

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am so tired tonight. I think I'll skip the confessions and go to sleep. G'Night.

    @pofoster21 maybe you already mentioned it and I missed it, but what happened with your gelding? (that was you, right?)

    Thanks. Yes it's me. It's not good. We are scheduling a date to put him down next month, if he can be ok that long. He is not in pain and is happy as can be but his condition is deteriorating and the vet is worried one day he will fall down and break something or lay down and not be able to get up. The month is for me to spend time with him and adjust to the idea. I am heartbroken and sick over it. I have spent the last week in tears. But it's the right thing to do and I don't want to ever see him in pain. So thanks for asking and I will let you all know when it happens... And hopefully I can keep it together until then.

    I'm so sorry :'( We make those hard decisions in their best interests, but it's still heartbreaking to lose them.
  • sst036
    sst036 Posts: 58 Member
    edited April 2015

    Since having my gall bladder removed I can't drink my favouritest iced coffee, nor can I drink good quality coffee... Unfortunately I still cave and have them every so often. I will pay for it for the next few hours sitting on the loo. I am slowly cutting down
    When I went dairy free after my gastroscopy, I felt amazing (didn't know how poorly I was feeling since it was systemic rather than digestive after effects) but I missed cheese too much. So now I go diary-lite and occasionally cave but it's getting less and less attractive as the months go on.

    My confession is that for the third time this week, I have smirked and felt superior when looking at my cousin's Herbalife exercise pictures for having bad form and not making any gains. I despise MLM schemes and unqualified people "teaching" others about weight loss/exercise for money. I also ate a donut for breakfast (shhhh).
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Russandol wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So what if you fail? It only costs you the price of the test. I was scared of driving. I failed my driving test 5 times. I passed on the 6th attempt. It was all mental with me. I would freak myself out and do something stupid. Then during my 6th test I made a mistake I thought was so bad I'd already failed, so the mental pressure was off and I drove just fine. The mistake was only deemed a 'minor' and I passed. Then I didn't drive for 8 years because I still secretly felt my pass was a fluke. Took some refresher lessons, since there was no pressure to pass they went just fine. And now I've been able to move to the countryside (impossible without my own car).

    Oh and I drive a stick (I'm British). None of my 5 driving test fails were due to gear changes/clutch issues. I don't understand why people find that part so difficult, it just takes a little practice.

    What puts me off is a) the thought of the shame caused by not passing (even though I know there's lots of people who don't pass on the first go; I'd never shame them for it, but somehow I've decided I don't get to fail ever) and b) the sheer cost of the thing. Getting your driver's license here will set you back almost 3000 euros (!). What if I don't pass? 3000 euros down the drain...

    Well I can totally understand the second part. In the UK, driving lessons are expensive, but the test itself is not so bad. Not pocket money, but affordable for most people. Less than £100 when I did it, although I forget. The more annoying part is if you fail you have to wait so many weeks until you can retry.

    As for the first part, there's a lesson for life in general to be learnt. If you never try something which runs the real risk of failure, how will you ever know how great you could have been? I'm not just talking about driving here. ;)

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    m_w_s wrote: »
    Confession: I've been doing a good job with all of this but I'm worried I'm reaching a tipping point of crazy. Donated blood today but then googled how many calories lost that is. That's nuts. Need to chill.

    I always do that too. I think it was something like 600-800 calories, but spread over 16 weeks or however long you have to have between donations, it's such a small amount it makes no difference. Definitely not a sound weight loss strategy.

    Plus I can tell you from experience, I have to eat a bit extra when I give blood, or I feel whoozy. If ever you deserved a cookie, it's for giving blood. Hurrah for us!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    After my mom died, I started sleeping about three hours a night. I think I may have been trying to ward off feeling anything that I couldn't control. Recently I started working with a Biofeedback therapist and in the past 2 months I've increased my sleep time by 2 hours to 5 hours a night.

    Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment and she weighed me. After almost a year being stuck on her scale at 132, I weighed in a 126. Since nothing has changed in my diet as I have been following a maintenance plan, I truly believe that my sleep deprivation contributed to my body holding onto that four pounds during this time.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    Have you thought about going up a few hundred instead of down? As crazy as it may seem, it sounds like you aren't taking in enough calories and your body is trying to hoard, slow down, reserve.

    I get where you are coming from, I started this eating 1600 calories as suggested by MFP to lose 1lb a week and nothing happened for a month, went to the doctors and he said keep lowering it by 200 calories per month until I find the 'sweet spot'. He actually said I may have to go down to 1000, but I'm not too chuffed at that suggestion. Thank you for the help though! :smile:
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I have babies on the brain. I don't have any kids, but hopefully I will soon. My main motivation to lose weight was to be in good shape for pregnancy. I've lost about 16lb over the last 6 months, improved my fitness, and feel a lot better in general, but I've still got about 16lb to go and these are proving harder to shift.

    But part of me really wants to get pregnant now because then I'll have a great excuse to go on to maintenance calories straight away!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    1200 calories seems crazy low to me! How tall are you and how much do you weigh? And sorry if this is late to the game...I'm a couple pages behind! But aren't you doing some heavy lifting? Maybe you need more calories?

    Uh, I am 5'6 and weigh 215lbs (now)
    I lift but it's not heavy, just a top up because I was told your body uses muscle as a catalyst to burn fat, so you lose muscle at the same time as fat. I got advice on how heavy to lift on a deficit.
    I swim Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday and I gym and run for 30 mins Monday, Wednesday & Friday (then die slowly on Saturday so I can do it all over again lol)
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    Have you thought about going up a few hundred instead of down? As crazy as it may seem, it sounds like you aren't taking in enough calories and your body is trying to hoard, slow down, reserve.

    I get where you are coming from, I started this eating 1600 calories as suggested by MFP to lose 1lb a week and nothing happened for a month, went to the doctors and he said keep lowering it by 200 calories per month until I find the 'sweet spot'. He actually said I may have to go down to 1000, but I'm not too chuffed at that suggestion. Thank you for the help though! :smile:

    I too went to see a weight management nurse (NHS), and she recommended 1100 calories to me. I thought this was crazy low (even though I'm only 5'2"). Even if I managed it, I couldn't stick to it long term, and I told her, I'm not doing anything I can only manage for a week at a time, it has to be a lifestyle thing for me. I find it odd that NHS staff tell us different things in person to what is recommended by the NHS website. I appreciate that the advice is tailored to the individual whereas the website is more general, but 1100 seems lower than healthy to me. I tend to aim for 1300 and find that a whole lot more manageable. Although I haven't been managing it too well lately, when I do, I lose weight slowly but surely.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    I'm like that too with salons. I haven't coloured my hair in a year (which I did myself) and haven't had it professionally cut or coloured in two years because I feel like I left it too long initially and now it looks so terrible and it's in such bad shape that I'm going to have to spend the entire appointment being berated about it, so I'm STILL putting it off even though my hair is more like a horse's mane at this point than actual hair. I don't understand why every time I go to a salon, it's always "Oh, when was the last time you had this cut? Who did it, the layers are terrible?" and "You've got some damage here," and "Um, is THIS how you usually wear it?" etc etc. I don't know who told hair stylists that the best way to build client loyalty is by criticizing their hair. Ugh.

    My million-dollar business idea is to start a salon where no one talks to you. It's silent and there is music or Netflix or whatever for each person and you can just sit there and not make small talk with your stylist at all. He or she will just ask you what you want, clarify if necessary, and then just stop talking unless they're asking you if you're okay with what they're doing. And you can just have your hair cut and coloured and not have to tell your stylist about your last vacation and listen to them complain about their coworkers and the state of your hair.

