

  • Jonas1058
    Jonas1058 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't watch anything but game of thrones anymore, mainly because it's filmed in Belfast where I live and also because TV is complete utter garbage these days. I did the netflix free trial for 30 days recently - I watched it once then cancelled it.

    In the spirit of the post I confess that I find TV to be annoying because everything is about women with 'special' power these days. They're all blameless angels who can do no wrong and every man is either a b*stard or an idiot - so I just turned it off, I get enough h*rsesh*t in my day to day life.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I don't much like the British system of student loans, but it makes me thankful it's not as bad as the American one! Our loans are linked to our income, so if you earn below a certain amount, you don't pay anything back. One less thing to worry about if you suddenly become unemployed. It only goes up as your income goes up, so is generally pretty affordable. Finally it is wiped when you retire (at 68) so you'll never lose your home over your student loans. Also, our fees are capped. It's still pretty expensive to go to university, but currently you won't pay more than 9000 pounds a year in fees, even at Oxford or Cambridge. It's still a bitter pill to swallow though, as the fee increases are quite recent. I went to university 10 years ago, and I only paid 1150 pounds in fees a year. Sucks to be ten years younger than me!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    jaxass wrote: »'s one I'm reluctant to post but since this is the no judgment room, here it goes:

    I haven't been on a date in just over 10 years. (No, not married).

    Wow. 10 years.

    I went 5 years without dating when my kids were in high school. This was a choice I made to keep our home drama free through those years.

    Good luck when you decide to break your drought!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    TV-related confession: I don't even own one. And don't plan to. I also don't use Netflix/Hulu/other stuff. I'm a television-hating freak. o:)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    Yes! There are some weird ones lately, but that one creeped me out.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    Yes. I know which one you mean.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Today is my anniversary and I confess that I am sad that this means I won't be able to go on my weekly bike ride with my girls bike group.

    My husband is the best about anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Last year, he had the high school art teacher help him make me a soup bowl. It says "Soup for my Soulmate". I love it! I tell myself every year I'm going to start shopping early and find him the perfect gift. It never happens. I ended up buying him a ceramic statue at the garden center. He deserves so much better!
    Awwe, that's so sweet. Yours sounds like a great gift too.
    My husband has got better at gifts over the years, but I have had some real doozies (set of home phones for my 40th, for example :| ). I've got much better at saying "For my birthday, if you'd like to get me a present, I'd really love X". Or I tell my daughter. She's very good at relaying 'hints' and he's relieved because he can get something he knows I'll like.

    My husband is amazing at picking gifts for me. I, on the other hand, am the worst gift giver on the planet. Seriously. I always default to perfume because I just can't think of anything else... Even if I know the person really well! :-/ I'm just really, really bad at it. :(

    Shoot you'd be my best friend! I LOVE scents, that's typically what I ask for around birthday/Christmas- You can never have too much Tory Burch!!

    Edited for spelling :s

    Do you own any of her flats? If so, are they comfy?

    My biggest designer regret was buying Joe Jeans, because the butt got extremely saggy. Luckily I bought them at & didn't pay full retail.

    I give way too much money to :/ And yes I have two pairs of her flats and they're comfy - I love all her stuff!

    Oh my sweet Pete! Why did I have to look?! I'll be back later. I have some on-line shopping to do. :neutral:

    I looked too. There no unseeing (or forgetting) that site. I'm in trouble.
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    jaxass wrote: »'s one I'm reluctant to post but since this is the no judgment room, here it goes:

    I haven't been on a date in just over 10 years. (No, not married).

    Wow. 10 years.

    I went 5 years without dating when my kids were in high school. This was a choice I made to keep our home drama free through those years.

    Good luck when you decide to break your drought!

    There's a few reasons. It will happen when my daughters leave the nest.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    Yes. I know which one you mean.

    Can someone pm me this certain confession? I'm so lost right now lol
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Back in the office after that mind-numbing continuing ed seminar. Ugh. Think I passed the test though; we'll see in about 3-4 weeks. (Really? It's 2015, and we're still waiting WEEKS for test results? Whatevs.)

    My confession is my wife dragged me to the store for a wardrobe upgrade on Saturday...and I enjoyed every minute of it! (4+ hours.)

    After years of bargain XL shirts and 38" dockers, there is something awfully gratifying about trying on M slim-fit work shirts, and 32 x 32 work slacks - and having them fit great. Also picked up some new shorts, T-shirts, running shoes (sweet Nike Free 4.0 Flyknits - so comfortable!)

    Then going through my closet & getting rid of some thrashed work pants, L T-shirts that billow on me....I now understand where the term Retail Therapy comes from, lol
    I don't think anything boosts the self-esteem more than trying on and fitting into smaller sizes, and realising they actually look great!

