

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Heavy metal- YES ! Love it! Classic Rock, too. I'm a music lover. Music moves me. It orchestrates my life. Who or what band are you thinking we should use?
  • pita160
    pita160 Posts: 7 Member
    AC/DC - good tempo
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!

    Thank you! :)

    It's a really easy way to fit in a nice little workout... I think @BZAH10 should copyright it, make a workout DVD and rake in $$ :p

    YES! Then I can keep up with this thread AND make money at the same time. Great idea!

    Can I volunteer to be one of the demonstrators in the video? I can be the "needs improvement" model. :D

    Oh, you can BE the person in the video. I hate taking pictures and would absolutely not want to see myself in a video working out. I can devise the program and you can instruct it, deal?

    Deal! Except it seems to me there is always more than one person demonstrating the workouts... usually different levels of expertise. So we need more fitness models, not just me solo.

    And what a great reason to buy new workout outfits (which is the only clothing I can possibly justify buying these days, lol)!

    Yes, we definitely need others for the video. Thing is I really HATE most workout videos! Not sure why. Guess it's the yelling and the excitement! I really love working out, but I'm a quiet, reserved person. I'm not at all into all the "Let's go!" or "Do it with me now!" stuff. Clearly, we need a new, original approach.

    But yes, either way, new workout clothes must be purchased! I'm pretty sure I'm getting close to having more workout clothes than regular clothes. And I have several pairs of Asics in every color combination imaginable. I need to cut back on the shopping.

    Not only does the continual fake peppy enthusiasm irritate me but I find the chirpy pop music annoying too.

    I'd definitely prefer a workout video with a lively heavy metal or classic rock track... like I have on my iPod for working out (ohhh my age is showing).

    I'd think yoga videos might be a bit more sedate (I've never seen one, however)... maybe a little too "put you to sleep" zen-ish for a workout though.

    See, two confessions in there: I abhor most pop music, and yoga boooooores me.

    I used to do 30 day shred, and I would put the video on mute and play my own music loud. Occasionally watched tv too, and just put the laptop right next to it so that it would catch my eye when the moves changed.
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    I tried 30 day shred but contrary to what she says about 400lb people being able to do star jumps - I couldn't unless I wanted a round of applause from my own body or my knees to completely give out on me, just humiliating.

    Also watched Hatchi on Sunday and cried, snotty nosed tears in front of my boyfriend, Mum and Dad. I watched it of my own free will. I say this because my boyfriend has a habit of wanting to show me films where an animal dies (he now knows he gets a punch in the arm for that) or a person I don't want to die, dies, but the animal dying is more important crying wise.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I stopped off at Kroger today for Easter clearance candy but and they didn't even have any Peeps left! :/

    I got the last one at the store where I shop.

  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    Confession: the women's restroom toilet is 'backed up', and I'm not sure I wasn't the one to blame :no_mouth:

    LOL :)

    On the bright side (yes, there *is* such a thing, when it comes to toilet 'blockage'), *you* aren't 'backed up' (!) (is anyone else hearing some faint background music in the form of Kool and the Gang's happy-time classic, "Celebrate" -- ? ;) ), and appear to be getting enough fiber (if you're not, it remains an impressive feat, regardless -- how many people do you know who could alter functioning of an 'appliance' by simply 'going about their day' (?!) -- seriously, be proud! -- "hey, y'know how well my body's waste elimination physiology is working? -- so well that, in fact, I just clogged a toilet!" -- 'own' it, I say! :smiley:)...

