

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited March 2015
    Confession: I am fully addicted to Netflix.

    Who isn't? I'm catching up on X Files now that they are making a new series... well until April 10 and Daredevil.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've purchased a box of at home hair color and ended up throwing it away. I get all brave in the store (I'm gonna go red!) and then chicken out at home. \

    ETA: there's a box of some Garnier crap in my bathroom right now, taunting me with my inability to apply a temporary hair dye.

    I once stained my hair with hair dye, rather than actually dye my hair. Let me explain...

    I had dyed my hair fire engine red with black sections, and the red had faded, so I decided it was time for a change. I bleached it in order to get the old dye out, then planned to dye it close to my natural medium ash blonde so I could let it grow out for a bit. Blonde hair dye is generally purple when it's been mixed up.

    Because my hair was so porous from the red dye, then the turned lavender. So, I had light lavendar hair for a few months while conditioning the hell out of it so I could try again.

    Thankfully, this was during college while I worked at the campus Sbarro location, so they didn't care what I looked like, as long as I showed up. I routinely had funky colored hair and super impressive eye makeup (zebra stripes, leopard spots, color fades for sporting events, etc). I actually developed a freshman following on the eye shadow for a semester, who would come in every week on the same night and buy a bunch of food.

    Standing out: Good for business. (You hear that, corporations?)

    Once when I was in high school, my mom tried to help me bleach my hair. It came out more like: 2n1nsu9wvyut.jpg

    I was freaked out, being a purposeful wallflower, and refused to go to school the next day. We could not afford to have it corrected in a salon. When I finally sucked it up and went in, everyone loved it, and some girls even did it on purpose. I actually left it like that until my roots started to show and I could finally dye it back a normal color.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Confession: I am fully addicted to Netflix.

    Me too. And Amazon's videos now that I've started Orphan Black. I am obsessed.

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited March 2015
    G8rRay wrote: »
    I've never dyed my hair either. I've been told that I have "virgin hair."

    Not really a confession, but I just bought whey protein powder from Optimum Nutrition on a whim. It's vanilla flavored. Has anyone tried this? Is it good? I am a newbie to protein powder.

    The ON Whey Double Dutch Chocolate is pretty good, too...if you like chocolate. I like to mix it with Fage Greek Yogurt (either 0% fat or 2% fat)--I use about 30-35g powder to about 150-175g yogurt.

    That sounds really good. I've seen some people on here swear by peanut butter marshmallow or cookies and cream. Whenever I hear"cookies and cream," my ears perk up.... but the vanilla ice cream one sounded good and was cheaper!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I like to stir protein powder into my oatmeal. So tasty. I have vanilla, which is well vanilla. I like to use the Strawberry powder then put chopped strawberries on top of the oatmeal. I like the Chocolate Peanut Butter with banana on top of the oatmeal. They're all Body Fortress brand.
  • BBigler72
    BBigler72 Posts: 5 Member
    I got a new scale and it said I was 98 pounds. (SO NOT EVEN CLOSE! ) It was my favorite, then I was devastated when it actually started working correctly.
  • denielle715
    denielle715 Posts: 101 Member
    mellb34 wrote: »
    I had to have my hair thinned too as it's so thick and frizzy! It's much better now that I condition first then shampoo.

    I've just put my calories to maintain this week, we're having friends over at the weekend for part two of a Firefly marathon which includes dominos, alcohol and shots so have been worrying about fitting it all in, after changing it to maintenence it's a lot less scary to see how much I actually have without putting anything back on!

    And today is the second time since reading this thread that I exercised with no underwear on and it's so much more comfortable so thank you :p

    Never tried conditioner first.
    Have tried exercising with no underwear. Not for me. Too much sweating happens.

    TMI Confession: I have used deodorant (down there) when exercise. Haha
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've purchased a box of at home hair color and ended up throwing it away. I get all brave in the store (I'm gonna go red!) and then chicken out at home. \

    ETA: there's a box of some Garnier crap in my bathroom right now, taunting me with my inability to apply a temporary hair dye.

    I once stained my hair with hair dye, rather than actually dye my hair. Let me explain...

    I had dyed my hair fire engine red with black sections, and the red had faded, so I decided it was time for a change. I bleached it in order to get the old dye out, then planned to dye it close to my natural medium ash blonde so I could let it grow out for a bit. Blonde hair dye is generally purple when it's been mixed up.

    Because my hair was so porous from the red dye, then the turned lavender. So, I had light lavendar hair for a few months while conditioning the hell out of it so I could try again.

    Thankfully, this was during college while I worked at the campus Sbarro location, so they didn't care what I looked like, as long as I showed up. I routinely had funky colored hair and super impressive eye makeup (zebra stripes, leopard spots, color fades for sporting events, etc). I actually developed a freshman following on the eye shadow for a semester, who would come in every week on the same night and buy a bunch of food.

