

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Seriously looking forward to our zombie apocalypse.
    We don't have cable just Netflix/Amazon prime/Roku channels. I binge watch everything, then get annoyed when there is nothing left to watch.


    I do not think it is humanly possible for that to DVR is always so full, plus I always have series on the go online and a never ending list of movies, most of which I will most likely never get to watch because it keeps growing! How does one run out of stuff to watch?!?!?!?!

    I don't get out much. Work/gym and that is about it. Also, it is me being the introvert. It is kind of like reading a book series, once you are done, it takes time before you find another one that is worth your time. right now I am letting The Following and Vikings just run its course so I can binge watch them...I find it easier to follow the storyline that way. most other shows that I watch I am all caught up on... there are still lots I haven't seen but am not sure if they are worth the time.

    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    We don't have cable just Netflix/Amazon prime/Roku channels. I binge watch everything, then get annoyed when there is nothing left to watch.


    I do not think it is humanly possible for that to DVR is always so full, plus I always have series on the go online and a never ending list of movies, most of which I will most likely never get to watch because it keeps growing! How does one run out of stuff to watch?!?!?!?!

    If you have a DVR you have cable right? I only have Roku too, just this week the new season of Son's of Anarchy came out and I'm up to episode 6.

    Finished season 7 (which, sadly is the end).... just wait for the end of season 6.

    I binge watched the crap out of that show. Jax Teller was my imaginary boyfriend and my husband knows it.

    I probably would have seen Fifty Shades of Grey had Charlie Hunnam (Jax) not dropped out. I think he would have played the role of Christian really well because I see quite a bit of Jax in Christian. That said, it probably would have been career suicide.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    All this talk about the Walking Dead and I feel like the outlier who liked the games better... Clementine breaks your heart in the best and worst way

    I can't wait for the third season to come out!

  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    I confess that I was extremely happy to see so many more posts to read this morning!!!!!

    On another note, it was unbelievably awesome to run into my ex's girlfriend yesterday. She is a lot bigger than me. I got a perverse inner chuckle to hear him say to her that he should never have left me for her... when we broke up i was extremely overweight and she was a twig

    Catty and bitchy I know but mwahahahaha sucked in

    Hahahaha awesome!

    He actually said that to her??? I say you're well shot of him, and she would be to!

    Yep. He used to pick on me about my weight too. Actually about everything. I almost feel sorry for her, but she figure out herself that he's a butthead
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Rashmi411 wrote: »
    I am now 170lbs I spent 2 years going from 191 to 123. I had the help of a fabulous online trainer. I ate 2 cinnabons yesterday with at least 64 grams of carbs each. My exercise has been off. I;ve been feeling sad that my ex died. My current boyfriend calls me names. We broke up when I was 135lbs. I started going out with him again at 151. He calls me fatty or fat *kitten*, thunder thighs. I know I am responsible for my weight. My exercising was so strong when I lost weight the first time. Many days I get hungry and eat over the limit. My preparation isn't the best. Plus I am drinking 2-3 glasses of water. I know I can turn this around. My fitnesspal helped me once but its so easy to gain weight back. The biggest thing I've said is I'll start tomorrow. That's BS. I will not say that again to let me be unhealthy today. I got this...

    And he is responsible for his behavior.....why do you put up with this??

    I have literally almost doubled in weight since I have been with my SO, who, has never said anything, ever about it....if I was ever called a name like that,ever once, that would be the last time.......

    For whatever it is worth to you, I agree so very strongly with all those who say you deserve better. For many reasons I stayed way too long with a man who was mean verbally and emotionally to me. I gave him plenty (years) of warning for him to change and then, finally, when he would not give me a hug when my grandfather had a heart attack because that was me "dictating how to give his emotion" I decided I would much rather be really alone than alone in a relationship. I didn't want my kids to think that this was a normal or healthy relationship. Of course things are far more complex than that, but that was the defining moment for me. It was a divorce and I loved discovering myself again. I had not realized how unhappy I was from years of this stuff. I don't want you to wait so long to say, enough! You are a wonderful human being. If your SO is calling you names then he has issues that you can't fix no matter how hard you try. The problem is his. Only he can fix himself just as the only person you can change is you. I believe in you!
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    I love reading while I eat, though, mainly because I want some kind of mental stimulation. Sadly, it often ends up being the distracting kind that makes me overeat...