    Edited to Add: In the hopes that this might make you feel better, or otherwise not embarrassed, I thought I'd offer a confessional truth of my own -- and that is... that I cannot count how many times I've clogged a toilet (!), and my home toilet, specifically... low-flush models were all the rage, but they didn't take into account the 'workload' that might be associated with 'taking care of business' for humans ingesting fiber in 'more than sufficient' (and sometimes downright accidentally impressive and somewhat mindboggling) amounts... there are times when I'm ready to heave the darn thing out a window (the toilet that is, not the waste product (in case there was any confusion ;) )), and scream aloud, and for all the world to hear, "Is it too much to ask that a toilet do its freaking JOB?!!!"... though on the bright side, I feel like awarding my intestinal tract a kind of Gold medal, given how first-place-worthy its 'performance' is (realizing, of course, that the day when any sort of Olympics involving this as an 'Event' is somewhere long into the future... :) )

    That made me laugh a little too hard. That being said, I have some stomach issues and -confession- thanks to my rather unhealthy eating choices the last few days I made a rather embarrassing mess out of the toilet at work today.

    To the person who started out with the senior citizen workouts, there is nothing embarrassing about that. What is embarrassing is that my fitness instructor is more than twice my age and yet I feel like she could probably snap me in half if she really wanted to and I can barely keep up with her.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    On the subject of music, does anyone else hate it when a gym takes a perfectly good rock song, speeds it up, and ends a cheesy beat to it just to make it more "appealing" for exercise? I mean, why not just pick a song that already has a more appropriate beat?
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Heavy metal- YES ! Love it! Classic Rock, too. I'm a music lover. Music moves me. It orchestrates my life. Who or what band are you thinking we should use?

    Definitely some ACDC... Cult... Black Sabbath "Paranoid" (love Sabbath but few of their songs are really workout tunes)... Monster Magnet... Marilyn Manson... Linkin Park... Airborne... Buckcherry... QOTSA... Bush... Seether... that's all on my workout playlist. Clearly slanted more toward newer stuff that I'm more likely to have in mp3, I keep meaning to rip my old CDs, but... TIME... never enough.

    And Glorious Sons "Heavy", my newest favourite.
  • fingermunkie
    fingermunkie Posts: 2 Member
    If I have it, I drink Hershey's Syrup straight from the bottle. Like the whole thing, in a day. It's a fantastic PMS remedy.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    If I have it, I drink Hershey's Syrup straight from the bottle. Like the whole thing, in a day. It's a fantastic PMS remedy.

    I made caramel sauce for the purpose of making homemade ice cream....a spoonful went into my mouth every time I opened the fridge. None of it made it into the ice cream.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I like lots of rock music, but could never work out to it....I need something with a good beat and rhythm, my iPod for the gym consists of dancehall and soca mostly.....
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    After four days away, I am finally caught up on this thread. I avoided commenting over the last 3+ hours because I wanted to get through everything. Matthew McConaughey is sexy as hell! Someone, I can’t remember who, said he doesn’t wear deodorant. Here’s the thing, I don’t know anything about his private life and don’t want to. I just want him to smile and look pretty! I would probably still think Tom Cruise was hot if he would have kept his private life private!

    Yes. I feel this way too. The details of the real person just interfere with the fantasy version in my head!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    Deannjay wrote: »
    When I first started working out, I couldn't get through a normal workout video so I did senior citizen workouts until I built up my endurance. I know...embarrassing.
    I think a lot of us started somewhere like this. Don't feel bad.

    I did a Zumba Gold workout one time. After that, I realized that even at 270-ish and recovering from a long illness, I could still move a lot faster than the old ladies.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    After four days away, I am finally caught up on this thread. I avoided commenting over the last 3+ hours because I wanted to get through everything. Matthew McConaughey is sexy as hell! Someone, I can’t remember who, said he doesn’t wear deodorant. Here’s the thing, I don’t know anything about his private life and don’t want to. I just want him to smile and look pretty! I would probably still think Tom Cruise was hot if he would have kept his private life private!

    Yes. I feel this way too. The details of the real person just interfere with the fantasy version in my head!

    He is married to a Brazilian model. Now SHE is hot.

    His accent kind of creeps me out.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Guess who ate candy for dessert and dinner? I don't even caaaare and I was within my calories (amazing).
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    mistypile wrote: »
    Confession #:1 I hate being late. It totally stresses me out.
    Agreed, not a fan of lateness. I blame it (mostly) on upbringing and military experience. Probably landed me my bride, because I was pretty much always where I said I'd be at whatever time and she apparently found that trait to be charming.
    mistypile wrote: »
    Confession #2: I hate it when my assistant stands in my doorway while I'm on a telephone call. GRRRRR.

