shaving in the shower thanks to presbyopia. Or maybe I should just take my reading glasses in there with me? Lol.

    I'd do it if I knew it was absolutely permanent but I've heard that there will sometimes be regrowth years later.
    Agreed on the lasering. There are always good Groupons for it, so it's tempting, but I've also heard than you can spend thousands and it may come back at some point.

    I shave my armpits by feel, not by sight!

    I hate shaving my armpits since losing weight! They're so sunken in now that at times it's a real struggle to even shave them.

    I have this issue too! You have to be really careful or you are going to look awful in tank tops and bathing suits! I end up contorting myself into many different positions to be sure I don't miss anything.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Ugh, I'm spinning my wheels AGAIN. I feel like this wole year so far has been me going great, then screwing up spectacularly. I'm depressed, primarily due to my work situation and it's spilling over into everything else. I haven't been going to Taekwondo, I've been eating like crap, drinking too much wine... uuugghhhhhhhh. Work isn't going to change for the rest of the year, so I need to.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Ugh, I'm spinning my wheels AGAIN. I feel like this wole year so far has been me going great, then screwing up spectacularly. I'm depressed, primarily due to my work situation and it's spilling over into everything else. I haven't been going to Taekwondo, I've been eating like crap, drinking too much wine... uuugghhhhhhhh. Work isn't going to change for the rest of the year, so I need to.

    You can. You can do it. This job is not FOREVER (just seems like it some days)
    Take the time now to work on you and your interests and even the job development that will help you in the future.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member

    If I need to pass gas while I'm at work I'll walk past the men's restroom as I do it... I've smelled some interesting odors coming from within so I figure nobody will think anything of it.

    This month's issue of Health reports on a study that people who join a site like this one and friend people lose more weight than people who are not involved on a site like this. I'm not near the article and I have not looked up the original study (as magazines often get some details wrong in my opinion) but for what it's worth, being here seems like a healthy thing.
    So what are you waiting for? I am very good at accepting friend requests. Friend me, lose weight, sounds like a win win. :wink: (Disclaimer, no guarantee that friending me will cause actual weight loss). :smiley:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »

    If I need to pass gas while I'm at work I'll walk past the men's restroom as I do it... I've smelled some interesting odors coming from within so I figure nobody will think anything of it.

    Genius!! :smiley:
    You can. You can do it. This job is not FOREVER (just seems like it some days)
    Take the time now to work on you and your interests and even the job development that will help you in the future.

    Thank you, you're right. I should be using this to make me more determined to achieve things, not let it grind me down.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    I bought 2 cases of sour watermelon peeps off of heh. In my defense, I love them. They don't make them all year. And at 130 for a box they fit nicely into my dieting 1-2 times per week. I hid them so my friends can't judge me for my massive peep stash but my boyfriend knows and teases me.
    I still have five out of twenty-four Russell Stover eggs from my day-after-Easter discount splurge. I love being able to pull one out of my stash long after the holiday's over.

    The Cookie Dough & Birthday Cake flavors are my favorites! Is it Easter yet?
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    I bought 2 cases of sour watermelon peeps off of heh. In my defense, I love them. They don't make them all year. And at 130 for a box they fit nicely into my dieting 1-2 times per week. I hid them so my friends can't judge me for my massive peep stash but my boyfriend knows and teases me.
    I still have five out of twenty-four Russell Stover eggs from my day-after-Easter discount splurge. I love being able to pull one out of my stash long after the holiday's over.
    The Cookie Dough & Birthday Cake flavors are my favorites! Is it Easter yet?
    I'm out of cookie dough eggs. :disappointed:

  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.

    Scars are tattoos with better stories. We saw that tshirt a couple of weeks ago.

    I have said this for years as well!

    I confess that I like what Ron White says about tattoos:

    "Tattoos are permanent stupidity bruises."

    Lol. Yeah, I definitely have one "stupidity bruise" out of the six tattoos I have. A bit of "ragret" there. But overall, I prefer a quote that I read somewhere once: "The body is a temple, so why not decorate the walls?" ;)

    Haha. Personally, I echo what LBuehrle said above - they're not for me, but I've seen tons of cool ones. No judgment here!
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Working late in my office I sent my DOH! out for some Dunkin Donuts coffee (large, light and sweet). It is almost worth the work and I managed to stay under calories.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »

    If I need to pass gas while I'm at work I'll walk past the men's restroom as I do it... I've smelled some interesting odors coming from within so I figure nobody will think anything of it. :smiley:

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I made my second mock dough creation on Saturday & ate all of it last night & put the calories in the next 7 days LOL!

    It didn't taste exactly like cookie dough, but it was pretty tasty for having chickpeas in it.

    I wonder if it's the same one I tried? Oats, peanut butter, chickpeas, maple syrup, chocolate chips? I hated it :'( So not worth the calories to me! I'd rather spend 2000 calories on real cookie dough than that wasted 500... ;)

    My confession: My husband had a terrible health scare on Saturday, right before a major exam, and we ended up in the ER for the better part of the morning. As an anxiety sufferer, I've always hidden behind my husband and he's always been my pillar of strength, and having him go down that way was one of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced. I was in a weird, robotic numb state for the last two days--I assume it was the aftershock hitting me.