    I've struggled with similar things, and I think it's because I have strong associations with "eating" being a time when I could just take a break from everything, a time out, and escape from the world. Not sure why, but I remember when I was young even reading while I ate and dragging out the meal by eating more just so I'd have an excuse to keep reading more. When I had a horrible stressful job in my late 20s (and first got fat), I'd similarly see eating lunch or dinner (at work) as my one time to take a break and read or (later) surf the internet at the same time, and similarly that's when I started adding dessert on to my meals routinely, since it would drag it out. It really was a "while I'm eating I don't have to think about these other things."

    My confession is that while I was losing it was really easy to focus on all the exciting things about losing and the goals and such and have that outweigh the screwed up emotional ways I use food. But since I've basically decided to maintain for a while it's gotten a lot harder when the same sorts of stresses come up, such that I think I really need to work on some of the underlying stuff more. Which of course I don't want to!
    Mine's a little bit different from that, but I do recognize parts of it, especially the escape bit. It's really interesting - I've never thought about it like that, that it's a kind of me time when I don't have to think about other things.

    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.
    Confession: I don't know how to drive. Full stop. :disappointed: I'm 34, and I've never even attempted driving lessons because I'm scared shitless of failing and of being too dumb/inept to drive. Ditto for the theory part. Nope. I'll fail that too, says the malicious little voice in my head. Luckily I live in a small town where I can bike almost anywhere, and I do, all year round. Though I have to admit biking in winter sucks horribly. The chains and gears get really stiff once you go down past -25°C...

    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I love your fox!
    Thank you! :) Sadly, I've forgot the name of the artist and Google is of no help. :/ I'd like to credit them properly.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    So I've had to do some soul-searching since bring up my daughter here (you all are terrific, thanks). There are enough symptoms to indicate a possible eating disorder and some that indicate a physical problem. Her doctor and I will keep sorting through them and get her whatever she needs. But... assuming she does have an eating disorder, does it make any sense for me to be watching my weight on here? I really asked myself that and didn't log food/exercise for a few days. I'm still thinking about it. I'm at a healthy, normal weight. I met my initial goal (in my head) of losing the 2 - 3 pound creep up I gained in the last year. But I thought I'd build in a little cushion as I'm at the "high" weight of the three weights I like. We are not talking big numbers (five pounds to eight pounds depending on what end of what fluctuation you measure from...but at my leisurely rate it could be a year to do it...fine with me, just slow movement in the right direction). What I've tentatively decided (and I didn't tell her I was recording my foods, etc.) is to keep recording and keep adding in more exercises to my daily routine. My weekends are non-stop moving working on my house and landscape or being out and about with my SO. My weekdays I'm getting more and more built in. I figure that by keeping on track and adding in more activity I'll slowly inch down without it being a "thing". It just seems weird for me to lose weight when she is ordered not to, I know we're different people, I just want to be supportive of her health when I don't "need" to lose. UGH. I'm rambling.
  • Mbiceo
    Mbiceo Posts: 9 Member
    nonoelmo, it's really important that you keep a positive, self-image for yourself and of yourself, because if your daughter has an eating disorder, it's going to be very important that you show her a healthy, self-image includes taking care of yourself in every way you can. Most young girls have no role models, particularly with self-esteem, this would be a good way for you to help her. (It's OK to ramble :smile: )
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Russandol wrote: »

    Confession: I don't know how to drive. Full stop. :disappointed: I'm 34, and I've never even attempted driving lessons because I'm scared shitless of failing and of being too dumb/inept to drive. Ditto for the theory part. Nope. I'll fail that too, says the malicious little voice in my head. Luckily I live in a small town where I can bike almost anywhere, and I do, all year round. Though I have to admit biking in winter sucks horribly. The chains and gears get really stiff once you go down past -25°C...

