

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I had Jay-Z Radio blasting, but turned it off because some people might be offended by the use of N word and MF. These words don't offend me, I don't give them the power to.

    I turned on Tarzan Boy Radio and it's basically the best 80's pop music ever. . ..

    99 Luft Balloon's is on right now.

    Let me start by saying I am not offended by music by a black artist using the N word.....I do find it odd that you, being a white male, would say the N word is not offensive because you do not give it was not your group of people that was oppressed with it....
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am finally caught up...for now. I have several confessions to make so bare (just kidding) with me.

    1. My step-daughter (the one that lost the baby) and her boyfriend broke up on Mother's Day, so she will be living with us for the time being. The being may be several years because she's wanting to go to college and can't afford to do so living on her own. I have all the emotions about this.
    2. My cat that I've had for over 10 years has been missing since last week. We live in kind of a wooded area with coyotes and hoot owls along with other creatures and I'm afraid he became dinner for something. The confession part; I'm not as torn up about his possible demise as I rightly should be. I feel terrible about that but I think it's because of all the other "stuff" I have going on right now.
    3. The flight is booked, resort reservations are made, and rental car is reserved for my husband and I's 15 year anniversary trip. We are going to Siesta Key, Florida for 7 days and I am super excited and terrified simultaneously. I have only flown once, when I was 5, have never been to the beach (live in Kansas), am extremely pale (see above) so I'll probably be horribly sunburned, and it will unfortunately be during my TOM, so that's going to be horribly uncomfortable.
    4. I have spent the last 3+ hours catching up on this thread as I was terribly behind because of having been so busy last week.

    I'm sure there are a lot more, but I really should attempt to do some sort of work today. :*

    Sorry you are having troubles.

    The ocean is amazing so try to enjoy yourself. Even if you just sit in the sand and watch the waves, have fun. I hope the flight goes okay. I've only flown once but I really liked it. Make sure to use sunscreen!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am finally caught up...for now. I have several confessions to make so bare (just kidding) with me.

    1. My step-daughter (the one that lost the baby) and her boyfriend broke up on Mother's Day, so she will be living with us for the time being. The being may be several years because she's wanting to go to college and can't afford to do so living on her own. I have all the emotions about this.
    2. My cat that I've had for over 10 years has been missing since last week. We live in kind of a wooded area with coyotes and hoot owls along with other creatures and I'm afraid he became dinner for something. The confession part; I'm not as torn up about his possible demise as I rightly should be. I feel terrible about that but I think it's because of all the other "stuff" I have going on right now.
    3. The flight is booked, resort reservations are made, and rental car is reserved for my husband and I's 15 year anniversary trip. We are going to Siesta Key, Florida for 7 days and I am super excited and terrified simultaneously. I have only flown once, when I was 5, have never been to the beach (live in Kansas), am extremely pale (see above) so I'll probably be horribly sunburned, and it will unfortunately be during my TOM, so that's going to be horribly uncomfortable.
    4. I have spent the last 3+ hours catching up on this thread as I was terribly behind because of having been so busy last week.

    I'm sure there are a lot more, but I really should attempt to do some sort of work today. :*

    Sorry you are having troubles.

    The ocean is amazing so try to enjoy yourself. Even if you just sit in the sand and watch the waves, have fun. I hope the flight goes okay. I've only flown once but I really liked it. Make sure to use sunscreen!

    I burn very easily, and I found a product that works really well. It will seem odd (it did to me at least) that Scentsy sells sunscreen, but they have one called Layers and it is SPF 50 and I do not burn when I use it. There is nothing more miserable than getting a bad sunburn on the first day of a tropical vacation. I did that in Hawaii once and the rest of the trip I had to stay out of the sun, it was terrible.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Just to throw this out there, I've actually dropped 2 pant sizes! I'm now able to COMFORTABLY fit into a 14, when I've been a 16-17 since having my kid....nearly 3 years ago..

    I've been stalking Pinterest looking at work outfits because I want to be able to rock some new ones by January, dammit!

    Oh, kiddo's birthday party is next Saturday, (all the foods will be eaten that day) and we're heading to the beach that Sunday for her birthday trip. I'm not sure if I'm ready to venture out swimsuit shopping, even though I need a new one....