    I wish dentist offices had that too.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    I'm like that too with salons. I haven't coloured my hair in a year (which I did myself) and haven't had it professionally cut or coloured in two years because I feel like I left it too long initially and now it looks so terrible and it's in such bad shape that I'm going to have to spend the entire appointment being berated about it, so I'm STILL putting it off even though my hair is more like a horse's mane at this point than actual hair. I don't understand why every time I go to a salon, it's always "Oh, when was the last time you had this cut? Who did it, the layers are terrible?" and "You've got some damage here," and "Um, is THIS how you usually wear it?" etc etc. I don't know who told hair stylists that the best way to build client loyalty is by criticizing their hair. Ugh.

    My million-dollar business idea is to start a salon where no one talks to you. It's silent and there is music or Netflix or whatever for each person and you can just sit there and not make small talk with your stylist at all. He or she will just ask you what you want, clarify if necessary, and then just stop talking unless they're asking you if you're okay with what they're doing. And you can just have your hair cut and coloured and not have to tell your stylist about your last vacation and listen to them complain about their coworkers and the state of your hair.

    I wish dentist offices had that too.

    My brother's dentist has a TV in the exam room and there are speakers in the headrest. My dentist needs this.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I have a really bad habit of self harming whenever I eat gluten which I'm allergic too. It kind of scares me that I'll hurt myself over eating it. It only happens like once or twice every few months though. It happened yesterday, I wish I could kick the habit.

    I'm violently allergic to chocolate, and I used to cave and eat a brownies/cake/candy/whatever to my heart's content and then just deal with the consequences. Eventually, the reaction just wasn't worth the reward.

    Kind of like when I realized the temporary fun of drinking to excess is soooooo not worth the hangover. I think that qualifies me as old.

    My point: There's hope!

    Thanks. Yeah I've gotten better at not eating the things I'm allergic to and make me sick. I couldn't imagine being allergic to chocolate!

    Reading over my first post, I don't know if what I said makes sense. It's not the eating gluten that's the self harm (although in a way it is too) but after I eat gluten I end up cutting myself or something of that nature :/

    Please find a professional to help you with this! (Hugs)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm pretty self conscious about my body, I have super athletic legs, a fat belly, and average looking arms. I've been doing some serious weight lifting and while I've only lost an inch off of my belly, I noticed that I've developing some pretty mean trapezius muscles... totally not what I needed.

    Are you turning into a little guy poking out of the top of a muscle suit?

    Lol, this made me laugh :smiley:

    I don't remember when I first saw that meme, but I can't unsee it. Any time I see any picture of someone in a bodybuilding pose like that, all I see is the little guy sticking out the top.

    Please share this meme. I haven't ever seen it but would like to.


    That was wonderful! It REALLY DOES look like that! I think traps can definitely get too big and then get weird looking. But that's just my opinion.

    It does look weird, but I was briefly involved with a guy who looked like that when I was younger and thinner. Very fond it hot in here? ;)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    Have you thought about going up a few hundred instead of down? As crazy as it may seem, it sounds like you aren't taking in enough calories and your body is trying to hoard, slow down, reserve.

    I get where you are coming from, I started this eating 1600 calories as suggested by MFP to lose 1lb a week and nothing happened for a month, went to the doctors and he said keep lowering it by 200 calories per month until I find the 'sweet spot'. He actually said I may have to go down to 1000, but I'm not too chuffed at that suggestion. Thank you for the help though! :smile:

    I too went to see a weight management nurse (NHS), and she recommended 1100 calories to me. I thought this was crazy low (even though I'm only 5'2"). Even if I managed it, I couldn't stick to it long term, and I told her, I'm not doing anything I can only manage for a week at a time, it has to be a lifestyle thing for me. I find it odd that NHS staff tell us different things in person to what is recommended by the NHS website. I appreciate that the advice is tailored to the individual whereas the website is more general, but 1100 seems lower than healthy to me. I tend to aim for 1300 and find that a whole lot more manageable. Although I haven't been managing it too well lately, when I do, I lose weight slowly but surely.