    Not possible. If you want to learn you absolutely can. I'd even be willing to give a shot a teaching you but it never gets -25 C here so I don't think we live near each other. :wink:

    You ride a bike - you already know a lot of the skills of driving and the rules of the road. You are already used to seeing things in motion and planning for them. Heck, you can balance and steer and pedal all at the same time, a car is different than that but all you have to do is steer and apply either brakes or gas as balancing or providing the power. I bike and was a bike commuter for years, but I also drive.

    Confession: I drive a six speed. I like the extra control the manual transition gives over an automatic.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Mbiceo wrote: »
    nonoelmo, it's really important that you keep a positive, self-image for yourself and of yourself, because if your daughter has an eating disorder, it's going to be very important that you show her a healthy, self-image includes taking care of yourself in every way you can. Most young girls have no role models, particularly with self-esteem, this would be a good way for you to help her. (It's OK to ramble :smile: )

    Thank you very much.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My husband doesn't drive, so I have to do all the driving. I like driving, so this doesn't bother me at all, but I've recently discovered that I'm not a HORRIBLE passenger and I get anxious when I'm in a car I'm not driving. It happens so rarely, and generally only for short periods of time, so it was a shock when I went for a long drive with a friend (who is a perfectly good driver) to find that I now truly don't like being a passenger.

    I also drive a manual, always have.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    I put my former *kitten* roommates jeans in the dryer after she washed them and laid them out to air dry. After they were properly shrunken, I laid them back in place.
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    I just posted a snarky gif in a wtf thread. I feel like I should feel bad about it, but I don't.
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    edited April 2015
    I *might* be purposely wearing baggier clothes with more layers to work because my boss has agreed to let me take 2.5 hour lunches to work out during my lunch break until I lose weight and get in better shape. The baggier the clothes the less obvious it is that I am losing weight and getting slimmer and more muscular. I just don't want to lose the long workout lunch breaks.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    I am starting back at phisio for my shoulder (round 3). I keep dislocating it and am able to put it back in without an emergency visit.
    So the confession is that I am only going to go to phisio so I can try to get more flexibility in it. I'm having to modify almost 50% of my Pilates positions because of it. Which I find embarrassing.
    Oh did I mention that one of the dislocations was during a class.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    tiona83 wrote: »
    I am starting back at phisio for my shoulder (round 3). I keep dislocating it and am able to put it back in without an emergency visit.
    So the confession is that I am only going to go to phisio so I can try to get more flexibility in it. I'm having to modify almost 50% of my Pilates positions because of it. Which I find embarrassing.
    Oh did I mention that one of the dislocations was during a class.

    *cringe* that must really hurt! I hope it all goes well.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited April 2015
    I put my former *kitten* roommates jeans in the dryer after she washed them and laid them out to air dry. After they were properly shrunken, I laid them back in place.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I don't have a car, but if I did it would be a stick shift. I like the control I have with a manual shift car. I learned to drive one at age 17, and most of the cars I've had have been manual.

    Confession: I think that my response time to events has slowed down. Yesterday I had two minor bike accidents; one where the car seemed to come out of nowhere, and the other where it stopped short as I was crossing an intersection. My injuries were minor in both, but they indicate to me that I have to become more cognizant of the possibility of things happeining out of my control and by that I mean, I need to bike more defensively than I've been.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I had dreams about TWD from all the ZA talk yesterday!
  • PaulaMarie1412
    PaulaMarie1412 Posts: 3 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    I can't do any type of jumping jacks or running without my belly smacking the top of my thighs. It's really embarrassing. Going to talk to a surgeon about a panniculectomy. Three kids and yo-yoing between 140 and 252 a few times wrecked my belly.

    I can relate. Going to see what my tummy looks like when I lose the weight. I am tempted to get a tummy tuck!