    My calories have been all over the place and I haven't logged at all--I just couldn't seem to make myself care about that in between worrying about him and trying to take care of him and dealing with my mother in law, who's been panicking since it happened (he's better now). And now that I've recovered from the shock, I can't seem to pull myself back together. :(

    It might have been. Did you get your recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie? I made mine with chickpeas, brown sugar, peanut butter, baking powder, & salt. I found a recipe on Pinterest for another cookie dough I want to make, & this one actually resembles cookie dough.

    Hoping your husband a speedy recovery.

    Nope, I found mine on some random post I clicked on BlogHer. Yours sounds much tastier!

    Thanks for the good wishes! :)

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    amykay9377 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Confession: I feel like I've lost more weight than I obviously have. Just went out to buy new running shorts but when I tried some on they looked bad. Very, very bad. I instead bought some capri-length leggings that didn't look great, but are at least *FUN* (stripy). Also got a new sports bra in a size that I've never been before (throwback to earlier in the thread!) I'm excited about that because it has a normal clasp rather than the pull-over your head type which are really hard to get off when you're all sweaty.

    Yes! I love the sports bras with clasps. So much easier to get on and off.

    I'm 10 pages behind, but ME TOO!!! It's a requirement in a sports bra now.

    Yes. I'm slowly replacing my non claspies with the good ones.

    What are the good ones?!

    Ones that clasp in the back like a regular bra so you don't have to wrestle a tight, sweaty sports bra off over your head.

    Ok... I thought all sports bras were like regular bras, lol.

    I have this one. Haven't got any issue with it. It's pretty cheap too...

    I have that one, it's pretty good, but I also have this one, and it's so much better - there is a flap in the front to adjust how tight you want the girls to be held in (super-tight for running, less tight for yoga or chillin')

    Confession -

    There is a Russell Stover Outlet store about 90 minutes from my house, and when we drive to Disney World, I always point to the billboard and say we should go there - but we never do. For the past 8 years, we've never gone. Driving back from my mom's house in New Port Richey, we saw the sign again, and decided to go.

    BAD MOVE! I could hear Sammy Davis in my head when I walked in...

    We walked out with $33 worth of candy... and most of it cost 29 cents a piece! I am the proud owner of a CASE of Russell Stover Maple Cream Eggs (that would be 36 of them).

    Upside? They only have 140 or so calories, and it will satisfy my chocolate cravings better than a candy bar (at twice as many calories!)

    Enjoy! (and ration)
    Several years ago we found ourselves in Fairfield CA and went on the (free and quite interesting) Jelly Belly factory tour. Left with 10 x 2lb bags of Belly Flops - the ones that don't quite make the grade. So yes, we drove home to Canada with 20lbs of Jelly Bellys.

    We live a little over an hour from MN's largest candy store. They are only open May through Oct. Every time I go to the Cities I have to stop for my youngest daughters (15 and 16). ;)

    Ohhh... do I want to know? I'll be in MN at least twice more before October.

    I won't google it. I don't need to know.

    It is worth the experience. They have candy that I can remember from being a kid and soda in glass bottles. It is in a big yellow barn. 17365 Johnson Memorial Dr, Jordan, MN 55352
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited May 2015
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.

    Scars are tattoos with better stories. We saw that tshirt a couple of weeks ago.

    I have said this for years as well!

    I confess that I like what Ron White says about tattoos:

    "Tattoos are permanent stupidity bruises."

    Lol. Yeah, I definitely have one "stupidity bruise" out of the six tattoos I have. A bit of "ragret" there. But overall, I prefer a quote that I read somewhere once: "The body is a temple, so why not decorate the walls?" ;)

    Haha. Personally, I echo what LBuehrle said above - they're not for me, but I've seen tons of cool ones. No judgment here!

    (1) My son had open heart surgery at 3 days and 3 years. He also had a feeding tube. He is in his teen years and looks like someone slashed him good and riddled him with bullets across the stomach while they were at it. I've always encouraged him to be proud of those scars -- they are why he lives!

    (2) I LOVE my tattoos. They don't show unless I'm in a bikini (across the lower back and all the way up the left side.) I thought about them for a long time, chose my artists carefully, and I did it for me. I know some may judge me for it but its been 20 years since the first one and I have not had one second of regret. :smile: They are beautiful, they are very much fine art (the artists I chose were all good and at least one was a trained artist). They are actually four artists but look as if one person did them, all in the same style and theme and colors. There is no deep meaning to them but I really like them!
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    foshizol wrote: »
    I tell people at work that I want to live longer and bring my cholesterol down. However, I just want to be pretty. (*)

    Have you been in a fight?
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    One of my colleagues has brought Vegemite Chocolate back with him from lunch. I do not give a toss about my calorie goal at this point, I just want to find out what it tastes like.

    I have two squares sitting on my desk waiting for the toothpaste taste to fade, and I am glaring at it suspiciously. The filling does not look like Vegemite, nor does it smell like Vegemite. Hmm...
  • margfish
    margfish Posts: 41 Member
    I thought this group would appreciate these. They cracked me up.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    margfish wrote: »

    LOVE IT!!!

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    One of my colleagues has brought Vegemite Chocolate back with him from lunch. I do not give a toss about my calorie goal at this point, I just want to find out what it tastes like.

    I have two squares sitting on my desk waiting for the toothpaste taste to fade, and I am glaring at it suspiciously. The filling does not look like Vegemite, nor does it smell like Vegemite. Hmm...

    I'm waiting for you to report back. I confess I hit 3 different supermarkets on my lunch break looking for the new Cadbury peanut and pretzel chocolate.