    Standing out: Good for business. (You hear that, corporations?)

    Once when I was in high school, my mom tried to help me bleach my hair. It came out more like: 2n1nsu9wvyut.jpg

    I was freaked out, being a purposeful wallflower, and refused to go to school the next day. We could not afford to have it corrected in a salon. When I finally sucked it up and went in, everyone loved it, and some girls even did it on purpose. I actually left it like that until my roots started to show and I could finally dye it back a normal color.

    I also had the orange gradient for awhile. That was from bleaching after going full black (which was a result of a friend who "can totally do black streaks" jacking my hair up, and I just dyed it all to make my life easier).

    I did terrible, horrible, no good, very bad things to my hair, and somehow it not only survived, but florished. Super healthy now - back to "virgin" hair - and I've even been able to donate it. Logic has no place here.
  • denielle715
    denielle715 Posts: 101 Member
    Another confession...
    I'm on my third cup of coffee and being lazy watching Netflix.

    What are you watching? I'm catching up on the first part of the seventh season of "Mad Men". :)

    Unbreakable series. Stupid funny
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    In the past, I've eaten an entire jar of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. It's my drug of choice. Literally.

    My store was out (said some was supposed to be on the delivery truck scheduled to arrive the next day), I couldn't wait, so I drove to 3 other stores in town with no luck, then drove 45 minutes to the next store that carried it!

    I've never heard of this stuff before now and certainly haven't seen it in any stores... but of course now I'm going to be on the hunt for it, probably my next trip to the US.

    I see BZAH10 has put up a new shoulder/arm avatar to taunt inspire and motivate me. Lol. I'm glad she posts so often in this thread so I get to see my Dream Shoulder regularly. :)

    Hahaha! Thanks for noticing! I only posted a new picture because I was really white and pale in my other picture. Been outside recently and have a bit of color, so I thought I'd update it.

    I've been toying with the idea of posting my own shoulder pic just for laughs (which will be totally meaningless to anyone outside of this thread) but it would definitely out-pale your old one as we're on our fifth month of winter here... snowing outside as I type.

    I get confused when people change their avatar lol. Someone had your llama pic in a Facebook group I'm in, and I was like "you can't use that picture! That's @ythannah! ".

    In other news, we're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow too.

    Lol! That's what I get for putting up a pic poached from the net.

    And if I'm not mistaken, somebody recently changed her avatar from a masked purple-haired girl to a very pretty brunette...

    Thanks... The picture is actually a year and a half old, but I haven't changed much lol

    I do wish I actually had purple hair though

    Pretty easy to achieve, particularly now that the "unnatural" hair colours seem to be trendy again. You can probably get either permanent or wash-out dye.

    Not sure how well they cover darker hair though. Might be necessary to do a colour strip first, and I think that's kinda hard on your hair.

    I just want a skinny little teal streak.

    My hair is fine and dry. It's also falling out like crazy. It doesn't hold colour at all, it will fade to a straw colour within a couple weeks. And bleaching it would probably leave me bald.

    Unfortunately, it's not "just hair" to everyone and it might not grow back :( Perhaps I should just invest in colourful wigs...

    Have you had your thyroid checked? I take a prescription for it and I know when my levels are not right because my hair starts falling out.

    I had it checked in September, the doctor swears everything is normal. She tested extra things too in case there was a deficiency (zinc, vitamin b and a couple other things.) My hair has been falling out for a while, I'm surprised I'm not bald yet :(

    I, too, have been cursed with fine, thin hair. It got really bad several years ago but after cleaning up my diet it has improved somewhat. My thyroid and all tests are fine, too. I think it's just genetic. The women on my mom's side of the family all have really fine, thin hair. Ironically, my nails grow like crazy! I have to cut them regularly to keep them manageable. I don't understand that at all.

    Anyway, actually coloring your hair (adding either a darker shade or a gloss) will thicken it up. I also started taking Viviscal the beginning of this year and I'm FINALLY seeing some growth! Just a few suggestions.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Confession: I am fully addicted to Netflix.

    Me too. And Amazon's videos now that I've started Orphan Black. I am obsessed.

    Looooooooooove Orphan Black! Only a few more weeks!
  • denielle715
    denielle715 Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2015
    I can't tell you how many times I've purchased a box of at home hair color and ended up throwing it away. I get all brave in the store (I'm gonna go red!) and then chicken out at home. \

    ETA: there's a box of some Garnier crap in my bathroom right now, taunting me with my inability to apply a temporary hair dye.

    I once stained my hair with hair dye, rather than actually dye my hair. Let me explain...