    Woo Hoo!!!
    Well, thank you! :smile:
    I really want to lose this weight by January so one of my coworkers will stop talking about it. The words "you'd be a pretty girl if you'd lose some of that weight" were spoken and they've stuck with me ever since.....

    I don't understand. How can a person say something like that? I just don't get it. Do people have no filter at all?

    I was going up for an early promotion 6 months after I had my first son. My boss had to write a package of all the good things I've done and it would be compared to a few others and one would get the early promotion. I had to make sure I didn't get into trouble and I made a good score on my PT test as well.

    I ended up not getting it and my boss told me, "It's good you didn't get it, because if people saw you up there receiving it, they might think you couldn't pass a PT test." Just by looking at me.

    I guess some people never got the message that you don't have to speak out loud every thought that pops into your head. Ugh.

    I've been running races for a lot of years, and I know for sure that you can not judge somebody's fitness level or ability by looking at them...
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I had Jay-Z Radio blasting, but turned it off because some people might be offended by the use of N word and MF. These words don't offend me, I don't give them the power to.

    I turned on Tarzan Boy Radio and it's basically the best 80's pop music ever. . ..

    99 Luft Balloon's is on right now.

    Let me start by saying I am not offended by music by a black artist using the N word.....I do find it odd that you, being a white male, would say the N word is not offensive because you do not give it was not your group of people that was oppressed with it....

    I'm not judging, I'm playing Devil's Advocate.

    By your logic, I shouldn't be annoyed by people using the R-word because I'm not considered mentally deficient, but I CAN dislike anything being "bastardized" as I am a child born out of wedlock.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Confession - I don't think I'm eating as much as I am supposed to eat.

    If eating less is good, then eating a lot less is better, right? I hear we under estimate calories in and over estimate calories out, so I set my goal low and don't trust the calories burned. I am afraid to eat them back. I don't feel tired or weak, in fact I feel better than I have in a long time. Most of the time, I try to eat better because I am eating less. This week was a bit of a bust because my 7 year old gave me a pound of strawberries for Mother's Day and they had to be turned into Strawberry Shortcake. The little darling knows I am trying to watch what I eat and decided a big box of chocolates would make me sad, so he made a HUGE basket of all my favorite fruits. (I'll never be able to eat it all, unless I start a Bing Cherry Binge.)

    I tell myself that I will eat more when I feel worse.

    Confession 2 - Sometimes I open the freezer door just to stare at the Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

    Sometimes when I don't have any calories left I'll smell food haha.

    Still not as bad as the guy I knew that would sprinkle salt packets into his mouth. >_<

    Yeah that's a bit gross.
    Confession: I cannot stand slower than time pedestrians crossing the street. I'm saying this as a person who walks every day and rides in a car maybe once a week. If there is tons of traffic and a car had to stop to let you pass, hurry the heck up. Everyone wants to get where they are going, not just you.


    LOLOL. Perfect.

    I also can't stand the people who walk slow in a grocery store with the exception of the elderly or people who have a medical condition. Also it grinds my gears when people take up the whole aisle with their shopping cart or decide to have a family/friend reunion in the most annoying places.

    HUGE pet peeve of mine, probably because my husband is a major culprit of this. He views grocery shopping as an enjoyable, social event. Um, no. He's gotten angry at me before for not stopping and having in-depth conversations with people we know. Hugs and acknowledgements and "how's your life?" questions all around. I believe it is rude and insensitive to the other shoppers. Needless to say, we no longer shop together.

    Oh, he's also one of those people that stops the cart directly in the doorway as you are walking in to use the wipes to clean the handle. Yes, I'm glad he cleans the handle, but PLEASE walk inside and don't hold up everyone behind you!

