

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    Nope. It looks like been blocked again. Color me frustrated.


    You have not been blocked. You just logged into the wrong account again. That's all. Log out, and log into your correct account. Like Pip showed you.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Hello, All. Been reading and enjoying the posts. Barbara thank you for the kind words. Farming is certainly not an easy way to make a living but when you do it as a lifestyle it can be rewarding. We started farming over 48 years ago with a mixed farming operation (cattle, hogs, chickens, grain) then transitioned to just grain as we got older. Decided to go totally organic about 15 years ago but had always used a limited amount of chemicals/fertilizer from the start. Lots of paperwork with being certified organic as traceability of the grain sold is essential. I never realized the extent until we got into it. Traceability means you have to show a paper trail from the time the seed goes into the ground to the time it is sold (our grain crops are mostly wheat and barley). So when you buy anything in the grocery stores or markets that is certified organic, you can be assured that it is truly chemical free.

    Hopefully I'm not boring too many with my farm talk. Actually my true passion now is traveling. Didn't think I would be back to overseas trips after the pandemic but got a call a couple of months back from my daughter-in-laws parents (they are both in their early 80's) and asked if I would be interested in Ireland (an escorted coach tour). They are in a different province so we will meet up at Toronto airport and fly together to Dublin. Nine day trip for me but they are extending their time 4 more days to cover northern Ireland. So looking forward to it.

    Joy - please talk farm all you want. :p I'm an old farm kid from Indiana, we moved to the Pacific Northwest and due to my DH's failing health had to sell our farm about 15 years ago. We raised sheep, goats, hay. I really miss lambing season. Wasn't organic but we didn't use any chemicals in the hayfields and had quite a few customers.

    And several of us in this group are trying to eat healthier which includes eating organic so the more info we have, the better.

    That trip to Ireland sounds great. When is it again?

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    Had an early night and did my Latin prep with the morning sun streaming in through my bedroom window. We started a new book this week.

    Intentions for March:
    🔹Maintain weight < 140 (I have managed to stay at the lower end off the 140s)
    🔹Continue with Solid Habit development

    Intentions for today✔️

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for all those those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
    March Action for Happiness:
    1. Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness. I intend to live with awareness and kindness
    2. Notice three things you find beautiful in the outside world.Trees silhouetted against the sky; the appearance of snowdrops in spring; the sound of waves breaking on the shore.
    3. Start today by appreciating your body and that you are alive. I meditate on this each morning when I wake up, and am grateful for each new opportunity to have a good day.
    4. Notice how you speak to yourself and choose to use kind words. Positive affirmations are very powerful. Be kind to yourself, always.
    5. Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them. We chatted with our girls about other family members, and raised a glass to them.
    6. Have a ‘no plans’ day and notice how that feels. I will do this tomorrow (7th)
    7. Take three calm breaths at regular intervals during your day.Resisting the temptation to plan my day. Serendipity reigns today.
    8. Eat mindfully. Appreciate the taste, texture and email of your food. ✔️
    9. Take a full breath in and out before you reply to others. I’m a great advocate of deep breathing, and find this works well.
    10. Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face.I wasn’t looking forward to going outside this morning as we had snow overnight and it seemed very cold. However, the sun shone in a clear blue sky, and the wind had dropped right down again, and I spent time with my eyes closed feeling the heat on my face before I went into the centre for Latin Study.
    11. Stay fully present while drinking your cup of tea or coffee.
    12. Listen deeply to someone and really hear what they are saying.
    13. Pause to watch the sky or clouds for a few minutes today.
    14. Find ways to enjoy any chores or tasks that you do.
    15. Stop. Breathe. Notice. Repeat regularly.
    16. Get really absorbed with an interesting or creative activity.
    17. Look around and spot three thing you find unusual or pleasant.
    18. If you find yourself rushing, make an effort to slow down.
    19. Appreciate nature around you wherever you are.
    20. Focus on what makes you and others happy today.
    21. Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else.
    22. Notice something that is going well, even if today feels difficult.
    23. Tune into your feelings, without judging or trying to change them.
    24. Appreciate your hands and all the things they enable you to do.
    25. Focus your attention on the good things you take for granted.
    26. Choose too spend less times looking at screens today.
    27. Cultivate a feeling of loving-kindness towards others today.
    28. Notice when you are tired and take a break as soon as possible.
    29. Choose a different route today and see
    what you notice.
    30. Mentally scan your body and notice what you are feeling.
    31. Discover the joy in the simple things of life.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Katla I wonder if you are running a security program that wipes out the MFP login credentials then the browser has saved the wrong login. That doesn't help fix it, but it may be what's happening.

    It's raining here. I will do my yoga and my aerobic walking and hope to make it to bed early. I had an extra cup of tea with honey today. Hopefully not the beginning of a slide.

    Annie in Delaware
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Does anyone have recommendations for salad dressing? I used my follow your heart vegan and it put me over my fat and sodium limit for the day yesterday

    :) I stopped using salad dressing when I saw how much it added in fat, sodium, and calories with no suitable nutrition 🌻🙂

    I stopped for the same reason. Now I taste all the individual salad veg rather than the dressing.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Does anyone have recommendations for salad dressing? I used my follow your heart vegan and it put me over my fat and sodium limit for the day yesterday

    :) I stopped using salad dressing when I saw how much it added in fat, sodium, and calories with no suitable nutrition 🌻🙂

    I rarely use regular dressing but when I do, I use a lot less than a serving. Many times I use less than half and add some extra rice vinegar. Other times I use things like pico de gallo or salsa. The last few days I had pesto I wanted to use up and warmed that then added the rice vinegar. Didn't take much of the pesto to give the whole salad a lot of great flavor.
    The one salad dressing I will splurge and have is the Asian dressing
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    How do I log out?
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited March 2023
    I don’t know how to fix this problem. I don’t know how to log out. 😳
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Does anyone have recommendations for salad dressing? I used my follow your heart vegan and it put me over my fat and sodium limit for the day yesterday

    :) I stopped using salad dressing when I saw how much it added in fat, sodium, and calories with no suitable nutrition 🌻🙂

    I stopped for the same reason. Now I taste all the individual salad veg rather than the dressing.

    I've never liked dressing on my salads. However sometimes I use a seasoning - herbs. Like a sprinkle of dried dill.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,149 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    I don’t know how to fix this problem. I don’t know how to log out. 😳

    Do what Pip showed you.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    Katla I wonder if you are running a security program that wipes out the MFP login credentials then the browser has saved the wrong login. That doesn't help fix it, but it may be what's happening.

    It's raining here. I will do my yoga and my aerobic walking and hope to make it to bed early. I had an extra cup of tea with honey today. Hopefully not the beginning of a slide.

    Annie in Delaware

    She is logging into the wrong account. I explained the only way she can stop that one from popping up on her is to delete that account. To delete that account she needs to know the password or reset the password since she probably doesn’t know it. I’ve showed her how to log g out
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    I ate 1104 calories today for a deficit of 382. Yay!

    I did an hour of yoga and thirty minutes of aerobic walking. Yay!

    On with the plan! Good thing exclamation points are free!!!

    Annie in Delaware!!!!!!
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    I am certainly confused and don’t know what to do. 🥺
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited March 2023
    I don’t know how to fix this. I am frustrated and sad. I love this group, and I don’t know what to do.
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited March 2023
    I don’t know what to do. I went through a number of pages and did not succeed.

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Sad and frustrated. Maybe tomorrow will give me energy.