    Yea, our doctor is similar to going to a clairvoyant. They just say what ever will make you happy. lol
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    m_w_s wrote: »
    Confession: I've been doing a good job with all of this but I'm worried I'm reaching a tipping point of crazy. Donated blood today but then googled how many calories lost that is. That's nuts. Need to chill.

    I contemplated donating blood last week just for the weight loss! Never made it unfortunately.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    m_w_s wrote: »
    Confession: I've been doing a good job with all of this but I'm worried I'm reaching a tipping point of crazy. Donated blood today but then googled how many calories lost that is. That's nuts. Need to chill.

    I contemplated donating blood last week just for the weight loss! Never made it unfortunately.

    I donate blood when things in life aren't going well. I think of it as making a deposit in the karma bank.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    m_w_s wrote: »
    Confession: I've been doing a good job with all of this but I'm worried I'm reaching a tipping point of crazy. Donated blood today but then googled how many calories lost that is. That's nuts. Need to chill.

    I contemplated donating blood last week just for the weight loss! Never made it unfortunately.

    I donate blood when things in life aren't going well. I think of it as making a deposit in the karma bank.

    Awww, that's a good way of seeing it. I should really donate blood, but I never know when they are around. They travel around in a massive RV kinda of thing so it's not permanently there.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am so tired tonight. I think I'll skip the confessions and go to sleep. G'Night.

    @pofoster21 maybe you already mentioned it and I missed it, but what happened with your gelding? (that was you, right?)

    Thanks. Yes it's me. It's not good. We are scheduling a date to put him down next month, if he can be ok that long. He is not in pain and is happy as can be but his condition is deteriorating and the vet is worried one day he will fall down and break something or lay down and not be able to get up. The month is for me to spend time with him and adjust to the idea. I am heartbroken and sick over it. I have spent the last week in tears. But it's the right thing to do and I don't want to ever see him in pain. So thanks for asking and I will let you all know when it happens... And hopefully I can keep it together until then.

    Prayers and hugs! If you're into that sort of thing.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I don't understand people my age who don't get excited about things. Like I was talking to one of my friends today who is turning 21 on Friday and I was asking if he was going to go drink or do anything fun for his birthday and he told me he didn't know and honestly couldn't care less and I found it super confusing. Even when I've been depressed I found things super exciting - even little things like riding the T around Boston, jumping on my friend's trampoline, going to see a new movie, or meeting someone new. I find everything super exciting to the point where it annoys people. I don't think life would be survivable if I didn't find the little things exciting. The thing I'm excited about most is that the carousel in my town is opening up in a few weeks!

    I have to say, I LOVE this confession ^. I get like this too. I get excited about little things that most people don't care about too. When I went on my first plane ride I was about 24 and it was foggy and I was super excited. Once we got over the fog you could see the sun and blue skies. I thought it was the coolest thing. I started singing "blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies" etc. I wasn't being loud but I'm sure the people next to me were like wtf is wrong with this person (except for my boyfriend-he hates flying so I'm sure he was out of it). But I have a ton of examples of me being overly excited like that.

    Sorry guys, I'm still catching up on this thread (I'm about 10 pages back now).
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    1200 calories seems crazy low to me! How tall are you and how much do you weigh? And sorry if this is late to the game...I'm a couple pages behind! But aren't you doing some heavy lifting? Maybe you need more calories?

    Uh, I am 5'6 and weigh 215lbs (now)
    I lift but it's not heavy, just a top up because I was told your body uses muscle as a catalyst to burn fat, so you lose muscle at the same time as fat. I got advice on how heavy to lift on a deficit.
    I swim Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday and I gym and run for 30 mins Monday, Wednesday & Friday (then die slowly on Saturday so I can do it all over again lol)

    That is frustrating! I too get stuck sometimes, but I could never do 1200 calories...I'd be hangry all day!