    You go Glen Coco!

    The last line of this post is why I wish you were my mom, SO COOL LADY!
    Haha! It's unavoidable in my house. Anyone picking anyone else up in the car is required to shout "Get in loser, we're going shopping". We're all actually fluent in movie quotes. They come and go, but since last night was a re-watch of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, today there's lots of London slang and "It's been emotional"s.
    Me and my boyfriend just use random quotes that probably no one else knows about. For example there is a show here, not sure if you've seen it (or you may have seen the older one they did before) where they've followed people who were giving birth around the new year 2000. They show it every few years to see how the kids are growing up and developing differently. I actually really love this show and now want to know when it'll be on next. They'll be 15 now! But one year when they were about 5 or 6 they were showing them logos and one of the kids said 'i've been to tesco', in quite a sing-song way, when shown the logo for a large supermarket. We now never, ever make a trip to tesco without announcing 'i've been to tesco'.

    I now feel super uncool compared to you with your lock stock quotes...
    I think I might have heard of that -my son was born in 2000 so it rings a bell - I thought at first you meant the 'x Up' programmes. I've been following those for years and years, and recently watched 56 Up. What a fascinating experiment that is - really revolutionary for the its time. Is this other one similar?

    Yes, it's called child of our time, and was the same thing as the 7 up etc ones (I think basically a remake for the new millennium). Are the original ones on you tube or something then? I've watched child of our time from the beginning, but I'm too young for the others, although I didn't realise they were still going. I'd love to go back and watch them as well, I find them so fascinating.
    It's on Netflix here. Can't find it on Youtube here but here's the trailer.
    For anyone reading and wondering what we're talking about, it's a TV documentary that started in 1964 with a bunch of 7 year old children who were interviewed about their lives, aspirations etc. They've been followed every 7 years since, and are now 56 years old. It's really fascinating, and sometimes very surprising, to see how their lives have panned out (very diverse backgrounds - orphanages to very financially privileged kids).

    Wish I'd watched it on Netflix when I was over there instead of trying and failing to get into friends again (sorry @LBuehrle8 - I know that's very offensive to you!). Anyone over there with Netflix you should definitely give it a go. I'm sure you'd also enjoy the variety of regional British accents.

    Haha no offense taken but I can't understand how one cannot get into Friends! @Mohousdon did you see this?!

    I did now. I can't make that make sense in my brain.
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Last night, I couldn't sleep and I was feeling pretty depressed, and I ended up writing rather than sleeping. As I mentioned before, I often use poetry to express emotions, so I wrote a new poem. I don't feel that I can share it on Wattpad; it's too personal and I also feel that it's a little too dark for the atmosphere I try to maintain there. But I figured (well, I hope anyway...) nobody would mind if I shared it here, and some might be able relate to it. :)
    Sometimes I think my body’s like
    A hollow husk of skin
    The pieces inside like scattered shards
    Of glass; piercing me within

    They’re the thoughts that ravage me
    That tear at my heart, my soul
    Until I feel there’s nothing left
    But bloody, ragged holes

    They’re the emotions; the ones that choke
    Like a damp blanket on my face
    I gasp, I panic, I try to breathe
    But all my effort goes to waste

    It’s the dread that follows me
    As I go about my day
    It haunts and whispers nasty things
    And it just won’t go away

    I cut my fingers as I try so hard
    To reconnect those broken shards
    With a glue of hope, of life and love
    And hope for healing with no scars

    Sometimes the pain is just too much
    And I run off to hide awhile
    To cry a little, lick my wounds
    And not have to fake a smile

    I take refuge in the arms of the one I love
    For him I’ll keep trying my all
    He’s always there to soothe the hurt
    And to catch me when I fall

    He deserves to have the best
    So even as I sob and wish to die
    I get up and keep going through the dark
    Praying for my tears to one day dry

    So back I go to try again
    Maybe today will be the day
    As long as there’s life in this broken shell
    Faith in God will lead the way

    This is beautiful and so sad too. I really hope one day you are able to put those pieces together.

    Still waiting to catch the woman at the barn that is a counselor. She hasn't been back since her dog died. :( But her horse is still there so she will show up eventually!

    I'm so glad @pofoster21 reads backwards, otherwise I would have missed this in my attempts to catch up. This is beautiful @Susieq_1994
    I wish TJMAXX would hurry up & open their store that's closer to me.

    Fun fact: here it's called TK MAXX (not really that fun a fact...) They also don't seem to have as much good stuff. In America they seem to have proper cut price designer items, here it seems to be cheaper, but I think a lot of the stuff are labels I've never heard of they have made for them.