    I had dyed my hair fire engine red with black sections, and the red had faded, so I decided it was time for a change. I bleached it in order to get the old dye out, then planned to dye it close to my natural medium ash blonde so I could let it grow out for a bit. Blonde hair dye is generally purple when it's been mixed up.

    Because my hair was so porous from the red dye, then the turned lavender. So, I had light lavendar hair for a few months while conditioning the hell out of it so I could try again.

    Thankfully, this was during college while I worked at the campus Sbarro location, so they didn't care what I looked like, as long as I showed up. I routinely had funky colored hair and super impressive eye makeup (zebra stripes, leopard spots, color fades for sporting events, etc). I actually developed a freshman following on the eye shadow for a semester, who would come in every week on the same night and buy a bunch of food.

    Standing out: Good for business. (You hear that, corporations?)

    Once when I was in high school, my mom tried to help me bleach my hair. It came out more like:

    I was freaked out, being a purposeful wallflower, and refused to go to school the next day. We could not afford to have it corrected in a salon. When I finally sucked it up and went in, everyone loved it, and some girls even did it on purpose. I actually left it like that until my roots started to show and I could finally dye it back a normal color.

    First time I ever bleached my hair it turned out that way. I was trying to get red out. I shouldn't have attempted it. But my BF at the time had bright blue hair. So it just looked like I did it on purpose. Haha
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've purchased a box of at home hair color and ended up throwing it away. I get all brave in the store (I'm gonna go red!) and then chicken out at home. \

    ETA: there's a box of some Garnier crap in my bathroom right now, taunting me with my inability to apply a temporary hair dye.

    I once stained my hair with hair dye, rather than actually dye my hair. Let me explain...

    I had dyed my hair fire engine red with black sections, and the red had faded, so I decided it was time for a change. I bleached it in order to get the old dye out, then planned to dye it close to my natural medium ash blonde so I could let it grow out for a bit. Blonde hair dye is generally purple when it's been mixed up.

    Because my hair was so porous from the red dye, then the turned lavender. So, I had light lavendar hair for a few months while conditioning the hell out of it so I could try again.

    Thankfully, this was during college while I worked at the campus Sbarro location, so they didn't care what I looked like, as long as I showed up. I routinely had funky colored hair and super impressive eye makeup (zebra stripes, leopard spots, color fades for sporting events, etc). I actually developed a freshman following on the eye shadow for a semester, who would come in every week on the same night and buy a bunch of food.

    Standing out: Good for business. (You hear that, corporations?)

    Guess you started the trend since both Kelly Osborn and Nicole Richie have that color now!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    BBigler72 wrote: »
    I got a new scale and it said I was 98 pounds. (SO NOT EVEN CLOSE! ) It was my favorite, then I was devastated when it actually started working correctly.

    SHHHH! This is your chance to pig out on all the food! I kid :P

    My mom used to work as a school nurse. I got on the scale in her office and it read something like 115. Got off, walked around her office once, got back on and it said I lost 30 pounds just from taking those fifteen steps. What can I say... I lose weight oh so easily!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    After catching back up from the last hour or so of posts it's apparent women have taken over this thread :)

    I think that's because tincanonastring and agentorangejuice are actually working! Whoops. Maybe I should be, too.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I am very jealous of my 17 year-old son's hair. It's dark blond with natural highlights, shoulder length and thick with beautiful round curls. Exactly like the pictures I used to take to the hairdresser when perms were in. Instead I'd come out with some sad, frizzy mess that would take a year to grow out, by which time I'd gathered enough hope to repeat the cycle. I'm glad perms aren't in any more.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Confession: I am fully addicted to Netflix.

    Me too. And Amazon's videos now that I've started Orphan Black. I am obsessed.

    Looooooooooove Orphan Black! Only a few more weeks!

    I know! I'm watching 2 or 3 episodes a night so I am caught up when it starts again.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: I am fully addicted to Netflix.

    Who isn't? I'm catching up on X Files now that they are making a new series... well until April 10 and Daredevil.
    Yeah, I should probably do that too. I haven't seen any of the later series (post-Mulder).
  • BBigler72
    BBigler72 Posts: 5 Member
    BBigler72 wrote: »
    I got a new scale and it said I was 98 pounds. (SO NOT EVEN CLOSE! ) It was my favorite, then I was devastated when it actually started working correctly.

    SHHHH! This is your chance to pig out on all the food! I kid :P

    My mom used to work as a school nurse. I got on the scale in her office and it read something like 115. Got off, walked around her office once, got back on and it said I lost 30 pounds just from taking those fifteen steps. What can I say... I lose weight oh so easily!

    That's awesome! LOL
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Confession: I've never watched any of the shows being discussed.