    I had to laugh at this! My husband is the same way! He'll have a 20 minute conversation with someone he just met. I'm the opposite. I will smile if I make eye contact with someone, but stay on your side of the aisle and get off your phone! Grocery shopping is serious business! Pay attention people! :wink:
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I've been a proper piggy the last 3 days while I've been away with work. But I've really enjoyed it!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Confession: I get irrationally angry at my husband when his ex does effed up stuff. We are constantly dragging her to court (and I'm the one that makes the $$ to be able to pay the attorney). Today's latest: She didn't pay her portion of a medical bill from their son from last year and now the doctor's office is threatening to take him to collections (even though we paid his portion).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I bought my favorite frozen waffles yesterday... it has been a while, but I was willing to use up 340 calories for one in the morning. I rechecked the nutrition facts and was shocked to see that they cut the calories by 40%. They apparently removed a lot of fat. And it shows. I was very disappointed that they've ruined my favorite waffles.. even if I saved 100 calories in the process.
  • keithw2013
    keithw2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Let me start by saying I am not offended by music by a black artist using the N word.....I do find it odd that you, being a white male, would say the N word is not offensive because you do not give it was not your group of people that was oppressed with it....

    So much for not being judgmental. Whoops - guess I just was too.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Confession - I don't think I'm eating as much as I am supposed to eat.

    If eating less is good, then eating a lot less is better, right? I hear we under estimate calories in and over estimate calories out, so I set my goal low and don't trust the calories burned. I am afraid to eat them back. I don't feel tired or weak, in fact I feel better than I have in a long time. Most of the time, I try to eat better because I am eating less. This week was a bit of a bust because my 7 year old gave me a pound of strawberries for Mother's Day and they had to be turned into Strawberry Shortcake. The little darling knows I am trying to watch what I eat and decided a big box of chocolates would make me sad, so he made a HUGE basket of all my favorite fruits. (I'll never be able to eat it all, unless I start a Bing Cherry Binge.)

    I tell myself that I will eat more when I feel worse.

    Confession 2 - Sometimes I open the freezer door just to stare at the Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

    Sometimes when I don't have any calories left I'll smell food haha.

    Still not as bad as the guy I knew that would sprinkle salt packets into his mouth. >_<

    Yeah that's a bit gross.
    Confession: I cannot stand slower than time pedestrians crossing the street. I'm saying this as a person who walks every day and rides in a car maybe once a week. If there is tons of traffic and a car had to stop to let you pass, hurry the heck up. Everyone wants to get where they are going, not just you.


    LOLOL. Perfect.

    I also can't stand the people who walk slow in a grocery store with the exception of the elderly or people who have a medical condition. Also it grinds my gears when people take up the whole aisle with their shopping cart or decide to have a family/friend reunion in the most annoying places.

    HUGE pet peeve of mine, probably because my husband is a major culprit of this. He views grocery shopping as an enjoyable, social event. Um, no. He's gotten angry at me before for not stopping and having in-depth conversations with people we know. Hugs and acknowledgements and "how's your life?" questions all around. I believe it is rude and insensitive to the other shoppers. Needless to say, we no longer shop together.

    Oh, he's also one of those people that stops the cart directly in the doorway as you are walking in to use the wipes to clean the handle. Yes, I'm glad he cleans the handle, but PLEASE walk inside and don't hold up everyone behind you!

    I had to laugh at this! My husband is the same way! He'll have a 20 minute conversation with someone he just met. I'm the opposite. I will smile if I make eye contact with someone, but stay on your side of the aisle and get off your phone! Grocery shopping is serious business! Pay attention people! :wink:

    Thank you for getting it! Let's not forget that we have COLD items in our cart that need to get through check out, the ride home, and safely in the fridge before spoiling! Argh. Hot topic for me. I'll move on now.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I had Jay-Z Radio blasting, but turned it off because some people might be offended by the use of N word and MF. These words don't offend me, I don't give them the power to.

    I turned on Tarzan Boy Radio and it's basically the best 80's pop music ever. . ..

    99 Luft Balloon's is on right now.

    Let me start by saying I am not offended by music by a black artist using the N word.....I do find it odd that you, being a white male, would say the N word is not offensive because you do not give it was not your group of people that was oppressed with it....

    Not all white males were slave owners. some of us from Germanic tribes were slaves to Romans a long time ago. We don't hold a grudge. I love pizza. just sayin.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    The front forums hasn't regularly updated for me for a while. This is what the Getting Started section is going to look like for a few hours or so.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Been watching the "dadbod" convo with interest.