    That is all.
    I have a person working for me who is on the autism spectrum who totally does not get this (and many other nonverbal cues) and I have to tell him what to do when he announces a call or someone dropping in for a meeting. Possibly something going with your assistant?
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    Confession: When working on my dissertation I have to use an app to block certain websites to help me focus. One of them is MFP.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Last confession for the day: I hate it when people are early. I understand why some people think being late is rude, but I think turning up earlier than you said you were going to is a lot more inconsiderate.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Confession: the women's restroom toilet is 'backed up', and I'm not sure I wasn't the one to blame :no_mouth:

    LOL :)

    On the bright side (yes, there *is* such a thing, when it comes to toilet 'blockage'), *you* aren't 'backed up' (!) (is anyone else hearing some faint background music in the form of Kool and the Gang's happy-time classic, "Celebrate" -- ? ;) ), and appear to be getting enough fiber (if you're not, it remains an impressive feat, regardless -- how many people do you know who could alter functioning of an 'appliance' by simply 'going about their day' (?!) -- seriously, be proud! -- "hey, y'know how well my body's waste elimination physiology is working? -- so well that, in fact, I just clogged a toilet!" -- 'own' it, I say! :smiley:)...

    Edited to Add: In the hopes that this might make you feel better, or otherwise not embarrassed, I thought I'd offer a confessional truth of my own -- and that is... that I cannot count how many times I've clogged a toilet (!), and my home toilet, specifically... low-flush models were all the rage, but they didn't take into account the 'workload' that might be associated with 'taking care of business' for humans ingesting fiber in 'more than sufficient' (and sometimes downright accidentally impressive and somewhat mindboggling) amounts... there are times when I'm ready to heave the darn thing out a window (the toilet that is, not the waste product (in case there was any confusion ;) )), and scream aloud, and for all the world to hear, "Is it too much to ask that a toilet do its freaking JOB?!!!"... though on the bright side, I feel like awarding my intestinal tract a kind of Gold medal, given how first-place-worthy its 'performance' is (realizing, of course, that the day when any sort of Olympics involving this as an 'Event' is somewhere long into the future... :) )

    That made me laugh a little too hard.


    That being said, I have some stomach issues and -confession- thanks to my rather unhealthy eating choices the last few days I made a rather embarrassing mess out of the toilet at work today.

    Y'know, I don't know if there *is* such a thing as an "embarrassing mess", when it comes to the realm of -- wait, I stand corrected... I'm now being forced to relive (courtesy of my memory suddenly bringing the following unfortunate 'sight' to the forefront of my mind, and torturously 'parading' it forth, 'in front of' my mind's 'eye') a most troubling moment when I, upon opening the door to a bathroom stall in a local store-which-shall-remain-nameless (but rhymes with "charge it" ;) )... I came face-to-face (in a manner of speaking, thank goodness) with what appeared to have been some sort of 'crime scene', in which someone with rather remarkable biology (or so it would seem), and who was perhaps in possession of rather shocking flexibility (and no, Cirque du Soleil was not in town that day), had somehow managed to 'cover the wall' with a 'direct hit' of sorts, and was clearly *not* due to said Person of Interest having 'flung away' or otherwise 'hand decorated' that section of tiled wall -- *several feet* above the toilet seat -- ?!!! (*how* did that happen?!!!)

    Truth be told, it resembled something more along the lines of some sort of 'weapon' having been used (like a bazooka, or some such disturbingly repurposed 'cannon'), and which somehow 'sprayed' the substance-which-shall-remain-nameless (but rhymes with "hi-I'll-see-ya" (ugh)), and with a kind of Jackson Pollock -ian 'artistry' (if the use of such a term would even be 'allowed' in this context (!))...