    I love Marshalls. Never been a fan of TJ Maxx. You really have to watch their stuff. Lots with tears and stains etc.

    I feel this way about Ross too. Either those things, or the seams/hems are weird or crooked or uneven. When I buy clothes, I don't want to have to get out my Inspector Gadget magnifying glass to make sure it's not messed up somehow.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    amyford25 wrote: »
    In case anyone wanted an update, I did muster up some courage and did my first round of stronglifts! Two girls were lifting today and I ran to them and they were so helpful. Thanks everyone for your encouragement!

    Yay, congratulations! I have found that most people (especially the bodybuilder types) are more than helpful. I'm a part of a fitness group on facebook (SHOUT OUT LOCKER ROOM II) and almost everyone is more than willing to help or encourage everyone else. It's a really awesome thing to see. It reminds me of this thread, only it's almost 100% health/fitness related.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    So, I 'confessed' yesterday that my son starts his job today. Today's confession is that I got all of the "mom feelz" this morning dropping him off. Seriously, I almost teared up. And then I felt stupid. They were proud tears, dangit!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    amyford25 wrote: »
    In case anyone wanted an update, I did muster up some courage and did my first round of stronglifts! Two girls were lifting today and I ran to them and they were so helpful. Thanks everyone for your encouragement!

    Yay, congratulations! I have found that most people (especially the bodybuilder types) are more than helpful. I'm a part of a fitness group on facebook (SHOUT OUT LOCKER ROOM II) and almost everyone is more than willing to help or encourage everyone else. It's a really awesome thing to see. It reminds me of this thread, only it's almost 100% health/fitness related.

    That reminds me, I need to try my supplements Sam sent me and post my reviews... forgot about that.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Ugh it cut my post off. My question was does anyone have ONLY Netflix or Hulu? How does that work for you??

    I have both, but I'm pretty sure it's more than $10 a month. It is, however, much less than what we were paying for cable that we never watched so I think it's wonderful and I recommend it at any and all opportunities. We also have Amazon Prime Video and we love that too. Good luck.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I confess...

    It's 10 PM and I had a ton of calories left, even after dinner, because I didn't have much of an appetite today. I decided to have something desserty, but we only had vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Plain vanilla isn't really worth the calories to me, although it's nice... So then I had an idea: I got 10 grams of peanut butter, and spread it in a thin layer over the walls of a tiny ice cream bowl, then served the ice cream on top of it. Then, with each bite, I scraped a little peanut butter off the wall of the bowl. Mmmmm, so good.

    And then, I STILL had a ton of calories left, so I made a mock peanut butter milkshake. That was so good too.

    ...I really love peanut butter. :sweat_smile:
    I'm the weirdo whose favourite flavour of ice cream is vanilla.

    I love vanilla too. Although, now that I've discovered Ben & Jerry's Half Baked, I would say that's my new fave.

    If you like peanut butter they also have a Peanut Butter Half Baked that is good.

    *Runs out to find this*

    Wait for me.

    Would I be universally despised if I admitted that I don't like Ben & Jerry's? I tried one of their flavors just because everyone seems to rave about them (I paid 15 dollars for it, people!!), and it was honestly pretty disappointing. :-/

    My favorite brand of ice cream is London Dairy. I love pretty much ALL of their flavours. Mmmmm.

    I think ANY ice cream would be disappointing at $15! Goodness.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    I did, and I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I thought, "Ew, gross".

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Random question....I am being forced to buy a new car due to my old one finally dying. I'm trying to rearrange my budget to come up with a car payment. I currently pay $123 a month for DirectTv. I've been told I can do Netflix or Hulu for less than $10 a month. Does anyone only have th

    Going back the other way, why do you need to buy a "new" car that's so expensive it requires payments? You can get really good second-hand cars anywhere from $1500-$4000 if you know where to look, and sometimes real bargains for cheaper. My figures are in AUD, of course, and I know things are cheaper in the US.

    I have pay TV but I watch it for ALL OF THE SPORT! and I don't have Netflix. I simply wouldn't use the Netflix enough to justify even the small price.

    Thanks for everyone's responses about Netflix/Cable. I definitely am going to drop DirectTV and go with Netflix or Hulu.

    Also @misskarne, I'm getting a "new to me" car...not brand new.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    I think I know which one you're talking about....agreed.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    I think I know which one you're talking about....agreed.

    I must be clueless because I have NO IDEA which one it is lol
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My student loan payment just bumped up almost $200. Crap! I wasn't ready for that... :s

    Why the increase?

    I put it on a "graduated plan" where you pay less in the beginning and then it bumps up every two years. And I forgot it's been two years... :'(

    Mine are this way too, but holy crap, I didn't think it would be that much of an increase!