    I'll admit I outkicked my coverage with my wife. Pretty much the ideal woman I dreamed about as a teenager. She's always been slim, and while I was fit when we met & throughout my 20s, I spent my 30s getting fat & drinking lots of beer.

    At my heaviest, when I would meet her co-workers for the first time, I got a lot of raised eyebrows and "Wow, she's with HIM?" looks. But she never gave me any grief; it wasn't until I started hating pictures of myself that I started to get serious about my health.

    Since I've got back into shape again, its funny. She's dropped a couple of "well, I guess I'M the fat one now"s. She'll get p*ssed when I work out & she doesn't feel like it, but she'll begrudgingly join me. She'll roll her eyes & get irritated when we go out to a nice restaurant & I order my go-to chicken caesar dry, with balsamic on the side.

    I never gave it much thought before, but maybe there IS something to this "trophy husband" concept after all??

    For some. I wouldn't put it into any kind of "universal truth" category, but it's an interesting dynamic to watch. I spent years with the reverse insecurity. I was big when I met my husband and got bigger after. When I started losing, it was in the back of my mind that he wouldn't like skinny me, or would sabotage me. As it turned out, we were separated because of work for a few months, so he got the full on impact of me losing about 100lbs without watching it day to day, and he was definitely not unhappy about it.
  • brandi9172
    brandi9172 Posts: 61 Member
    Confession: I can't stand people who claim their faith as the reason why they discriminate against other people. Not that it irritates me a little...I nearly drip venom over it.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited May 2015
    I had Jay-Z Radio blasting, but turned it off because some people might be offended by the use of N word and MF. These words don't offend me, I don't give them the power to.

    I turned on Tarzan Boy Radio and it's basically the best 80's pop music ever. . ..

    99 Luft Balloon's is on right now.

    Let me start by saying I am not offended by music by a black artist using the N word.....I do find it odd that you, being a white male, would say the N word is not offensive because you do not give it was not your group of people that was oppressed with it....

    I'm not judging, I'm playing Devil's Advocate.

    By your logic, I shouldn't be annoyed by people using the R-word because I'm not considered mentally deficient, but I CAN dislike anything being "bastardized" as I am a child born out of wedlock.
    I had Jay-Z Radio blasting, but turned it off because some people might be offended by the use of N word and MF. These words don't offend me, I don't give them the power to.

    I turned on Tarzan Boy Radio and it's basically the best 80's pop music ever. . ..

    99 Luft Balloon's is on right now.

    Let me start by saying I am not offended by music by a black artist using the N word.....I do find it odd that you, being a white male, would say the N word is not offensive because you do not give it was not your group of people that was oppressed with it....

    Not all white males were slave owners. some of us from Germanic tribes were slaves to Romans a long time ago. We don't hold a grudge. I love pizza. just sayin.

    I hope I did this double quote thing right.....if this does not make sense, it is because I have no idea what I am doing....

    To the first reply, I was actually stating the opposite, I think ALL people should be offended by any racial slurs at all because they are ignorant and hateful, and down right nasty. I was pointing out that by OJ, being a white male, saying he is not offended by a racial slur that is towards a group of people different from his own is odd, because he does not really have the background to say that. If we let the majorities make all the decisions for the minorities, we would never get anywhere.....

    To the second reply, I never said anything about slaves. I always find it confusing when talking about racism that people bring up slavery....there is LOTS of racism going on today, and during our live times that we need not even bring that up to make a point.

    I will confess at this time that I am VERY VERY sensitive about racism of any kind. It literally torn my family apart. I have three siblings, that I have had no contact for in over 20 years because of racism. And I do not mean no contact like how some people have limited contact with family that they do not get along with. I mean NO contact as in they have no idea I have kids, or my sister lives in the U.S. or that our mother is dead.......

    Edited to add: Yay it worked lol
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    Confession: I can't stand people who claim their faith as the reason why they discriminate against other people. Not that it irritates me a little...I nearly drip venom over it.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    Confession: I can't stand people who claim their faith as the reason why they discriminate against other people. Not that it irritates me a little...I nearly drip venom over it.

    Ugh no kidding!!