    Yes, it's safe to say that I 'reversed course', and rather quickly... though I could not seem to stop trying to figure out (or otherwise 'understand') just *how* that horrendous 'graffiti' (whose 'statement' I remain (to this day!) hard-pressed to 'translate') happened to travel along whatever relevant 'exit path' was involved, let alone, just how on earth whatever propulsive force that was involved in explosively spewing said 'substance' was in any way biological in nature (and given that the 'evidence' had been 'left in place', one had to wonder whether it was being 'preserved' for scientific study (?!) (though some sort of yellow tape could have been used, at a minimum, to cordon off the no-one-in-their-right-mind-will-be-sitting-down-anywhere-in-the-vicinity(-of-'this') stall in question (and would have spared me from 'taking in' the unsettling sight))).

    Long story short (too late!), *that*, oh, nuttyengineer, is 'making a rather embarrassing mess out of a toilet'... and thus (if I can 'go out on a limb' here), I dare say, you have nothing to be embarrassed about... :)

    What is embarrassing is that my fitness instructor is more than twice my age and yet I feel like she could probably snap me in half if she really wanted to and I can barely keep up with her.

    Nay, 'tis not embarrassing, I say... look at it as a reminder of something rather wonderful -- that we humans can get better with age, and in any of so many meaningful and terrific ways... :)
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member

    Y'know, I don't know if there *is* such a thing as an "embarrassing mess", when it comes to the realm of -- wait, I stand corrected... I'm now being forced to relive (courtesy of my memory suddenly bringing the following unfortunate 'sight' to the forefront of my mind, and torturously 'parading' it forth, 'in front of' my mind's 'eye') a most troubling moment when I, upon opening the door to a bathroom stall in a local store-which-shall-remain-nameless (but rhymes with "charge it" ;) )... I came face-to-face (in a manner of speaking, thank goodness) with what appeared to have been some sort of 'crime scene', in which someone with rather remarkable biology (or so it would seem), and who was perhaps in possession of rather shocking flexibility (and no, Cirque du Soleil was not in town that day), had somehow managed to 'cover the wall' with a 'direct hit' of sorts, and was clearly *not* due to said Person of Interest having 'flung away' or otherwise 'hand decorated' that section of tiled wall -- *several feet* above the toilet seat -- ?!!! (*how* did that happen?!!!)

    Truth be told, it resembled something more along the lines of some sort of 'weapon' having been used (like a bazooka, or some such disturbingly repurposed 'cannon'), and which somehow 'sprayed' the substance-which-shall-remain-nameless (but rhymes with "hi-I'll-see-ya" (ugh)), and with a kind of Jackson Pollock -ian 'artistry' (if the use of such a term would even be 'allowed' in this context (!))...

    Yes, it's safe to say that I 'reversed course', and rather quickly... though I could not seem to stop trying to figure out (or otherwise 'understand') just *how* that horrendous 'graffiti' (whose 'statement' I remain (to this day!) hard-pressed to 'translate') happened to travel along whatever relevant 'exit path' was involved, let alone, just how on earth whatever propulsive force that was involved in explosively spewing said 'substance' was in any way biological in nature (and given that the 'evidence' had been 'left in place', one had to wonder whether it was being 'preserved' for scientific study (?!) (though some sort of yellow tape could have been used, at a minimum, to cordon off the no-one-in-their-right-mind-will-be-sitting-down-anywhere-in-the-vicinity(-of-'this') stall in question (and would have spared me from 'taking in' the unsettling sight))).

    Long story short (too late!), *that*, oh, nuttyengineer, is 'making a rather embarrassing mess out of a toilet'... and thus (if I can 'go out on a limb' here), I dare say, you have nothing to be embarrassed about... :)

    I kind of had the same experience when I went to summer camp in France a couple of years ago. The campsite we were staying at only had washrooms with toilets that are built into the ground. The typical way of using them is to squat down but according to the remains on the wall somebody must have done a downward facing dog instead of a squat.